Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 836: Taoism

Main text Chapter 836: Taoism (Large chapter asks monthly pass)

"Tao Realm?"

Everyone's mind was shaken, and they hurriedly looked around. Only Hyosung's eyes widened in confusion, not knowing why.

Most of the people present were the old gods. Emperor Hu, Mingdu and the holy kings had heard the emperor Chaos discussing the Tao with outsiders, mentioning the Taoist world, but they didn't go on.

Jingxi is also a holy king. He went to listen to it back then, and he naturally heard about it.

Bai Ze, Zuo Songyan, Ziwei and others also knew about the situation because of Su Yun's talk about the Taoist world. In the imperial court, the Taoist world is no longer a secret. Even the Xuegong Academy would be against the scholars when teaching. The children preach the relationship between the Taoist world and the Taoist world.

Only Hyosung Shen was newly surrendered and knew nothing about Taoism.

"What is Dao Realm?" His eyes widened, and it was filled with ignorance.

Dili, Mingdu and others are hurriedly surveying their surroundings. This world is in the process of being formed, and all kinds of mysterious avenues are constructing and forming themselves!

It is a world made up of pure Tao. The Avenue of Heaven and Earth has formed a variety of wonderful forms, mountains, rivers, trees, buildings, treasures, and even a magnificent Taoist light, gorgeous and charming, but it gives people a very dangerous feeling!

Su Yun's fingertips touched the wall of a building next to him, and there was a magnificent Taoist rhyme in his ears, as if he was going to pull him into a foreign world, let him understand the universe of heaven and earth!

Su Yun was amazed.

Zuo Songyan, Mingdu and others also touched the things that are forming in this world. They couldn't help but shake the Taoist heart. Touching different things, they could sense different avenues and hear different Taoist rhymes!

These avenues are unpredictable and profound, mysterious and obscure, but they can only bring them great shock and sentiment!

The Taoism contained in the avenue here far exceeds the nine heavens!

And the number is complex, including more than 3,600 kinds of avenues, which are even more diverse than the heaven and earth avenues of the Xiandao universe!

More importantly, the Tao in this world is no longer composed of many rune-like patterns. The way the Tao is constructed here uses only the five most basic patterns!

The five most basic patterns form all the avenues in this world!

This is the Taoist world!

Yingying shook her paper wings and flew in the air, observing how the ashes of this world evolve into Tao and into all things, guessing: "The eighteenth floor of the Mingdu is another strange universe. When Emperor Chaos opened up the world , It also opened up the remains of this universe from the Chaos Sea. And this universe also has places similar to Dao Realm."

Su Yun speculated: "Emperor Chaos left this relic in the Primordial Forbidden Area. Later, people discovered that this place had the ability to turn anyone into ashes, so they made it into the eighteenth floor of the Mingdu to suppress the masters and tortured them to death. ."

Yingying took out the pen and paper, recorded it, and said: "It seems that there are many secrets in this universe that we have not discovered. Exploring this Taoist realm that is forming should help us break through the tenth heaven of the Taoist realm and form a personal Tao. The world is very helpful!"

Su Yun nodded, without seeing the real Dao Realm, it is difficult to understand Dao Realm Ten Heaven.

Even people such as Zhong Jinling, Difeng and others who are talented peers in this world only saw the shadow of the Taoist world by accident, but did not open up the Taoist world.

Therefore, this piece of Dao realm rebuilt after destruction is a great enlightenment for the Immortal Dao universe.

Zuo Songyan and Bai Ze sacrificed their own book monsters one after another, researching records, and Bai Ze invited all the book monsters and pen monsters from the apple tree in the Tongtian Pavilion library. Thousands of book monsters and pen monsters quickly copied the Taoist world. The process of formation.

He is the veteran of the Tongtian Pavilion library, and he carries the library with him. It can be said that he is very knowledgeable!

Upon seeing this, Yingying decided not to record it again, saying in her heart: "When they record it, I copied them."

The emperor didn't have the idea of ​​killing the Mingdu, and immediately shook his body, and the big and small fairy gods and demons flew up to explore this mysterious world.

Although he doesn't know much about the Dao realm, he also knows that the Dao realm has a great relationship. He discovered a secret in the flesh and blood clone of the Imperial Court: If the Emperor Chaos wants to be resurrected, someone needs to cultivate into the real Dao Realm!

"The Dao realm of this universe was originally dead, why is the Dao reborn?"

He was puzzled, and the sound of the urn said: "The Dao realm can also die. It seems that even if the Emperor Chaos has the Dao realm, it will not escape death in the future."

Standing on the river of blood, Emperor Mingdu said: "The Emperor Chaos is dead, what good is it for you?"

The emperor said lightly: "What good is it for me if the emperor Chaos is alive?"

The two were not speculative, and each stopped talking.

When Su Yun observes this world, wherever he goes, he has to reach out to touch the creations of this world and feel the way in it.

However, most of the Dao in this Dao Realm is incomplete and becomes complete a little bit, so every time he perceives it, he will learn more.

He was very curious about the transformation of Jie Hui to Dao, and he observed more carefully.

The Immortal Dao universe is also transforming into the ashes. Although Su Yun can restore a planet with the innate qi, he will soon return to the form of the ashes. Obviously, there are many things that he does not understand.

He can cure Yu Taizi, Hyosung Chen and others from the scourge disease, provided that he understands the avenues practiced by the Jade Prince Hyosung Chen, and reconstructs their avenues with innate qi.

It can cure one or two people, but he can't heal all the creatures on a planet.

"The five ways of forming the Dao in the Dao Realm have something in common with the Hongmeng rune, which is worthy of my in-depth study! Maybe it will help me improve my Hongmeng rune!"

His eyes lit up, calling Yingying and asking her to record the five most basic avenue patterns.

These five avenue patterns are like the five most basic strings, intertwined in various forms to form different avenues, which is extremely mysterious!

While studying, Su Yun perfected the Hongmeng runes. These five avenue patterns have brought him great insights. His Hongmeng runes are constantly being restructured and constantly improved!

Unknowingly, after five or six days, Su Yun suddenly only felt that the growth of his congenital qi had increased, and there was a tendency to break through to the fifth heaven!

"No wonder the emperor Chaos said that the fastest path for me to break through the Dao realm is to perfect the Hongmeng rune. It really is."

Su Yun sighed in his heart that his situation was extremely special compared to others. He was born with a scorpion, a magical power, a rune, and a vitality. Even his body and spirit can be transformed to the highest point of cultivation. Consists of Hongmeng runes!

At that time, he is the Tao and one.

Others need to comprehend the immortal realm before they can break through the realm and enter the next realm.

He only needs to perfect the Hongmeng rune to break through the next realm.

How difficult is it to just perfect the Hongmeng rune?

There are not many people in this world who can give him pointers. Except for Emperor Chaos and outsiders, other people only occasionally shine, which can bring him a little enlightenment. Emperor Chaos and the outsiders were afraid that they would lead him in the wrong direction, so they turned a blind eye to his Hongmeng runes and let him study and study.

He could only study, ponder and try slowly by himself, looking for the possibility of improving and perfecting the Hongmeng rune after failures, but his progress was slow.

His kendo attainments had reached the sixth heaven and entered the realm with great speed, but the congenital qi was still the fourth heaven of the realm. It was only after he had made a major breakthrough that he reached this point.

However, comprehending this forming Dao Realm has allowed him to enter the Dao Realm Five Heavens in a short time, which really made him overjoyed!

However, if it is a complete Dao Realm, then he cannot find the basic runes that make up the Dao from the complete Heaven and Earth Dao, but this Dao Realm is reorganizing the Dao and re-architecting the world, so he can get a glimpse of the foundation of these Dao Dao. Composition, which led to the rapid progress of his Hongmeng runes, so that the cultivation base was crazy!

And as he continued to penetrate the Dao realm, he found that the higher the Dao, the more amazing the improvement to his Hongmeng rune!

"If you can bring all the scholars of the Tongtian Pavilion over to study, that would be great!" Su Yun felt emotional.

Before they knew it, they were getting closer and closer to the center of the Taoist world, and saw a palace made up of pure Tao, and from a distance they saw a black stone pillar inserted in front of the palace.

The palace gate is not complete, it is still being formed, exuding mysterious and melodious Taoism and rhythm.

Hyosung Shen was under the pillar, trying to pull up the black stone pillar.

Su Yun stepped forward. The terrain was quite high and belonged to the highest point of the Taoist world. Walking here was like entering a holy land of pilgrimage. The voice of Taoism was solemn and solemn, telling unfathomable truths.

"Your Majesty, the avenues contained in this palace are extremely profound and mysterious!" Bai Ze had already arrived outside the gate of the palace, observing the process of forming the palace, and said excitedly.

Su Yun looked around, only to see that the eighteenth floor of Mingdu had become completely unrecognizable, and it was not at all the previous world of the ashes shrouded in darkness.

One world floated from the ashes of the robbery, the ashes of the robbery turned into avenues, the vitality of heaven and earth, and the mountains and rivers of vegetation.

Around the Dao Realm, there are such gorgeous worlds floating around, and they are also being formed.

Although those worlds are not as advanced as the Taoist world, they also contain extraordinary mysteries.

"What is Brother Xian thinking?" The Great Emperor Mingdu walked up, surrounded by a river of blood, and the eight saint kings behind him followed, carrying his coffin.

His injuries have improved a lot. Obviously, he has gained a lot from studying the Taoist world during this period of time. He has healed part of the Taoist wounds left by the emperor, and even the wound on his chest has shrunk a little!

During the years when he was brought ashore by Emperor Chaos from the Chaos Sea, the fatal wound on his chest has not been healed. Accompanied by him, entangled with him, and Emperor Chao defeated him, which also targeted his chest injury.

However, these days he has enlightened the realm of Taoism, allowing him to comprehend many profound truths, and that Taoist injury is slowly shrinking.

Su Yun turned around and said, "I'm thinking, this universe is clearly in dead silence, and even the divine entry into this place will be assimilated into ashes. Why is this cosmic debris recovering now? Dao realm and others Where does the energy for world recovery come from?"

Emperor Mingdu was startled slightly, he did not think about these things, and smiled: "Does the energy that revive this cosmic remains come from the Chaos Sea?"

Su Yun shook his head and said: "I think it is impossible to come from the Chaos Sea. If the energy originates from the Chaos Sea, then everything here will not be destroyed. Because this piece of debris was soaked in the Chaos Sea at the beginning."

Emperor Mingdu thought about it carefully, it is indeed the truth.

Xiao Xing Shen stood under the black stone pillar next to him, hesitating to speak, not daring to interrupt the conversation between the two.

At this time, the emperor came with a group of immortals, demons and gods, with a strange expression, and said: "I may know where the energy that revives this cosmic remains comes from."

Su Yun said solemnly, "Dare to ask?"

Dili did not conceal it, expressing his own guess: "Anyone who is thrown into this place will be absorbed all energy and turned into ashes. Dili was suppressed here by Di Jue, and was almost completely wiped out. Constantly decay, and this will save lives. Therefore, the energy comes from those who are thrown into this place!"

Su Yun thought carefully, and said, "Brother Dao’s words are quite reasonable. But why did it not recover sooner or later, but only when we came here? And let alone other worlds, the energy required for the recovery of the realm alone. , Is far beyond the comparison of the immortals and demons suppressed here."

The emperor was also startled.

The energy required for the recovery of the Taoist realm is really huge, and it is impossible for thousands of emperors to recover the Taoist realm together!

Well, there must be other sources of energy!

Where does this energy come from?

Xiaoxing Shen saw that they fell silent, and plucked up his courage, and said: "Your Majesty, the We Minister wants to pull up this black stone pillar and make it into a weapon, but although it is powerful, it is not useful, so I beg your Majesty for help..."

Su Yun stepped forward and pulled the pillars together with him, saying, "Xiao Xing Shen likes to pull pillars all the way. He wanted to refining weapons for himself. UU reading I thought he was pulling pillars. Get up to fill the treasury, so every pillar is sent away."

With his help, this black stone pillar shook suddenly and was about to be uprooted by both of them!

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying atmosphere erupted in the palace, a voice yelled, speaking in a language that no one understood, and a big hand flew out of the palace and patted everyone!

That palm is like a sculpted avenue, and the palm prints contain infinite principles. Suddenly, the Tao does all the magic and mystery. A palm shot makes the emperor despair, and all thoughts are lost!

"It's Taoism!"

The two great emperors roared and resisted desperately, but secretly said in their hearts: "I didn't expect my life to be killed here..."

The palm of his hand flew over Bai Ze, and when it fell, Bai Ze was opening the door. He didn't expect this scene at all, and he was confused: "I did not cause this disaster, right?"


Su Yun and Xiao Xing Shen pulled up the stone pillar, and they held the pillar blankly, looking at the falling palm, their minds were blank.

Yingying was also dazed: "Hey?"

The palm of the Taoist **** wanted to smash them to pieces, suddenly exploded with a bang, turning into a rolling robbery ashes and scattered around!

Then the Dao boundary under their feet suddenly collapsed, fell apart, turned into a billowing ashes, and fell down!

Su Yun and Xiaoxing held the black stone pillars tightly, the horror on their faces had not dissipated, they saw the world around the Dao Realm, one by one, which was recovering, collapsed, turned into ashes, and fell down!

"What happened?" Hyosung said tremblingly.

————I actually wrote a four-thousand-word chapter after a cold? I'm so amazing! Stop bragging, go to the hospital after lunch...

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