Lin Yuanxing

Vol 13 Chapter 842: Congenital sword

   Su Yun glanced at Bailidu beside him, thoughtfully.

   "The emperor has been crippled, and the emperor has become a huge skin, and the interior is empty. Neither of these can truly stand as the emperor."

Su Yun looked weird: "Otherwise, sitting on the throne of an emperor with only half of the brain open, or an emperor with only one skin and no flesh and bones, it would be too shocking to the world. Therefore, when the emperor seizes the emperor suddenly, it is not the emperor who uses it. They are other flesh and blood incarnations. The most outstanding of these flesh and blood incarnations is probably Bailidu. The emperor suddenly hopes that this incarnation can cultivate to the Ninth Heaven. But if it can kill Bailidu..."

   Bailidu noticed his gaze and looked at him.

   The two looked at each other and smiled, hiding each other's killing intent.

  The closer they are to the gate of Wuxian, the more detailed their observation of this gate, the harder it is to get a full view.

   But the more meticulous, the more I feel that the strangers from outsiders have a great power!

   Looking from a distance, one can see a huge portal. The two separate the two sides of the door on both sides of the center line. If you look closer, you can see the majestic World Tree.

When    came closer, they found that the branches and branches of the World Tree were oncoming, and the leaves were extremely big, and the branches were entwined like dragons and dragons!

  A little closer, I saw that every leaf has an endless texture, moving like mountains and rivers, containing the mystery of Wuxian Avenue.

  If you get closer, you can even see the details and structure of the avenue, just like the most exquisite works of art!

   Only one spot, it is difficult to see the whole leopard.

   A leaf in the gate of the witch and immortal can make a spiritualist or immortal study for a lifetime!

   If you want to re-read all the Taoist artifacts contained in this portal, I don’t know how much time it will take!

   Therefore, when Su Yun flew here, he only watched it with appreciation and did not study carefully.

   For him, the outsider's Taoism magical powers are unpredictable, and the realm is far above him, but they work **** the other's Taoism magical powers, at most they just rush all the way behind the opponent's ass.

  The achievements of foreigners are so great that they have new creations all the time. Even if they learn everything from him before, the other party can create new things. Therefore, learning from each other will never achieve the other's achievements, at most catch up with the other's achievements in a certain period.

   Want to catch up with each other, or even surpass each other, only to get out of their own way.

   Su Yun's innate Yiqi Hongmeng rune is such a path.

   But the closer they get to the gate of Wuxian, the stronger Su Yun and Bailidu feel a sense of crisis. Their avenue is interfered. It is the breath of a different kind of avenue, invading their Taoism!

   Although this alien road has some similarities with Xiandao, it also has a strong aggressiveness that Xiandao does not possess!

   This kind of strong aggressiveness is what I think is the great witchcraft of the witchcraft universe!

   What is even more terrifying is the assimilation of the Dao of the Great Wizard!

   This alien avenue invades their body and even the spiritual world, trying to assimilate their Taoism into a witchcraft!

   Even though Su Yun and Bailidu are silent, they are each resisting the invasion of Witch Dao, and as they get deeper, the assimilation becomes stronger, as if they are fighting an invisible master!

  , it was blue, because he was purely self-cultivating and didn't feel anything.

   Su Yun's heart moved slightly: "It seems that there is something extraordinary about just cultivating the flesh, and at least there is no need to worry about being suppressed and cultivated to the realm."

   "When the Chaos Tide broke out, Xianxiang Biluo was hiding here, waiting to plot against Emperor Feng."

Bailidu also glanced at Biluo, and saw that Biluo didn't have the old conspiracy and deep calculations, and only the simplicity was left. He couldn't help feeling full of emotions, saying: "Difeng fought with me and was hurt by me, so I had to stay. Healed in the Taikoo restricted area. Bi Luo stayed in the restricted area, observed Difeng’s every move, and calculated the trajectory of Difeng’s actions. Only then did the evil emperor take away the heart of Difeng. Unfortunately, he could fight me. Man no longer exists, only this body is left."

   Su Yun remembered that Yingying had used the five-jewel ring to summon the five-color boat, but found that Biluo was also nearby. When she wanted to, Biluo would hide in Wumen, calculating Difeng. With his help, it was easy for the evil emperor to seize his heart.

   "Bi Luo in this life is also a man of great wisdom. He was smart in his previous life, and this life is even more impressive."

   Su Yun smiled and said, "His achievements in this life will only be higher than before!"

   The branches and leaves in front of and behind them are only part of the gate of witches and immortals, they have not yet come to the real gate of witches. But the closer they are, the more violent Wudao's suppression and invasion will be!

Almost half of Su Yun's and Bailidu's cultivation bases were used to fight the invasion of witchcraft. Su Yun's heart suddenly moved slightly: "I talked about the Tao with a foreigner. The essence of what the foreigner said is the same, and the essence of what I said is the same. Although I was a little bit **** at that time, I later realized the majestic rune and realized the blown bull. If my majestic rune is really one, then it must be able to evolve sorcery."

  His eyes are getting brighter and brighter. If I were the witchcraft, wouldn’t it mean that witchcraft wouldn’t invade himself?

   Doesn't it mean that others can only display half of their strength, but they can display their full strength?

   Wouldn’t it be easy to kill Bailixi then?

   Su Yun smiled, trying to let Xiantian Yiqi evolve the sorcery, but after all, he is trying to evolve the avenue of another universe, and the Taoism structure of the two universes is completely different.

   Congenital Qi changed into a witchcraft, and encountered a problem!

The smile on Su Yun's face froze: "If the Hongmeng rune cannot evolve the sorcery, it means that the Hongmeng rune is not one. However, if the Hongmeng rune can evolve the sorcery, doesn't it mean that it can also evolve the alien body. String? Doesn’t it mean that all universes in the sea of ​​chaos can be evolved?"

Bailixi's eyes flashed and he saw a smile on Su Yun's face, and suddenly the smile froze on his face. This change in expression made him feel awe-inspiring: "I don't know what this kid is thinking. If the emperor's brain is sound, Hold this kid with spiritual power, open his brain directly, read his memory, and then you can know his thoughts!"

The fairy empress hides in the world tree of Wuxian’s Gate, and catches a glimpse of Su Yun, Bailixi and others approaching the Wuxian’s Gate, her heart can’t help but jump: "Why did these two goods go together? But, the emperor should suddenly be more principled than the emperor Yuntian? Will he join hands with him?"

   Bailidu is Dihu, this news Su Yun did not hide the fairy queen.

   At this time, there were other people hiding between the branches and leaves of the World Tree, and they noticed that Su Yun and Bailidu were both startled.

   "How come Xianxiang and Su Zei come together? I'm not afraid of burying my reputation!"

   "It's a match made in heaven!"

   "Weasel give New Year greetings to cats and see who eats whom!"


   They withdrew their gazes one after another and looked at the gate of Wuxian. The reason why they hid it was not to avoid Su Yun and Bailidu, but to let another group of people see it.

   Wherever they could see, there was a fierce battle going on.

  The five-color boat dragged a long trace in front of the Wumen, and shuttled between the branches and leaves. The Emperor Mingdu, Yingying and others stood on the boat, all kinds of magical powers erupted, against the stalwart figure of the emperor.

On the emperor's body, thousands of immortals, gods, and demons each offered sacrifices to the immortal soldiers, attacked the five-color ship, and killed them in darkness.

   What surprised Difeng, Xie Di and others even more was that there was actually an emperor on the five-color boat, who was just an ordinary figure, and didn't want another emperor to be as huge as that.

   "Two emperors!" Everyone hidden in the shadow of the world tree was surprised.

   At this moment, suddenly the head of the stalwart emperor opened, and the Wanhua Immortal Incinerator swallowed everything. Emperor Mingdu urged nine Chaos Coffins to resist.

   Everyone saw that the emperor’s brain was only half left, and they were all shocked, not knowing what happened.

Hidden in the shadows of the branches and leaves, there are also the blood demon ancestor, the second emperor of the gods and demons, their eyes flashed, and their hearts said: "I don't know when the emperor chaos will come? I hope he will be late for a while and let us take away the magic sword. !"

   "Even if the Emperor Chaos comes, we will be killed, and the corpse will be dragged out to refine the treasure!"

  When the blood demon ancestor and the two emperors were born late, they had not seen the emperor chaos, but I also got news that the emperor chaos would come, so I looked around here.

   "I don't know what kind of existence Emperor Chaos is?"

   Su Yun and Bailidu still hurried forward unhurriedly, talking and laughing, just like old friends for many years.

   Suddenly, there was only a loud noise, and everyone hiding in the shadows turned their heads and saw Su Yun's profound iron clock hitting Bailidu's forehead, and Su Yun was hitting the sword.

   "These two people really did it!" Everyone lifted up and looked back.

At this moment, Su Yun received the profound iron bell, drew the knife from his body, and returned it to Bailidu. Bailidu's brain was knocked down. With a little effort, his brain was bulged again, and he was still with Su. Yun talked and laughed, a look that turned fighting into jade.

   Everyone was shocked, and then looked back at the battle between the big and small emperors.

The fighting here was raging, Yingying set up the chains and trapped several people. Suddenly, the sword light broke out on the other side. Everyone hurriedly looked back and saw that Su Yun's congenital qi was turned into forty-nine sword auras, and the sword formation was ready. Refining Bailidu!

   Bailidu broke out, and the two of them smiled again, turning their conflicts into jade silk, and moving forward hand in hand, as if they would be able to come and get married in the next moment.

   "Two shameless people!" Everyone turned to look at the big and small emperors.

   At this time, the well-heard bell sounded again, and everyone turned their heads, and saw Baili Dubu stepping down, trapping Su Yun in it for refining, and Su Yun raised the bell to break the formation.

   The formation was blasted by Xuan Tiezhong, Baili Du gave a thumbs up, smiled all over his face, I don't know what he was talking about, Su Yun also smiled, as if he didn't care, it was just a gesture between the two brothers.

   "Two spoilers! Don't dare to have a real fight with each other, only to test!" Everyone sneered and turned their heads again.

Suddenly, a loud bang came. Everyone thought that Su Yun and Bailidu were fighting again. However, the vibration became more and more violent and magnificent. It was not what Su Yun and Bailidu could show. Power out!

   This power is thousands of times stronger than that of Su Yun and Bailidu, it can be called a peerless power!

  Difeng, Xiedi and others were startled: "The witch gate is about to open?"

  Even the emperor, Mingdu and others who were in the confrontation couldn't help being shocked. They were fighting and looking around.

   Su Yun and Bailidu simply stopped and followed the reputation.

   When everyone saw the extremely spectacular scene, their hearts were throbbing, UU reading was inexplicably excited.

   I saw on both sides of the witch gate, the two huge half-kneeling figures stood up at this moment, the huge figure stood in the gate, but they pushed the door!

   At this time, the witch gate opened in response to their hands!

  The witch gate opened, bursting into the sky and the earth, and gradually, the world behind that gate came into everyone's eyes!

   There are thirty-three heavens hidden in that door. The heavens are higher than the other, and the heavens are more perfect than the other. It is like a Taoist state, but not a Taoist state!

   Above the top of the heavens, but the blades are radiant, the rays of light are dazzling, rotating and blooming outwards, lasing, and the blades are transformed into various strange weapons and treasures!

   The light of the sword actually gave people a feeling that no matter where you are, the past, the future, or other universes, you will be the first to be cut away!

   The light of the knife seems to be able to reach the beginning of the cosmos which has never been opened up before, and it also seems to reach the end of time and space when the universe is annihilated. It is indescribably terrifying!

   "The magic sword of Emperor Chaos!"

   Everyone was excited, but no one dared to move, just waiting for someone to enter the door and test the danger for themselves!

  Because there are other treasures in this gate besides the divine sword of Emperor Chaos.

   A thirty-three heavenly pagoda.


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