Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 780: War of the Hanging Bell

  Emperor Capital Ganquanyuan, Su Yun was taking a bath and resting. After a while, the sound of him walking out of the bath came from the inner room.

   Outside, many immortals have already prepared the altar, waiting for Su Yun to bathe and change clothes.

   "Why do big people always like to bathe and change clothes when they do?" Yingying asked the prince, "Do you want to bathe and change clothes before you do it?"

   The prince said neither salty nor indifferent: "Me too. I wash so fragrant, refreshing, and enjoyable when I kill people."

   Yingying put out her tongue and smiled: "You just like to pretend to be elegant."

   The prince shook his head and said: "In the face of the war, you must bathe in incense and put on new clothes. The new clothes should be soft and fit, and no extra accessories can affect you. This is a respect for your own life."

   Before he finished his words, he only heard the sound of the door opening. Su Yun dressed in white, with a solemn expression and slow steps, he walked onto the altar.

The prince said softly: "Especially when you are in a high position, you can't fail. Failure means that all efforts are put into waste. Tens of thousands of people under his control will also turn into disappointment in their expectations. At this time, you need to sit in the bath and sit still. Come down, and then the aroma will remove the troubles from your body, put on new clothes, without the previous burden, and move on lightly."

   Yingying looked at him. Although this prince was a **** emperor conceived from the congenital blessed land of the sixth immortal realm, he had another identity, that is, from ancient times to the present, all **** emperors conceived in the immortal realm are him.

   He has experienced too many things, almost all major events since ancient times.

   He told Su Yun's state of mind at this time, because he had experienced a similar state of mind.

   The prince watched Su Yun barefoot and stepped onto the altar, and continued: "He needs a victory to stabilize the hearts of the people and the military, and he also needs a victory to consolidate his allies. Especially the Queen of Heaven."

   Su Yun boarded the altar, spread his white clothes, and sat on the ground.

   The celestial gods all around bowed down, showing their real bodies one after another, standing all over the altar.

   Around the altar, there are more than 2,000 gods and demons, among which there are as many as 316 adult gods and demons. Thirty-six gods and demons, including Yinglong, Baize, Paixiu, Taotie, and Nu Chou, led them to arrange them in different directions.

   is only a distance of three thousand six hundred, and there are more than a thousand missing.

The imperial court is vast and sparsely populated, the land is vast, and the immortality in the blessed land will give birth to gods and demons. But if you want to find a complete 3,600 gods and demons, you need to search all the blessed places in the entire fairy world before you can find it. So many gods and demons.

   But it is extremely difficult.

   The prince Xiang Yingying whispered: "The Queen of Heaven can betray even the emperor, let alone Emperor Su? Therefore, Emperor Su must show her strength to the Queen.”

  Yingying flew up and landed on the missing space on the altar.

The prince    showed a look of surprise, and saw Yingying with a solemn expression, offering her own blossoming Daohua, the Daohua flew out and landed on more than a thousand other empty seats!

   She used her Daohua to fill up the space in the three thousand six hundred gods and demons!

   The prince nodded slightly and said in a low voice: "Su Shenghuang must not borrow any outsider's power. With him, with his power, he can block Shidijun and show his strength and potential to the queen."

   In this duel, Su Yun could not invite the prince, could not invite the elders of Yuezhaoquan, and could not ask for other foreign aid.

   He can only rely on his accumulation with the Imperial Court, Yuanshuo and other places.

  He must win this battle!

   If it fails, the queen in the back court will turn around!

  Only by winning, will we consolidate the ally of the Queen of Heaven, let the Emperor Changsheng move from the Antarctic, and attack the Houtu Cave with herself, reducing our pressure!

   The prince looked at Su Yun, this was his crucial battle.

   Su Yun sat quietly on the altar, his complexion was not waved, an immortal rushed to carry eight heavy jars, placed the eight jars around Su Yun, and bowed back.

"Puff puff!"

   The seal of the mouth of the altar burst open suddenly, and the air of chaos flew out from the mouth of the altar, and the heavy gas made the altar creak.

   However, the chaotic air in the altar is swimming out, turning into strange chaotic runes, swimming in the air. In the altar is the sea water of the Chaos Sea. When Nan Xuangeng pushed aside the Great Wall of Beimian, Su Yun collected a lot of sea water from the Chaos Sea, which came in handy at this moment.


   There was a slight vibration, and a group of innate realms emerged from the top of Su Yun's head, extending, spreading, and covering the altar.

   These are three congenital realms.

   The three worlds of Taoism contain the profound mystery of the innate qi, which made the prince dazzled.

   He even has an inexplicable affection for these three Dao realms.

   He is derived from a congenital Qi, and there are 1,800 kinds of immortal Dao in his body. Although it is not a congenital Qi, it is a congenital blessed land.

Su Yun opened up the third realm of Xiantianyiqi three years ago, and his understanding of Xiantianyiqi has become more profound. Compared with Kendo, his progress on Xiantianyiqi is really slow, and he can break through to the third realm. The world is really not easy.

   Going forward, every step is extremely difficult.

   Those chaotic runes swam in his three realms, and soon shook their heads one by one, shed the rune form, turned into chaotic creatures, and wandered around.

   Su Yun appeared on the top of his head, three flowers of kendo, and the stamen quivered slightly, and the four-fold kendo realm appeared, and various kendo supernatural powers appeared in the four-fold realm.

   At this time, Fang Zhuzhi walked over and bowed to Su Yun across the altar.

   Su Yun nodded lightly, but did not get up.

   Fang Zhuzhi lightly screamed, and a Taoist world flew out from the top of his head, turning into various emperor seals.

   Su Yun’s method of printing is not as far-reaching as Fang Zhuzhi, so Fang Zhuzhi is invited to come and help.

   Su Yun made a seal with his ten fingers on both hands, and the ten fingers were clicked out one after another. The finger force burst out and turned into chaotic supernatural powers. The chaotic supernatural powers could hold and not release, floating around.

   He manifested, transformed into the posture of the immortal emperor and emperor Kodihu in the past, standing in the air, and then spurred the innate Qi, and transformed into the innate Qi, forming magical powers such as Thunder Layer and Hun Yuan Zhan.

   Finally, Su Yun gently drew a circle with both hands, and a colossal light wheel flew up in his hand.

   Since then, a big bell has been formed on the altar.

But at this time, the Jade Prince rushed to Cangwu City, hung the Xuantie Bell under the city gate, and said loudly: "But if someone can take off this clock, the lord will give up Cangwu City, without a lot of effort. Die!"

   Cangwu Old God and others hurriedly retreated into Cangwu Fairy City, rectified their forces, and prepared for the second battle.

   On the first day, Shidijun ordered to attack the mysterious iron bell. The bell shook and turned into a giant, crushing everything.

   Shidijun forcefully attacked, leaving countless corpses, even if the immortals and demons entered the yellow bell, they could not shake the treasure, instead they were refined into ashes!

  The emperor of the teacher stationed soldiers in front of the fairy city, mobilized all the great blessings, mobilized the immortal heavy weapons, bombarded the Xuan Tie Bell, and attacked the Xuan Tie Bell for more than ten days without any damage.

   Upon seeing this, Master Shidi knew that he was great, so he mobilized the blessed land immortal Dao, transformed into an incarnation, and walked towards the Xuan Tie Bell in an incarnation.

   As she approached Xuan Tie Zhong, she saw the world suddenly changed, and three thousand six hundred Xuan Tie gods and demons appeared in front of her.

Shidijun immediately mobilized more than six hundred immortal incarnations of the blessed land, invaded the Xuan Tiezhong, and killed all the way, she is the emperor, the existence of the eighth heaven in the realm, can be called invincible in the battlefield, as long as there is a blessed land, she has nothing Mana loss!

   In this fierce battle, the Shidijun was incomparably tyrannical, and he was also out of breath. More than six hundred avatars were almost blown up, and finally he was forced to urge the avatars of the emperor to join the battle!

  Emperor Capital, around the altar, Yinglong, Baize and other gods and demons were mobilized by Su Yun with innate qi, and they moved along with the movement of the yellow clock, displaying various magical powers, attacking the phantoms of the incarnation of the emperor!

  After fighting for more than ten days, even Ying Long was exhausted and weakened, and other gods and demons were exhausted, and there was no more fighting power.


   The bell rang, Ying Long and many other gods and demons retreated.

   Cangwu Fairy City.

   Shidijun’s more than six hundred incarnations only heard the sound of a bell, and three thousand and six hundred mysterious iron gods and demons each receded back, disappearing into the boundless air of chaos.

   "This clock is amazing! I've blocked many incarnations for so long!"

   Shidijun’s heart jumped, and he continued to kill, encountering chaotic creatures, suppressing her immortality, making it difficult for her incarnation to exert its strength by 30 to 20%!

   At this time, a mouthful of fairy sword flew, haunting the chaos, and cut dozens of incarnations.

   Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Master Shidi immediately let his emperor incarnation lead the other incarnations to retreat.

   When she walked out of the chaos, she looked back and saw that the Xuan Tie Bell was still hanging under the gate of Cangwu Immortal City, motionless.

   Shidijun frowned.

   On the head of the army of Houtu Dongtian, the brand of sword light formed by the first sword formation still hangs on the sky, and the sword light falls from time to time, being blocked by pieces of treasure.

   The power of the first sword array cannot be invaded, but it also brings great pressure to them, and more fairy energy is consumed on the power of the sword array.

   If they are trapped here by this mysterious iron clock, it will be extremely detrimental to them!

   Either forcibly break the clock or retreat, deadlocked here, I am afraid that death and injury will gradually occur.

   Shidijun looked solemn, took a long breath, and immediately gave an order to summon talents and masters in the army to crack the mysterious iron clock. On the other side, she sent a team of fairy scouts to try to bypass the Cangwu fairy city and find other ways to go deep into the imperial court.

   Houtu cave world has sixteen caves, and the same is true in the sixth immortal world. The two fairy worlds together make a total of thirty-two caves. Each cave world governs as few as a few dozen or as many as several hundred.

   Among the geniuses, there are not a few, and there are many masters.

   Soon, a lot of talented people were selected, and they entered the Xuan Tie Bell with the Xianjun, tried to crack the big clock, and took it off.

   However, whenever the bell rings, there is no return.

   Thousands of strong and wise men died in the clock in two months!

   Even Liang Yutianjun, the most powerful under Shidijun, died within the clock. For a time, no one dared to shake this big clock.

   On the other side, the various scouts sent by Shidijun tried to bypass Xiancheng, but they were attacked by the imperial court, and suffered heavy casualties.

   Because this imperial court is the land of the king, the senior officials of Emperor Feng and Xian Ting are here to kill the king, slaughter the descendants of the emperor, and kill the emperor's descendants completely, so it is sealed here.

   The seal left by Xian Ting was naturally easy for Xian Ting to unlock, but the ban on this road was changed by Qiu Shuijing.

   Qiu Shuijing uses Chaos Jade to evolve his supernatural powers, and has changed the seal here beyond recognition, more powerful and more perfect, and countless deaths and injuries from various scouts.

  Some scout teams were lucky and escaped from the dead, but they broke into other fairy cities and were completely killed by the defenders there.

   Shidijun waited for several months. Under the threat of the first sword formation, the loss of immortality was so great that he had to leave the elite and continue to guard this place. The other immortals and demons retreated from the imperial court and stayed outside.

   Here, Shidijun wrote a letter to the fairy court, confessing the difficulties he encountered, and said: "Please send your majesty a person of great wisdom to crack this bell."

   A few days later, there was a fairy light shining over the camp, which was extremely bright. Shidijun quickly led the crowd to greet him, and bowed and said: "The little thing has shocked the celestial master, forgive sin, forgive sin."

That person was one of the Four Heavenly Masters of the Xian Ting. The Dao Bone Xianfeng is one of the highest wisdom of the Xian Ting. He led a group of disciples to come, all with high foreheads and extraordinary wisdom. .

Master Long shook the dust, and smiled: "Don't dare. I saw that the drawing of the mysterious iron clock presented by the emperor was really exquisite and itchy, so I came to break his mysterious iron clock. If I can pick this clock, then It can help my way."

   Shidijun is overjoyed: "With a heavenly teacher, UU reading will definitely come in handy."

   Long Tianshi humbled a few words, Shidijun quickly led the way, all the way to the front of Cangwu fairy city.

  Long Tianshi looked at Cangwu Fairy City from a distance, and was frightened, and praised: "Sinister, sinister! To break this male gate, you have to pile up dead bodies!"

He saw the mysterious iron bell hanging under the city gate again, his eyes lit up, and he praised: "Good treasure! Monarch, you stay here. When I break the teachings of Emperor Su Shenghuang, take off this bell. !"

   Shidijun sent him away, and I saw that Long Tianshi led a group of disciples Qi Yu Xuanang into the envelope of Xuan Tiezhong.

   This is half a year.

   Shidijun and others waited anxiously.

   After half a year, a loud bell suddenly sounded, and many bones fell from the mouth of the bell, one of which was still holding a whisk in its hand.

   "Master Long is dead!" The Xianhou army of all roads in Houtu Cave was in a mess.

   Shidijun was terrified in his heart, and hurriedly summoned all the immortals to stabilize the army.

  Emperor Capital, on the altar of Ganquanyuan, Su Yun suddenly vomited blood, his breath subsided.

   In the past six months, he mobilized all his wisdom, exhausted and refined Master Long Tian, ​​and almost consumed himself on the altar!



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