Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1010 What Ling Pengcheng wants (Subscribe)

The other two Jindan guests understood the seriousness of this matter, and they immediately nodded and agreed to it.

They didn't want to be driven away by the Ling family.

By then, it will be difficult for them to get along, and it will also be difficult for them to find a high-level spiritual place to practice.

Most of the righteous forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World have very high requirements for recruiting guest ministers, and they even have free restrictions. They are not as good as the Ling family in recruiting guest ministers.

This was also the reason why they were willing to give up spirit stones and come to Ling's Baiyun City to rent a training cave in the early years.


And at this moment.

Thanks to the spread of the news from the Lord of Baiyun City, the Ling clan, the 10,000 to 20,000 casual cultivators who were summoned by the major forces in the Yan Kingdom to garrison in Baiyun City due to the monster rebellion also learned that in another month, Ling The family will hold an extremely grand auction here.

It is rumored that there will also be a large number of foundation-building spiritual objects among them.

For this reason, 90% of the casual cultivators stayed here in Fangfang City.

Only a few casual cultivators left the city for various reasons.

The other side.

A huge square in Baiyun City is filled with hundreds of flying boats. The lowest-grade flying boats are all second-level flying boats.

Even Ling's third-level low-grade large flying boat from the Zhen clan is here.

During the Monster Rebellion, more than 10,000 tribesmen who participated in the battle to garrison the city also gathered in this square and boarded different flying boats one after another, preparing to leave Baiyun City.

After all, Baiyun City is only that big and does not need so many people to manage it.

This group of people was not in Baiyun City before, but had jobs in other areas of the Ling clan. It was only because of the chaos of monsters that they gathered here. Now that the chaos is over, they should return to their respective jobs. The living land began to make a living and seek the truth.

During this period, all the Ling family's golden elixirs gathered in an attic next to the square.

In addition, there are also a group of Ling family foundations here.

They are Ling Pengcheng, a perfect foundation-building monk who usually assists Ling Penglin, the lord of Baiyun City, in managing Baiyun City.

There are also the first batch of six sons of the Ling family, "Ling Wanduo, an earth magician who is now a sage of the Ling family at the foundation level," "Ling Wanliang", a combat lunatic who was an alchemist in his early years but only loved fighting, and a genius from the Demon Corpse. Ling Libing and the beast-controlling genius Ling Lihu.

This group of people are the clansmen closest to the existence of the golden elixir among the Ling family's golden elixir seedlings, and their cultivation has reached the level of foundation building perfection.

Of course, this is also due to the many resources provided by the Ling family.

At the same time, these people are also the backbone of the current Ling family. They all hold important positions in the Ling family. They are either in charge of a territory or serve as deputy hall masters or even hall masters in various halls in the family. They are extremely powerful in the family. Large and well respected.

However, when these people faced the family's golden elixir ancestors, they all placed their status at a very low level. Most of their family's golden elixir ancestors were of a higher generation than them.

Secondly, many of them have been kind to them.

At this time, Ling Pengyun simply told Ling Pengyun and others about the speculation that Black Dragon Lake was about to appear, and then spoke.

"The Black Dragon Lake will definitely appear in the world soon, and the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wasteland will also be in chaos."

"With the current strength of the family, it is simply difficult to protect ourselves."

"The family can't wait for you much longer. You must use the family's techniques of tempering spiritual consciousness and meridians to cultivate the golden elixir consciousness and golden elixir meridians as soon as possible to enhance the success rate of attacking the golden elixir."

"In the future, you no longer need to take care of family affairs. You can just concentrate on cultivating in the clan. The family will provide enough resources for you."

"Can you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Ling Pengcheng and others became solemn.

They didn't dare to ask more questions, and they just said they understood.

Upon seeing this, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction and called Ling Pengyun and others back.

However, Ling Pengcheng stopped on the spot and stayed. He looked hesitant, as if he wanted to say something, but he still didn't speak.

Ling Pengyun felt a little strange when he saw this, so he asked.

"Brother Pengcheng, do you have anything to say? If you have anything, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Ling Pengcheng's face became more hesitant.

After a long while, he let out a long sigh, with a look of helplessness on his face, and then he spoke.

"Brother from the Pengyun Clan, ancestors, I am already over two hundred years old, and I am the same age as my brother from the Pengyun Clan."

"Even if I have taken many life-enhancing substances over the years and still have forty or fifty years of life left in my body, my energy and blood have begun to weaken. If I delay for some time, I will also be affected by the impact of the golden elixir. have an impact.”

"My understanding is weak. Even if I am given another few decades, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to cultivate the spiritual consciousness and meridians with the strength of the golden elixir realm through my family's spiritual consciousness and meridians tempering techniques."

"I...want to do the next best thing and use the method of refining the golden elixir of monsters and condensing fake elixirs to get a glimpse of the golden elixir. I hope you can make it happen."

After saying this, he knelt on the ground.

"No need to be so generous."

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he immediately used a burst of spiritual power to help the old man who had been doing his best to serve the family up.

As for what Ling Pengcheng said just now, he was a little confused.

Ling Pengcheng's cultivation qualifications are actually pretty good. Although he only has the Three Spiritual Root qualifications, his sensitivity to spiritual energy is extremely sensitive, which helps with the speed of cultivation.

For this reason, his cultivation speed is considered to be the best among the three spiritual roots, which is comparable to the cultivation speed of ordinary double spiritual roots.

Moreover, he has already completed the foundation building, and his foundation is very solid. If he succeeds in the future, he will have a high probability of condensing a middle-level golden elixir and having the opportunity to enter the late stage of the golden elixir.

Ling Pengyun was also very optimistic about this fellow brother.

"Pengyun, what do you think about this?"

The clan leader Ling Yunhong, who was standing aside, was a little unsure and threw this difficult question to Ling Pengyun.

During the three years of the monster rebellion, although Ling Yunhong spent most of his time refining pills, he received a notice a month ago that the monster clan might prepare for a decisive battle. After refining a furnace of pills, he came out of retreat.

But who would have thought that the final decisive battle did not come, and this monster rebellion ended very easily.

"The fact that Brother Pengcheng is getting old and losing his blood and qi is indeed a big deal. The impact on the golden elixir should indeed be brought forward."

"Condensing a fake elixir is an inferior choice. There are still many golden elixir spiritual objects in the family. In recent years, the spiritual plants that can breed golden elixir have also produced a batch of good ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects."

"Put it together, and you should be able to gather three ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects that will not conflict with each other. In this way, Pengcheng can also have a 30% chance of entering the golden elixir."

"Let Brother Pengcheng try to condense the golden elixir with spiritual objects first. If it doesn't work, condensing a fake elixir will be a backup."

Ling Pengyun frowned and said.

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