Lin Yuanxing

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Thank you letter

In the Purple Mansion, Su Yun, Dili, Yingying and others all secretly said a bad sound, the power of the Purple Mansion has been uncontrollably improved!

This purple mansion originally seemed to be completely dead, without the slightest power, but at this moment this ancient treasure turned out to be like a giant waking up from a drowsiness!

The rules of the avenue are resurrected in the purple mansion, stirring!

Beside Su Yun, Yingying, Di Lai, Ying Long and Bai Ze, countless runes flew out from the purple mansion and condensed into chains of the laws of the road visible to the naked eye, like thousands of birds flying with their tails, flying around them in circles!

In this scene, thousands of purple birds are flying, dashing about in the Mingtang!

Even, many chains of the laws of the Great Way passed through their bodies!

These congenital Taoism passes through their bodies and spirits, bringing them an extremely comfortable feeling, making everyone comfortable and fearful.

Only the emperor's strength was amazing, and he calmly avoided, avoiding a series of innate rules, and was not affected in any way.

In the Purple Mansion, the energetic purple qi is forming!

Bai Ze didn't dare to move, allowing Xiantian Dao to pass through his body, and said anxiously: "Pavilion Master, what have you done? Hurry up, let this purple mansion stop! I, behind the scenes, will be caught by those two Immortal emperor pulled it out!"

Su Yun and Yingying were unable to erase the repaired rune brand. The current situation is no longer under their control, but the Purple Mansion is recovering on its own!

There was a clattering sound. It was the blue tiles on the Mingtang of the Purple Mansion who were renovating themselves, and the previously dilapidated blue tiles were given a new look!

Immediately countless runes flowed over the surface of the carved beams, and everything passed by was brand new, just like a recast!

The copper pillar clanked, and Ying Long hurriedly climbed down from the copper pillar, only to see purple air lingering on the surface of the copper pillar, rotating around the copper pillar, and the dirt on the copper pillar was gone in an instant!

As soon as Ying Long hit the ground, he saw the ground trembling violently, lifting him in the air. The masonry and ash on the ground were swept away. The rays of the sun, the moon and the infinite stars were sprinkled from above, reflecting the sun, the moon and the stars underground!

Ying Long hurriedly looked up, but saw the deep sky in the Mingtang of the Purple Mansion, with the sun, moon and stars moving in it.

It's just that this star map is very different from the star map of the Imperial Court, and there is nothing in common.

"Su Gou left!"

Ying Long was also pierced by the chain formed by the laws of the Great Dao, and exclaimed: "What the **** did you do? Stop it quickly, otherwise the two old thieves will definitely be able to chase and kill here following the breath of the Purple Mansion!"

Yingying was also a little apprehensive, shook her head and said: "I didn't do anything with the scholar, just to repair the runes of the Purple Mansion..."

Logically speaking, they added the runes of the Purple Mansion, so that such a big change would not happen. The current changes have also exceeded Yingying's expectations.

Su Yun hesitated and whispered: "Yingying, I also patched up those runes that didn't seem right..."

Yingying hurriedly looked over, her face serious: "Have you repaired it?"

Su Yun looked ashamed, bowed his head and said yes.

The emperor also looked solemn, and said solemnly: "Little friend Su, how did you fix it?"

Su Yun said: "When Yingying and I repaired the runes of the Purple Mansion, some of the runes did not match the two purple mansions of the Zhongshan Candle Dragon, so I changed the runes that were not compatible and changed them all to Zhongshan. The runes of the two purple houses on the mountain..."

Yingying's mind was dazed.

In the process of repairing them, they did find that this Purple Mansion was different from those two Purple Mansion. The runes in some parts were obviously two different runes.

At that time Yingying said that it could not be repaired, and suggested that these runes should be kept incomplete and waited until the completion of the work to study slowly.

So the two bypassed these different runes, but they didn't expect Su Yun to tamper with these runes secretly!

Bai Ze said bitterly: "Pavilion Master, you have corrected a big problem! This Purple Mansion must be different from the Purple Mansion you saw before. If you change those runes and revive this Purple Mansion, we will all Because of this, I died in the hands of the evil emperor and the immortal emperor. And I will be used as the black hand behind the scenes, and I will be driven by the immortal emperor to cut Sendai...

Ying Long snorted: "Little Aries, you don't deserve to be on Zhanxiantai!"

At this moment, the purple mansion has been completely renewed, its power is getting stronger and stronger, and its terrifying power has made it impossible for the two to quarrel.

The power of this Purple Mansion is still rising and rising, the purple gas is surging and agitated, and the chains of the law of the avenues of the innate qi have begun to form a mark, clamoring, and branding on the pavilions and pavilions of the Purple Mansion!

No matter the bricks, pillars, window lattices and buckets on the hall, all are imprinted on the law of the road!

Yingying screamed, the innate ways that passed through her body were clamoring, and they were imprinted on her body, that is, in the book, and in her spirit!

She suddenly felt that her cultivation base was rapidly improving!

Ying Long also screamed, and he was also branded a part of the Zifu Innate Principles!

Enriched purple gas filled his spiritual world, and the purple gas quietly seemed to inject boundless power into his body!

Bai Ze forced himself to scream, but it was really strange to be imprinted in his body and spirit by this peculiar Purple Mansion Dao!

He actually has a feeling of becoming one with this purple mansion!

"Little White Sheep, I feel like I have become a part of this Purple Mansion!" Ying Long exclaimed in surprise.

Su Yun had a more peculiar feeling.

He and Yingying are the restorers of the Purple Mansion, equivalent to branding their runes in the Purple Mansion and refining the Purple Mansion.

At the moment the Purple Mansion is resurrected, he actually feels like he can control the Purple Mansion!

He seems to have become the spirit of the Purple Mansion!

Yingying also had this wonderful feeling. She repaired the Purple Mansion together with Su Yun. Su Yun secretly modified those different runes, so the number of modified runes was more than hers, and she had more control, but she also Control as much as one or two percent!

Su Yun also has 20% control of Zifu, as for the other 60 to 70%, they are not in their control.

Both Su Yun and Yingying could clearly sense that the core of the Purple Mansion, that is, the 60 to 70% control, is in the hands of others!

What they control is only the periphery of the Purple Mansion, and this talent is the real controller of the Purple Mansion!

"The big bell floating in the sky above each immortal world, and the purple mansion on the bell, are things with a master!"

Su Yun and Yingying had the same thoughts in their hearts, and at the same time the same thought emerged in their hearts: "The owners of these Purple Houses either gave birth to their own spirits, or someone deliberately laid out this way. They cultivated the core of the Purple House early and waited for the Purple House to be in the universe Naturally! If it is the second type, then..."

Who is the owner of the Purple Mansion?

On the other hand, Zifu’s Xiantian Dao had previously tried to pass through the emperor’s body, but after all, the emperor was tyrannical and calmly avoided. This time the Zifu rebranded its own Dao, and the emperor would naturally not be easily imprinted. , So that I missed this opportunity.

But for him, he was too powerful, and he might not be able to appreciate this opportunity of Zi Mansion.

"It seems that awakening the power of the Purple Mansion is not necessarily a bad thing."

The emperor said in surprise: "The power of this Purple Mansion has risen to the level of competing with the supreme treasure of the Immortal Dao. Facing the immortal emperor and the evil emperor, there may not be no fighting power!"

Bai Ze and Ying Long were still worried that the revival of the Purple Mansion would attract two immortal emperors. They did not expect that the power of the Purple Mansion could compete with the Immortal Dao treasures, so that they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"From the first immortal realm to the fifth immortal realm, it seems that they are perfecting the purple mansion."

The emperor looked at the Purple Mansion, his eyes flickered, and he said silently in his heart: "Zhongshan Purple Mansion’s innate rune should be more perfect than this Purple Mansion. After all, Zhongshan Purple Mansion is already the seventh generation of the Purple Mansion. This generation of Zifu’s congenital qi has evolved and perfected to fight against the ashes and the demise of the avenue, so it can awaken this Zifu. Then, who is the person who created the Zifu?"


A loud noise awakened the emperor, and saw the purple gas erupting in the Mingtang of the Purple Mansion, the dazzling purple light blasted through the surrounding chaotic gas, and it appeared extremely dazzling above the desolate and empty first fairy world!

Not far from the Purple Mansion, the Emperor Jian Jian Wan shuttled between the dilapidated planets. On one of the stars, a stalwart figure stood tall, distinguished by others.

Behind him, the fairy light was extremely bright, and a magnificent fairy court was vaguely visible.

He is Xiandifeng.

On the other side of the burst of purple light, there was no face, only the Evil Emperor Jue with an eye in the middle of his brow, facing away from the immortal Emperor Feng through the chaotic air.

The two immortal emperors were powerful in their cultivation bases, and they were immortal enemies. At this moment, their eyes were all on the chaotic energy in the center.

There are too many similar chaotic airs on this big clock formed by countless dead stars. These stars decayed and died, the avenues of the immortals turned into ashes, and everything in the world was gradually engulfed by the chaotic air.

The big clock is just one of them, not surprising.

Xiandifeng chased Evil Emperor Jue here, and the entire bell body had been eroded by more than half, and there was flowing chaotic air everywhere, so they did not find a purple house hidden in the chaotic air.

Knowing that the power of the Purple Mansion in this chaotic air is getting stronger and stronger, this shocked them!

Xiandifeng's expression moved slightly, looking at the burst of purple energy, stretched out his hand, and the swordsmanship broke out, cutting into the chaotic air!

At the same time, the evil emperor slapped into the chaotic air!

The two great emperors each performed a trick and passed the trial. No matter who the person in the chaos gas is, they will probably be bombarded and killed and no longer exist!

However, the magical powers of the two blasted into the chaos, but the mud cow entered the sea, and there was no news.

The immortal emperor and the evil emperor each gave a horror, and the immortal emperor said in a loud voice, "Which friend is hiding in it, why not show up for a while?"

"Good." A voice came from the chaos.

The expressions of the immortal emperor and the evil emperor moved slightly, only to see the momentum of the chaos swing, and a big-headed young man walked out.

The expressions of Immortal Emperor and Evil Emperor suddenly changed.

"It turns out to be Senior Emperor."

Xiandifeng's eyes flashed, he raised his hand to recall the Emperor Jianjian Pill, he held his body around, and smiled: "Dare to ask where is the person who saved Senior?"

"Just behind me." Dili said indifferently.

Xiandifeng's face changed slightly. He knew that Dili had only escaped from his brain and could not fight both him and the evil emperor's supernatural powers at the same time. However, Dili took it and looked unharmed.

Therefore, he directly asked the emperor where the man who rescued the emperor from the eighteenth floor of Mingdu was located.

Unexpectedly, Dili answered right behind him, confirming his conjecture!

"The man behind the chaos of the immortal world is in the chaos!"

At this time, the second power of the chaotic air exploded, and another purple light burst into the sky, stirring the surrounding death stars, making the chaotic air flow with the purple light!

More and more chaotic qi was rolled up by the purple qi, revolving around this purple qi, and gradually formed the shape of a big bell!

Gradually Purple Mansion revealed a corner.

When Xiandifeng saw the Purple Mansion, his heart was shocked. Suddenly the fairy light flew under his feet, and he carried him away quickly, and said with a long laugh: "If this is the case, the younger generation will not disturb the senior! Goodbye——"

Although he knew that the evil emperor and the emperor were deadly enemies and could provoke the relationship between them, he knew that no matter whether it was the evil emperor or the emperor, he was rescued by the black hand behind the scenes.

"The black hand behind the scenes can reconcile the hostile relationship between Teacher Jue and Dili, and deal with me together! First step back and avoid their sharpness, and let their contradictions erupt first!" Xiandi Fengxin said.

Evil Emperor Jue's face changed drastically, his eyes fell on the revealing Purple Mansion, he turned a blind eye to the emperor, and his voice hoarse: "Senior, the younger generation will never see you!"

In the purple mansion, Su Yunying looked at each other.

Ying Long quietly stabbed Bai Ze on the shoulder. Bai Ze was almost scared to pee, and he trembled: "The evil emperor was not released by me, don't stabb me!"

Ying Long woke up, stabbed Su Yun, and said, "The evil emperor calls you, prince."

Su Yun didn't say anything when he killed him.

The evil emperor said loudly: "Senior, the younger generation will never ask to see you! Senior can still remember that when you opened up the Third Immortal Realm, the younger generation had a relationship with Senior!"

Bai Ze and Ying Long stabbed Su Yun together, and said in a trembled voice: "I'm calling you, you quickly agree and let him go..."

The evil emperor frowned, with a fierce look in his eyes, and walked towards the emperor step by step, wondering: "Why shouldn't the predecessor make a sound? Did you forget the younger one?"

The emperor also became nervous. At this moment, he only heard a voice behind him with a smile: "Father, Senior does not want to see you."

The evil emperor must stop hurriedly, his face is uncertain, as if he had seen a ghost!

I saw Su Yun opening the door of the Purple Mansion from inside, standing behind Dili, smiling.

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