Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1014 The Mouse that Wants to Be Punished (Subscription Request)

It was for this reason that the Ling family hesitated to repair the incomplete teleportation array deep in the barren area next to Jiaomang Lake and go to Zhongzhou Xiuxian World to find out.

At this time.

Ling Lihu's eyes suddenly lit up.

According to Ling Pengyun, the mysterious opportunity just now was just an appetizer.

And the great opportunity that can be mentioned by Ling Pengyun, a Jindan master, is probably the legendary "Yuanying Avenue".

"The great-grandson will definitely live up to the expectations of the great-grandfather." Ling Lihu said excitedly and with a bit of fighting spirit.

Seeing Ling Lihu like this, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction.

Just now, he passed a Yin-Yang Taichu opportunity to Ling Lihu, in addition to thinking of Ling Lihu's improvement of the "Thunder Wing Shadow Tiger" mutation method, he wanted to help him.

It was to stimulate Ling Lihu's ambition and give him a little sweetness to make him work harder to improve that method.

Ling Pengyun attaches so much importance to this method because he considers that there are many methods of mutation in the family. Among them, the three-headed mutation method at the top level of the golden elixir promotes the strength of the green-scaled snake after it derives three heads, but the success rate is too low.

In the past, the two-headed green-scaled snake clan in the White Shadow Secret Realm had tens of thousands of people under its command, but only one three-headed green-scaled snake was born every one or two thousand years.

Only the two-headed green-scaled snake, which is much weaker in strength, has more, and the success rate of mutation is 1.5%.

In addition, this method can also imply that five heads can be derived, but this method is still incomplete.

Ling Pengyun wants Ling Lihu to be tempered in the process of independently creating and perfecting the Thunder Wing Shadow Tiger mutation method, so as to prepare for the perfection of this three-headed mutation method.

After all, the three-headed green-scaled snake mutated by this method is comparable to the second-grade bloodline strength dragon of the same level, and its strength is very good.

If this method can increase the probability of the green-scaled snake evolving into three heads, the Ling family will be rich, and it will be no problem to keep it evergreen for ten thousand years or even tens of thousands of years.

If the method can be further improved to four heads, the Ling family will make even more money.

According to the incomplete three-headed mutation method, these four green-scaled snakes can master the magic of four attributes, and their talent in these four magics will be extremely high, which can make each head into a magic cultivator. The four magic cultivators work together, and their strength is extraordinary, enough to be comparable to the dragons of the same level, whose bloodline strength reaches the first level.

As for the five-headed green-scaled snake, Ling Pengyun dared not even think about how strong it is.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with Ling Lihu again.

Among them, they talked about the original valley master of the third-level thunder vein, the thunder rat.

The thunder rat's Taoist name is "Lei Yuan".

In those days, except for this third-level thunder vein in the Treading Cloud Valley, all other areas were occupied by the Ling family. Only this third-level thunder vein did the Ling family dare not move at ordinary times, so as not to violate the agreement made by the major Yuanying masters and thus attract the anger of the Yuanying demon clan.

For this reason, the Treading Cloud Valley, which was deep in the Treading Cloud Valley, was surrounded by the Ling family.

This place is extremely dangerous for the demon clan.

However, the third-level thunder vein here can also produce a lot of spiritual objects every year, and many Jindan demon clans were very interested in this place at that time.

The Leiyuan Rat Demon was sent here by the Thunder Rat Clan in this way. Although its cultivation level has entered the Jindan stage, it is just a cannon fodder.

It was sent here because it did not comprehend the magical power of the Thunder Rat Clan and was not valued.

According to Ling Lihu, the Golden Core Monster King under the Red Gold Bear Clan suffered heavy losses in the monster beast riot a hundred years ago. The main force of the Red Gold Bear Clan and the Yuanying Zhengdao Sect Tianxing Sect fought in the territory of the Thunder Rat Clan, which caused heavy losses to the Golden Core Monster Clan Thunder Rat Clan as the host.

At that time, only five or six Golden Core Monster Kings of the Thunder Rat Clan survived.

The Golden Core Thunder Rat, which was originally not valued and was driven to this dangerous place to sit in the Treading Cloud Valley, was also reused by the clan at that time. It gave up Treading Cloud Valley and was summoned back to sit in the richer third-level spirit veins under the clan and in the monster clan.

This Thunder Rat also gained a lot of benefits from it, which improved his cultivation to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

And according to Ling Lihu, the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon also comprehended a special secret technique "Thunder Breaking Spear" that was not inferior to ordinary magical powers by chance. Relying on this technique, its strength was greatly enhanced.

At least its strength would not be weaker than those of the same-level Thunder Rat clan who had comprehended magical powers.

Its status in the Thunder Rat clan was also greatly improved because of the merits of the secret technique.

It was even valued by the only surviving Golden Core Perfection Thunder Rat King of the Thunder Rat clan a hundred years ago, and there was an intention to cultivate it.

However, it had no feelings for the Thunder Rat King.

It had not forgotten that the Thunder Rat clan used it as cannon fodder and sent it to the Treading Cloud Valley.

Therefore, it did not feel much attachment to the Thunder Rat clan.

Even in recent years, in order to get the attention of the Thunder Rat King and obtain more resources from the Thunder Rat Clan, it secretly teamed up with the Ling family, which had cooperated with it for a long time, to kill a rat demon from the Thunder Rat Clan, whose cultivation was still in the early stage of the Golden Core, but whose aptitude was extremely good and was praised as the seedling of the Thunder Rat Clan's Golden Core Perfection.

For this reason, the Thunder Rat King, seeing that there was no more aptitude demon king in the clan, took a fancy to the former master of the Treading Cloud Valley, the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon.

And since Ling Lihu came to the territory of the Treading Cloud Valley, the task of secretly transmitting information with the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon was also given to him by the family.

After all, he has mastered the means of controlling beasts, and can use the means of controlling beasts to let his spirit beasts go deep into the demon clan and connect with the Thunder Yuan Rat Demon.

The reason why Ling Lihu mentioned the Thunder Yuan Rat Demon this time was because not long ago, the Thunder Yuan Rat Demon sent a message saying that the Thunder Rat clan had another genius, who had now entered the Golden Core realm.

Once it grows up, it will threaten its position in the Thunder Rat clan.

The Thunder Yuan Rat Demon planned to ask the family for help to help it destroy the genius rat demon of the Thunder Rat clan.

The elder Ling Chengyuan, who was in charge of the family affairs, agreed to this matter and was ready to send the family's best Golden Core middle-stage ghost cultivator "Ling Pengxing", who was the best at concealing his breath and whose strength was enough to rank in the top three in the family, to go deep into the demon clan and assassinate.

However, Ling Pengxing has been in seclusion recently to comprehend a powerful magical power, and it is difficult for him to come out in a short time.

During the monster beast rebellion, the Thunder Rat Clan was afraid that the newly emerged genius Jindan Rat Demon in the clan would be in danger, so they did not let it participate in too big a war, but only let it garrison in the clan.

Therefore, the other Jindan of the Ling family did not have the opportunity to kill it during the monster beast rebellion.

However, the Jindan middle-stage Thunder Abyss Rat Demon that cooperated with the Ling family a few days ago sent a monster beast to convey that the Thunder Rat Clan had discovered a treasure land in a desolate place, and because of the shortage of manpower, they sent the genius Jindan Rat Demon to garrison.

There was only a third-level middle-grade formation to protect that place, which was a good opportunity to kill the genius Jindan Rat Demon.

Ling Lihu saw that the family's Jindan ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing had not come out of retreat yet. In order not to miss this opportunity, he thought about letting the family's strongest person Ling Pengyun handle the matter to avoid hesitation and change.

In addition, he also wanted Ling Pengyun to deter the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon that had cooperated with the family.

In the recent communications, the words written by the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon were really arrogant.

Moreover, the fee that the Ling family needed to help him assassinate the genius rat demon of the Thunder Rat Clan, the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon also wanted to suppress it.

He wanted to directly reduce it from 150,000 spirit stones to 100,000 spirit stones.

If it weren't for Ling Lihu and the Ling family's tough attitude, I'm afraid that the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon would really succeed.

"There is such a thing?"

"I haven't taken care of this matter for many years. It seems that the little mouse really wants to be beaten."

"Cheng Yuan is the same. He didn't tell me earlier."

Ling Pengyun frowned and said in a bad tone.

"Master Cheng Yuan probably doesn't want to trouble you for such a small matter."

"If it weren't for the fact that Grandpa Pengxing had been in seclusion for too long this time, it has been almost more than ten years since the monster beast rebellion, and he hasn't come out of seclusion yet, and the assassination by the Thunder Abyss Rat Demon is urgent, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered you with this matter."

Ling Lihu explained. (End of this chapter)

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