Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2601: Vicissitudes!

Master Xian Shou came holding the stone with a somewhat lonely look on his face.

In this Fallen Immortal Island, he was originally sixty years old. Now thirty years later, he is already ninety years old, and his life breath is already very weak.

With the same two bowls of wine in front of the table, Master Xianshou sat down opposite Chu Yan with a trembling hand holding a stone.

The stone he held in his hand was filled with the aura of time.

Although this stone is not an immortal stone at first glance, Chu Yan can still tell that it is somewhat extraordinary.

"It's good to be young, it's better to be young, fellow Taoist Ghost, I really envy you!"

Master Xian Shou picked up a bowl of wine and wanted to drink it several times, but because his arms were shaking, he did not drink it. Finally, the bowl fell and scattered on his clothes.

There is something strange about this scene. An old man with all white beard and hair, half of his body already buried in the ground, said to a man in his fifties, "It's good to be young."

Chu Yan said nothing, drank a bowl of wine, and at the same time handed a pill to Master Xian Shou, saying softly: "This pill cannot extend your life, but it can ensure that you are in good health before your end!"

Master Xian Shou put the pill into his mouth with a look of feeling in his eyes.

After taking the pill, Master Xian Shou's face became rosy, his hands stopped shaking, and he immediately drank a bowl of wine.

He wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth and said to Chu Yan: "Fellow Ghost Daoist, do you know that after all these years..."

Through Master Xian Shou's talk, Chu Yan also gained some understanding of what happened to him in the past thirty years.

The artistic conception that Master Xianshou wants to understand is the artistic conception of stone. He was a stone appraiser when he was in the Immortal World. When he came to the Fallen Immortal Island, although there were no immortal stones, he discovered that the people here also gambled on stones, and they were betting on jade.

Jade, as the name suggests, is a stone containing jade. Although they are different from Immortal Stones, they have many similarities. Master Immortal Hands relies on his superb stone gambling skills to become famous in many cities. A master of Immortal Hands, his artistic conception is also spread on Fallen Immortal Island.

But as time went by, Master Xian Shou's remaining days were running out, but he still failed to understand the artistic conception of the stone. In the end, he gave up all his belongings and traveled among many mountains and rivers in order to find a stone that would allow him to successfully understand the artistic conception.

That is, the stone in front of me looks ordinary, but it is extremely extraordinary.

However, the Immortal Hand Master found this stone ten years ago and studied it for a full ten years. Now he still cannot see through it, and he is not sure about opening it. Once this stone is destroyed, his last hope of understanding the artistic conception will also be destroyed. .

So, until today.

"The autumn wind is chilly, Master Xian Shou, in this cold winter, with your current body, I'm afraid you can't be prouder!"

Chu Yan looked at Master Xian Shou and said lightly.

Master Xianshou looked ugly: "Fellow Ghost Daoist, I..."

"You are not the Immortal Hand Master back then. The Immortal Hand Master back then had his own pride and his own decision-making. But now you are just a poor old man..."

Chu Yan said softly, watching Master Xian Shou's eyes change again, and continued to speak: "If you are afraid of time and death, and you can't even guard your Taoist heart, what's the use of this artistic conception?"

Leaving behind Master Xian Shou who had fallen into a daze in his words, Chu Yan stood up and turned around.

After taking Chu Yan into the house for a long time, Master Xian Shou suddenly shook his whole body. Finally, he cupped his fists and said solemnly to Chu Yan's small thatched cottage: "Thank you for your kindness!"

Seven days later.

The famous Immortal Hand Master in One Hundred and Twenty-Three Ordinary City opened the stone to Jingtian, comprehended the artistic conception of the stone, and reached the realm of voyeurism.

The Immortal Hand Master's appearance instantly returned to his sixties again, and his whole person was full of energy.

However, it is obvious that reaching the Peeping Intent cannot yet enter the ruins of ancient cultivation. Master Xian Shou still needs to practice.

The messenger from Yi Lou came and personally recorded it on the list of intentions for him.

At this point, there are no longer 762 people who have comprehended the artistic conception on the Fallen Immortal Island, but 763.

At the same time, he received an invitation from Baling City, which ranked third among the ten major cities, and became a high-ranking elder in Baling City.

Master Xian Shou personally visited Chu Yan again, and was prepared to use all his strength to protect Chu Yan from comprehending the artistic conception, hoping that Chu Yan would go to Baling City with him.

But Chu Yan refused.

Master Xian Shou regretfully left, and finally said that if something happened, all it would take was a letter.

Time flies again.

Unknowingly, I have been staying in the artistic conception of Chuyan in Dahe Village for forty years.

The young man in his twenties back then has now turned into an old man in his sixties with wrinkles on his face and half-hundred hair.

He no longer shaved his beard and had it hanging down on his chest.

In these ten years, many things have happened.

A killer named Leng Ye has become famous among the ten major cities, and he has also understood the concept of killing. Although he has not joined any force now, he is definitely a strong one.

After understanding the artistic conception of killing, Bing Xiaorou returned to her youthful appearance again. When she came to visit Chu Yan, her aura was restrained, and her whole temperament had changed a lot.

In these ten years, Bai Shuimiao came to challenge Qiu Ba for the tenth time.

This time, both of them suffered losses.

Qiu Ba's injuries became more serious, and Chu Yan concluded that he could not be more than ten years old.

The sad thing is not just one thing. Chen Shi has become an old hunter. He no longer needs to go hunting, but one time he accidentally wanted to go hunting. As a result, he was swallowed by a wild beast.

Later, Chu Yan learned that Chen Shi went to the mountains for a flower that Qiu Ruo loved.

Chen Shi loved Qiu Ruo all his life. When he was over 60, he could still pull his old bones and go to the mountains when he heard Qiu Ruo miss the flowers of her youth.

Chen Shi died. The dead cannot be resurrected, and even Chu Yan could do nothing.

Qiu Ruo was heartbroken and could not help herself.

Then, Hu Zi's son Xiao Hu Zi was born.

Xiao Hu Zi was as chubby as Hu Zi. What he loved most was to grab the ghost grandfather's beard and listen to his stories beside him.

Chu Yan still loved children.

As he got older, he went from telling a story once a day to once a month now.

Many of the people who listened to Chu Yan's stories back then have passed away now. Even those few-year-old children back then are now men in their forties. They come with their children. Some young people in their twenties back then now come with their sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and granddaughters.

When they heard Chu Yan tell stories again, they would sigh about how they looked when they were young.

"Just like that, the spirit tribe was defeated, and Yutong left Linshan forever!"

Finally, Chu Yan finished telling this story with a sigh.

Everyone was silent. The changes of time are the most unforgiving. All people are changing, but the persistence in their hearts is still awakened by Chu Yan's story.

On that winter day, everyone can see the master sitting in front of the house, leaning against the wine jar and drinking wine under the dancing snow.

His clothes have been covered with snow, but he is still drinking, and he keeps talking to himself: "The beauty of drinking is like winter snow, cold and pure, beautiful and cold-hearted..."

"Fellow ghost, long time no see!"

A voice came, and Chu Yan saw that it was the old man surnamed He.

The old man surnamed He was full of vigor and vitality, and his appearance was almost the same as that of the year. Obviously, he has already comprehended the artistic conception.

"Sit down!"

Chu Yan sat on one side of the stone table and made a gesture of invitation.

The years have left many traces on Chu Yan's body. The only thing that has not changed is his upright spine.

"Fellow Daoist Ghost, the artistic conception that I comprehend is the elixir..."

Before Chu Yan asked, the old man surnamed He spoke.

For the past forty years, he has been in a medicine shop, trying to make elixirs.

Alchemy is something that no one has ever done on this Fallen Immortal Island. The elixir that the old man surnamed He made was not the immortal elixir. With his mortal body, he only made ordinary elixirs. The effects contained in this elixir are many...

In the end, even the old man surnamed He became an elixir master with the same reputation as the stone appraiser Master Xianshou, and he finally comprehended the artistic conception from it.


Chu Yan clasped his fists, his face was calm, but there was not much change.

The old man surnamed He expressed his concerns: "Friend Gui, the life span of mortals is at most a hundred years, and now you only have more than thirty years left. What we agreed to do back then..."

"I will naturally do what we agreed to do back then!"

Chu Yan still spoke calmly, and his eyes remained the same as before.

The old man surnamed He knew that there was no need to say more, so he said goodbye and left.

"Wine, medicine, and words, the three realms of thought, are not far from the time of breakthrough..."

Chu Yan drank a glass of wine and spoke calmly again.

Time flows again.

In the blink of an eye, the fiftieth year has passed.

Chu Yan's hair is grayer, and his face has more wrinkles. Now he is already an old man in his seventies.

One day, he sat by Qiu Ba's bed, looking at Qiu Ba, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, and couldn't help sighing.

Qiu Ba was supposed to live for sixty-four years, but because of his serious injuries, he finally couldn't hold on.

Qiu Ruo, also stayed by Qiu Ba's side, along with Qiu Ba's black giant tiger. Although wild animals have a longer lifespan than ordinary people, this black tiger has been with Qiu Ba for a long time and is now old. It is so old that it can't even muster the energy to fight with the Thunder Turtle.

"Brother Ghost, promise me..."

ps: The first update... not very easy to write, it's late, forgive me!

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