Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1025: The prospect of replenishing spiritual roots (please subscribe)

As his cultivation level increased and he came into contact with the inheritance of great forces such as the Nascent Soul Sect, the White Shadow Sect, and the Huashen Gui Sect, the Ghost Immortal Sect, he also learned many secrets of the world of immortality.

He also knows some methods that can transform mortal roots into spirits and transform into spiritual roots.

And this kind of method was also developed by those powerful people in order to make up for their own foundation and reach a higher realm.

After all, most powerful people who reach the sky are not actually qualified to have five spiritual roots.

But whether it is the golden elixir that needs to be condensed to break through the golden elixir, or the Nascent Soul that needs to be condensed to enter the Nascent Soul, the Five Elements Golden elixir and the Five Elements Nascent Soul have the strongest qualifications and can bring the greatest improvement.

It's just that these means of replenishing spiritual roots are of extremely high quality. They are at least Nascent Soul's possessions and are extremely cherished.

The Ghost Immortal Sect, which is the God-Transforming Ghost Sect, does have a method that can repair the foundation, and it is also an excellent magical power. It is called "The Art of Repairing the Sky with Ghost Roots".

However, this method can only be used to make up for the ghost roots of ghost cultivators.

The foundation of ghost cultivators is different from that of monks. After all, ghost cultivators have lost their bodies and are not even considered human beings.

The foundation of ghost cultivation is called ghost root, such as ghost fire spiritual root, ghost wood spiritual root, etc.

This system is completely different from the normal monk system.

This makes it impossible for ordinary monks to use the ghost root repairing technique to cleanse the mortal roots and turn them into spirits.

"We can only go to the sect and have a look."

Ling Pengyun said secretly in his heart.

Because of his worries, he couldn't bear the temper and continued to perfect the "Lingxiao Five Elements Book" he created. Immediately, he set off and sneaked towards the boundless sea area to cultivate immortals.

After all, this matter of making up for his spiritual roots is extremely important to him.

In the future, he plans to give his parents, Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, as well as his daughter and son, Ling Chengxia, a mouthful of Yin Yang Taichu essence.

Although their parents, Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, are not very qualified, they both have four spiritual roots and are missing one spiritual root.

My daughter Ling Chengxin has five spiritual roots, so she doesn't need too much trouble.

But his son Ling Chengxia has the three spiritual roots of water, fire, and wood, so he needs to make up for the best foundation.

And as long as this can be accomplished and his family members can gather the Five Elements Golden Elixir, all of you will surely be able to take the road to immortality in the future.

This is also the reason why Ling Pengyun attaches great importance to this matter.


A few months later.

Ling Pengyun's figure appeared in the desolate sea area between the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea and the Immortal Cultivation World in Zhongzhou.

Following the map that Ling Chengxia had asked King Long Yuan to bring back to his family, he quickly found a sea area with fragile space and full of cracks.

"It should be right here."

Then, he took out a token with the word "Yin Pearl" written on the front, and used an unfamiliar fingering technique to form a special seal and penetrate it into the token.

The token suddenly flashed with inspiration, spreading out a small wave of spiritual power that spread for about ten feet.

Immediately afterwards, a deep black hole about ten feet wide appeared in the void to the left and right of Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up and he immediately got in.

As he felt dizzy, a bright light appeared in front of his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he was already in a strange place, with two mountain gates in front of him.

The plaque hanging on the mountain gate on the left reads "Canglan Bihai Sect", and the plaque on the mountain gate on the right reads "Lingxiao Ling Family".

At this time, a sound of surprise came from the direction of the Lingxiao Ling Family Mountain Gate on the right.

"Uncle Peng Yun, why are you here?"

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he heard this. He turned around and saw an early-stage foundation-building monk wearing Ling's Taoist robes and with some white hair on his head running towards him.

"Cheng Hou, why are you here?"

Ling Chenghou, who had some white hair on his head and was about 150 or 60 years old, looked a little more happy when he saw Ling Pengyun recognized him.

He also explained accordingly.

"This place needs people to guard the mountain gate to prevent strange monks from accidentally entering. Although the possibility of this is extremely low, we still need to be vigilant. Therefore, Uncle Pengliang plans to send someone to guard the mountain gate. I am not qualified and have no future. This guard The work at Shanmen is troublesome, and there are few manpower on the family side, so I have to do this work."

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but feel a little more approval on his face. He then took out five second-level high-grade spiritual peaches and handed them to Ling Chenghou.

"Yes, you kid is really thoughtful."

"If you hold these second-level spiritual fruits, you can also improve your cultivation. Don't lose your heart towards the Tao."

"By the way, your father entered the golden elixir forty years ago. Not long after the demonic beast chaos ended in the Beihuang Immortal Realm, I came in a hurry this time, so I forgot to tell your father about coming here this time. ”

"Do you want to go back to the family? Soon, I will go back to the family. If you are willing, I can take you for a ride. After you return to the family to visit relatives, I can send you back here."

When Ling Chenghou heard this, his head seemed to explode, his heart was extremely excited, and his face couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy.

After a long while, he finally recovered.

He also said with a little hesitation.

"Great-grandfather, it's too troublesome for you to go back and forth. It's not good for me to go out to this secret realm at will. After all, things in this secret realm need to be kept secret. I can just forget about returning to my family."

"But I also asked my great-grandfather to help me bring a letter back to my father."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun admired Ling Chenghou a little more and thought to himself.

"He is a sensible child."

Then, he responded.

"Father has entered the Golden Core stage, how can he not come back? I said I would send you back here in the future, and I will, so you don't have to worry too much."

"I will come to pick you up after I finish my trip to the Boundless Sea. If you have anything to say, you can talk to your father yourself."

When Ling Chenghou heard Ling Pengyun's words, he knew that Ling Pengyun had made up his mind. He felt warm in his heart, and at the same time, he felt grateful. He also thanked Ling Pengyun.

And his father was Ling Pengcheng, who awakened the hidden "Moral Golden Holy Spirit Body" in the family forty years ago.

Ling Pengcheng has two descendants with spiritual roots, and Ling Chenghou is only one of them. He also has a brother named Ling Chengchang.

In addition, he has several ordinary brothers and sisters.

However, Ling Chenghou is the one with the worst qualifications among Ling Pengcheng's two descendants with spiritual roots. He only has four spiritual roots. If it weren't for Ling Pengcheng's support in his early years, it is not certain whether Ling Chenghou can enter the foundation building stage.

His elder brother Ling Chengchang, who has three spiritual roots, has also entered the foundation building stage and is currently with the family.

In the early years, his brother was listed as a family seed like Ling Chenghou, and the family also planned to send him to the Boundless Sea Branch to prevent the dragons from the Black Dragon Lake, the holy land of the demon race in the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World, from coming out to cause chaos and leaving a fire seed for the family.

However, his father Ling Pengcheng refused this and kept Ling Chenghou's elder brother Ling Chengchang.

According to Ling Pengcheng's original words, according to the qualification requirements for taking refuge in the Boundless Sea Xiuxian World as a fire seed, his youngest son Ling Chenghou was not qualified to be the family fire seed.

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