Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1016 The Spirit of the Golden Saint of Morality Ling Pengcheng's Nascent Soul Opportuni

When Ling Pengcheng heard this, his face couldn't help but become a little more happy. However, he has always been humble and he did not take credit.

"The reason why I have this opportunity is mainly because I entered the Golden Elixir this time. If it is difficult for me to enter the Golden Elixir, I am afraid I will miss this opportunity."

"And I can enter the Golden Elixir this time, thanks to the three ordinary Golden Elixir spiritual objects given by you, Brother Pengyun Clan. Without those three ordinary Golden Elixir spiritual objects, it would be difficult for me to enter the Golden Elixir this time."

"I have to thank Brother Pengyun for such a favor."

After saying that, Ling Pengcheng bowed deeply to Ling Pengyun.

"You're welcome. Many people find it difficult to enter the Golden Elixir even if they obtain the three golden elixir spiritual objects. This matter is still your own blessing." Ling Pengyun was very satisfied when he saw Ling Pengcheng's attitude, and he also smiled.

asked at the same time.

"By the way, Pengcheng, there are many spirits. As far as I know, there are many spirits that match the effects of the spirit you just described. Can you let me sense the special energy in your body to determine your ability this time?" What is the awakened spiritual body?”

In the past few years, Ling Pengyun used nine mouths of Yin and Yang's Qi from the beginning to condense a Yin and Yang essence and turned his own golden elixir into the Five Elements Golden Elixir. He also became more suitable for practicing the Five Elements Kung Fu.

However, his family did not have high-level Five Elements Kung Fu, so he had no choice but to create his own high-level Five Elements Kung Fu.

During this period, he read countless Five Elements exercises and various classics on the world of immortality, hoping to find inspiration from them.

Among the countless inheritances of the Ghost Immortal Sect, he read a book on the introduction of many spiritual bodies.

Therefore, he actually knew a thing or two about the common spirits in the world. For this reason, he decided to try to see if he could identify the invisible spirit that Ling Pengcheng had awakened this time.

And Ling Pengcheng was also extremely curious about his own spirit body.

After all, only by understanding his own spiritual body can he make better use of his spiritual body. Some spiritual bodies need to practice exercises with corresponding attributes in order to make the best use of their spiritual body.

Over the years, he has spent most of his time cultivating, and the rest of his time has been managing affairs for the family.

Under such circumstances, he rarely had time to read the classics that introduced spiritual bodies. He actually knew little about this spiritual body.

Therefore, he did not know what kind of spiritual body brought about his current changes.

"There is nothing wrong with it."

Ling Pengyun then stepped forward, probed a ray of spiritual consciousness into his body, and carefully inspected Ling Pengyun's body.

Soon, he found the special gas in Ling Pengcheng's mouth that could purify and consolidate spiritual power.

This wisp of energy is golden yellow. Although it is extremely mysterious and difficult to detect, Ling Pengyun has some confidence based on its appearance.

He also withdrew his consciousness, and his eyes looking at Ling Pengcheng became more appreciative.

"Brother Pengyun clan, do you know what my spirit body is?"

Ling Pengcheng was also a seasoned man. Seeing the change in Ling Pengyun's expression, he immediately asked with endless expectation.

Ling Lihu on the side also looked at Ling Pengyun.

"Based on the appearance of the special energy in your body and the effect you described, the hidden spirit you awakened this time is probably the legendary middle-class spiritual body Moral Gold Holy Spirit Body."

"That special aura is the moral golden holy aura carried by the moral golden holy body."

"And this Moral Gold Holy Qi is extremely good. The greatest effect of this thing is in cultivation. According to classic records, the Moral Gold Holy Body can produce up to nine mouthfuls of Moral Gold Holy Qi. It only needs to be warmed with spiritual power. A mouthful of the moral golden sage's energy can continuously generate the moral golden sage's energy."

"As for the time required to derive the Moral Golden Saint Qi, I don't know. It depends on your cultivation level, so you can only explore slowly."

"Each one can speed up a monk's cultivation by 30%. If you add all nine of them together, you can speed up the cultivation by two-point-seven times."

"Furthermore, when the nine mouths of moral golden holy energy are formed, it can also help the monks to convert all the spiritual power in the body into moral golden holy energy. This spiritual power is extremely strong and is of great benefit in breaking through bottlenecks."

"Even if it attacks the Nascent Soul, it is said that it can only increase the probability by about 10%."

"The only drawback may be that this spirit body has no effect on various spells."

"But in the face of the powerful qualification bonus of this spirit body, this shortcoming can be ignored."

Ling Pengyun thought for a while and said with a smile.

After Ling Pengcheng heard this, the joy on his face suddenly increased countless times.

Not to mention the bonus of the Moral Gold Holy Spirit that he awakened this time to his cultivation. Just gathering the energy of nine Moral Gold Holy Spirits can transform the spiritual power in the monk's body into the Moral Gold Holy Spirit, which can impact the Nascent Soul. It was beneficial and extremely helpful. It could increase the probability of successful impact by 10%, which was enough to make him extremely satisfied with the spirit body.

The addition of this spirit body to cultivation is also the icing on the cake.

Ling Lihu's face on the side also looked a little more happy, and even more envious.

With the help of that spiritual body, Ling Pengcheng can be called the Nascent Soul Seed.

Everyone was happy for a while, and Ling Pengyun also mentioned something.

"There is something important that I must tell you in advance. Brother Pengcheng, the spirit body you possess is too powerful and cannot be easily spread. Otherwise, all the Yuanying monks may be attracted to it."

"By then, the family may not even be able to save your body."

"Don't go to Baiyun City where there are so many people coming and going. We can't protect you. Some of the Jindan monks who went to Baiyun City have mastered special eye skills and can see through your spirit body."

"In the future, you will practice in the clan. If there is nothing serious, you should not show up in the future."

"As for the cultivation resources, they will be provided by the clan. You can practice well and strive to enter the state of perfection of the golden elixir as soon as possible, and have the opportunity to impact the Nascent Soul. If the clan can get a Nascent Soul, our clan can really take root in this Northern Wilderness cultivation world."

"Everything is arranged by Brother Pengyun. I will definitely keep the resources in mind. I will follow the heart of Tao and move forward to the great way, and will not let the clan down." Ling Pengcheng heard this and agreed to it without any hesitation.

Ling Pengyun's considerations really need to be taken seriously.

Anyway, he now has the help of the moral golden saint energy produced by the moral golden holy spirit body, and he does not need to consolidate his cultivation like ordinary cultivators by fighting monsters. He only needs to practice step by step.

This also allows him to retreat for a long time. Even if he retreats all the time, his cultivation will not be stuck.

Ling Lihu also promised to keep it secret at this moment.

Ling Pengyun nodded, and set up a ban in their sea of ​​consciousness to prevent the matter from being spread. Then he asked again.

"By the way, Peng Cheng, what kind of martial arts are you practicing now?" (End of this chapter)

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