Ling tripod

Text Chapter 1,305: False accusation!

Duan Xiaoyao is Chu Yan's most promising student since he entered Tianzhou. Although he is not a spiritual body, he has extraordinary talent in cultivation. If it were not for his inability to practice physical cultivation, Chu Yan might even teach him the method of physical cultivation!

And, most importantly, Chu Yan believed in his own vision and also believed in Lao Bai's vision. This son had a pure heart and would not betray his master!

"Okay, today, I will teach you the formation patterns!"

In the following time, Chu Yan first taught Duan Xiaoyao alone for a while, and then began to give instructions to Zhang Zhuangzhuang and other 23 people.

An hour passed quickly, and the spiritual jade in the cultivation formation was exhausted.

A group of students walked out.

To Chu Yan's surprise, three of the students who originally had eight infant calamities had successfully broken through to nine infant calamities.


At this moment, Xiaotian, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, suddenly staggered and almost fell down.

"Didn't you buy the elixir for the spiritual jade I gave you to take care of your body?"

Chu Yan happened to pass by and helped him!

"Teacher, I..."

Xiaotian looked pale and felt warm in his heart, but said nothing.

"Teacher Nian, you take Xiaotian to class to rest first. She just over-consumed it. There are a few pills here. Let her take them and help her refine them!"

Chu Yan took out a jade bottle, handed it to Nian Yan, and said.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Nianyan was very happy to be able to help Chu Yan.

"Teacher, I'm fine, I can continue to practice!"

Xiaotian said with a stubborn look on his face.

Chu Yan's face changed and he said: "Don't be brave, you must protect your body in order to progress faster, listen to me!"


Xiaotian nodded!

"Teacher Nian, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"Do you need to be so polite to me?"

Yanyu gave Chu Yan a blank look, then offered up the treasure Hong Ling, hugged Xiaotian and flew towards the teaching building!

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Many students completed the first day of the devil training camp.

In these two hours, every student has tried their best to practice. Now everyone is exhausted. This devil training is indeed hard, but no one needs a word of persecution from Chu Yan. In everyone's heart They are all burning with a fire and fighting hard.

"Okay, the first day of practice is over. I'm very satisfied with your performance, but you have to know that it's not just the first day. You still have two months and twenty-nine days to use your best. Fight hard!”

Chu Yan looked at everyone and said with a smile.

Today, he is very satisfied, because these students may not have very good qualifications, but they all have a fighting spirit in their bones, which is very important.

"Class 7 will win!"

Duan Xiaoyao raised his arms and shouted.

"Must win!"

Everyone drinks together!

The official class time is at seven o'clock every day, and people are already passing by the outdoor training ground at this time!

And then, there was a sound of discussion:

"Is that Zi Xiao?"

"Yes, that's him. I didn't expect that he would actually


Schoolgirl! "

"Huh, not only that, he also beats the students!"

"Yes, he also maimed two teachers. How could such a person enter our college!"

"That's right, we must drive him out!"

Everyone who passes by the outdoor square will point and whisper when they see Chu Yan.

"What are you talking about?"

Duan Xiaoyao became angry and roared loudly.

All the students were furious at the same time. Chu Yan was now like their belief. How could such a thing happen to the teacher? They were definitely framed!


Chu Yan waved his hand and said with a normal expression: "Everyone, please come into the classroom. The teacher can handle this matter!"

"Teacher, we will go with you!"

Duan Xiaoyao said immediately.

"Yes, teacher, we will go with you!"

Everyone said in unison.

Chu Yan looked at everyone, his heart felt warm, nodded, and said: "Okay!"

Everyone walked towards the gate outside the training square together.

Bingyue Academy is very large. The training square and teaching building are built together. There are gates and a circular formation that surround the whole. The residences of teachers and students, as well as other buildings such as the Sutra Building and the Spiritual Energy Tower are not here.

At this time, the gate outside the training square was already crowded with people!

It can be said that there are three floors inside and three floors outside. There must be hundreds of people at least.

In the middle of the crowd, there is a huge bulletin board. On the bulletin board of this college, there are usually important notices written on it. Teachers and students who pass by every day will see it.

But now, there is an article written on it, and at the top of the article are three clear large characters;

Crime book!

In front of the bulletin board, there were more than a dozen teachers, all of whom had expressions of deep disgust on their faces.

In front of them, there are three tables. On the tables, there are crystal balls placed one by one. This crystal ball is called the floating shadow light crystal. It has been circulated in the world of immortality for a long time. This object can record an image, but it cannot record it. Sounds are generally used with harmonious notes!

Generally speaking, such floating light crystals will record some battle scenes between high-level cultivators and then sell them to other cultivators as an auxiliary reference for practice.

At this time, images flashed within the three floating shadow light crystals, and each image had a protagonist. This person was wearing a purple brocade robe and had an extraordinary temperament!

Exactly, Zi Xiao!

"How could this Teacher Zi be such a person!"

"Hey, people should not be judged by their appearance. This Teacher Zi is not a good person!"

"It seems that he saved Teacher Nian for the sake of beauty!"

"He is just a pervert!"

The onlookers murmured in low voices.

Li Yuanchao, Zhao Han, and Fang Yuanjie stood in the middle of a dozen teachers. Although the three of them had angry looks on their faces, they all had sneers in their eyes.

"Teacher Li, are you ready?"

"No problem, everyone has been watching for a while, and you must have figured out something. I will add more fuel and jealousy later to ensure that this guy's reputation will be ruined!"

"Hmph, even a mere outsider dares to fight between the three of us!"

"He is simply looking for death. This time, we will expel him from the academy, and then we will secretly send people to kill him!"

"Okay, let's drink and celebrate together then. Teacher Li, let's show off first!"

Li Yuanchao and others communicated with each other.

Seeing that enough people had gathered, Li Yuanchao took a step forward and pointed at the crime book with one hand!

Everyone’s eyes followed suit!

I saw clearly written on the crime sheet:

Zi Xiao, a teacher at Bingyue Academy, committed the following crimes:

First, as soon as he became the instructor of Class 7, he used his power to


Female students are even raised with spiritual jade buds!

Li Yuanchao looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, this Zi Xiao has just entered the academy.


Female students, and seizing on the lack of spiritual jade in female students, and cultivating them. Such behavior really insults the word "teacher". Such garbage is simply a shame to my Bingyue Academy! "

"This is the evidence!"

As he spoke, Li Yuanchao pointed to the first floating shadow light crystal!

What I saw above was the scene where Chu Yan asked Xiaotian to meet in the woods that day!

Li Yuanchao said: "Look, everyone, how innocent this student is. He blushed after just a few frivolous words from that beast Zi Xiao!"

Everyone took a look and saw that the scene was indeed Zi Xiao and a female student talking about something. The female student kept blushing!

Li Yuanchao said again: "This beast Zi Xiao, after being frivolous with this female student, he proposed to support him. This simple student refused to accept the spirit jade, so Zi Xiao threatened him with expulsion from the class if he disagreed. In the end, the female student accepted Ling Yu in humiliation and shed tears of grievance! She was forced to kiss him by Zi Xiao! "

When everyone saw it, the floating shadow light crystal was indeed a savings bag given by Zi Xiao to a female student. The female student didn't want it at first, but then it was stuffed into her hands. She didn't refuse, tears shed in her eyes, and finally kissed Zi Xiao!

It was reasonable and well-founded, and after contacting Li Yuanchao, everyone believed it!

"it turns out


Female student, pity that student, he was forced! "

"They forced her to have sex, how sad that female student cried!"

"That beast Zi Xiao keeps laughing, laughing evilly!"

All the students and teachers were also filled with indignation and criticized loudly.

"So, this Zi Xiao is not worthy of being a teacher at my Bingyue Academy!"

Finally, Li Yuanchao pointed at him and shouted.

"No, Teacher Zi would not do such a thing, there must be something wrong!"

At this time, Zhou Xin stood up in the crowd and said loudly.

"Xinxin, what are you talking about? The evidence is all there!"

Madela grabbed Zhou Xin and hurriedly persuaded him.

He has been pursuing Zhou Xin, and now Zhou Xin stood up to speak for Zi Xiao, which made him feel a little uncomfortable!

Li Yuanchao smiled and said: "Haha, Teacher Ma has seen it all, Teacher Zhou, this beast Zi Xiao must have deceived you, he is such a scum!"

Ever since his finger was cut off by Chu Yan, Li Yuanchao had been holding a grudge. Today's incident was carefully planned and he was confident that he could defeat Zi Xiao.

"Teacher Zi and I are in the same office, and I believe he is not such a person!"

Before Zhou Xin could speak, Old Man Wu stood up and said.

"That's right, I believe in Teacher Zi!"

Zhou Xin said again!

Li Yuanchao sneered: "Do you believe that beast?"

"Why, your finger doesn't hurt anymore?"

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