Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 774: Holy Emperor and Tolerance

   In front of the central hall, Su Yun and the prince stood opposite each other. At such a close distance, it was easy for the prince to kill Su Yun, but he did not dare to take any action.

   Because at this distance, Su Yun could easily kill him.

   The first sword formation of the Primordial Ancients hung above their heads. They were powerful enough to defeat the Immortal Court and enter the Sixth Immortal Realm. They could town the Imperial Court and sweep the acupoints in the plowing court.

   Su Yun and the prince did not intend to kill, and tried not to release any killing intent, so as not to stimulate each other.

   "Su Shenghuang doesn't reject my Protoss?" the prince asked suddenly.

   Su Yun's expression was solemn: "My brother Ying Long, and the veteran Bai Ze, all hold important positions in the court."

   The prince paused for a moment, and said, "Let me think about it for a while."

   Su Yun smiled and said, "Then the **** emperor will stay with me first and consider it slowly."

   The prince thanked him, leaning forward and said: "It's disturbing."

Su Yun ordered the prince, Jing Qiuye and others to go down and arrange their residence in the imperial capital. The jade prince approached and asked: "The **** emperor sneaked into the imperial court, and he was out of sight. Even the first sword formation could not prevent him. Strictly monitor them?"

   Su Yun shook his head and said, "No. I leave him and let him live in the imperial capital, so that he can see my weather."

   Prince Yu was puzzled.

Su Yun smiled and said, "I am not only reusing the people who have returned from the sixth immortal realm, such as Yue Zhaoquan, Li Shangxue, and Sang Tianjun, but also the jade prince of the fifth immortal realm. Moreover, I treat the gods and demons equally. People make the best use of them, gods make the best use of them, and demons make the best use of them. He lives in the imperial capital, and he will see how my stomach can be used by others, compared to Difeng."

   Prince Yu thought for a while, and then I remembered that although Su Yun did not explicitly call him emperor, he still had a whole set of imperial team under his hand, workers, peasants, scholars and merchants who were responsible for various important tasks in the imperial court, Yuanshuo and other places.

   And these people are indeed from various races. Although the human race occupies a high position among them, other races can also fight against the human race!

   More importantly, all the people in this imperial system did not feel anything wrong, or even felt anything abnormal!

   "I don't need to show how good I am in front of him, I just need to let him see that I am much better than Difeng, this is enough." Su Yun smiled.

   The prince and Jing Qiuye lived in the residence arranged by Su Yun, but the two did not stay in the residence, but walked freely in the Imperial City. The Imperial City is very lively, it is a three-dimensional metropolis, full of fairy tale imagination.

  The pavilions are soaring into the clouds, and some buildings are even floating in the air, classical and elegant, with long corridors and long bridges passing over the city.

   Various exotic animals walked on the long bridge, and then stopped in front of the broken bridge. Another bridge will carry pedestrians and strange animals across, moving from another road, and docking with the broken bridge, pedestrians and strange animals will walk together without contradiction.

There is a huge magic weapon in the imperial capital, the dust-screen sky, as the core of controlling urban traffic. The dust-screen sky is even larger and more complex than the big holy soldiers in the building back then. It is like a celestial sphere, which is a newly refined immortal of the Tongtian Pavilion. Device.

   Every newly-built fairy city is controlled by the dust screen sky. Dozens of spiritual men who have cultivated to the sky and symbolize the holy realm float in the dust screen sky in the form of a sphere, controlling the operation of different streets, even building changes, and the direction of the river.

   In the center of the dust curtain sky is an immortal sitting in the town, collecting immortal energy from the blessed land below the city, supplying the dust curtain sky, and making the city run in an orderly manner.

  Even, this extremely sophisticated system can already control the metabolism of Xiancheng, extract various domestic wastes, and send them to the supervising factory outside the city!

   The prince and Jing Qiuye looked all the way. They came in a hurry and had something in their minds. They didn't have time to look at the city carefully. Only when they took a closer look did they feel that this fairy city was extraordinary.

   The prince observed very carefully, even if he was the top **** and demon, flying at will, it took a few days to see the fairy city again.

   Especially those academies in the Imperial Capital attracted his attention even more. He even entered the classroom in person and listened to a few lessons.

   The person who lectured on the stage was Xishan, who was very defensive to him. He was very alert and obviously recognized the identity of the prince.

   Xishan Sanren revealed his vast and boundless spirit in the classroom, like a true ancient god, surrounded by Shuanghe, shocked the entire imperial capital, and tried to suppress the prince's abnormal movement with his own strength.

   Fortunately, the prince lacked interest in him and did not make a move.

   This is just an episode.

   The prince traveled the imperial capital once, and then went to Dongting, Cangwu, Pengli, Zhenze, Hongze, Lingji and other immortal cities. These immortal cities surprised him even more.

  Lingji Xiancheng and other places are also structured like an imperial court, controlled by the dust screen sky, but the form of Xiancheng has been switched to combat or defensive form!

  The fairy city of the imperial court has several forms. The imperial court displays the lifestyles in which people live and work in peace and contentment and revitalize all industries. The immortal cities such as Lingji are in the form of battle. There are very few residents in them, and they only retain daily supplies. Building streets and even promenade flying bridges have all switched to the form of immortal spirit soldiers!

   A long river of buildings can fly up at any time, the Hongqiao bridge is overhead, the boats shuttle through the building, and many immortals guard it.

   When the prince came to Zhenze Xiancheng, the defenders in the city were urging Xiancheng to evolve its shape!

   The prince saw Zhenze and other old gods, and was slightly startled. After seeing the twelve immortal cities of the imperial court, the prince sighed and muttered: "Emperor..."

   Jing Qiuye was surprised, and hurriedly looked around: "Where is the emperor?"

The prince shook his head and said: "The emperor is not here, but I saw the deeds of the emperor Su, and remembered the emperor. Tie Kunlun and the master and apprentice of the emperor were amazing, especially the emperor. Dihu, Zhu Dili, and chasing the emperor, finally achieved status, and then the human race was orthodox, suppressed the old gods, and slaughtered the two races of gods and demons. His martial arts are unparalleled in the world. But the emperor is definitely better than God."

Jing Qiuye breathed a sigh of relief, followed in his footsteps, and said, "Even though the emperor is known to have the unparalleled wisdom in the world, in my opinion it is not worthy of the name. If there is the first wisdom in the world, how could he be counted by Emperor Jue? "

The prince said: "Wisdom and tactics are not the same thing and cannot be confused. When the emperor was alive, the tribes of the gods and demons were unified under the rule of the emperor, and they all used them. The emperor would not favor the other. He will only be treated equally. Throughout the ages, people who are qualified to be emperors are only emperors. He is named the emperor of the immortal, the emperor of the gods, the emperor of the demons, and the emperors of the three tribes. Can it be compared? Now, Emperor Su Sheng has a sign of the emperor. Even better than what the emperor did."

   Jing Qiuye was startled and wanted to refute, but thought of the imperial court that Su Yun was in charge of, the various races lived together, and even their monster race also held important positions here!

   Just now he saw Sang Tianjun, the top powerhouse of the monster race!

   "Su Shenghuang's aura is stronger than Di Jue Di Li."

   The prince was full of emotion and said: "His only shortcoming is that the emperor does not have time to develop. Difeng will not give him this time. If he is given a hundred years, the emperor will only have the way to become a minister."

   He fell silent, and remained silent.

   Jing Qiubahe hesitated again and again, but still did not ask.

   After a long time, the prince finally set off again. He came to the western border gate of the imperial court, Cangwu Xiancheng. This was the first pass for Houtu Dongtian to march into the imperial court. Many experts from the imperial court gathered.

   On the opposite side of Cangwu Fairy City, the army of Houtu Dongtian had already crossed the Shaofu Cave of the western frontiers of the Emperor Ting. They were stationed in the field and built a large camp on the spot, and there were more and more immortal soldiers and generals.

   Therefore, Cangwu Fairy City adopts a defensive position, and the entire Fairy City is turned into a defensive formation.

   But I wanted to break through the Cangwu City, the first sword formation of the Primordial Ancients. The reason why the army of Houtu Dongtian has not moved is because this sword formation has not been broken, and no one dared to march.

   The prince found Ying Long, Ying Long saw him, his heart was shocked, and he hurriedly turned into a yellow shirt boy, standing, not daring to talk. Although he has never seen the prince, he can feel the pressure from the Tao!

   The prince said: "Would you like to worship me as a foster father?"

   Yinglong's eyes were tearful, and he trembled: "I'm willing, godfather is here..."

   "Wait a minute!" The prince thought for a while and said, "You and I should become brothers."

   Yinglong stayed in a daze, wondering why he had risen by one seniority in vain. He didn't know that the prince also had his own considerations. After all, Ying Long was Su Yun's elder brother. If the prince recognized Ying Long as a godson, wouldn't it be a seniority higher than Su Yun?

   It was for this reason that the prince changed his words and became a brother to Ying Long.

Ying Long happily bowed to the prince, and said, "From now on, you will call me brother, I will call you godfather...Bah, my brother. What is your surname? By the way, I have another brother named Su Yun, is the holy emperor here. He also has a brother to worship, the Great Emperor of Mingdu, we are not outsiders..."

   The prince's face changed drastically, and he hesitated, wondering if he could break the contract.

   The name of Emperor Mingdu is not very good. As the great emperor of the Protoss, he naturally cherishes his reputation. If the matter of worshiping with Mingdu spreads out, his reputation will be damaged!

   At this moment, a young man who looked like Emperor Jue came up, and the corner of his eyes jumped. This man looked like Emperor Jue when he was young!

The young man didn't know him, holding a sealed bottle in his hand, and said to Ying Long: "Su Shenghuang gave me a magic weapon, said it is Dao Soul Liquid, which can be used to defeat the enemy. If there is a war, it will be fine. Give it a try."

   Ying Long was very envious, and said: "Emperor Heart, the treasure he gave must be extraordinary! The things he gives to people now are amazing! Take it out and show me!"

   The emperor shook his head and said: "The holy emperor said, except me, you can't show it to outsiders, otherwise there will be catastrophe."

   was talking, suddenly there was a beeping horn outside, which was extremely loud and upset. The guards in the city such as Yinglong and Dixin hurriedly climbed up to see, the prince and Jing Qiuye also ascended the tower, and saw that in the Xiancheng camp on the opposite side, the gods of the Immortal Dao vacated, accompanied by countless Immortal Dao magical powers are flying here.

   Tens of thousands of celestial powers, like clouds covering the sky and sun, are connected together. The scope of each celestial power is not large, only a few acres, but tens of thousands, the scope of coverage is unimaginable!

   But these supernatural powers are only to cover the fairy soldiers behind.

The purpose of    supernatural powers is to attack the first sword formation, the immortal soldiers behind can take advantage of the captain to drive straight in and attack Cangwu Immortal City!

   This is just the first wave of attempts!

The prince whispered: "Jing Tianjun, UU reading This may be our first battle to join Su Shenghuang's camp. You come to take action, repel the temptation of the enemy, and make a contribution first as a promotion. capital."

Jing Qiuye was confused in his mind, nodded and said yes, and said in his heart: "What happened? Didn't I have been ordered to chase and kill Emperor Su? What happened during this period? Why should I stand in front of Emperor Su? Thanks..."

  Yinglong looked at the bottle in Emperor Xin's hand, his heart tickled, and said, "Why don't you try the treasure in this bottle?"

   The emperor hesitated for a moment, opened the bottle, and said: "The holy emperor just said to look inside, let me see what's inside..."

   He saw his eyes.

   In the bottle, his eyes are also looking at him.

   The emperor was puzzled, and suddenly he saw a popping sound from the bottle, one after another, the emperor heart jumped out of the bottle, and in a short time, the emperor heart was everywhere on the tower of Cangwu Fairy City.

   Those emperors were expressionless, standing there, motionless.

   The prince was dumbfounded, frowning and said: "Jing Tianjun, you don't need to do anything, you can't take this credit."

   As soon as his words fell, thousands of emperor hearts flew out of the city, flying out of the envelope of the first sword formation, and facing the first wave of temptation in the Houtu cave!


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