Lin Yuanxing

Vol 13 Chapter 850: I am the ant colony

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Yingying sighed secretly: "The scholar has a longing and unavailable obsession with the seal technique, and this obsession haunts him, even if he recognizes the reality, he is still obsessed with it."

Su Yun has an incomparable talent in kendo, but he is keen on practicing printing techniques. As early as the Great Qin Kingdom, he was obsessed with studying various printing techniques.

Later, I learned a few tricks from the expedition notes of the old **** king, and it was even more difficult to deal with.

It's just that his seal is mostly focused on the power of the treasure of the immortal way, and rarely touches the essence of the seal.

If it hadn't been for Fang Zhuzhi, he wouldn't have discovered how good his Indian achievements were.

To this day, Su Yun has not yet been able to cultivate the Daohua of Yin Dharma, which can be described as ineffective. However, the obsession is deeper.

Half a day later, Su Yun arrived at the 32nd Heavenly Layer. Here, he saw a broken bright mirror with various shapes scattered in the air, reflecting different colors.

Su Yun walked by with Yingying, Biluo and others, and suddenly glanced, they couldn't help but pause.

I saw them appearing in those mirrors, and everyone saw themselves in their eyes, no one else.

In the mirror, they seem to have returned to the nodes of their lives. Bi Luo saw that he had become a teenager, making an important decision, whether to enter the court as an official or continue to study the Taoist magical powers in the division. .

"It is good to be an official in the dynasty, but the magical powers of Taoism have infinite mysteries." The previous life Bi Luo smiled to his favorite junior sister.

Yingying saw herself in the mirror returning to her previous life, turning into a Shiziying, returning to the Tomb of Dragon Burial, and it was snowy.

"Brother Wuling, I don't think you should summon Dragon Spirit yet." Shi Ziying said to Qin Wuling.

Su Yun saw in the mirror that it was not himself that his parents sold, but his younger brother Su Ye. He was able to accompany his parents to study in Dongdu.

The witches around Bi Luo also saw different choices in their lives.

Among these choices, some of them have a good life, and some have a bad life.

Su Yun looked at himself in the mirror. Although he did not have the current achievements and was just a talented spiritualist, he was very happy and did not experience the pain and danger that he had experienced.

Su Yun moved and walked forward.

In another mirror, Su Yun saw other possibilities in his life. The self in the mirror caught up with Chai Chuxi and kept her. Chai Chuxi gave up her dream of ascending. They are still husband and wife, nurturing Su Jie together, facing the difficulties and difficulties together. Danger. And Su Jie had a very happy childhood.

Su Yun retracted his gaze and looked sad.

He saw other choices in life, his life with Chi Xiaoyao, his bold pursuit of phoenix trees, his return to the fairy court, and his worship of the saint king of reincarnation to suppress the emperor Chaos and the outsiders... …

Different choices, forming different lives, are all revealed in this broken mirror.

He really doesn't want to leave, he wants to keep watching, looking for the perfect life.

He knew that many of his previous choices were not the best choices. If there is a chance to do it again, he wants to change these mistakes.

However, Su Yun did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Yingying, Bi Luo and others also woke up from the mirror life one after another, silently following Su Yun, they also had different choices in their lives, causing different consequences, and these broken mirrors were also very attractive to them.

Su Yun stopped suddenly, Yingying also became alert, and whispered: "Shang Jin Pavilion! He is here too!"

These mirrors are extremely huge, and when you bypass a few mirrors, you will see a white-haired and thin old man standing there, it is Xian Ting's Taibao Shangjin Pavilion!

Shang Jin Ge was obsessed with observing these mirrors.

"This is a place of supreme cultivation. The life in these mirrors is very enlightening to a wise person like me."

Shang Jinge noticed them, nodded gently, and said unhurriedly: "If Qiu Shuijing comes here, he must be the same as me, with great joy in his heart."

Su Yun hesitated, now he was 70-80% sure that he could deal with Shangjin Pavilion.

"If you pick up the Heavenly Axe, Shangjin Pavilion's avatar will never escape."

Su Yun didn't do anything, and said: "From the different life experiences in the world, do you understand the mystery of the path? What is the difference between this and the Buddhist Taoist entrance?"

Shangjin Pavilion said: "Emperor Yuntian is wrong. The entrance of Buddhism and Taoism is only to increase life experience and understanding, and our existence of wisdom and enlightenment is to use clones and mirrors to make our own wisdom reach an existence like yours. Unattainable height."

The old man was very serious and explained to him: "Dili is known as the most powerful brain and the most intelligent existence. His brain deduces the mystery of Taoist magical powers with ease. In front of him, there are no secrets for any magical powers. He was overthrown by Emperor Hudi, captured and suppressed, and almost turned into a treasure. Emperor Hu claimed to be the strongest body, but he cut his flesh and blood into a clone, trying to rely on more brains to help him think and improve his wisdom. Therefore, he can be transformed into a treasure. Acting as Bailidu to plot against Emperor Jue. Although these two are very smart, they ignore that the strongest wisdom is not how strong a single brain is."

Su Yun moved slightly in his heart, looking at these broken mirrors, and said: "So you practice the way of clones, and use the wisdom of these clones to enhance your wisdom. You are equivalent to having tens of thousands of brains connected with your own wisdom. , To help you analyze the magical powers of Taoism. Right?"

Shang Jinge praised: "If you don't put your wisdom on power, then you still have to be a smart person."

Yingying whispered: "Scholar, while he praises you for your wisdom, he also scolds you for being a fool."

Su Yun snorted: "I know, Yingying, you don't need to remind me of this kind of half-praising and half-cursing me in the future."

He smiled and said: "Then Mr. Shang is so wise, can he cultivate into the Dao Realm Nine Heavens? Can I see Dao Realm Ten Heavens?"

Shang Jin Pavilion looked at the mirrors and said, "Although I can see the Dao Realm Nine Heavens within a short distance, but I cannot break through. As for the Dao Realm Ten Heavens, I haven't seen it yet."

Su Yun smiled and said, "Does this mean that Mr. Shang Lao has insufficient wisdom?"

Shang Jinge glanced at him, and then withdrew his gaze: "Xia Chong can't talk about ice. It is impossible for a wise person like Emperor Yuntian to understand the hardships of wisdom entering the Nine Heavens. Your Majesty should go to the 33rd Heaven. ."

Su Yun resisted the urge to hack him to death with an axe, and walked towards the 33rd Heaven, saying in his heart: "This old guy is Mr. Shui Jing’s fierce enemy! Mr. Shui Jing was forced by him to become less and less human. The more sensible and rational, the last time I saw him, it was no longer the Mr. Shui Jing who was concerned about the country and the people, but another Shangjin Pavilion!"

This is something that makes Su Yun sad.

He saw Qiu Shuijing's transformation in his eyes, although there was the influence of Chaos Jade, but Shang Jinge's influence was even greater, making Qiu Shuijing's human touch less and less.

"Why didn't the scholar kill him?"

Yingying asked in a low voice, "Mr. Shui Jing will not be forced to look like a human by smashing him to death."

Su Yun said: "You look back."

Yingying looked back, her heart was shocked, she saw hundreds of Shangjin Pavilion, standing in front of different mirrors!

"I don't know which is the real Shangjin Pavilion."

Su Yun said: "Furthermore, for the existence of Shang Jin Pavilion, gambling with Mr. Shui Jing is not a means of resorting to three abuses, but quietly waiting for Mr. Shui Jing's cultivation level to improve. This alone is worthy of respect. "

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "Moreover, the ninth day of the Way of Wisdom also needs someone to break through. Shang Jin Ge is a person who is likely to break through, and it is also an existence that can put pressure on Mr. Shui Jing. I don't want such an existence to die. In my hands."

Yingying thought for a while and stopped talking.

Finally, they came to the 33rd heaven of the Mirra Heaven and Earth Tower. I don’t know what the name of this layer of heaven is. It gives people a feeling of gathering together, as if all the great avenues of the world are gathered here.

"Emperor Chaos's magic sword is not broken!"

Su Yun suddenly lost his voice: "This knife is still there!"

In the center of the 33rd heaven, a magnificent jade palace stands, and a magic sword is inserted in front of the jade palace. The sword shines like a horse, reflecting the sky!

The light of the sword turned into a scene of all kinds of magical powers, so sharp, it was still contending with that jade palace!

At this time, the evil emperor, dili, and little dili were all rushing to the magic sword, fighting each other on the way, and at the same time fighting against the power of the magic sword, it was extremely dangerous!

Yingying looked at the magic knife in the distance, her eyes straightened, and murmured: "Emperor Chaos's magic knife is really domineering, if you can touch it..."

Su Yun's figure suddenly floated forward, and at the same time a loud noise came from above his head. The black iron clock was photographed like a spinning top, whizzing and flying forward!

Although Su Yun saw the opportunity quickly and flew forward first to avoid the fatal blow of the opponent, he was almost exploded by the palm of his body.

He caught up with the **** iron clock, and the person opened the sky axe in the air to the rear wheel, only to hear a sneer, **** like Optimus pillars flew up!

In a hurry, Su Yun looked back, but saw a giant far larger than the Emperor's body stepping forward, raising his hands in disbelief and looking at the wound on his palm.

"Di Su?" Su Yun was slightly startled.

This giant is Dihu’s skin, with a huge crack on the back of his chest, like an unfathomable Grand Canyon!

There are many flesh and blood clones on Dihu's body, and they shouted, "What a powerful axe!"

Dihu's **** landed and turned into two old **** giants, astonished: "This baby is stronger than my physical body. It is indeed a god-breaker!"

Su Yun was awe-inspiring, and hurriedly watched out, saying in his heart: "Dihu's skin also escaped from Wangchuan. It seems that he doesn't intend to hide himself."

Suddenly, the emperor did not rush to him, but rushed past him, hehe smiled and said, "Emperor, business matters, and let you spare your life first!"

Su Yun was alert, and walked forward behind Dihu, smiling: "His Majesty, I am puzzled by one thing. Your Majesty's physical body is only a skin bag. Dare to ask which is his real body?"

The emperor suddenly smiled and said: "Emperor Ai wants to say that I don't have a real body, and there are too many clones. It is inevitable that I will be independent and turn into creatures? It seems that Emperor Ai does not know the origin of the ancient true gods. UU Reading"

He greeted the light of the innate divine sword and went to the divine sword, confronted the light of the sword, and said leisurely: "I wait for the Primordial True God to have no physical body or spirit. You can say that our physical body is spiritual, and it’s a member of the foreign population. The primordial spirit is also acceptable, it is also possible to be the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. I cut the flesh into a clone, the spirit of the clone is me, the flesh is me, and the consciousness is also me."

Suddenly, a long chant came from behind Su Yun: "I am one, I am ten thousand!"

Su Yun couldn't help but said that he urged the Sky Open Axe to chop backwards, and the mysterious iron bell above his head was also shaking at the same time, being beaten away by the opponent's violent mana!

The supernatural powers of the man behind him were split by the Heavenly Axe. He didn't dare to insist on it. He hurriedly avoided. He swept from one side and said with a smile: "Our consciousness is an independent individual and a unified whole."

Su Yun stared at it, and was startled: "Xianxiangyu Wanzhou!"

That person is Xianxiang Yuwanzhou, but the Yuwanzhou of the Nine Heavens!

Suddenly an incomparably tyrannical supernatural power surged in again, and Su Yun recalled the Xuan Tiezhong body, turned over and picked up a big axe to chop!

"We are like a colony of ants."

The person who attacked him avoided the sky axe, hit the mysterious iron bell with a loud sound, and said with a long laugh: "Di Huzhen is a queen, an ant nest, and we are workers and soldiers. We share each other. Thinking consciousness!"

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