Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 750: Indus' long-cherished wish

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Su Yun looked at the raging fire that continued to burn. In the fire, a hideous face suddenly appeared, twisting and struggling, as if to escape the fire, but like a mask in the fire, it gradually charred, emerging from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. More flames.

There were so many spirits and demons that the Priest Lord had devoured, turning into various faces, trying to flee.

But no matter where he escapes, wherever the fire will burn, no demon nature can escape!

This is his robbery.

The sixth immortal realm is about to die, and the immortal Dao entrusted in this immortal realm has also begun to decay and collapse. The Priest Lord was not what it is now, but he was destroyed by Wutong and Su Yun, thus speeding up the process of decay.

How powerful is Tianjun?

The place where the Prisoner went, the fire was raging and burned continuously. Su Yun and Wutong waited outside the fire for more than ten days. The Prisoner never burned out. From time to time, some faces appeared, struggling and roaring like a tiger. .

Wutong was seriously injured and recovered a little bit to help Yingying get rid of her inner demons. Yingying only then woke up from the illusion, she couldn't help but horrified, and exclaimed: "Hell Heaven is my nemesis!"

Su Yun didn't have a good temper: "You have so many nemesis!"

He was a little curious again: "Yingying, Priest Lord awakens your inner demon, what have you experienced in the illusion?"

"Just playing." Yingying took it for granted.

She has no heart, no lungs, no worries and sorrows, so the Lord of the Prisons will do what she likes, and it is enviable to let her fall into play forever.

She even wanted to re-enter the illusion of carefree game play and sink forever.

Wutong said: "The oppression of fear can make people forge ahead in fear and become stronger and stronger. Maybe they can get rid of fear and jump out of the illusion. On the contrary, it is fun, but it may make people lose their minds and perish forever. This is prison. The wise place of Tianjun, unknowingly, exhausts all your vitality."

Su Yun looked at her thoughtfully, and said, "I see you assimilating the demon nature of the Priest Lord, turning the demon nature of the Priest Lord into your own demon nature, Wutong, do you have any hidden dangers in doing this?"

Wutong took advantage of Su Yun's flaws in the Dao Heart created by the Prisoner, to invade the Prisoner's Dao Heart and assimilate the Prisoner's magical nature, which is equivalent to occupying the opponent's mana and making it his own.

This is also the last straw that overwhelms the Priest Lord!

Su Yun saw that Wutong had swallowed half of the Prison Heaven Monarch's cultivation base and assimilated her magical nature into herself, and her cultivation level had risen linearly, so she was worried.

This kind of magic way cultivation method, although the cultivation base improves the superb speed, but it always gives him a sense of instability.

Wutong met his gaze, his eyes were clear, and he smiled and said: "If I manipulate the human heart and turn the human heart into a demon heart, so as to improve my mana realm, I may have this worry. But this time I am defeating the human beings and demons. Through the tempering of the Priest Lord, I have gone further on its foundation. Not only does I have no such worries, but my future achievements will far exceed him."

Su Yun made contact with her eyes and saw her incomparably clear eyes, which were so dark that there was a feeling of dizziness, as if he was standing in front of a huge dark abyss. The abyss was so charming that he had a kind of The urge to jump into the abyss.

Su Yun's heart was awe-inspiring, clinging to Dao.

In contact with Wutong's eyes, he almost fell into decline, extremely dangerous.

But Wutong said just now that she had gone through the tempering of the Prison Heavenly Lord, there was no hidden danger, and she did not lie to him. After all, the Priest Lord didn't have such deep eyes as Wutong.

"Su Lang, your little girl in the spirit world, you are not suitable for bringing it, so leave it to me."

Wutong smiled and said: "She used to be a human demon, and you have been transformed back into a human, but she still retains the characteristics of a human demon. You can't let her realize her true potential."

Yingying was rather dissatisfied, and sneered: "Qingqing was taught by me. In my hands, she is definitely better than you!"

Su Yun's heart trembled slightly. Su Qingqing was hiding in his spiritual world. The Prisoner had never noticed that there were other people in his spiritual world, but Wutong was aware of it. Such demon ways and deeds have really surpassed the prison sky. Jun!

Wutong swallowed half of Prison Heaven Monarch's cultivation base again, her current cultivation strength, I am afraid that she will be the first person in the seventh immortal realm!

"Qingqing, you will follow her to practice in the future." Su Yun asked Su Qingqing to come out and asked.

Yingying was reluctant to give up, but she also knew that Su Qingqing was the best choice to follow Wutong.

Su Qingqing is reluctant to part with the two of them, but she does have a kind of closeness to Wutong, and she feels ignorantly that they are the same kind of people.

Wutong stood up, spreading out the realms one after another, mobilizing the demon nature, and the fire of the Prison Heaven Monarch in the distance suddenly grew dozens of times!

She healed her injury, mobilized her own cultivation base, so that the demon of the Prison Heavenly Monarch broke out, and caused the fire!

The corner of Su Yun's eyes jumped, and the current Wutong made him a little scared.

If the phoenix tree does evil, I am afraid that all living beings will be like dolls in her palms, let her do anything!

"Penghao said that Emperor Chaos is a half-devil, which seems to be the case. The powerful human demon is terrible!" He secretly said in his heart.

"Su Lang, if I want to go further, I still have to fulfill a long-cherished wish."

The phoenix tree red dress fluttered, scrolling in the air, and gradually moving away, the voice came: "You know what this long-cherished wish is."

At Su Yun's feet, the black dragon Jiao Shuao suddenly rose into the air, shaking for a while, and threw Su Yun and Yingying off. The black dragon was swimming in the air, carrying Su Qingqing, and quickly caught up with the girl in red.

Su Yun looked away and saw the dragon and the girl drift away.

"Shizi, what is her long-cherished wish?" Yingying asked.

Su Yun retracted his gaze and looked at the Prison Lord in the robbery fire, his gaze faintly: "She waits for me to fall into a demon, and stay with her and fly with her."

Yingying was startled, puzzled: "You don't want to be a partner with her?"


Su Yun waited quietly outside the robbery fire, his face was extremely calm: "Fell into a demon, then it is no longer me. The people I respect and the people I want to protect are no longer important. Living like that, what is there? pleasure?"

Yingying thought for a while, did not speak, and said silently in her heart: "Wutong may be the scholar's favorite woman and the person he admires most. Unfortunately, the two have their own principles. For this principle, no one is willing to retreat. step."

She and Su Yun waited quietly, waiting for Prison Heavenly Lord to completely turn into ashes.

Even if the Priest Lord was refined by Wutong half of his demon nature, only half of his cultivation was left, and his inner demon was ignited by Wutong, and he burned more than ten days and nights before it burned into ashes.

Su Yun waited for the fire to extinguish, and then took a tour, covering the land with the art of creation, and any magical nature would be revealed by his creation.

However, the Prison Heaven Lord burned cleaner than he expected, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

A generation of heavenly monarchs, even the strongest heavenly monarch, turned into ashes.

Su Yun walked towards Tiangang with Yingying, where Bao Xian was coming here, Fang Zhuzhi and others.

They had already killed the strong in the fairy world, worried about Su Yun's safety, and looked for them here. Yue Zhaoquan and Xishan scattered people sitting in the car, seeing Su Yun from a distance, one after another raised their hands to this side, instructing Fang Zhuzhi to drive faster.

After all, the decisive battle against Hell Tianjun seemed to them a very dangerous and crazy move.

Su Yun greeted them with silence in his heart, facing their inquiry, just smiled and said that it was all right.

Huanian returned to Tiangang's blessed land and picked up the wounded and sick in the car. Huanian had a vast space and was packed full.

Su Yun reunited with Song Ming and Lang Yun for a long time, so they were naturally very happy. Song Ming quickly introduced him to Song Xianjun. Su Yun looked at him and saw that Song Xianjun was an upright and strange man, which made people feel good.

He chatted with Song Xianjun again, and Song Xianjun's speech and manners all showed the rare talent and tact, personality and morality, and even more impeccable.

Su Yun couldn't help suspicious, and Xiang Yingying said: "People say that Emperor Song Xianjun is jumping from side to side. He is a fairy court, a tumbler, a tree of evergreens. I think he is talented and character, unlike a person like what people say. "

Yingying nodded repeatedly, and said, "I feel so too!"

Upon seeing this, Song Xianjun nodded secretly, very satisfied with his performance.

Shui Ying walked back to the front and smiled: "Lao Xianjun Song sees people order food, he will take the one you eat. Of course, Song Xianjun is still very talented, otherwise he can't stay green."

Su Yun just suddenly.

Song Xianjun sighed and said, "I am also forced to make a living. If this world is fair and fair, I can eat with my talents. Who wants to jump right and left? The Emperor of Water, you are upright, and there is no sand in your eyes, so point me out Su Shenghuang has a broad mind, and he takes people by his talents, not by his reputation, so he ignored my mistakes."

When Shui Ying heard the words, she admired Song Xianjun quite a bit, with a little respect in her words.

Upon seeing this, Song Ming said with emotion to Lang Yun: "The ancestor is still great, and I skipped a few words several times. I'm still not at home, so I need to study more."

Lang Yun was also very admired, and said: "God father, does your ancestor still lack a godson?"

Song Ming drew his sword, put it on his neck, and said displeased: "Do you want to be my ancestor?"

On the other side, Song Xianjun asked Fang Zhuzhi again: "When will the fairy empress be pleased so that we can return to the fairy court to be an official?"

Fang Zhuzhi glared at him: "Have a bird's eye?"

Song Xianjun wondered: "Isn’t the fairy queen rebelling, isn’t it that she retreats for advancement and prepares for her return to the fairy court? Does the fairy queen really want to rebel?”

He couldn't help being terrified: "This is a thief ship! No! I want to get off the boat, I must get off the boat!"

It's just that he is seriously injured now, and he has an anti-thief hat on his head. If he wants to get off the ship, Xian Ting will never accept him.

Song Xianjun's eyes widened, and his heart was at a loss: "How can I jump onto the ship of Xianting?"

He only felt that his ability to train hard for thousands of years was completely useless. On the boat of Su Yun, he couldn't jump at all, he could only go one way to the dark!

"The fame of the first life was destroyed...I'm done, I was miserable by the kid Song Ming..."

There were a lot of people migrating to the imperial court this time. Behind Huanian, two great blessed land vacated and were tied by a golden chain. Huanian dragged the golden chain, and in the blessed land were the migrating people.

Song Ming, Lang Yun, Fang Zhuzhi and others stood on top of a mountain, guarding the guard, and there were also immortals and generals on other mountains.

Su Yun seized the time to treat the injuries of Li Shangxue and the others. When the six old men were almost injured, he went to heal Song Xianjun and the others, removing the wounds from the scars.

He also extinguished the fire for the jade prince, and treated him with a congenital qi.

It's just that Sang Tianjun was damaged by Prison Tianjun during the metamorphosis, and his injuries broke out.

Su Yun can't do anything about this kind of injury. He can heal the Dao injury in the physical and spiritual world, but Sang Tianjun belongs to the injury of Dao heart. He doesn't have much research on this in UU reading

"If Wutong is still there, maybe it can be cured. Her current view of the magic way is already higher than that of Prison Heaven Monarch."

Su Yun frowned. If Wutong is not there, then he can only return to the imperial court and ask the human demon Baenghao to take action. Penghao has been waiting by the side of Emperor Chaos and outsiders for several years, and his vision may not be lower than that of Wutong!

Along the way, there were occasional celestial attacks, but seeing the scale of this migration from afar, they dared not move forward.

Finally, Huanian brought the two great blessed lands to the edge of Tianfu, and was about to enter the territory under the imperial court.

Su Yun looked back and saw that the majestic and magnificent mountains of Tianfu were magnificent and beautiful, but this area was also full of decay at this moment. It was the aura of disaster brought by the immortals of the upper realm.

"In today's troubled times, the lower realm of the immortals, the chaos of sentient beings, and the seventy-one Dongtian into chaos and slaughter enslavement, the entire seventh immortal realm, I am afraid it will become a blessed land for humans and demons."

Su Yun turned around, but what appeared in front of her was the figure of a girl in a red dress, silently saying in her heart: "Indus will accelerate growth, and how far she will grow in this catastrophe is beyond my expectation. She Maybe she will become a female emperor among humans and demons, but before she becomes an emperor, she must fulfill her long-cherished wish and assimilate me into a demon..."

What will Wutong do?

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