Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 723: The third fairy world, the teacher and the apprentice

After Zhong Jinling and his fairy court were buried together in Wangchuan, Su Yun met again on the Great Wall.

After the seclusion, Di Jue appeared once again, with hoarfrost on his temples, and he was also turning ashes and becoming old.

"Onlookers." He saluted Su Yun.

Su Yun returned the gift.

Di Jue would not know him. His appearance was completely different from Su Yun in the Seventh Immortal Realm. Su Yun at that time was more delicate, but now Su Yun has changed his appearance and is a short and chubby boy with always With a smile.

"Where did you go these days?" Su Yun asked.

"Living in seclusion." Jue's voice was hoarse, watching Wangchuan's mouth trembled, his eyes were red, but no tears shed.

"I thought that in the end it was my master and apprentice who, like Teacher Tie Kunlun, took the people forward, guarded them, and migrated to another fairyland."

He hooked his head, his voice was low, and the dust was floating around: "I thought it was like this, I thought it was because I died on the road this time..."

The small bookstand used by book friends before.

He stood on the Great Wall silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Behind Su Yun's head, the light of reincarnation exploded, and time went on.

The calamity of the Second Immortal Realm did not end with Su Yun's departure, the withering of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth continued, and the ashes of the robbery gradually flooded the world.

All beings are struggling in disasters, and countless people die all the time.

But at this time, the old gods are the masters of the world again, and the old gods have raised the banner of Di Kuidihu, ready to take advantage of the disaster to restore.

By the time Su Yun appeared again, it was already 80,000 years later.

The Second Immortal Realm was completely buried by the robbery. Su Yun had no way of knowing what happened during the period, so he had to cross the Beimian Great Wall to the Third Immortal Realm.

An existence like Jue would never be buried by time. Su Yun asked all the way, but still heard many legends about Jue.

At the end of the Second Immortal Realm, the Second Immortal Court turned into a Forgotten River, buried itself, and the world had no owner for a time, the old gods were restored, and the remaining beings were enslaved.

Emperor Jue came back and took on the heavy responsibility of rescuing the people of Li in times of crisis, re-establishing the fairy court, visiting the emperor, severely injuring the holy kings of various roads, slaying eight hundred old gods, and refining the corpse into a bone tower, hanging in the fairy court rear.

For a time, the restoration of the old gods died down.

After this dragged on for thousands of years, Emperor Jue suppressed the heavens and the world without any rebellion. After that, Emperor Jue suddenly disappeared.

However, the white bone tower hangs high, and no one dares to oppose it. But the world gradually spread that Emperor Jue had turned into ashes and died of unfaithfulness. Emperor Jue's doomsday fairy court also gradually lost its popularity and withered day by day.

Until people couldn't hold on anymore, Di Jue appeared again, like his teacher Tie Kunlun, leading the surviving human race to climb the Great Wall of Beimian.

The robbery on his body seemed to be cured without recurrence.

He was as strong as before, frightening the old gods and overwhelming the gods and demons, even Emperor Su did not dare to test.

Yingying recorded the legend about Di Jue. After thinking about it, she still felt something was wrong, and said: "Senior man, logically speaking, Di Jue's lifespan has been used up as early as the First Immortal Realm period, and he cannot survive. When he arrived in the Second Immortal Realm, he just survived. He may have abolished all his previous Taoism and deeds in the Second Immortal Realm, become an ordinary person, and cultivate slowly. But what happened in the Third Immortal Realm?"

If Di Jue disappeared during the time he went to the Third Immortal Realm, abolished his cultivation base, and started practicing, then in such a short time, he could not cultivate to the peak state!

Even at that time, there was no first immortal in the third immortal realm, and he could not cultivate into the immortal realm to become a true immortal. If he cultivated again, he might be stuck in the celestial realm and could not break through!

At that time, any old **** can kill him!

However, the return of Emperor Jue seems to have cured the scourge disease, and his cultivation level has not been lower than before, which is quite strange.

Su Yun speculated: "The emperor probably used the first blessed land of the new immortal realm to refine the innate qi produced in the first blessed land, so as to keep his body and spirit from becoming ashes. Let's go to see the emperor. Absolutely, it can confirm my guess."

On the way, they were surprised to find that there were no immortals in the Third Immortal Realm.

Obviously, the first immortal of the third immortal world has not yet become immortal.

Su Yun and Yingying collected the celestial spirits while heading to the emperor court of Emperor Jue.

Outside the imperial court, they met a young man who was practicing diligently. He had extraordinary aptitude. Although he was a spiritualist, he was very powerful. With his magical powers, he could see the shadow of Emperor Jue’s Tai Tian Tian Fu Wheel. But he has already jumped out, which is amazing.

"The Master is not in the Imperial Court."

The young man's name was Yuan Jiuzhou, and he said to Su Yun, "Master went to Leichi Dongtian and visited the old **** Wen Qiao."

Su Yun raised his eyebrows: "What did Emperor Jue go to visit Wen Qiao for? Also, is Wen Qiao the master of Lei Chi already at this time?"

He was a little puzzled. At the time of the First Immortal Realm, he didn't see Wen Qiao in Leichi. At that time, the First Immortal Realm was Dihu's territory, and Emperor Su built a palace there, and there was no trace of Wen Qiao.

Yingying curiously asked: "Former Jiuzhou, are you the first immortal?"

The young man originally said on Kyushu Road: "Master said that I am the number one immortal, and I don’t know if I am or not. Master said, if I don’t become immortal, no one else can become immortal. I have been through the catastrophe these days, but failed. I am ashamed."

He lowered his head and tightened his lips, a little sad.

Su Yun and Yingying looked at each other. The Forty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation was indeed extremely terrifying. When Shi Yingyu was still alive, Su Yun once tried to let Shi Yingyu, Fang Zhuzhi and Shi Weiran inspire the Heavenly Tribulation. The might is enough to threaten Su Yun at that time!

Moreover, that tribulation was not the first immortal tribulation in its complete form. If it is in the complete form, the power may be increased twice!

Of course, for today's Su Yun, it is not difficult to survive the first immortal catastrophe in a complete form. But for him back then, it could definitely threaten his life!

This original Kyushu had to survive the complete first immortal tribulation based on the celestial realm alone, which is really admirable.

"Which level are you trapped in?" Yingying asked.

"The Great Master's level." The original Kyushu Road.

Su Yun smiled and said, "If you ask about other passes, I might..."

He wanted to be humble, but after thinking about it, he found that these levels seemed to be hard for him, so he had to tell the truth: "I can crack it too. You are a master, and I can naturally. I teach you that. "

The original Kyushu was surprised and delighted.

Su Yun stayed there for two days, and taught the original Kyushu the method of breaking the brand of the wheel of Taiyitian. The original Kyushu is worthy of being the number one immortal, with extraordinary talent and terrifying understanding!

Finally, when he crossed the Tribulation again, he encountered the brand of Emperor Jue, and finally defeated the brand and entered the next level.

At the forty-ninth pass, he encountered a yellow bell, and the boy under the bell was blocked again.

Su Yun didn't point him, letting him explore for himself. His yellow clock brand still retains a lot of flaws, and he believes that the original Kyushu will definitely be able to pass his own test.

Finally, the original Kyushu passed the customs and became the first immortal, rejoicing and jumping for joy.

He was going to find Su Yun to thank him, but he didn't find Su Yun's trace. When he was searching, the Emperor Jue returned. Yuan Jiuzhou quickly told Di Juehe about his experience, saying: "Master, they said it was your old friend."

"They are spectators."

Di Jue told him, "From ancient times to the present, 16 million years, two immortal dynasties have passed, and they haven't changed. Just like last night."

The original Kyushu was dumbfounded, and asked Di Jue about the origins of these two people, Di Jue also shook his head.

"Master, I have become the first immortal!" Yuan Kyushu said excitedly.

Di Jue nodded in relief.

In the distance, Su Yun led Yingying to Lei Chi Cave Sky, Yingying asked: "Senior, Emperor Jue cultivated the first immortal Yuan Jiuzhou. He was not at ease and he planned to eat the original Jiuzhou and take him. Qi Luck? He went to Lei Chi Dong Tian to visit the old **** Wen Qiao, he must be to find out how to deprive the first immortal of the Qi Luck! After all, Wen Qiao is the true **** of pure Yang, the first person in the path of fortune!"

Su Yun said: "Mostly. After the two dynasties turned into ashes, it is no longer what he was back then. His temperament has changed drastically and he has become greedy for power. The purpose of his cultivation of the original Kyushu was to live his life again. !"

Yingying was puzzled, and asked, "Then why do we go to Leichi Cave?"

Su Yun was a little uneasy, and said: "I always have some doubts about Brother Wen Qiao. When I was in the first and second immortal realms, I had seen almost all the old gods, but I had never seen him. And here was Dihu. Where I live, I doubt..."

Yingying was startled: "Do you suspect that he is Dihu?"

Su Yun's face was uncertain, and said: "After all, his murals in Liyang Mansion have the fewest pictures of Dihu. A painter rarely paints himself, only what he witnesses..."

The two came to Leichi Dongtian and observed Wen Qiao secretly, but Wen Qiao's words and deeds were no different from the Wen Qiao they knew.

"In 80,000 years, come see him again!"

Su Yun said to Yingying: "If he is Dihu, I don't believe he can keep his feet from showing up during the long years!"

Yingying said: "80,000 years later, the original Kyushu should have been eaten by Emperor Jue?"

She can't bear it.

But this time they traveled through the past years, Su Yun decided to be an observer in chaos, only observing records and never trying to change anything. Therefore, Yingying could only hold back and did not inform the original Kyushu.

Eighty thousand years passed in a flash.

Su Yun and Yingying went to Lei Chi Dongtian again to observe Wen Qiao, the big man Qiao still did as before, without showing any "legs".

Su Yun and Yingying observed for a while, then went to inquire about the whereabouts of the original Kyushu.

To their surprise, the original Kyushu is still alive!

Not only alive, but also alive!

He is already one of the most powerful beings in the world today. He has cultivated to the Dao Realm Eighth Heaven, assisting the emperor to govern the world, and his prestige in the fairy court is extremely high.

Su Yun and Yingying were stunned. They didn't expect that Emperor Jue had raised the original Jiuzhou for so long, yet they hadn't said anything.

"Di Jue must be waiting, wait until the original Kyushu cultivation reaches the Dao Realm Nine Heavens, and then seize his luck!" Su Yun said to Yingying.

Yingying nodded repeatedly.

Su Yun said: "In the next 80,000 years, we will see the difference!"

Yingying nodded repeatedly.

In the next 80,000 years, Su Yun and Yingying asked again about the whereabouts of the original Kyushu.

The original Kyushu was still alive, the second in command of the Immortal Court, with great power. After Emperor Jue got married with the Queen, he was addicted to female **** and rarely went to the world. The government was left to the original Kyushu.

Su Yun and Yingying stared at them with big eyes, some of them didn't understand, so they had to monitor Wen Qiao, but Wen Qiao did not reveal any clues of "vulnerabilities".

In another 80,000 years, the original Kyushu finally died.

"Original Kyushu?"

An immortal told Su Yun, "He said that there is no prince in the world for a million years. UU Reading, I am the emperor. So he colluded with the old gods, the emperor, and the demon emperor to rebel and enter the immortal. Ting. Defeated in the war, was condemned by the Emperor."

Su Yun and Yingying were at a loss and asked for details, but the original Kyushu had long been rebellious. They replaced all the old officials in the court with their own people, gradually eroding the power of Emperor Jue, and contacting God Emperor Demon Emperor and Old God, and promised. The world divides the world into four.

This rebellion almost succeeded by killing many trusted followers around Emperor Jue.

Di Jue was even beaten up by them and almost died. Fortunately, the Queen Empress came to help. Then he turned defeat into victory and beheaded the original Kyushu.

Later, Emperor Jue was heartbroken at the death of the original Kyushu, and the two emperors of the gods and demons buried his disciple.

"When the emperor was buried in the original Kyushu, when he mentioned the name Zhong Jinling, he was heartbroken and vomiting blood." The fairy told them.

Su Yun was surprised and pondered for a long time. He went to Lei Chi to see Wen Qiao with a short and chubby face, and asked him about the fact that Emperor Jue had come to see him back then. Wen Qiao said, "Your Majesty often suffers from the disease, come to me to suppress it."

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