Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 818: Evil emperor, I am the emperor

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Su Yun laughed loudly: "I was seen through by my mother! It's a pity."

The fairy empress originally had no intention of pursuing the matter of sending him to Fang Zhuzhi, but only used this name to draw the friendship between the two families closer, so she did not continue to struggle on this topic.

She landed on the five-color boat, glanced over the soldiers on the boat, and smiled: "The Holy Emperor is interested, but I am willing to come and support me Goochen. The palace thought that the Holy Emperor was not plucking a hair, but I did not expect to pluck a hair. It is a pity that the troops are too strong. less."

Su Yun chased the celestial master Yan Ziqi this time, because he needed to be fast and free to advance and retreat, so he only brought more than a thousand people, and he strayed into the pocket array laid down by Yan Ziqi, killing some soldiers, and now only less than a thousand people remain.

Compared with the immortal court where there are millions of immortals and demons, it is indeed pitiful.

The five-color boat continued to move forward and headed for the Gouchen front line.

Su Yun smiled and said: "What I brought this time is the elite of ten thousand enemy. Although it is a little bit less, it is better than the enemy's army of one million."

The Empress Empress glanced at Ying Long and the others. Ying Long straightened her chest and said with a smile, "Aren't you the Ying Long hanging on the pillars of this palace? Why are these elites talking about ten thousand enemies?"

Ying Long was suddenly lost in anger and dejected.

Su Yun's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "At this time and another time, Yinglong could only be hung on a pillar in Niang Niang's house. Now, under my command, Ying Long is a fierce general in the Protoss. By the way, Niang Niang, I am in the Imperial Court. I'm proclaimed emperor, my mother doesn't need to call me Emperor Su, just call me Emperor Yuntian or Your Majesty."

The fairy empress smiled rather than smiled: "This palace has heard people say that everyone knows a strong heart. This palace only treats someone as slandering a daoist friend, and now I believe it."

Su Yun hurriedly said: "I turned down several times, but I really couldn't do so, so I had to become emperor. At that time, the queen knew it, and persuaded me to become emperor and calm people's hearts. If you don't believe me, you can ask the soldiers behind me. !"

The soldiers nodded one after another, and Sang Tianjun said, "Your Majesty has rejected it many times, saying that he has little virtue and blessing."

The fairy empress smiled and said: "The Queen of Heaven recognizes you as Emperor Yuntian, but I don't. The Queen of Heaven has her benefits, but I don't."

Su Yun smiled and said: "Niang Niang, you can't satisfy Niang Niang's appetite if you want to be the Dongjun?"

While speaking, the five-color boat came to the emperor's blessed land, and Su Yun raised his profound iron bell to stand alongside the queen of heaven.

When Yingying saw this, she also sacrificed the golden coffin. After thinking about it, she sacrificed the golden chain again. After thinking about it, the five-color boat flew up and squeezed into the treasure.

Everyone had to walk.

"If it is not for the great master to follow the dog, lest he do wrong, the great master will also show his true body and be tied with these treasures. I will not say anything, which one dare to be the first?"

Yingying looked up and looked at the many treasures and other heavy weapons, secretly regretting: "It's a pity that Su Gou is too much to worry about..."

She shook her head, she was broken for this family, she had a great opportunity to show off, but she could only give up silently.

Of course, although Yingying has many treasures, it is difficult to fully exert her power. But after these treasures were sacrificed, they really inspired the military.

The Emperor Ziwei and the Queen of Heaven greeted him, and the Queen of Heaven smiled from a distance: "Fangsi, you dead girl, if you hurt my majesty, this palace will never end with you!"

The fairy empress hurriedly said: "Su Shenghuang is now the emperor of heaven, where am I his opponent? It's almost the same as being beaten by him."

Su Yun exchanged greetings with the Queen of Heaven and Emperor Ziwei.

Su Yun saw Jun Han and Dan Qing again. One of them was in the fairy queen's army and the other was assisting Emperor Ziwei. They were quite high in status and had a lot of power. They also came to meet.

"These two people will transform into a dragon when they encounter a storm. This troubled world is exactly when they are making trouble."

Su Yun said in his heart: "These two people learned from Yuanshuo, and it is good to use them in the right way. If they are used crookedly, it will be a disaster."

This time the army against Difeng was jointly designed by Han Jun, Dan Qing, Qiu Shuijing and Zuo Songyan. Only then can it persist until now, and the wisdom of Han and Dan can be seen.

These two had a criminal record, so Su Yun was not at ease.

Su Yun saw Qiu Shuijing again, but Qiu Shuijing was extremely powerful in the evil emperor's army.

The last time he went to see the evil emperor in Tianfu Cave, he could not go back. The evil emperor left him to make suggestions for himself, and after Bi Luo died, he could not go back.

At this time, Fang Zhuzhi returned from carrying the coffin, and the army cheered.

Every time Dongjun Fang Zhuzhi went into battle, he would carry the coffin into battle, expressing his determination to resist the invasion of the Immortal Court to the death. This has become a habit and he is very prestigious in Gouchen.

The two met, unavoidable a moment of greeting.

Fang Zhuzhi looked at Su Yun, ready to move, and wanted to ask him about his skills in India. During this period of time, his cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, his progress is gratifying, and his accomplishments in India are even faster!

The fairy empress discovered that Su Yun's mana was really domineering, and she had a tendency to chase after her, and quickly stopped him, saying: "Su Shenghuang has already proclaimed the emperor and must not be presumptuous."

Fang Zhuzhi had to give up.

Su Yun ascended to look at it, and saw that between Xian Ting and Gouchen camp, the earth no longer existed, was beaten and completely disappeared, leaving only a sea of ​​magical power.

It's just that this magical sea is not the magical sea of ​​the Primordial Forbidden Zone, but a new magical sea formed by this war!

The intensity of the Gouchen battlefield was even more tragic than Su Yun had imagined!

Soldiers from both sides need to be blessed with heavy treasures, and they also need to take a special boat to travel on the new supernatural power sea and fight each other!

A little carelessness, as long as you fall from a ship, you will often end up dead!

Although the battle of the Imperial Court was tragic, it was still much inferior to that of Gouchen.

What caused this destruction was the result of the confrontation between the emperor-level existence and the confrontation between the treasures!

The evil emperor never came to see Su Yun. Su Yun asked Qiu Shuijing and said, "I want to see the evil emperor, how about?"

In the past two years, Qiu Shuijing has helped the evil emperor dispatch troops and generals, and the evil emperor has also guided him on his cultivation. Therefore, his cultivation level has improved rapidly. Now there are four layers of Dao realm, and wisdom has become more and more accessible, saying: "Your Majesty is called the emperor, come to the evil emperor. Say, what is the difference between Jun and Difeng? Therefore, seeing the evil emperor will die. However, if your majesty takes Biluo forward, your life can be saved."

So Su Yun brought Bi Luo to see the evil emperor. The evil emperor wanted to kill, but when he saw Bi Luo, he endured it.

The evil emperor's trust in Biluo originated from the trust of Emperor Absolute Biluo, and this trust was imprinted in his spirit and could not be changed. Therefore, the evil emperor saw Bi Luo come back from death, and his intention to kill Su Yun was washed away.

Su Yun smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I have already proclaimed the emperor, and I am here to inform."

The evil emperor snorted and said faintly: "The rebel is not afraid that I will turn my face and kill people? Now you and I are very close, and there is no first sword formation. Why are you blocking me?"

Su Yun opened his eyes and smiled: "I have brought the first sword formation!"

The corner of the evil emperor's eyes jumped, but he didn't see Su Yun taking out the first sword formation, and sneered: "What if there is the first sword formation? I now have the emperor's heart, and the combat power is not the same as before. I can easily smash it with one sword formation."

Su Yun smiled and said, "Bi Luo, come to meet your Majesty."

Bi Luo stepped forward and bowed to the evil emperor: "Your Majesty."

The evil emperor saw him bowing down like usual, thinking that this old man would spend his entire life to help him. From young to old, his body rickets and he can't straighten up his waist, and he feels guilty all at once.

He was distraught by the news of Biluo's death in battle, but no one could talk about it. He only felt that he was a lonely man.

The evil emperor would not expose his fragile side in front of others, and said: "Xianxiang...Bi Luo, get up."

Su Yun smiled and said: "Bilao now specializes in the way of cultivating the physical body, with peculiar techniques, and one body, but now he is trapped in the realm of celestial phenomena and has no chance to break through and become a saint. After all, your Majesty has dominated the existence of the Five Dynasties. Instruct him on his practice."

"Specializing in physical body?" The evil emperor's face changed slightly.

Su Yun smiled and said: "Yes. Yingying, show Bi Luo's exercises to your majesty."

Yingying flew out, and immediately wanted to transform her body and grow some green hairs. Fortunately, her cultivation base and mood were much stronger than before, and she was finally suppressed.

She quickly showed the cultivation technique created by Bi Luo, the evil emperor looked at it, looked it up, and sneered: "Naughty! Body and soul, this is the cultivation method of gods and demons! Puppet emperor, are you letting the gods and demons teach him? How to practice?"

Su Yun's heart burst, he really asked Ying Long to teach Bi Luo how to practice.

The evil emperor continued to deduce Bi Luo's cultivation technique, suddenly his face was solemn, and said: "He is on the road of **** and devil cultivation!"

"The road of gods and demons cultivation?"

Su Yun was surprised, carefully trying to figure out, feeling awe-inspiring.

Bi Luo is indeed practicing himself according to the specifications of the gods and demons!

At the beginning, he gave Bi Luo to Ying Long, but what he didn't expect was that Ying Long, Bai Ze, Taotie, Tai Sui and other gods and demons had been studying the cultivation methods of Protoss and demons and had already achieved something.

Since the Tongtian Pavilion and Tiandaoyuan deciphered the runes of the old gods, they have broken the shackles that the old gods cannot practice. They have been practicing the cultivation methods of the old gods for these years, and have been taught to the old gods such as Lingji and Dongting so that they can practice. .

As for how gods and demons should cultivate, Tongtian Pavilion and Tiandaoyuan are also doing research in this area, but the situation of gods and demons is still different from that of old gods. The old gods have no spirit, they were transformed by the chaotic sea water brought ashore by the emperor chaos, and contained the great avenues of the emperor chaos, which gave rise to the race of the old gods.

Gods and demons have spirit and body, but they are one body, and they are either born of the immortal Dao in the blessed land, or transformed by a powerful existence and flesh body, and can even mate and multiply, or the golden body can become a **** and a demon. .

They are often the sacred Tao, so how to cultivate has become a huge problem, even more difficult than how old gods practiced.

Tiandaoyuan and Tongtian Pavilion have found the direction for gods and demons to practice because of the old **** runes and old gods' cultivation methods. Therefore, Yinglong Baize and others can try to open up the gods and demons' cultivation methods.

Just want to create, how difficult is it?

While they were discussing and researching, Ying Long happened to bring Biluo. Although Biluo was a blank piece of paper, like a baby, it was far more intelligent than the gods and demons such as Yinglong and Baize!

He came into contact with the cultivation methods of gods and demons and showed amazing talents. Of course, he regarded himself as the same gods and demons as Ying Long and others, and created a set of methods for the cultivation of gods and demons!

What Su Yun and the evil emperor saw was a very complete method for the cultivation of gods and demons. The most important convenience of this method is that the body and soul are integrated, and they are not separated!

The evil emperor frowned deeply.

Su Yun brought Bi Luo to come, obviously intending to let himself give instructions to Bi Luo how to break through the realm of conquest.

The greatest opportunity in the world is the emperor's personal guidance. This is the hope of Biluo's breakthrough. However, Biluo's practice is too partial, UU reading is beyond his cognition, so he can't give any pointers!

"There is only one person who can point him."

After a while, the evil emperor glanced at Su Yun, his eyes could not hide the abhorrence, and said: "Only this person can point Biluo and let him break through. Your purpose here is not to find me to point Biluo, but to find him. !"

Su Yun smiled and did not speak.

The evil emperor snorted: "I won't be in your track, but for the sake of Bi Luo, I am willing to give it a try."

Suddenly, the spirit within him receded, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.

The evil emperor closed his eyes, and the next moment after his eyes opened, the demonic energy burst into the sky, and the corpse devil emperor Zhao finally appeared!

Yingying sat on Su Yun's shoulders, trembling, feeling that she might not be able to suppress the spirit of the corpse demon.

Su Yun smiled: "Foster father, I am the emperor."

————The urticaria on the pig’s body exploded again, the head and face are all swollen, the hands are also swollen, there are also on the back and legs, the update is late and it is not intentional...

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