Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 795: If the obsession doesn't go away, the demons will not die

The demon emperor was enchanting and charming, with every move and a smile, unspeakable hooks, and said quietly: "Prince Difeng cultivates the Nine Profound Immortality, isn't it satisfying Penghao? He can vent his anger freely. Let your obsession burn more violently."

   Su Yun looked away from the woman's chest and smiled: "Brother Bai...Brother Dao said very well. Since the Devil Emperor is from Difeng, won't he save his son for Difeng?"

   Devil Emperor straightened his chest, and said with a chuckle: "I'm not a mother who forgets every step, why save him? I have a son with Difeng and make him a prince. Wouldn't it be better?"

   Yingying became vigilant: "The scholar has never encountered such a charming woman before, I am afraid it will be difficult to bear this temptation! It is a bit dangerous!"

   Su Yun laughed and said, "If you have a son with Difeng, you must be a prince? Brother Dao, why don't you have a prince with me?"

   Yingying coughed heavily as a reminder, and said in his heart: "This woman is the emperor of the demon god, who is good at bewitching people's hearts, scholar ah scholar, your puberty should also be over. Don't be lustful!"

The Devil Emperor smiled and said: "That's okay. In this way, I can bet left and right. No matter who of you wins, my son is the crown prince. Then if you kill you, my son can successfully ascend to the throne. Kill my son, I am the Demon Emperor!"

   Su Yun laughed loudly: "Ai Concubine, I like you more and more!"

   Yingying breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and said in her heart: "The Devil Emperor is too perverted. If you say these words, it means you will not like her."

Below   , Prince Difeng stepped out of the encirclement, he was already **** and not human.

   As the prince, he was naturally taught by Difeng.

  Difeng never taught the complete Nine Profound Immortality to his disciples. Even a disciple like Shui Yinghui only taught the immortal profound arts. The immortal profound art is just the first profound of the nine immortal.

He was afraid that someone would learn the immortality of the nine mysteries and take his place, but he was the founder of the immortality of the nine mysteries and had a profound understanding. Even if others learned his complete immortality, it would be difficult for others to understand. Ninth Xuan.

  Difeng knew that he didn't pass on this, but he was cautious.

   Dan Bu Wangji is his son, and he is deeply loved by him, so what he teaches is also the complete Nine Profound Immortal.

In spite of the fact that Bu Wangji received the true story, it also inherited the same weakness as him, that is, too many injuries in the same location, which will cause the wound to be imprinted in the immortality of the nine mysterious, eternal imprint on his own There is no cure in the body!

  Difeng used Su Yun's Tao to stop here to get rid of the Taoist wounds in the Nine Profound Immortal, but Bu Wangji didn't learn the Tao to stop here. What's more, the way ended here was Su Yun's swordsmanship, which contained great and profound sword theory, even if Difeng taught him it, he might not be able to learn it.

   Now, there have been multiple injuries on Bu Wang’s body, more and more wounds, more and more injuries!

   "Your Majesty knows that after Panghao takes revenge, he will die if he completes his obsession." The Devil Emperor said leisurely, "However, I can save his life."

   Su Yun humbly asked for advice, and said, "If the human demon fulfills her wish, will it really die? I have seen a human demon. After fulfilling her wish, she did not die, but became stronger. Why is this?"

Below   , a scream of step-forgetting came: "I am the emperor fairy! Devil Emperor, if I die here, my father will definitely not let you go!"

The Demon Emperor turned a deaf ear and smiled: "When I galloped across the world, your father didn't know where to breastfeed. How dare to threaten me? Your Majesty, the human demon you mentioned, she must have other wishes. Up to now, the First Immortal Realm has seen countless tragedies and countless humans and demons. Among them, there are many amazing talents, but in the end, they will all face death, and no one can get out of this ending."

   Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

   Demon Emperor said: "However, I am the ancestor of the Demon Dao, the great emperor of the Demon God. If I come to take action and insist on making him think that the enemy is still alive, he can survive."

She blinked and said with a smile: "I can even change his memory, let him think that the enemy is another person, become the knife in your hand and kill for you! After I get rid of the opponent for you, I can change him again Let him change his enemy! In this way, Basil will become your weapon and get rid of all enemies for you!"

   Su Yun said happily: "The Devil Emperor has such an ability? But, what are your requirements? I don't believe you will have no conditions for doing this."

   "Let me pick you up."

   The Devil Emperor's gaze fell on him, full of aggressiveness, and said: "You have the aura of innate blessings, your immortal yuan is very useful to me. You are my big medicine, and I want you to help me practice!"

   Su Yun remembered his painful experience of encountering ghosts and immortals in a painting, and his face changed drastically.

   The Devil Emperor noticed his face, winking like silk, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I won't ask for indulgence. You can rest for ten days every time I do your exercises, and you can do it again after ten days."

   "Don't think about the witch!"

Yingying said angrily: "Do you treat the scholar as a well? You come to fetch water every three to five times, and the one that hits empty! Even if the scholar is a well, you will be beaten up sooner or later. Not left!"

   Su Yun thought for a while, and said: "Yingying, did you meet Xing Jiangmu again? I heard that he came to the Imperial Capital not long ago. Did you steal his book?"

   Yingying snorted.

The Demon Emperor smiled and looked down. The wind blew her black dress flying. The black dress and ribbon were like flying black birds. It was very noisy. He brushed Su Yun's face and said leisurely: "Your Majesty, pass by. Soon, Bu Wangji will be killed by Baeng Hao. Don't regret it too late."

Su Yun pulled away her flying dress, came to her, smiled: "You sensed the same aura of innate blessing from me, so you think I am your humanoid innate blessed land, so you are seeing mine At first glance, he involuntarily abandoned his step and forget the opportunity and came to my ship."

   The Devil Emperor did not deny it.

Su Yun said: "The **** emperor has taken refuge in me. You know that the **** emperor is under my command. Although you and the **** emperor are derived from the same origin, they are opposed to each other. If you want to be above him, you have to find another way. After all, the **** emperor I came earlier than you. I have taken root in the imperial court, and I worshipped my brother Yinglong with my brother. Therefore, the harem is your way. You want to enter my harem."

He smiled slightly: "Difeng is old and declining, and the sixth immortal realm's innate blessings are declining. It will only spit out the ashes, not the innate aura. But I am young and strong, and look better than Difeng, the more important thing. The thing is, I am a walking congenital blessed land!"

   Demon Emperor smiled and said: "As the Demon Emperor, I won't cling to you. I just treat you as a natural blessing, squeeze it day and night, and become my puppet.

   Yingying was ready to move, and said with a smile: "Magic woman, have you seen the little box behind your grandfather? That is your eternal home!"

   The Devil Emperor glanced at her, Yingying suddenly turned around, and said in her heart a bad cry: "This devil is poisonous!"

   She suddenly fell into the illusion.

   Devil Emperor smiled and said: "You can also refuse, I won't force it. You know, I am a beautiful woman, becoming your harem will not insult you."

   Su Yun sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I'm already married."

The demon emperor was startled slightly, and laughed: "You are Emperor Yuntian, so what if you are married? Which dynasty is not the 72nd concubine of Sangong and Sixth Courtyard? Even if Shengming is like an emperor, there are countless concubines and women! Don't tell me, you only plan to marry one!"

Su Yun's expression is solemn: "Although Su is passionate, but attentive. When I love someone, I treat her wholeheartedly and will not betray. If she wants to leave, I will not stop it. Then, I will start another relationship. ."

   Devil Emperor sneered and said, "I'm almost moved by you."

   Su Yun smiled and said: "And in the future, after I conquer the world, I will also hand over the throne. I have no interest in the throne at all, just follow the trend."

   The Devil Emperor laughed loudly, and Su Yun smiled slightly, not irritated by it.

The Devil Emperor’s laughter gradually fell, his eyes became sharp, and he swept away the charming temptation just now, and said with a serious face: "Emperor Yuntian, you also know how much help I am for you when I join your camp. You are not an opponent of Difeng. As far as I know, after Bailidu invited me, he went to meet a great emperor of the magic way. That person is the real first person in the magic way. Without me, you would lose miserably!"

   Su Yun's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered the terrifying existence that had carried the most treasure for himself when he made a profound iron clock.

   That person is the blood demon ancestor formed from pickled objects cut out by outsiders!

   The strength of self-cultivation is comparable to the existence of the Daoist Nine Heavens!

   There are so many masters in the Imperial Court. Outside there is the first sword formation of Taikoo, and inside there are the two great treasures of Wuxianbaoshu to suppress him, but he was not kept!

   However, the Blood Demon Patriarch was attacked by Zhibao and Difeng, Dili and others, and was severely injured. Logically speaking, his injuries were more serious than Difeng.

   During this period, he should not be able to heal the wounds on his body!

   "If the blood demon ancestor recovers, then it is indeed a great threat to me! In the emperor, the only person who can deal with him is the queen."

Su Yun frowned, and then smiled: "The Devil Emperor, I'll make a bet with you. Without your help, I can save Basil. If I win this bet, you come to work under my command and I will give you the same thing as the God Emperor. The treatment is impartial. If I lose, I will be your face. Don’t make up every ten days!"

   He raised three fingers and said viciously, "Once in three days! I can eat it!"

   The Devil Emperor's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "You have no jokes!"

   Su Yun smiled and said: "You have no jokes!"

Yingying woke up from the illusion, and in front of the devil emperor was not as presumptuous as before, and said in her heart: "It seems that I have to ask the emperor for more advice, how can I improve my Dao Xin cultivation, otherwise every time I encounter these cultivators Everyone will suffer!"

   At this time, Bu Wangji was beaten by Baeng Hao to the nine-xuan immortal life and shattered, and his spirit was also shattered, finally losing his breath.

   Around him, one by one, Ba Hao was still beating him frantically, still venting that monstrous hatred.

   Gradually, Penghao realized that the wicked man who killed himself and everyone else had died in his own hands.

   "I have revenge?"

   His expression was dull, and for an instant, there was a great relief.

   The hatred that had haunted me for five thousand years was suddenly relieved, and suddenly relaxed.

   The resentment in his heart dissipated and disintegrated.

   He smiled, and then heard a shattered sound from the spirit in his own spirit.

   His bitter hatred, full of revenge desire, soon resembled a porcelain covered with cracks, about to collapse and collapse.

   Although Penghao has a profound cultivation base, she can't even think of saving herself in her heart.

   One by one the basil fell down, and it turned into a corpse, broken into countless particles, drifting away in the wind, leaving only the last basil.

   With a smile on his face, he greeted his end.

   At this time, Su Yun's voice spread into his spirit: "Penghao, you are taking revenge, but what about the Yuan Shuo who died in your hands three thousand years ago?"

   Penghao looked up, and saw that Su Yun stood on the bow of the golden boat high above the sky, and beside him stood a woman in black.

   "Master, if there is an afterlife..."

   "I don't want the afterlife."

   Su Yun at the bow of the boat leaned down, and when he pointed it, it was clearly far apart, but Su Yun's arm seemed to span the space, and he pointed at the brows of Basil's fleshy body that was about to fall apart.

   "I want you to survive!"

   The surging congenital qi poured into the flesh of Basil that had been broken into countless pieces, filling up the cracks, and even rushing into his spiritual body, closing the cracks!

   "I want you to survive, protect Yuan Shuo, and make up for the mistakes you committed three thousand years ago! Wake up!"

   Su Yun shouted, in the shattered spirit of Basil, guarding Yuan Shuo to make up for his own fault, and turned into a new obsession, like a spring grass seed, beginning to take root and give off a new breath.


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