Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 806: See the evil emperor in the water mirror

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Xishan Sanren, Gong Xilou, Lu Xianren and others were greatly touched and saved the common people?

This is their lifelong dream.

They blocked Su Yun and advised Su Yun not to rebel, just to save the common people. Now, fighting for Su Yun and the Emperor is also to save the common people, so why not do it?

Li Shangxue's eyes were full of longing, and she whispered softly: "Both sides have thunder ponds. You provoke the thunder pond, and I also provoke the thunder pond. By then, all the immortals below Tianjun will become mortals. The war between mortals has no way to affect the battle. Victory or defeat."

Jun Zaijiu drank wine and smiled: "So, in this war, the winner is determined by the high-level war. No, it's not a war, but a battle."

The scattered people in Xishan snatched the wine jar from his hand and drank it with a headache. He laughed and said, "The Emperor of Heaven and the Great Emperor of the Nine Heavens Realm, with only two or three hundred people left and right, counts as a battle between two villages! A war sweeping through the two universes?"

"Hope we can see this day."

"It's ridiculous that those high-ranking existences fight like strong men in the village and determine the fate of the world."


Yu Qingluo came to the imperial court and asked to see the Queen of Heaven, but the Queen of Heaven did not see her behind closed doors, apparently speculating about her intentions.

Yu Qingluo pondered for a moment, went to see Hongluo, and said that he was here. Hong Luo smiled and said, "I'm also the second head of the Hou Ting anyhow. She doesn't give you face, so she has to give me face. If she doesn't, she will tear down her Hou Ting!"

Hong Luo was fierce, and went to the Changle Palace of the Hou Court. The Changle Palace was closed, and there was a maid inside who said: "Two empresses, the queen is sick, and today we are closed for no guests."

"Am I a guest?"

Hong Luo angrily said: "Even if I don't let me in, you still say good sister? If you don't let me in today, you will demolish your palace gate!"

The Queen had no choice but to open the palace gate. Hong Luo and Yu Qingluo rushed in, only to see the Queen of Queen lying lazily on the jade couch with the curtain hanging down, several court ladies kneeling on the big bed and waiting.

Hong Luo took off his shoes, opened the curtain and rushed in. The Queen of Heaven said: "I am really sick, and my body is unwell these few days... Hong Luo, you little hoof, lift my quilt, I tore you to death. Girl..."

Yu Qingluo stood below with a smile, and saw the two people on the jade couch making a fuss for a while, and the Queen of Heaven sorted out her clothes, and then she got out of bed with the help of several court ladies and sat on the jade couch to wash.

"My palace is sick."

The Queen of Heaven wiped her face and said to Yu Qingluo: "It's not that I don't want to see you."

Hong Luo sneered and said: "Emperor Yuntian once said to me that although your cultivation realm is the same as ours, your cultivation way is different. He said that you walked on the road of witchcraft, and your Taoism jumped out. Immortal Dao. What sickness can the empress get? You say, I will treat you!"

The Queen Mother sighed: "Deadly sick. You girl, I hide from Qing Luo because I am afraid of death. You have to pull me out of the bed because you want me to die!"

Hong Luo was startled, and hurriedly looked at Yu Qingluo, revealing a look of doubt.

Yu Qingluo smiled and said, "The teacher doesn't want to fight to the death, does he have to sit and wait?"

Tianhou sneered: "Emperor Empress, you can persuade the six elders to die, but you can’t persuade me to send me to die. I didn’t fight with Difeng, and I know his power. I was trapped by vows. , Prisoner and Hou Ting, although Difeng calculated me, I already knew at that time that I was not his opponent to fight head-on. And the subsequent battle of the Imperial Court proved this even more."

Yu Qingluo knew the battle.

At that time, Su Yun saw through Difeng's plan and set up an ambush against Difeng. The four great emperors such as Tianhou, Evil Emperor, and Immortal Queen took the treasure to ambush Difeng, and after they severely damaged Difeng first, they were killed by Difeng!

If it weren't for the emperor who was controlled by the Wanhua Immortal Incinerator at that time, he rushed in and disturbed the situation, I am afraid that the Queen, the evil emperor and others would all die by the hands of Difeng!

Even the most precious witch fairy tree of the Queen of Heaven was destroyed in that battle, and has never recovered.

What's more terrifying is that the evil emperor also left a hidden illness in that battle, so that Su Yun was forced to retreat with the first sword formation to save the emperor's heart, forcing him to find another emperor's heart.

The strength of Difeng can be seen!

The reason why the queen did not see Yu Qingluo was really afraid of Difeng.

"The evil emperor has seized the emperor heart of Difeng, and Difeng can regenerate one at any time, but if Difeng has seized the emperor heart of the evil emperor, the evil emperor will not be born. This is the gap."

Tianhou said: "Even if this palace joins forces with the evil emperor, it is impossible to be Difeng's opponent. The empress does not have to speak. Although the name of the head of the female fairy is good, it is not as important as her own life."

Yu Qingluo said, "Does the teacher want to abandon the queen's position and abandon his own foundation?"

Tianhou smiled and said: "Emperor, this palace does not need to abandon it. If this palace cares about status, don't help you or help Difeng, just watch from the wall. After Difeng has settled the world, he cannot give this palace a false name. On the contrary, what are the benefits of working hard for your family?"

Yu Qingluo frowned, not knowing how to answer.

Upon seeing this, Hong Luo quickly smiled and said, "Sisters’ affection is a benefit!"

Tianhou smiled and cursed: "Sisters are deeply affectionate, so you ran to stabbing me? I don't want you sister!"

Hong Luo finished the round and said with a smile: "That is the deep love between master and apprentice."

The Queen glanced at Yu Qingluo, and said, "Master and apprentice have a deep affection. Is there any reason for a disciple to ask Master to die?"

Yu Qingluo pondered for a long time, and asked, "What was the original intention of the teacher to be a queen? Is it realized now?"

The Queen Mother's face changed slightly, and she sneered: "Don't come to this one! Even if there was any original intention in this palace back then, it has already passed! You think that the head of the female fairy in this palace is to give the woman the master? For the sake of prestige! Don't be too speculative and see off!"

Yu Qingluo had to get up.

Hong Luo wants to stay, the Queen of Heaven stared and said: "You too!"

Hong Luo had to accompany Yu Qingluo to leave Changle Palace. Yu Qingluo sighed and said: "If you can't persuade the Queen, the defeat is set. If you can persuade the Queen, there is still a battle. Unfortunately, I can't. Persuade the diva to take action."

Hong Luo was dressed in a red dress, like a maple leaf in autumn, and said: "The queen became angry from shame, because you moved her and made her feel her weakness, so she turned her face. Although she is greedy for power, she does protect her. A female fairy in the world. Without her, the status of a woman would be much lower than it is now."

Yu Qingluo pondered for a moment, and said, "Sister Hongluo, if you have a chance, please invite her to see Lei Chi."

Hong Luo's eyes lit up and he nodded and said yes.

On the other side, Prince Jade went to see the fairy queen and Ziwei, and asked them to retreat to the imperial court. When the fairy empress learned that the imperial court was personally conscripted by Emperor Feng, she hesitated a bit, and she would shrink from hearing the words.

It's just that the Xian Ting San Gong army is on the scene, if they retreat directly, they will definitely be chased by Shang Jin Ge and others, and they will be defeated.

Even if you retreat, you can only take it slowly without giving the enemy a chance.

The fairy queen was about to arrange troops to be the army of the queen. Suddenly he heard that the soldiers came to report and said: "The young master has brought in an imperial court reinforcement army to come and support!"

When the fairy queen heard this, she couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "The emperor sent Zhuzhi here, not for me to retreat, but for me to fight to the death! Come! Come with me and take the jade prince on to the Xiantai! I am going to kill him personally. Head, send him on the road!"

As he was talking, Emperor Ziwei came to visit and saw the fairy queen, and said: "The imperial court ordered an envoy to come and ask me to fight to death by saying this to repay Emperor Yuntian's kindness."

The fairy queen felt cold in her heart, and said: "What is the emperor going to do? Are we here to fight the emperor and Difeng to the death?"

At this time, there was news that the **** emperor led an army of adult gods, rushing to this side through the Tianfu Cave.

At the same time, the emissary of the imperial court also came to the southern front of Gouchen, seeking to see the evil emperor's immortality and blue sky.

Seeing this, the fairy queen said: "Don't cut off the Jade Prince, and watch for a few days before talking."

Qiu Shuijing came to see the immortal Xiangbiluo, presented Lei Chi's drawings, and said, "Sir, please see, this thing has been refined."

Xianxiang Biluo carefully checked the structure of the thunder pond, couldn't help but moved, paced up and down, suddenly stopped, and asked: "I heard that Bailidu is also building thunder ponds. The flames burned the sky all night, and the rays of light were like pillars. The immortal court is powerful. The fragments of the Lei Pond can be transported continuously to create new Lei Ponds, and the old **** Wen Qiao can control the new Lei Pond. With such an existence of the Emperor Court, can the Lei Pond compete with Wen Qiao?"

Qiu Shuijing said: "Yes."

Xianxiang Biluo closed his eyes, and after a long time, he said, "I understand what your husband is here for, and he will follow me to see His Majesty the Evil Emperor. Your husband just tells you what you know. As for persuading your Majesty to go on an expedition, don't mention a word."

Qiu Shuijing breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you, Mr."

The two came to see the evil emperor on the occasion. After Qiu Shuijing explained his intention, he stopped talking and stood aside.

Xianxiangbiluo stepped forward and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the seventh immortal realm has been merged to this day, but fifty years, fifty years of accumulation, definitely not as good as the sixth immortal realm's tens of millions of years of accumulation. The only solution now is to use the power of Lei Chi, Abolish the accumulation of Xian Ting and make everyone a mortal! In this way, there is a chance of victory."

The evil emperor glanced at Qiu Shuijing. Qiu Shuijing almost changed his body, and hurriedly suppressed the corpse energy that came.

The evil emperor said, "If I were to conquer myself, Difeng would definitely be attracted to me. I would definitely lead the army to come personally. The first battle would be a decisive battle. Immortal, do you know the consequences?"

Xianxiang Biluo said: "I know. My subordinates may be destroyed by the Difeng army together. Your Majesty and I are afraid of doomsday!"

The evil emperor said: "Why do I want to ask for it personally?"

Xianxiang Biluo said: "Because the emperor won't sit and watch."

The evil emperor raised his eyebrows, glanced at Qiu Shuijing, and said, "Go on."

Xianxiang Biluo said: "If I were the head of the imperial court, I would mobilize the two emperors of the gods and demons to take the initiative to attack the imperial army, forcing the imperial army to split into two directions. At the same time, I dispatched Fang Zhuzhi to the front line of Chen Chen to force the immortal. After that, he had to fight to the death, through Emperor Yun and Zi Wei’s affection, forcing Zi Wei to fight in blood. In the south, Emperor Changsheng was mobilized through Tianhou to attack the fairy court!"

Qiu Shuijing was moved.

Xianxiang Biluo had not participated in the discussion of the imperial court, but clearly calculated their plans, almost exactly the same!

"Emperor Changsheng attacked Xian Ting, forcing Xian Ting's reserve forces to gather to the North Mian Great Wall. Then Emperor Changsheng retreated and led the enemy into the seventh fairyland."

Xianxiang Biluo said: "At this time, the Queen of Heaven will come out of the Hou Ting to aid the evil emperor and fight against Difeng. In this way, the power of the Xian Ting will almost all enter the seventh fairy realm, and I will provoke the thunder pond and cut the three flowers on the heads of billions of immortals. , Cancel the immortal book and be demoted to a mortal!"

The evil emperor looked at Qiu Shuijing.

Qiu Shuijing said: "The imperial court is the plan." After that, he said nothing.

The evil emperor couldn't help but raised his head, silently thinking for a moment, and said: "Although the plan is good, it can't be concealed from Bailidu. Bailidu can guess the plan by looking at the dispatch of the various forces. You and him are old rivals, go In the next decisive battle, you are defeated in his hands."

"Last duel, he had a mental arithmetic but I was calculated by him."

Xianxiang Biluo said: "This time it is not necessarily. Besides, what can he see? This is a positive strategy. UU Reading Bailidu is a counselor, and he is also building a thunder pond, even if he knows this The plan will only order people to speed up the creation of thunder ponds, hoping to build the thunder pond before the imperial court."

The evil emperor pondered for a moment, and said, "Are you sure that Bailidu will not tell Difeng?"

Xianxiang Biluo said: "Bai Lidu knows that Emperor Yuntian only snatched two thunder pond fragments from him. The scale of the thunder pond he built was too small to threaten Xian Ting."

The evil emperor's eyes fell on Qiu Shuijing, and said: "So, what is the true power of the imperial court's thunder pond? Is it enough to cover the entire Seventh Immortal Realm?"

Qiu Shuijing bowed and said, "That's enough."

The evil emperor said: "I will send troops. Your mission is done very well, without saying a word, knowing how to choose between advance and retreat. I want to kill you and get rid of future opponents for the immortal."

Qiu Shuijing said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "If your majesty defeats Di Yun, I can come to be the immortal face of your majesty. Why kill me?"

The evil emperor smiled and waved his hand to let him go.

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