Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 985: The Monster Rebellion Resurrects (Subscribe)

It is also worth mentioning that the number of demon cultivators and monsters besieging Yan State this time is several times more than that of the monster rebellion a hundred years ago.

There are tens of thousands of demon cultivators, not only the disciples of the Yuanying Demon Sect Xuanshi Sect, but also some demon cultivators of the Jindan and foundation-building forces under its command.

The number of monsters is even greater, more than double that of the last monster rebellion, more than two million.

Fortunately, most of these monsters are low-level monsters.

Even most of them are just those who have just entered the Tao for decades.

In fact, compared with the last monster rebellion, the number of foundation-building and Jindan monsters has not increased much. There are only about 2,000 foundation-building monsters and more than 30 Jindan Jindan monster kings.

It can also be seen that most of these monsters were born in recent years and are not strong. Most of them are just pulled to make up the number.

The ten thousand demon cultivators were strong, with five golden elixir demon cultivators in charge. Unfortunately, compared to the giant Yan State, they were still a little less.

This was also a good thing for Yan State.

During this monster rebellion, the Tianxing Sect, the superior force of Yan State, was worried that the Red Gold Bear Clan would attack the subordinate country Yan State as it did in the last monster rebellion.

In addition, during the last monster rebellion, this sect had seized a lot of monster territory and established two subordinate countries with the Maple Leaf Li Family. Now, this sect has no intention of expanding and only wants to defend its territory.

For these two reasons, this sect did not withdraw troops from Yan State during this monster rebellion.

It only sent people to inform the major golden elixir forces in Yan State to guard Yan State well. If there is anything wrong, they can ask for help from the superior sect.

This matter is a great thing for the golden elixir force Ling family and other golden elixir forces in Yan State.

It is for this reason that all the Jindan forces in Yan State are in full victory, with strong soldiers and horses.

All the forces brought their own part of the soldiers and a group of 30,000 monks to gather together in the largest market "Baiyun City" in the "Baiyun Mountains" of the Baiyun Mountains, which is the closest to the boundless and vast lake in Yan State.

This city has two third-level medium-grade spiritual veins and one third-level high-grade spiritual vein. After years of operation by the Ling family, it has become more indestructible than before.

Nowadays, there are three third-level high-grade defense formations and two third-level medium-grade defense formations arranged in it.

The first three formations are still the three third-level high-grade formations arranged on the three third-level spiritual veins during the last monster rebellion, the Xuanyang Burning Formation, the Jinyue Gangyang Formation obtained from the Liang family of Yuan State, and the Qingfeng Yanyue Formation obtained from the Qiu family of Yuan State.

The two extra third-level medium-grade formations were arranged based on nearly a thousand first-level and second-level spiritual veins in the city to form a mountain-like formation.

These thousand spiritual veins were moved from various places in the Baiyun Mountains by Ling Penglin, the lord of Baiyun City, in order to strengthen the defense of Baiyun City.

It is also worth mentioning that Ling Penglin learned a special formation migration secret method from the quasi-fourth-level formation master Lei Yun Zhenren who died in the battle when protecting Bishui Zhenren to attack the Nascent Soul. In the process of migrating those spiritual veins, the loss of the essence of those spiritual veins can be greatly reduced.

It was for this reason that she moved the spiritual veins in other areas to Baiyun City.

With the opening of the five formations of Baiyun City, the two million monsters of the Red Gold Bear Clan and the tens of thousands of demon cultivators of the Demon Dao were also resisted.

However, these two forces were smart. They knew that it would be difficult to break through Baiyun City, the first line of defense of Yan State in a short time. So they sent a lot of monsters to cooperate with the magic cultivators, bypassed Baiyun City, sneaked into the heart of Yan State, and attacked the weak strongholds of the major forces and even the mountain gates.

In just a few days, dozens of mountain gates of Qi training and foundation building forces were breached in the entire Yan State.

The cultivators stationed in them also fell into the mouths of monsters or were transformed into low-level monster corpses by those magic cultivators.

And the mortal villages and towns under the command of those forces were trampled to pieces.

The situation was horrible.

However, the Ling family was an exception.

During this period, the territory of the Ling family was very peaceful and rarely suffered from the attacks of magic cultivators and monsters.

All of this is due to the fact that a large number of Ling family Qi-training and foundation-building cultivators constantly ride on various spiritual beasts such as peng birds, cranes, or spirit horses that the family has cultivated in recent years to patrol the various areas of the family.

The leader of this group of people is Ling Chengxia, who has been called the "Xuanjing Evil Star" by the group of demon cultivators in the Eastern Demon Realm in recent years.

The Ling family let Ling Chengxia, a Jindan, stay in the family not because his cultivation is low, only at the initial stage of Jindan, but because his life magic weapon, Yin Yang Hua Xuan Bao Jing, is really a treasure for searching for demon cultivators.

The top leaders of the Ling family anticipated that the Xuanshi Sect would help the Red Gold Bear Clan, and naturally guessed that these two major demon forces would send demon cultivators and demon beasts to sneak into Yan State to cause chaos during the demon beast chaos.

For other Jindan cultivators, it may be extremely difficult to find these mice hiding in the dark.

But for Ling Chengxia, who holds the Yin Yang Hua Xuan Bao Jing, it is extremely easy.

The technique "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Jing" that comes with this treasure was originally created by a cultivator from the Canglan Bihai Sect who hated the magic cultivators. The superior life-saving magic treasure "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Bao Jing" that comes with this technique also has the ability to "illumine the devil" and even "illumine monsters".

At present, the power of the Yin-Yang Huaxuan treasure mirror in Ling Chengxia's hand, which is as high as the third-level middle-grade, can basically be easily detected by this treasure mirror as long as the monsters and demons who appear within 60,000 miles around this treasure mirror and whose cultivation is lower than the late Jindan stage.

Some demons or monsters in the middle Jindan stage who have practiced the superior breath-retaining technique may not be found by this treasure mirror.

But generally speaking, the ability of this treasure mirror to search for demons is already good, enough to be on par with some special magic weapons of the same level for searching demons.

And Ling Chengxia's magic weapon can prioritize his cultivation and enter the realm of the third-level middle-grade, thanks to the commission of the "Poyun Liang Clan" and the "Pingyun Yang Clan" in the Purple Scorpion Ridge to exterminate demons five years ago.

From this matter, he earned as much as 60,000 spirit stones. The group of demons killed that year also robbed a lot of property from the righteous forces, and they also carried a large number of various spiritual objects. In the end, Ling Chengxia also got the lion's share of these spiritual objects.

His cultivation is currently at the peak of the first level of the Golden Core. After all, he has only been in the Golden Core realm for a short time.

However, he is confident that he can reach the second level of the Golden Core within ten years.

………………(End of this chapter)

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