Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 708: The Mystery of the Incinerator

Difeng finally saw the whole picture of Su Yun.

They had been talking and fighting across the mountain before, and now Su Yun finally climbed the mountain, standing on the top of the mountain and looking at him, he could also see Su Yun.

It was a young man, behind it was a sea of ​​chaos that stood up high, like a wall connecting the sky.

He was wrapped in a golden chain and carrying a golden coffin on his back. The coffin was not big, and he was holding a sword in his right hand, glowing with cold light.

This coffin is the most precious treasure of immortality in the world today, the golden coffin.

Difeng swept the golden coffin down into the Chaos Sea. When fighting for the golden coffin, the golden coffin was carried by the chain and flew away. It really made him confused at the time, but now that he wants to come, this young man took the golden coffin.

But how could he take away the golden coffin?

At this moment, he saw Su Yun's face clearly, and immediately remembered the boy he encountered when he entered the Seventh Immortal Realm Purple Mansion.

In that battle, I was defeated by the boy with a single finger and was forced to the Great Wall of the North Mian, really embarrassed.

He thought that young man was the master of the Purple Mansion.

However, he later recalled carefully and discovered the weirdness of the matter. Although the young man's magical powers were exquisite, his great powers were not immortal, so he guessed that the young man was not the owner of the Purple Mansion, but the owner of the Purple Mansion used the young man's hand to expel himself.

Now, he saw that Zifu boy again.

"We have seen it."

Difeng could hardly find a piece of good meat on his body, and he looked at Su Yunyao, and his voice came: "What I didn't expect is that your kendo attainments are so good and your comprehension is so high."

Su Yun looked at Difeng in the distance, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty's physical injury is so severe, who hurt you like this? Why doesn't Your Majesty urge the Nine Profound Immortal to heal?"

Yingying poked her head out from behind him, looked at the surrounding terrain and the distribution of broken swords, and whispered quietly: "Senior, it's a trap!"

Su Yun looked at the terrain, feeling awe-inspiring. This valley presents a circular structure, and the broken swords inserted in the mountains are very regular and spread all over the mountains. The valley and the broken sword form the structure of half a sword pill!

And outside the valley, there are more than a hundred miles of broken sword sword formations. When these broken swords fly up, they will encircle in the air to form a complete sword pill!

Even though Difeng suffered heavy losses, when he fell to the ground, he still made the most accurate judgment. Borrowing the topography of this place, he arranged the broken sword to form a sword pill structure!

Half a step into the valley is considered as entering his sword pill, and he will surely be attacked the most violently!

"It's worthy of being the emperor of kendo!" Su Yun secretly said in his heart.

Difeng saw that he was just stepping outside the sword pill, and he only stepped into the sword pill. He could not help but snorted: "When the Nine Profound Immortal is activated, I will brand these wounds together and become the Nine Profound The indestructible part."

Su Yun was even more surprised when he heard this: "Someone has cracked the Nine Profound Immortal?"

In the center of the valley, Difeng was almost beaten into mud. With the characteristics of the Nine Profound Indestructible Power, the body should be repaired at any time, and the body should be at its peak. It is impossible to leave wounds, let alone become like this!

The reason for this is that someone must have cracked the Nine Profound Immortal Art from the Tao level!

How difficult this is, Su Yun has a deep understanding!

This is an extremely aggressive exercise. The biggest feature of the Nine Profound Immortality is that it can absorb other exercises and turn other exercises into your own!

A person's experience is different, and the skills he absorbs are different, resulting in different content that leads to the immortality of the nine profound things!

One thousand people practice the Nine Profound Immortality, and eventually they will get a thousand kinds of Nine Profound Immortal Skills!

This technique is also extremely powerful. Su Yun has fought many people who have cultivated the Nine Profound Immortal, and the Shui Yinghui and Xiao Guihong who have cultivated to the Third Profound and Fourth Profound, are already extremely difficult for him and difficult to deal with.

Di Feng can be said to be a peerless genius who can create such a technique!

As a pioneer, Difeng's Nine Profound Immortality must also be extremely complicated. He should have absorbed a lot of techniques!

In addition, the Nine Profound Immortality was cultivated to the level of the Dao Realm Nine Heavens, which shows that his understanding of the Dao must be extremely deep!

Without knowing the content of his Nine Profound Immortal, no one can crack his profound arts, unless he is injured in the same wound in a short period of time, he may be injured at the level of the practice!

Difeng's strength is so powerful, no one in the world can let him be injured continuously in a short period of time, unless the evil emperor Queen and others join forces.

However, Difeng was hurt like this. There is only one explanation, that is, someone has cracked the Nine Profound Immortal Gong from the Taoist level!

Difeng's eyes were sullen and his voice hoarse: "I am also thinking about this question. No one can know my technique, so how did the Emperor crack my Nine Profound Immortality?"

Su Yun's heart shook slightly: "Emperor?"

Did the emperor crack the Nine Profound Immortality from the Tao level?

His gaze swept across the mountains and plains of Broken Swords. The Emperor not only cracked the Nine Profound Immortality from the Tao level, but also cracked the Emperor Sword Sword Pill!

Dili has always been suppressed on the 18th floor of the Mingdu. He knows nothing about the outside world, and it is even less possible to understand Difeng’s techniques. Is Dili’s wisdom really so strong that it can be deduced in battle The extremely complex content of the Nine Profound Immortal?


Su Yun suddenly fought a cold war and blurted out: "Dijian Jianwan is refined in Wanhua Incinerator, and Wanhua Incinerator is the brains of Dili! Dili learned about Dili from the incinerator. The mystery of his majesty, thus knowing the mystery of the immortal nine mysteries!"

The pool of rotten meat in Difeng shook, and the broken swords all over the mountains and plains also shook, and a hoarse voice came from the bottom of the valley: "Although the Wanhua Incinerator has the mark of Dili's brain, the Incinerator has no memory. It is impossible to remember the process of forging the emperor sword!"

Su Yun's eyes flickered, and he wrapped the big gold chain around the Ziqing Immortal Sword, saying: "The internal structure of the Immortal Incinerator is also a brain structure. What if the Immortal Incinerator has a memory? If it can remember the structure of the Emperor Sword, come from the Emperor Sword. Infer that your Nine Profounds are immortal? Even in the process of refining the Emperor Sword, how can it move in the Emperor Sword?"

Around Difeng, a broken sword lit up.

"Are you talking about the emperor, or the burning furnace?"

Difeng's voice was light and said: "Dili was suppressed in the eighteenth floor of the Mingdu, and it was hard to protect himself, but does the Cinnamon furnace have this wisdom? My guess is that the immortal inside the Cinnamon furnace."

He paused, and among the broken swords in the mountains and plains, there was sword light flowing and pulsing, from one broken sword to other broken swords, and the power of broken swords was getting stronger and stronger!

"These rebellious courtiers were used by us as fuel and refining materials, and they were thrown into the incinerator. The Evil Emperor Rebellion Party rescued them."

Difeng said unhurriedly: "I think that the rebellious officials and thieves have witnessed the refining process of the emperor sword, and from this it can be calculated that my nine profound things are immortal."

Su Yun tied a knot at the hilt of the Ziqing Immortal Sword with a gold chain, and muttered: "The evil emperor rebellion that your majesty said is the next. You are here to rescue the rebels. But these rebels should be unfamiliar with the emperor. Right?"

Difeng's pupils shrank suddenly.

The purple green fairy sword flew out of Su Yun's hand, and the gold chain on his body was also shaking, getting longer and longer, connected to the fairy sword.

Su Yun's congenital Qi poured into the golden chain, unimpeded, to the fairy sword!

And the golden chain is extremely flexible, just like holding a fairy sword in his hand!

The immortal sword cannot be used to its fullest power, but if you hold the immortal sword in your hand, it is not as agile as it is.

With the golden chain as a bridge, he can achieve the agility of the sacrifice, and at the same time have the power to master!

Su Yun held a golden chain in his hand, volleyed to urge the fairy sword to perform a trick of a thousand calamities.

But seeing the sky above the valley, the fate of swordsmanship broke out, strong and domineering!

This is the domineering martial arts kendo of the Wuxian!

I stand on the Great Wall in the north, overlooking the great world. The life and death of all beings are all under my kendo fate, life and death are within my thoughts!

It was used in Su Yun's hands, but there was another unique feeling!

He is going to succumb to the calamity and bring a fiery calamity to the immortal emperor today, and let the immortal emperor struggle in the calamity!

The fairy sword also has the power of the golden chain, so that the power of this trick is better than the Wuxian, and even comparable to the supernatural power of Tianjun!

After Su Yun tried a trick, the golden chain shortened rapidly, still wrapped around his wrist, and the fairy sword was also held in his hand.

Su Yun inhaled for a long time, and in the halo behind his head, five houses appeared. Suddenly, there were five loud noises in a row. Five purple houses were located around him!

Su Yun floats on top of the five palaces, and the five purple palaces circulate innately, compatible with his innate qi, converge, like a flowing purple candle dragon, entwining Su Yun's body!

"Yingying!" Su Yun stared at Difeng at the bottom of the valley and said.

Yingying emerged from the sword eye of the golden coffin, jumped down, jumped into the center of the five purple palaces, and urged the five purple palaces by herself.

When she first explored the ancient fairyland with Su Yun, Bai Ze and Yinglong, the five houses were revived, and the runes of the innate qi were imprinted on the four people. Therefore, the four people were connected to the five houses, and everyone could mobilize a part of the five purple houses. Congenital qi.

At this time, Yingying also mobilized the innate qi in the purple mansion, but seeing that the purple candle dragon that entangled Su Yun was more massive and majestic, the candle dragon opened his eyes, his minions appeared, and the power was overwhelming!

At the bottom of the valley, Difeng fell silent, and the broken sword was shaking gently across the mountains and plains.

In front of the Chaos Sea, the valley was surrounded by a hundred miles, and there was a lot of silence.

"How many cultivation bases can your Majesty mobilize now?" Su Yun asked with concern.

At the bottom of the valley, Di Feng said: "There is still more power to kill the chaotic party."

"it is good!"

Su Yun roared, the fairy sword flew out, the golden chain clashed and flowed forward, Su Yun danced the golden chain, and the innate qi made the sharp edge of the purple fairy sword show its power to suppress outsiders for the first time!

Ziqing sword light, swallowing thousands of miles!

Now he is blessed by the purple energy of the Five Houses, supported by the golden chain, and backed by Yingying, and his mana has reached the realm of Heavenly Sovereign!

He has enough courage to fight with Difeng at this time!


Countless broken swords flew up in the air, forming a sword formation in the air, blocking the purple fairy sword. Above the valley, a wave of swordsmanship burst out, cutting the surrounding sky to pieces!

Su Yun shakes the golden chain, the golden chain is like a golden dragon, transmitting his power unreservedly to the purple green fairy sword, Su Yun dances the sword in the sky, swings away thousands of broken swords, catalyzes the dust and sand catastrophe, and suddenly breaks the sword. Buzz, seems to be dancing with his move!

His sword light pointed directly at Difeng!

At this moment, outside the valley, a hundred li, the broken sword stuck on the ground vibrated and flew up, forming a silver hemisphere in the sky!

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The sword light fell like rain, cutting into the dust catastrophe!

The golden chain flowing out of Su Yun's hand is getting longer and longer, and the golden chain is also integrated into the move of the dust and sand catastrophe, forming a strange cycle of reincarnation!

The sword light cut on the flowing golden chain, making a crisp sound!

And in the inner circle of the dust catastrophe, Jianguang stabs Difeng from all directions!

Around Difeng, sword light spread all over, forming a realm, blocking the sword light!

In the sky, half of the sword pill formed by the broken sword of the emperor sword is buckled Numerous broken swords revolve. Cloud's offense!

Su Yun shook the golden chain vigorously, and the golden chain whirled, swinging open the broken sword.

Suddenly, Broken Sword and sword light flowed, shooting towards him!

Su Yun flew up in the sky, and the Ziqing Immortal Sword rolled back, shattering the sword light.

The moment he rose into the sky, the five purple palaces located on the top of the mountain followed him and flew up from the sky. Yingying floated in the center of the five palaces, and saw the five palaces revolving, following Su Yun to break into what was being formed. Among the giant sword pills!

The five rotating purple houses are stuck on the outer shell of Dijian Jianwan, blocking the formation of Jianwan. Jianwan suddenly grows and small, and Wufu also suddenly grows and small. Jianwan is unpredictable. Since then it has changed!

Su Yun floated in front of Wufu and entered the sword pill. The golden chain in his hand stirred, and the purple green fairy sword seemed to be connected by a strand of gold, stabbing towards Difeng in the center of the valley!

Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and update the code in advance. I will give my little daughter full moon wine at noon today. See you at night.

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