Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 839: I am infinite

Text Chapter 839: I am infinite

The Dao God's big feet had not yet fallen, suddenly his body collapsed and collapsed, and the palaces around Su Yun disappeared without a trace, and the ground was covered in ashes, almost buried them!

Yingying breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Emperor Mingdu was a cautious person, and he rushed to uproot the black stone pillar in time, otherwise I am afraid that the two of them would never want to escape the heavens this time!

Su Yun never woke up, and was still silent in the realm of Taoism.

He has no distractions, the fifth heaven innate realm is constantly improving, and the mana of cultivation is also growing.

Emperor Mingdu came here and said with a smile: "I know that my brother didn't pull up the pillar, so I must take a look..."

He said quietly, but he saw that Su Yun's fifth heavenly realm was being formed, so he didn't dare to disturb him and said in his heart: "Brother Su is not old, but he has already cultivated into the fifth realm. God, this speed is really awesome!"

He didn't know that adding Su Yun's time in the past fifty years, Su Yun was over a hundred years old.

Of course, it is not trivial that a hundred years old can have the achievements of the five layers of Taoism.

The Great Emperor Mingdu gave a soft voice again, and saw the difference between Su Yun's Dao realm and other people's Dao realm.

Su Yun actually has two five heavenly realms!

He saw Su Yun's Dao realm up and down, reflecting each other, each with five heavens and ten heavens!

People who practice multiple Dao realms can have different Dao realms. This is the common sense of immortals. Although Mingdu is not an immortal, he has come into contact with many immortals, and I have also seen immortals who have practiced various Dao realms.

However, Su Yun's Taoist realm is still different from those people. The secret realm with ten reflections on each other actually originated from a kind of avenue, a avenue he had never contacted and never understood!

A kind of avenue, cultivated into an opposite realm, is beyond his cognition.

Not only that, but he also noticed the difference between these two five-layer heavenly realms of Su Yun. The fluctuations emanating from the avenues were mysterious and far-reaching, more than any kind of heaven and earth avenues he had seen before. Subtle, it seems to be all-encompassing.

"Back then, I saw Emperor Chaos and foreigners. The Taoist rhyme that emanated from them was somewhat similar to that of Old Brother Su. It's just that the changes of Emperor Chaos and the sameness of foreigners seemed to be reflected in Brother Su's avenue. ..."

His mind was shocked. Back then, he worshiped Su Yun because he saw Su Yun rescuing the emperor with extraordinary means, extraordinary vision, and extraordinary, so he bowed to Su Yun.

But in history, he has encountered too many young talents, and there are countless people who have worshiped, and Su Yun is only slightly outstanding among them.

You know, afterwards, Bai Ze always lost good friends to the Mingdu. Emperor Mingdu took the trouble and worshipped him, hoping that he would be his righteous brother and be able to save face and restrain himself. Of course, he later discovered that this was an extravagant hope.

After he met Zuo Songyan, he also worshipped Zuo Songyan, and he also liked Zuo Songyan's ability.

However, Su Yun's achievements are different from these people!

"His ultimate potential is the same as my previous life, Emperor Chaos, and a foreigner. He can reach the height of my previous life, and maybe even surpass us!"

Emperor Mingdu was shocked, the height of his previous life was also the height of the emperor Chaos outsider!

When Emperor Chaos took him ashore, he was very respectful to him, and said to him, if you met your past life, you can be my fellow Daoist and talk to me.

"Girl Yingying, what is the name of Brother Su's Taoism?" Emperor Mingdu humbly asked for advice.

Yingying didn't conceal from him, saying: "Xiantian has a scorpion. After the scholar has completed his cultivation, I can copy it."

Mingdu's mind was slightly shaken, and said: "Xiantian Dao? When the Emperor Chaos discussed the Dao with foreigners, I have heard them mention that there are gods and demons in the heavens and the earth, and they are born in great ways. What these gods and demons control is the Xiantian Dao! Could it be that Brother Su cultivated this kind of avenue?"

Yingying didn't know whether the Xiantian Dao he was talking about was the same as Xiantian Yiqi. Suddenly, the emperor's voice came, and she smiled and said, "No! What the Ai emperor cultivated was not the Xiantian Dao that Emperor Chao said, nor was it called Xiantian Yi. Qi is called Hongmeng Avenue!"

Yingying was surprised: "Where did you know it?"

The emperor said leisurely: "There are gods in the depths of Hongmeng, who opened purple mansion, planted Taoist trees, grew Taoist flowers, and bear fruit. The saint king of reincarnation who opened up the immortal world once met him, according to his Hongmeng Purple Mansion, Eight Hongmeng Purple Mansions were created to settle down in the chaos. You have seen the Purple Mansion. There is a Mingtang in the Purple Mansion called Hongmeng Purple Mansion. The Tao that contains is the Tao of Hongmeng."

The Great Emperor Mingdu hung himself in front of Su Yun, lest he interrupt Su Yun's enlightenment or cast a killer on Su Yun suddenly.

Yingying curiously said: "Dihu, how do you know this? Did the saint king of reincarnation tell you? Since you know this..."

Suddenly, her face changed slightly, and her heart jumped: "So, do you know how to be born with a scorpion?"

The emperor looked solemn and said: "Wrong! It is the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the way of the Hongmeng! The Hongmeng is the beginning of the great avenue, the beginning of the cycle of reincarnation, and dominates all paths."

His voice was loud and heavy, and he said without hesitation: "Little book monster, let me give you pointers. Look at me and comprehend this foreign realm. There are thousands of avenues in the foreign realm, all of which are supreme and wonderful. . But no matter which kind of road, it can be mastered by me. Why can I master it so quickly?"

Yingying blinked and tentatively said: "Because your brain is smarter than anyone else?"

Dili couldn't help laughing: "Little girl, you can live later!"

Emperor Mingdu was awe-inspiring in his heart: "The emperor suddenly came to be unkind! His cultivation strength has improved greatly, and he thinks that his strength is above us. Even if I join forces with Brother Su, he is not his opponent, so come to kill us!"

The emperor smiled and said: "I am the smartest on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because I have mastered the grand purple aura, and I can comprehend those avenues. Any avenue can be integrated into my grand purple aura. So I am in these days Here, the strength of the cultivation base has greatly improved, and it is better than the past!"

Mingdu felt awe-inspiring, and in the coffin carried by the Eight Saint Kings behind him, a river of blood flowed out, like a blood-red dragon coiling around him.

No matter how powerful the emperor is, he must fight to the death and fight for Su Yun and others to escape!

At this time, Su Yun's voice came: "Yingying calls it Xiantian, but it's not wrong."

Yingying was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly turned her head back: "Senior scholar, have you realized the fifth heaven of Dao realm?"

Su Yun stood up, nodded lightly, and walked forward from behind them, with a leisurely expression: "The Great Monk, the state of chaos, the beginning of the universe, means a chaos, infinitely indifferent. But one qi is ten thousand. The beginning of the Tao. The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth emerges from one, symmetrical left and right, with the largest opposite numbers."

He walked forward, raised his left hand, and saw the innate purple air flow, the Hongmeng runes combined into the Tao of Fire, and the Taoist Flower of the Tao of Fire appeared in his hand.

Dili stared at the Daohua that suddenly appeared in his hand, showing a look of horror.

The palm of Su Yun's palm is like a pool of avenues, and two flame-like Dao flowers grow from the palms of his hands. These three Dao flowers sway slightly, and the petal tips touch each other, and suddenly the stamens of the three flame Dao flowers grow from the stamens. It suddenly burst out and enveloped Su Yun!

Various ways of flames shuttle and weave in the realm, turning into mountains and rivers, turning into sun and moon, turning into plants, trees, insects and fish!

Su Yun slowly made a fist with five fingers in his left hand, and the flame realm disappeared together with the three flame flowers.

With his right hand spread out, the innate purple qi was brewing in his palm, rising and turning into an ice flower.

His avenue also turned into a frosty way, and the other two ice flowers rose up from the dao pond, and when they touched each other, the icy way burst out and enveloped him.

"I am one, I am ten thousand, I am infinite!"

Su Yun spread out his left and right hands at the same time, and a kind of Daohua in his palm rose up, a layer of Dao realm opened up, three thousand Dao paths emerged one after another, one left and one right, opposite each other!

"Dihu, your so-called Hongmeng has endless changes, and my so-called one is always twice your infinity."

Surrounding Su Yun, a variety of Dao realms were extravagant. Su Yun stood in layers of Dao realms and smiled and said: "Because you are only a craftsman from beginning to end, you only learned the fur from the saint king of reincarnation, and the appearance from this realm. There is no opposite to what you have learned. This is the reason why my congenital qi is stronger than your great way."

Yingying cheered, but found no one around cheering, and everyone looked solemn.

Zuo Songyan, Ziwei Emperor, Jingxi, Xiaoxing Shen and others have also arrived. Although everyone was surprised at Su Yun's innate dreads, no one smiled.

On the contrary, they are like enemies!

Even Jing Xi is always ready to cut the Dao Stone Sword, and can hand it to Su Yun at any time!

Yingying realized that the situation was serious at this time, her laughter gradually became smaller, and finally she said dry haha ​​twice, which ended.

Suddenly, the emperor laughed loudly, waved his hand, turned away, and smiled: "Emperor Ai, your congenital qi has been crooked. It looks like but doesn't look like a god. It's just a superficial thing. You can study the Purple Mansion yourself. To see if you practiced wrong?"

Su Yun smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Dao for your guidance. If I did not make a mistake, then the saint king of Samsara may have neglected when teaching you, and passed some sacred runes incorrectly. Your Majesty Emperor Hu must also be careful."

Dili walked away with his back to them, his expression suddenly gloomy!

On his body, those big and small immortals, gods and demons, their complexions became extremely gloomy!

"Sure enough, the saint king of reincarnation is not credible!"

The emperor clenched his fist tightly, and the old god's seven orifices that had been transformed by the emperor’s flesh and blood in his ears burst into smoke, trembling with anger, and screamed: "The way he taught us is really problematic, thanks to us. Trust him so much!"

A demon **** has a scarlet face, can drip blood, and gritted his teeth and said: "I haven't seen this kid's innate scorpion. We don't know that he has more than two hands! What is his purpose?"

"He wants to hurt us!"

"He can't be trusted!"


They chattered and talked, and suddenly the emperor shouted: "Don't make a noise—"

The many immortals and demons silenced one after another, the emperor looked gloomy, and sneered: "I have supreme wisdom, and the emperor Ai can push the innate chaos, so naturally I can! At that time, we still need to follow the mercy of the saint king? "

"Yes, UU reading, we can too!"

The fairy gods and demons showed smiles on their faces and said in unison: "We have the strongest brain in the world, stronger than the brain of the Emperor Chaos, and our wisdom is so high, we can definitely calculate the true innate dysfunction!"

The emperor said coldly: "Emperor Ai has realized the mystery of the innate qi from this realm. I don't know how many times smarter than him, so can I! Waiting for the rebirth of the dao realm, I can get closer to the real innate qi... …"

Su Yun watched them go away and let out a long sigh of relief.

Emperor Mingdu said in a puzzled way: "Brother Su, your innate chaos is so wonderful, why didn't you fight him a **** battle? Sooner or later we will have a battle with the emperor, sooner rather than later!"

Su Yun sighed and said: "If I can really win Dihu, I will naturally take action, but unfortunately I can't. My innate qi evolves into other avenues, and I can only evolve out of the Dao realm."

He spread out his palms, and sure enough, he saw that the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth that he could evolve was just a realm of heaven and earth.

If it is the five layers of the Dao Realm, and a battle with the emperor, there is still hope of victory.

But the Taoist realm is in a heavy state, and it is really not enough.

Emperor Mingdu suddenly fought a cold war and murmured: "Fortunately, I just held back and didn't make a move. Otherwise..."

Su Yun was also terrified, and quickly said: "Brother, before you make a move in the future, let me know in advance!"

Emperor Mingdu nodded repeatedly, then threw the black stone pillar up and inserted it in place.

"Don't--" Yingying exclaimed.

————Well, tomorrow New Year’s Eve, I remember it wrong. Isn’t the day after tomorrow New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day? In the past two days, the house pig will be watched every day, and get together with the family. Let us know in advance. Normal updates will resume after the holiday.

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