Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 833: Mystery of the Underworld

The 833rd chapter of the mystery of the underworld

Xiaoxing Shen sneered: "You know what a fart!"

He is too lazy to argue with Yan Yinghua, Yan Yinghua is just a small person in Xian Ting, including the other fifteen people, who are all small characters in Xian Ting, but he is aloof, a young assistant of Xian Ting!

They are not at the same level as themselves, so why bother with them?

Zuo Songyan was furious and said, "Xiao Xing Shen, these people are righteous men! You know what a shit!"

Xiao Xing Shen glanced at him, also quite contemptuous: "A vulgar person."

Emperor Ziwei looked solemn and said: "Xiao Shaofu, I said that my brothers are indeed righteous men. This is not wrong. As for the vulgar person in front of you, he was one of the four wisest people in the imperial court. It was he and the other three who made a plan to unite the evil emperor, the queen of heaven, the queen of heaven, the capital of the underworld, and the underworld, so that he can win the emperor today."

Hyosung Shen was shocked, and hurriedly looked at Zuo Songyan, in awe and hesitating: "Is this dwarf really so powerful?"

Su Yun said: "Xiao Aiqing, Zuo Pushe was once my teacher. He has the kind of education and support to me, so he must not be presumptuous. Moreover, I and the Great Emperor of Mingdu also became brothers. Mingdu once saved my life and talked about the relationship between brothers. , He has nothing to blame."

Hyosung Shen quickly borrowed the donkey from Po Xia to apologize to Zuo Songyan, Yan Yinghua and others.

Su Yun could see that Yan Yinghua and the others were really extraordinary. None of the sixteen people had their cultivation bases abolished by Lei Chi, indicating that everyone's cultivation bases are fivefold and sixfold!

In addition to the forty-four people who died here, I am afraid that everyone is a great master with five layers and six layers!

It’s just that one of the Great Emperor Mingdu has such a cultivation base, and sixty of them have such a cultivation base. That's no small thing!

How can these sixty people count as a huge force!

What's more, most of them are like paintings, without background, and no one is promoted. They just rely on their talent and aptitude to cultivate to this stage.

This is even more rare!

"Emperor Mingdu didn't say anything else, his vision is indeed very poisonous. For example, he could kill me casually, but he became a worshiper with me. He also worshiped Zuo Pushe and Bai Ze Yuan, showing that the three of us have great potential. Of course, especially my potential is greater."

Su Yun said in his heart, "His vision is really good."

"In that case, the emperor also followed to the eighteenth floor of Mingdu?" He asked.

Yan Yinghua's injury healed a bit, and said: "The emperor has also gone. There are many weird people and old gods around him, and the strength is good."

Su Yun raised his eyebrows. Those people were made of Dihu's flesh and blood, and he had fought against them.

In fact, he had predicted that the emperor would come to kill Mingdu suddenly, so he told Zuo Songyan and asked him to warn Emperor Mingdu to look for himself if he was in danger.

What Su Yun didn't expect was that the emperor would attack Mingdu while he was in the middle of the emperor's attack on the thunder pond!

"Di Su is very good at seizing the opportunity. He came to kill Emperor Mingdu at this time, and I couldn't spare my rescue. But what he didn't expect was that I cut away the chaos quadrupole and resolved the danger of the imperial thunder pool." Su Yun said in his heart.

The reason why he judged that the emperor would go to kill the Great Emperor of Mingdu suddenly was because there was an army in the Mingdu that could control the current situation!

From Lei Chi, there is no immortal in the world, the emperor war has not ended, and there will be no new immortals.

At this time, the Demon God of Mingdu controlled by Emperor Mingdu can become a terrifying force that controls the overall situation of the world!

The emperor had already used the thunder pond to get rid of the immortals under heaven, and the next one would naturally be Emperor Mingdu. Otherwise, Emperor Mingdu led the Demon God of Mingdu on an expedition, which would hinder his plan!

He needs to get rid of Mingdu and master the power of Mingdu before he can eliminate other opponents with confidence!

Su Yun invited Yan Yinghua and the others on the five-color boat to heal them on the road. Bai Ze opened the eighteenth floor of the Mingdu. The five-color boat dragged its brilliant rays into the darkness of the eighteenth floor of the Mingdu. The darkness here disperses a little.

However, other places are still hidden in darkness, I don't know what is there.

The eighteenth floor of the Mingdu is a place where you can confine the magical powers of Taoism, and a place where you can turn all your mana cultivation and even your body, spirit, and spirit into ashes.

This is also the most desperate prison. People thrown into this place can't escape or escape even if they are the emperor!

The emperor was stripped of his brain and suppressed here. In order to survive, the emperor had to shed his flesh and blood layer by layer!

This prison, even the emperor of the year could not escape!

There is only one way to leave this place, and that is the bronze talisman.

The bronze talisman is the finger bone of the emperor Chaos. This object can travel through space, chaos and void. Back then, Su Yun relied on the bronze talisman to rescue the emperor's soul and the emperor.

All the spirits in the eighteenth floor of Mingdu were also rescued by Su Yun, and among them was the Jade Prince.

Of course, Su Yun has now understood the chaotic runes seven or eighty-eight, and he has personally answered questions and answers from the emperor Chaos, and can also display the bronze talisman to take them in and out of the eighteenth floor of the capital.

The eighteenth floor of the Mingdu today can be said to be empty, far less lively than before. The five-color boat flies over this dark and dead world, and the brilliant light has never attracted any creatures.

This was impossible before. In the past, a little light would attract the prying eyes of many faeries and big eyes!

Yingying drove the five-color boat through the air, searching for the whereabouts of Emperor Li and Emperor Mingdu. Su Yun took this opportunity to continue to help Yan Yinghua and others suppress their injuries.

Yan Yinghua and the others originally thought that if they followed Su Yun into the eighteenth floor of Mingdu, their physical bodies and spirits would be madly ash, but what they expected was that they did not have any signs of ash.

Instead, with Su Yun's treatment, their own scourge disease was slowly healed!

Xiaoxing Shen also noticed this. As long as he sticks his palm out of the boat, he can see that his fingers are slowly turning into ashes, but when he retracts, the ashes of his fingers will stop.

Yingying lazily said: "No need to try. My treasure ship is better than any treasure in the world. This treasure can even enter and exit the Chaos Sea, not to mention the eighteenth floor of Mingdu? As long as you stay on board, I can protect you Peace!"

Hyosung Shen hurriedly leaned forward and said with a smile: "Master has great magical powers, look at my finger..."

He pointed out a finger just now, and a layer of robbery had appeared on his finger.

Yingying helped him heal easily, and said earnestly: "Xing Shen, don't be so frizzy."

Hyosung Shen Wei's promise, said in his heart: "This elder is also a celebrity in front of your majesty. He still captures and suppresses me, and he can't provoke him."

He looked around and found that there were Emperor Yuntian’s brothers and Emperor Yuntian’s teacher. The old **** named Jingxi was still holding "Su Yun’s stone sword", and Emperor Ziwei was even more powerful and could beat himself. Two or three.

It seemed that the only thing he could provoke was Bai Ze, the big-backed head hanging under the clock.

"This sheep looks very bully, and he doesn't deal with other people. The big master hangs him even more. He doesn't even dare to let go..." he secretly said in his heart.

Su Yun Healing Yan Yinghua and the others stood up and asked, "Where is the eighteenth floor of the Ming Capital, why are the old gods turned into ashes here?"

This question stunned everyone. They had never thought about it.

However, Su Yun did ask the key!

From the first immortal realm to the sixth immortal realm, the old gods existed forever, and did not turn into ashes along with those immortal realms.

The avenues possessed by the old gods are not the celestial avenues in these immortal worlds, but the old avenues of gods derived from the chaos. Therefore, the celestial realm decays and they will not decay with it.

But the eighteenth floor of the Mingdu is extremely peculiar. Even the emperor will be assimilated in this place. Other old gods will come here, and the avenue is obviously not immune!

Su Yun continued to ask: "Who discovered this? Who sealed it? How long has it existed here? Is there an end?"

Everyone was dizzy when he asked, unable to answer, and said in their hearts: "Why does this emperor have so many questions?"

"Your Majesty, the old gods can also be turned into ashes. It can only mean that this place is not any of the previous six immortals." Bai Ze, who was hung under the black iron clock, suddenly spoke.

Although he was hung there, he didn't feel any discomfort, and he didn't even mess with a single hair on his delicate big back.

Su Yun nodded lightly and said: "This land is not any fairyland, so it can only be the remains of the ancient universe. It's just that the ancient universe has been destroyed, why is there still the aura of robbery here? Even the emperor can be assimilated into robbery. ?"

Everyone was at a loss, most of them didn't even understand Su Yun's question.

After all, not everyone knows the history of the immortal world in the past, nor does it know that the catastrophe is related to the death of Emperor Chaos, nor that the complete death of Emperor Chaos ~ The eight fairy world universes will return to chaos!

Bai Ze thought: "Will it be other cosmic debris?"

Su Yun said: "Elder, even if this is other cosmic debris, he must answer why this piece of heaven and earth can still assimilate people into ashes."

Bai Ze stayed in a daze, pondered for a moment, and tentatively asked, "Could it be that this is a cosmic wreck in the process of destruction? This way of destruction is the same as that of our fairy universe?"

Hyosung Shen Jingran: "This big back can't be offended!"

Su Yun's eyes flickered and his mind was set, but his voice was a little hoarse because of his excitement: "If the way of destroying the universe that is being destroyed is also the way the great road turns into ashes, then it is of great reference for us!"

Bai Ze's eyes lit up, and his true essence was transformed into various strange runes and printed on the big golden chain. The big golden chain stretched involuntarily. Bai Ze fell to the ground and smiled: "I only knew how to send good friends here. Haven't thought about this problem?"

Seeing his method of untying the big golden chain, Hyosung admired him spontaneously: "This kind of sacrificial refining method is extremely clever, it seems that Dasitou has some real skills."

He didn't know that Shirasawa was in charge of Tsutenkaku's library, and the knowledge of Tsutenkaku was in his grasp, especially the explosive growth of Tsutenkaku's books in recent years, which made his skills soar.

It is not troublesome for him to sacrifice the big golden chain and let the big golden chain become rigid.

Suddenly, Emperor Ziwei raised his hand and pointed to the distance, and said, "There is a strong breath over there!"

————The house pig has a cold, and I have coded the above words on his face. Now he is muddled and unable to move his mind. Pause here, and code words tomorrow.

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