Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 797: Emperor Hu's Body

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"There are people who can command the two emperors of the gods and demons. But that person should already be dead."

Su Yun raised his head, pondered quietly, and whispered, "Moreover, he died under the wedding dress plan. Now, is anyone going to make a wedding dress plan for me?"

After a while, he smiled and said, "If there is someone behind the two emperors, then I already know who this person is, but I don't know his true body."

Yu Qingluo was taken aback, and whispered: "Do you even suspect the **** emperor? Do you think the **** emperor was also inserted by the person?"

Su Yun looked calm and said, "Qing Luo, don't talk about this in advance."

Yu Qingluo said, "You should be careful, and don't let others' opinions go."

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I didn't know before. Now that I have defenses, how can I follow his way? Don't worry. And I want to find his true whereabouts. If he does, it's fine. If he does. , There must be clues!"

Soon after, Su Yun ordered Penghao to train the nine demons he had summoned to familiarize himself with the war as soon as possible.

There are many demon gods in the imperial court, and there is no lack of demon celestials, but Su Yun does not intend to hand these people over to the demon emperor, but deliberately hand over them to Basil.

Even if he was a **** emperor, he had never handed over all the gods to the **** emperor, but to Ying Long and Bai Ze. The **** emperor himself has ninety-six adult gods and demons, and leads his own army.

For the two emperors of the gods and demons, Su Yun was still not so relieved.

Penghao hesitated, talking about his experience in Tianlaodongtian, and said: "Prince Difeng Buwangji once ordered people to attack Guanghandongtian. The life of the human demon Wutong may not be easy."

Su Yun thought about it carefully, and said: "The world can do nothing about Wutong, I am afraid that only the emperor exists. And such an existence is beyond the reach of Prince Difeng. Therefore, Wutong should not be dangerous."

He asked about the situation of Wutong, and Penghao said: "Girl Wutong is very good, but there is a little girl beside her, named Su Qingqing."

Su Yun was not surprised, obviously he knew about it.

When Panghao saw this, he knew: "Su Qingqing is indeed the daughter of Your Majesty and Wutong! Otherwise, how could she be named Su? The one who called the whole village to eat is not an honest snake, and even told me that it was not what I thought!"

He did not say anything, and said in his heart: "If this matter is stabbed out, I am afraid that your majesty's harem will catch fire."

After a few months, the Demon Emperor returned, bringing more than a thousand powerful Demon Gods. After reviewing, Su Yun saw that some of these demon gods had grown up, and some were still young, but their cultivation strength was not weak, so he couldn't help being surprised and quickly asked the origins of these devil gods.

The Devil Emperor said lightly: "Your Majesty, there are tens of thousands of gods in the lower realm, and most of them are powerful demon gods. There are also demon gods, and demon gods are derived. As the devil emperor, I naturally raised my arms and responded to the gathering."

Su Yun was overjoyed, and ordered the Demon Emperor to form his own army, not subject to the dispatch of others, but only by his dispatch, and he obviously regarded the Demon Emperor extremely highly.

On this day, Su Yun summoned the God Emperor and Demon Emperor and said to the Demon Emperor: "Brother Dao, the battle of Houtu Dongtian is in a hurry. Emperor Changsheng has been in a stalemate with the thief and Shidi for many days. Brother Laofan Dao will lead the army to help and capture Houtu Dongtian ."

The Devil Emperor glanced at the God Emperor and sneered: "I just joined the army and I am not familiar with soldiers and horses. Why not let the prince attack Houtu Dongtian?"

Su Yun smiled and said: "The **** emperor has another task. The evil emperor, the wolf's ambition, started from the sky boat cave and played the name of emperor. The anti-thief Biluo led a group of grass bandits to attack the Tianfu cave sky and threaten Zhongshan. So I was intentional. Send the **** emperor to Zhongshan to prevent the thieves from being blue."

The corner of the **** emperor's eyes jumped, he was not afraid of the immortal, but the evil emperor!

Su Yun said: "If the Demon Emperor Dao Brother is not happy, you can also exchange it with the God Emperor Dao Brother."

The Devil Emperor giggled and said, "Doesn't this mean that the prince will encounter Emperor Jue's corpse? This is interesting. I would like to go there in person, not to fight the evil emperor, but to see how the prince is arrogant."

The **** emperor's expression was indifferent: "The evil emperor is not an emperor, why should I be afraid?"

Su Yun poured wine for the two and toasted: "This is the first battle since the two joined the imperial court. I am here. I wish the two Dao brothers a victory, and don't let my expectations be disappointed!" All.

The **** emperor and the devil emperor each took his own initiative and led an army, one to the Houtu cave sky and the other to the border of the Zhongshan cave sky.

Su Yun saw him off and watched the army of God Emperor and Demon Emperor go away.

Yu Qingluo walked to him and said: "The two emperors of the gods and demons may not be able to work. Maybe they are just fishing in the troubled waters on the front line."

Su Yun smiled and said: "If the two of them want to establish a foothold in the imperial court, they must make an immortal merit. Don't worry, it won't be long before there will be good news."

He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I can also make a deal with the Queen of Heaven."

Yu Qingluo said softly: "You go to the Queen of Heaven, and she will blame you for sending the Devil Emperor to fish in troubled waters. It's better to wait for a while, when the Devil Emperor has done his merits, I will go to see the empress."

Su Yun nodded, and after a moment, said: "Now that Difeng has not healed from his injury, I want to take advantage of this and go out again."

Yu Qingluo was taken aback, and said quickly: "At this time, I don't know how many people want to kill you, but you dare to go out? Don't kill!"

Su Yun looked solemn and said: "If there is a wedding dress plan, do you think it can be blocked by the current imperial court? I have to make more preparations! During my absence, you come to preside over government affairs. Work hard."

Yu Qingluo arranged his clothes for him, and said with a smile: "Don't be too tired."

Su Yun nodded heavily.

Soon after, he circulated the chaotic runes under his single step, breaking through the air.

Yu Qingluo replaced Su Yun in handling court affairs. Since the start of the war, the court affairs have become more and more onerous. Fortunately, Yu Qingluo practiced the methods of all sages and it was not difficult to review.

After a few months, good news came from the earth cave sky. The Demon Emperor raided from the rear, breaking the division and joining forces with the Changsheng Emperor to kill hundreds of thousands of enemies.

Yu Qingluo hurriedly took the good news to the Hou Ting and came to see the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen of Heaven was overjoyed and smiled: "Your Majesty is really a believer!"

Yu Qingluo pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Although your Majesty is sometimes stubborn in front of the empress, he still cares about what the empress orders. It is just that the **** emperor protects the Zhongshan cave sky on behalf of his majesty and resists the blue sky. There has been no news yet. The disciple is worried that the divine emperor has few soldiers and widows and is not Bi Luo's opponent.

The Queen of Heaven smiled and said: "Bi Luo is not a stupid person. As the prime minister of the Emperor Jue court, he knows the truth of the death of lips and teeth. He will not go to war with the emperor before the imperial court is destroyed. If he does come, Ben The palace will let him retreat."

Yu Qingluo was relieved now.

The Queen of Heaven asked: "If you haven't seen your Majesty these days, does your Majesty go out again?"

Yu Qingluo smiled and said, "When I went out the other day, the disciple didn't know where he went."

The Queen of Heaven frowned and said: "Now that he ran out, wouldn't he be afraid of death? He is the backbone of the emperor. If there is a mistake, the emperor will be destroyed soon!"

Yu Qingluo also had some worries in his heart, not knowing where Su Yun had gone.

The fifth fairy world.

The light of chaotic runes circulated, and Su Yun appeared in front of a huge crack.

Yingying looked into the crack and saw that there was no bottom, not knowing what was hidden.

This crack was the big crack that Wen Qiao was led away by many Jiehui immortals when Su Yun observed the old **** Wen Qiao, but now this crack is bigger, and there is no Jiehui immortal in the crack.

At that time, Su Yun and Yingying spied on them, but they were attacked by a stalwart giant hand and almost died. Fortunately, they were sent to the future by the saint king of Samsara to escape!

Su Yun originally guessed that the crack was a wound on the body of a stalwart existence, and that stalwart existence was hidden in the ground of the fifth immortal realm covered by robbery ash!

Su Yun whispered: "Yingying."

Yingying and him cultivated a sense of aura, heard the strings and understood the elegance, immediately took off the sun bead in the halo behind her head, and saw this sun bead emitting infinite light and heat, entering the cracks, slowly Sink.

There was darkness in the crack, and his fingers could not be seen. At the moment, illuminated by the light, it finally appeared in their sight.

On the cliffs on both sides of the crack, there were dark Jiehui Fairies clinging to them, like bats hanging upside down, motionless, as if entering hibernation.

And with the sinking of the Sun Orb, more Jie Huixian under the cliff appeared in the light!

Su Yun looked solemn, and suddenly his figure followed the pearl and fell into the abyss.

Standing on his shoulders, Yingying was extremely nervous, and kept looking at the cliffs on both sides, lest she would startle the sleeping Jie Hui fairy.

There are too many Tribulation Immortals, and they are innumerable. Obviously, these Tribulation Immortals are not under the jurisdiction of Wangchuan, they are a force that does not belong to the major forces!

Su Yun descended all the way, and saw more and more Jie Hui immortals, everywhere they were hanging.

Suddenly, a Jie Huixian woke up and looked straight at the sun bead that was falling. Suddenly it seemed to remember something, and suddenly he let out a stern cry!

It screamed, and the other Jie Hui immortals around him were also awakened and screamed. For a time, the sound of countless Jie Hui immortals from the cracks in the abyss came, causing Su Yun and Yingying to panic.


Countless Jie Huixian flew up, covering the sky and obstructing the sun, and flew towards the sun bead!

Su Yun quickly said: "Yingying, hurry up!"

Yingying hurriedly urged the Sun Orb and fell to the bottom of the abyss at a faster speed. Su Yun also sped up and kept up with the Sun Orb. He looked back and saw that the sun's rays were completely blocked by darkness.

That darkness is countless Tribulation Grey Immortals!

"Why are there so many Jie Hui Immortals here?" Yingying exclaimed in horror.

What is even more frightening is that on the cliff below, more Jiehui Fairy fluttered and flew towards this side, preparing to stop Su Yun!

Su Yun stretched out his right hand and pressed it downward, only to see the profound iron clock appear out of thin air, bursting out!


The bells sounded long and swayed away the Jie Hui Immortal flying in all directions. Of course, the Xuan Tie Big Bell did not appear out of thin air, but has been floating in his spiritual world. Appearing from the spirit world is like appearing out of thin air.

However, these tribulation immortals are like fish tides in the sea, and the bells are like torrents in the sea. They just smashed them apart, and then these tribulation immortals fill up the vacancies!

Su Yun and Yingying seemed to have flown into a world that could swallow all the light, and the surging Jie Hui fairy was almost crazy, and rushed towards them.

The **** iron bell rang danglingly, continuously blasting a space, Su Yun and Yingying flew to the ground with difficulty, but then an unknown number of Jie Hui immortals flew and landed on the **** iron bell.

The Xuantie Big Clock is getting heavier and heavier, and the bell is getting duller and duller!

Su Yun urged all kinds of magical powers on the clock, but failed to clean up these Tribulation Immortals.

Suddenly, he violently urged the jewel of Taichu on the nose of the bell, and only heard a buzzing sound, a bright and incomparable light exploded in all directions, wherever he passed, the Jie Huixian shattered into dust!

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, but the other Jie Hui immortals flew up again and rushed towards the mysterious iron bell. UU Reading www.uukā

But because the gem from the beginning burst out of power, it continued the aura of the beginning, so it could not be used temporarily.

At this time, Yingying's shoulders shook, and the golden coffin flew up with a whirr, and it grew rapidly. Su Yun took off the coffin board, and the two worked together to urge the golden coffin. Suddenly, I don’t know how many Jie Huixian danced and fell into the golden coffin. !

All around them were swept away, and when the other Jie Gray Immortals saw it, they didn't dare to fly again, and could only watch them continue to fly downward.

"Science, where are we now?" Yingying asked curiously after tying up the Sun Pearl.

"Dihu's body." Su Yun's eyes flashed.

Yingying was taken aback and lost her voice: "The emperor died suddenly?"

"do not know."

Su Yun frowned, and suddenly smelled the strong aura of Tribulation Fire. At this moment, he saw a blazing fire in front of him, that was the light of Tribulation Fire!

"Dihu's body is connected to Wangchuan?" His heart shook slightly.

In front of him, it is the forbidden land that is sealed with countless Jie Hui immortals, Wangchuan!

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