Lin Yuanxing

Vol 13 Chapter 854: 6 sword wheels

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The **** emperor and the demon emperor roared almost at the same time, each showed their true body, and made a bold move. For a time, the voice of the gods and demons burst out like the purest voice of 3,600 kinds of gods and demons. Two almost identical ancient gods and kings followed Strike from left to right!

Both the **** emperor and the devil emperor are ox-horned dragon mouths, with body muscles entwined like a giant python, with long tails thick and thin at the bottom, and a bunch of long hairs at the end.

However, the two seem to be exactly the same, but in fact they are opposite to each other. They are like one in the mirror and the other outside the mirror. They are as large as the internal organs and other body organs. They are as small as the self of every particle that makes up the flesh. The directions of rotation are all opposite!

Their avenues are also completely opposite, one is Shinto and the other is Demon!

This is exactly the two sides of congenital qi.

The two emperors of the gods and demons were born in the first blessed land of the immortal world in the congenital divine well. From the well, a congenital qi was derived, and the gods and demons conceived by the qi were the opposite of each other.

Although the quality of the Xiantian Qi born in the Xiantian Shenjing was not as good as that of Su Yun's, the characteristics were the same.

The two gods and demons, one on the left and the other on the right, their extremely powerful bodies brought the pure gods and demons to the extreme. They also learned a lot during the trip to the Mirra World Tower, and their Taoism improved greatly!

Otherwise, the two gods and demons would not have the ambition to fight for the throne.

At this moment, the sword light lit up, like electricity like weaving.

The sword gas was radiant, as if a halo of reincarnation burst out from the sword aura, and the two gods and demons seemed to see a huge reincarnation entwining the world, and an extremely tall emperor figure rising from behind this reincarnation.

That is the qi and blood pressure brought by the will in Su Yunjian, squeezing their optic nerve plexus, forming a shocking scene!

Suddenly the sword light in the sky dissipated, and Su Yun slammed backwards with a bang, hit the plaque of the Jade Palace, and fell to the ground.

And the first-born two stalwart kings of the **** emperor made a stern cry, one left and the other right, turning into two blood lights and fleeing away!

When they flew away, the long horns above their heads fell off from the top of their heads and fell to the ground like the largest tower.

When they were running, the muscles on their bodies were constantly breaking and falling off from their bodies, and the Devil Emperor screamed: "Zhan Dao! It's Zhan Dao——"

Their bodies were the main road, but now their long horns were cut off, and their muscles fell off. It was a sign that the main road was cut, and the two ran away in fright.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief and stood up with difficulty holding a sword. He had to lean against the door frame of the Jade Palace to barely support his body and prevent himself from falling.

Behind him came the voice of the saint king of reincarnation: "Friend Su, I did sense the spirit you said from your kendo, yes, this spirit can indeed expand the road. This scene is similar to my previous cognition. It’s different. The Taoism I realize is that the less human emotions are, the closer it is. Only when there is no human emotions can it become Tao."

Su Yun gasped, did not pay attention to him, but stared at Difeng who was coming here.

The saint king of reincarnation said: "It is strange to say that when I practiced in the past, why didn't I feel this kind of spiritual improvement to Dao?"

He paused and said with emotion: "It's probably because I was too strong since I was born. I don't have the opportunity to experience all kinds of feelings like ordinary people."

In front of Su Yun, Difeng had already held the sword pill, but his eyes were fixed on the long sword in Su Yun's hand.

The two strongest swordsmen will finally fight with swords!

The divine sword in Su Yun's hand buzzed and trembled, as if inspired by the kendo blood in Su Yun's body, it gradually became agitated.

Shicai, he urged the sword intent in the hilt, and felt the more broad spirit in the sword intent, and his kendo cultivation was also advancing by leaps and bounds. The arrival of Difeng inspired his kendo, like a sharpening stone, making the sword in his heart brighter and sharper!

The saint king of reincarnation said behind him: "This shows me a path of practice. Perhaps I can enter the world and experience the various emotions of you ordinary people. But I am the saint king of reincarnation. I am born with the existence of a Taoist god. Enter the world, right? I can control reincarnation. In an instant, reincarnation for thousands of times, billions of years, why bother to experience it like you ordinary people..."

Su Yun opened up his spiritual world and experienced two fierce battles. His spiritual world was already in tatters. Although his innate dysfunction was still repairing the spiritual world and spirit, it was not enough to repair the spiritual world before the arrival of Emperor Feng.

Bi Luo took a few witches out of Su Yun's spiritual world, Yingying stood on Bi Luo's shoulders, Shicai's battle with the evil emperor was too urgent, forcing Su Yun to have them into the spiritual world, lest they die in the battle of the emperor. in.

Now, Su Yun realized that his spiritual world could not keep their lives, only then would the spiritual world be opened up and let them enter this jade palace to escape.

Yingying raised her head and looked at the plaque in this jade hall. There were some peculiar sorcerer characters written on it. She didn't understand, and she didn't know what it was written.

Bi Luo took them into this jade hall. Although the jade hall had been destroyed by the innate sword of the emperor chaos, the avenue fragments of the jade hall were still there, still maintaining the integrity of the jade hall.

Even if the two battles of Su Yun burst out with power to destroy the world, he still failed to destroy the Jade Palace, nor did it spread to the interior of the Jade Palace.

The saint king of reincarnation was still talking to himself, saying: "...It's just you, but you still can't hold on. You are almost out of oil, why bother to support yourself? Sacrifice to the axe."

Difeng's eyes were strange, he did not look at the Jade Palace behind Su Yun, nor the saint king of reincarnation in the Jade Palace, and said softly, "Put down the magic sword."

The saint king of reincarnation is obviously in the jade hall behind Su Yun, but he seems to be unable to see the saint king of samsara, and it seems that he cannot hear the words of the saint king of samsara.

Su Yun clenched the hilt of the long sword in his hand and smiled and said: "Difeng, the divine sword has been broken, and now there is no divine sword, only the divine sword."

Difeng smiled and said, "Then put down the hilt. You can live."

Su Yun gently stroked the blade of the long sword, and said leisurely: "Difeng, you know, kendo is the only avenue that surpasses my innate qi to enter the realm. My other avenues and realms have only one heaven, but my kendo But it is the sixth heaven. When I urged the sword, I even used Xiantian Yiqi as a supplement."

He erected his long sword and stared at the midline of the blade with a solemn expression: "When I raised the sword, no one could let me down again! Difeng, your sword heart is impure, even Dijian Jianwan can't control it. You are unfaithful to your sword. What qualifications do you have to let me put it down?"

Difeng frowned slightly, remembering his previous experience in front of the Four Great Swordsmen of Zhu Xianjian. He was almost betrayed by the sword pill who was talking about him. He knew that he could not be allowed to show off his tongue, so he immediately sacrificed his sword!

Su Yun's heart sank. He originally planned to use the opportunity of speaking to step up healing. If he could break the relationship between Difeng and Dijianjianwan by the way, it would be even better. He didn't expect that Difeng would not give him this opportunity at all!

The two great kendos existed extremely well, and in only a moment, different kendos were open, showing their different understandings of kendo.

Su Yun's kendo attainments are still accumulating his own foundation, creating instant reincarnation, cutting the way and other kendo magical powers, and the use of skills is breathtaking.

Difeng’s swordsmanship has already achieved the nine-layered sword. The skill is not working. All kinds of swordsman gods communicate with each other. The sword light is moving and static, and it is directly pressed down by the nine-layered sword. The use of skills has been integrated into the Tao. Every corner of the environment.

Between the staggered figures of the two, the overflowing sword aura, like a sharp and unmatched flying sword, burst out from the center of the two men's supernatural powers, and blasted in the 33rd heaven.

As soon as the sword light in the two hands moved, those sword auras lingered back, flying, and colliding!

Anyone who practices swordsmanship in the world will definitely feel like a pilgrimage if they come here.

The sword aura flying in the sky and the magical abilities of swordsmanship that they displayed were the unique skills they had dreamed of all their lives, and it might even be a height they could not reach in their entire lives!

And this is just the sword aura that overflowed from the swords of Su Yun and Difeng.

Ding-ding-ding bangs kept coming, and Difeng urged the Dijianjian pill to the extreme. The huge sword pill's tens of thousands of blades turned inward, revolving crazily around Su Yun, the sword light was endless and fell crazily.

The inside of the sword pill is like a big cave sky, and Su Yun is in the center of the cave sky, withstanding boundless sword attacks!

Yingying and the others were very nervous looking in the Jade Palace, suddenly a corner of Jian Wan burst open with a rumble, and Su Yun shot out with a sharp sword.

Difeng waved his sleeves and rolled the sword pill, but saw the tip of the sword pointing towards Su Yun!


The extremely thick sword light shot from the tip of the thousands of swords, bombarding Su Yun's body!

Su Yun resisted with a horizontal sword, swung his sword against hundreds of thousands of collisions, and laughed: "Difeng, you don't have an eternal and immortal sword heart. There is no eternal and immortal spirit in your kendo. You are not worthy to control the emperor sword!"

Sword lights penetrated his defenses and pierced his body. Su Yun was dripping with blood, but faced the impact of the sword pill, he swung his long sword and cracked Difeng's kendo!

The six rays of light shining from his sword became more and more magnificent, and with his swing, the six rays became clearer. Behind him, that heavenly figure seemed to be hunting in clothes, and the cloak behind him covered the great universe behind him!

This scene is like Su Yun's spirit gradually emerging, turning into a stalwart emperor, branding the immortal spirit in the world!

Difeng frowned, speaking of swordsmanship, he was the number one in the world, not only the number one in the world, but also the first person in history from the First Age to the present!

No matter how stalwart the spirit of Su Yun's figure is, he is not as profound and powerful as he is in kendo!

Su Yun waved his sword in compliance with the spirit in the hilt, suppressed everything with a single sword, suppressed the infinite sword light, and shouted: "You don't have the courage to fight decisively, you don't have the spirit to dedicate your life to kendo, you are only for yourself from beginning to end! Not worthy of a sword!"


Difeng suddenly exploded, and saw that countless flying swords in his sword pill were rolled up by six sword wheels, forming an encirclement around him, and a sword light cut down from his back, cutting his Flesh skin, cut into flesh and blood, cut into bones!

Difeng heard the sound of a sharp sword cutting through his bones, like the sound of a saw cutting bones, making people's teeth numb as if they were about to fall with that sound.

There are countless flying swords that cut into his spiritual world, cutting to his spirit, as if to chop him into pieces!

"Did Thief Su understand the seventh heaven of kendo?"

Suddenly he felt a little panic: "This is his seventh heavenly swordsman power?"

Su Yun used the supreme sword intent to temporarily control the flying swords in the sword pill, trying to use these flying swords to create the same wounds in the same place on his body. The wounds were superimposed, and they could be imprinted on his Nine Profound Immortal Skills. in!

However, he had already seen the tenth heaven of kendo, and his cultivation base was advancing by leaps and bounds along the way, how could Su Yun suppress his kendo?

In the next moment, UU read and he controlled all the flying swords in the sword pill, leaving Su Yun no swords to borrow.

However, Difeng still felt the pain of cutting the bone behind his back, and the injury of the talents made his Nine Profound Immortality imprint these wounds!

The injury on his back will always be with him!

He was even more disturbed in his heart. Looking around, he saw that he was trapped in six sword wheels. Su Yun was like a **** outside the sky, and his sword was about to drive him into the six realms, completely wiped out!

Although Su Yun's power was not enough to suppress Difeng, the six sword wheels made Difeng fear.

"No! No! This is not Su Thief's kendo! It is the hilt of the sword coming back to life! The hilt is attacking me! It is the Emperor Chaos attacking me!"

His hair is horrified, this is not the power that Su Yun can control, this is the power that the Emperor Chaos can control!

The fighting intent in his heart was lost, and he suddenly urged the Emperor Jian Jian Wan with all his strength to hit the center of the six sword wheels.

There were countless explosions. Su Yun sacrificed his sword and tried his best to finally block Difeng's blow. When he was about to fight back, he saw the Difeng Sword Pill protecting his body and whizzed away.

Su Yun staggered to the ground, thrusting his sword into the ground, supporting his body, and vomiting blood.

Behind him came the voice of the saint king of reincarnation: "You can scare away Difeng, but you can't scare away Dili and Dihu."

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