Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 778: First battle: Cangwu in blood

   Shidijun’s first wave of attacks, he did his best.

   A place more than a thousand miles away from Cangwu Immortal City, Shidijun sits in the emperor's blessed land, in the various fairy city camps, and among the hundreds of blessed land, countless immortals have a solemn expression.


Shidijun’s voice is refreshing and refreshing, spreading everywhere: "This battle is not for power, but for glory! It is the glory of us to maintain our noble blood! It is the glory of the fairy court, and it is the glory of us that we can still maintain a good life. glory!"

   She stood up abruptly, raised her right hand, spread her fingers apart, and sternly said: "Offensive-destroy everything visible to the naked eye, razing all visible obstacles!"


Hundreds of blessed lands suddenly erupted. Under the control of her magical powers, the fairy roads of these blessed lands almost boiled, and the fairy roads turned into various visions and magical powers. They rushed out of the blessed land and rushed to the first city on the western edge of the imperial court, Cang. Wuxian City!

  At the same time as the master of the emperor gave the order, the soldiers of the Houtu caves, a respected heaven and a fairy, raised their long whips, swords, spears, and halberds in their hands, and pointed them at Cangwu, making deafening shouts!

  The various immortals under their command have mobilized their spirits, urged their supernatural powers, and their supernatural powers exploded!

   In the first wave of attacks, no one charged, just a long-range attack.

  The magical powers are connected into the ocean, rushing like a tide. The vast thousands of miles of magical powers are like a rising tide, crushing everything in front of them, and rushing to the imperial court's first sword formation.

   Among these, the most dazzling is the magical powers that Shidijun inspires those blessed places to burst out, followed by the magical powers of Tianjun and Xianjun!

   This is the power burst by the immortal army. In the face of this power, personal power seems insignificant. Even the first sword formation of the ancient times, facing such an offensive, it is somewhat pale in comparison!

   The scope of the first sword formation is too wide and its power is scattered. If the first sword formation is concentrated in a place with a radius of a thousand miles, it will not be destroyed.

   Houtu Dongtian, the heavenly monarchs and the immortal monarchs uttered deafening shouts, offering sacrifices to the immortal soldiers in their hands, stimulating the power of the immortal soldiers.

   "咻" "咻" "咻"!

   In the blessed land, countless celestial lights soared into the sky, turning over the blessed land, and converging into a torrent of celestial light, that is the fairy soldiers in the blessed land to worship!

  The light emitted by the fairy device is not as magnificent as the magical power, but it is like millions of rays of light, following the torrent of magical powers, rushing to Cangwu fairy city.

   The fluctuations emitted by these fairy artifacts distorted the time and space that passed, and it felt like death was approaching!

   The heavenly monarchs and immortal monarchs of the Houtu cave sky raised their arms and fell suddenly.

Among the hundreds of blessed places, the roar of the gods and demons suddenly came. An immortal swung his sword to cut off the shackles of the cage. It was tens of thousands of huge gods and demons. They twisted their bodies in the sound of earth-shaking roar. The earth shakes and the mountains sway, rush out of the blessed land!

   These gods and demons are adult gods and demons, with unparalleled strength, and their bodies are wrapped in chains. They are dragging the blessed grounds and flying, like hundreds of galloping chariots!

   These blessed lands are flying in the air, and there are thousands of immortals in the blessed lands waiting in battle, waiting to rush into the imperial court!

   At the same time, the buildings in the blessed land shake their wings, carrying hundreds of immortals slowly into the air, and gradually speed up.

Suddenly the cabin of the ship opened wide and slid out a chariot. There were five or six true immortals on the chariot. In front of the chariot, the dragon and phoenix and other immature gods and demons were pulling them at extremely fast speed. Gallop ahead!

   Ahead, the magical powers are like a huge wave pushing towards the imperial court, swallowing everything along the way, and invincible!

   This is the power of the emperor.

   Cangwu Fairy City.

   Shi Weiran faced the surging waves of supernatural powers that blocked all sight in front of him. The eyes of the Master's family allowed him to see through everything behind this huge wave. He knew that Shidijun could also see through all of this.

   "This battle!"

   His voice sounded, almost uttering all his strength to shout: "It's not for power status! But for survival!"

   "Behind us is the Imperial Court, Yuan Shuo, and unarmed people!"

   "What Xian Ting gave us is slavery, exploitation, suppression, and death! Not what we want!"

   "What we want is to be the master of this land by ourselves! To be our own master! What we want is to live according to our own ideas!"

   Following his cry, the huge wave of supernatural power that obscured all vision finally came to the envelope of the first sword formation. The light that fell from the sword formation was like a transparent and insubstantial blueprint, violently turbulent with the wind!

Emperor Court, among the twelve immortal cities, the eleven old gods, Dongting, Cangwu, and Lingji, are in charge of the first sword formation of the Primordial City. They maintain the operation of the first sword formation with their huge and boundless mana. .

   This is the responsibility that Su Yun entrusted to them.

   At this time, the huge waves formed by countless supernatural powers collided with the sword array, and the eleven old gods each snorted, and the sword array was torn apart.

   Compared to the sword formation map, this opening is insignificant, but the western border has been punched out a direct road to Cangwu Fairy City!

   Immediately, countless immortal artifacts came to tear open the opening, tearing it even bigger, the immortal artifacts with lingering power and tens of thousands of remaining magical powers, whizzed towards Cangwu City!

   Among these, the most powerful are the supernatural powers of Shidijun and those heavenly monarchs, and the immortal artifacts they sacrificed!

   Despite the weakening of the first sword formation, its power is still extremely impressive, with the power to destroy the world and destroy the earth, rush to the Cangwu fairy city!

   The soldiers of Cangwu Fairy City can already see that behind these celestial artifacts, stalwart gods and demons are running, with fierce muscles, pulling the huge immortal land to charge!

   This scene shook the young immortals from Yuanshuo, Imperial Court, Imperial Palace and other places with horror, their brains were blank, and they didn't even know how to respond.

   They are on the battlefield for the first time, and tension is inevitable.

  Single-to-single, single-to-sing, single-to-sing, it is normal for every spiritualist or fairy, but no one has encountered such a large-scale group battle.

   Suddenly, an immortal from the Tongtian Attic squad family sacrificed the core of Xiancheng, dusted the sky, and shouted: "Xiancheng shield, welcome the impact!"

   Dozens of immortals and spiritual warriors controlling the dust screen sky immediately dispatched the dust screen sky. The city formed a shield-like structure in an instant, floating in the sky, dozens of large and small, enclosing the defenders of the city in the shield!


  Countless magical powers and celestial artifacts came and hit the shield-like structure. Some of them had never hit the shield-like structure. When they swept from the side, they made a sharp whistling sound and Taoism!

   In an instant, the shield-like structure was riddled with holes, and a mouthful of fairy artifacts were inserted into it!

If you encounter the celestial artifacts or magical powers offered by the Emperor Shidi and the Heavenly King of Houtu Dongtian, the shield-like structure is often blasted to fly backwards, or even broken into the air, and the gods behind the shield are also shaken. Spit blood!

   Some people were killed by magical powers or fairy weapons because they escaped the protection of the shield structure.

   They had suffered casualties before they had contact with Xian Ting's army!

   The dozens of immortals and spiritual men who manipulated the dust screen sky were shocked by the powerful counter-shock force, and blood gushed out of their eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and even the human spirit was squeezed and shattered on the spot!

   But one person dies, and then other spiritualists are on top, continuing to maintain the structure and changes of Xiancheng.

   Behind the remaining shields were pale faces. At this moment, the shield-like structure smashed apart, and only someone shouted: "Prepare for the enemy attack!"

   Those young immortals moved their bodies mechanically, following their leaders, obeying orders, and forming small formations, ready to fight.

   "Calm! Calm!"

Shui Ying replied angrily and slapped a young fairy on the face, and said angrily: "What do you want? Stand a good position! Remember the sword formation my old lady taught you! Remember every change! Don't go wrong! Don't go wrong! !"

   Many of the Sword Immortal team she led had experienced the battle of Tianfu Cave Sky against Prison Heaven Sovereign. It can be said that they were not recruits, but they were still a little flustered in the face of Houtu Cave Sky's charge.

Shui Yinghui tried his best to stabilize the military's mind and tried the young immortals whose minds were blank. At this time, the sound of chanting came, but it was the Buddha and Taoism of Buddhism and Taoism who came to stabilize the immortal under the leadership of the Sage. People's Taoism.

   Shui lingered back to look at the sword immortals, only to see them gradually calm down, which was relieved.

   Suddenly, the immortal gods and demons rushing forward collided with the first Cangwu defenders in front of them. In an instant, countless limbs flew around, and I don't know how many people were bloody!

   "Block out——"

   Shi Weiran roared, trying his best to mobilize the avenues of the emperor's blessed land and cut to the rampant gods and demons.

   Suddenly, the Chinese army cracked a big hole, and a group of gods and demons took the huge blessed land and rushed into the city of Cangwu. Tens of thousands of immortals rushed out of the blessed land and slew into the city!

   And in that blessed land, immortality and immortality mixed to form the incarnation of Shidijun, floating out, his eyes fixed on Shi Weiran who was leading the army to fight, and he said leisurely: "Weiran."

   Shi Wei Ran was awe-inspiring, and suddenly abandoned the others, struggling to kill, and said loudly: "Close the fairy city!"

   Shidijun turned into a smiling face and killed him.

At the same time, Cangwu fairy city closed, and under the control of the dust screen sky, the city turned into a defensive mode. The city structure changed rapidly. Fortresses were erected, cutting apart the army of immortals who entered the city, preventing them from forming a complete The teams fight separately.

   On the other side, Shi Weiran and Shidijun’s avatar collided. When the two separated, Shidijun’s avatar shattered and turned into a galloping immortal spirit and immortal path.

   These fairy qi fairy roads immediately gathered, forming various magical powers, and attacking in all directions, strangling the immortals who invaded the city!

The    Shi Wei Ran carries the power of dozens of blessed lands, like a giant monster with countless tentacles, rushing through the enemy army, invincible.

   Suddenly, he was awe-inspiring, and when he looked up, he saw that outside the fairy city, a billowing yellow air and a yellow light rose slowly, turning into a majestic imperial body!

   That huge body can crush Cangwu Immortal City, even the old Cangwu God is insignificant in front of her!

   With a smile on his face, the stalwart master teacher stretched out his hand to the fairy city: "Child, come to me."

Shi Weiran controlled the celestial spirits and immortal paths of dozens of blessed lands and rose into the air, as if with dozens of tails, rushing towards the door of Shidijun: "Dijun, your talent is not enough to raise the load-bearing heaven art Emperor level exercises, but I can! I will teach you what it means to make the best use of the Tao!"

  At the same time, Emperor Xin opened the jade bottle and glanced at the Dao Soul Liquid in the bottle, and calmly said to the demon fairy behind him: "Follow me. I will take you to do meritorious service."


  Emperor hearts rushed out of the bottle one by one, falling on his surroundings, the emperor hearts rushed forward, and thousands of emperor hearts followed!

   Behind, hundreds of demon immortals stared at them with big eyes, and had to bite the bullet and charge forward with him, saying, "The number of coaches is more than those of us. It's really worth taking credit."

At the same time that the Emperor Heart Army charged, Sang Tianjun turned into a silk moth, fluttered his wings, countless crystal blades flew out, rushed towards the enemy, and wherever the crystal blades passed, people suddenly turned on their backs, even adult gods and demons. The opponent of Crystal Blade.

   His speed is extremely fast, and the crystal blade is even more tempered, killing people invisible!

   Suddenly, a silk net leaped into the sky and covered him. Sang Tianjun's heart jumped, his body spun quickly, and he got out of the silk net. Suddenly, his body suddenly stopped in the air, his shape changed, and he transformed from a moth into a human body.

   "Teacher!" Sang Tianjun spread out layer by layer and said in surprise.

An old woman stood in the rebellion army with a cane in her hand, and a black spider stood on her shoulder. She looked up and looked up and said with a smile: "Sang Yu, you betrayed the emperor, it hurts me very much. If you are willing to come back, I can say a few words in front of the emperor."

   Sang Tianjun said sadly: "Teacher, I can't go back. I let go of the emperor, and broke the refining plan of his majesty. This is a capital crime, and it is impossible to return to the fairy court."

   The old woman said: "Is Su Shenghuang treat you well?"

   Sangtian Jundao: "It's very good to me, he uses me very much."

   The old woman smiled and said: "Then I can rest assured, you and me, master and apprentice, can make a life and death! Whether you die in my hands or I die in your hands, the status of my monster race will not fall."

   She soared into the air, the realm erupted, and raised the black crutch in her hand, and the black spider spirit appeared behind her, sternly: "Sangyu, show your full strength! Don't let people underestimate the monster clan——"

   Sang Tianjun looked solemn and tried his best to improve his cultivation!

  In the chaos army, the two demon celestial methods are exhausted, the mulberry tree and the black wood collide, and the extremely slender thread cuts everything, regardless of the enemy or the celestial being, they were chopped into countless pieces in an instant!

   Sang Tianjun was able to rise up from killing, continuously changing form, and each metamorphosis was a rebirth, raising his cultivation base and supernatural powers to the extreme.

   There are only two changes in the shape of the old woman. In the end, he was bloodied and was cut into the body by countless crystal blades!

   "If the immortal path of the old body is not decayed, the outcome of you and me will be unpredictable."

   The old woman smiled, her voice getting lower and lower, and her eyes blinked innocently: "But fortunately, it's decayed. Only you and me can survive..."

   Sang Tianjun knelt down and bowed down, crying silently.


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