Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1030 Additional Request, Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder (Subscription Request)

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised to see that Canglan Zhenjun had guessed the origin of this technique, but since Canglan Zhenjun had guessed it, he had nothing to hide, so he nodded.

"That's right."

"This thing was obtained by a casual cultivator in my Beihuang Xiuxian world thousands of years ago, and later cultivated into a golden elixir, and his Taoist name was Huoyun Zhenren."

"And the inheritance of Huoyun Zhenren after his death was obtained by the Yindu Sect of a demon sect in Yan State where my clan is located one or two hundred years ago. This demon sect was destroyed by my clan, and the inheritance eventually fell into the hands of my clan."

Canglan Zhenjun smiled, but did not delve into it, just said with a smile.

"My friend is really lucky, you can find such ancient things."

Then he continued to look through the Huoyun Treasure Book, muttering his evaluation.

"The Huoyun Master who came from Huoyun Sect, which was originally a Jindan force, tens of thousands of years ago was indeed a natural talent."

"If he had been given more life, I'm afraid this technique could have become more perfect, and it might even have been deduced to the middle stage of Yuanying by Huoyun Master. It's a pity."

"Senior Huoyun, the Huoyun Sect he came from is also a poor source of fortune. After producing Senior Huoyun, a natural talent, no Yuanying was produced again, resulting in no one to deduce and perfect this technique."

"Even if this technique also comes with a top-level superior magical power, this technique can only be regarded as a top-level inferior magical power."

At this point, Canglan Master closed the book in his hand and looked at Ling Pengyun.

"This technique is very valuable, and there are many good points in it. As long as you spend time, this technique will surely enter the middle level realm. This level of technique can also be of some use to our sect."

"However, this thing alone cannot be exchanged for the method of replenishing spiritual roots in our sect."

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly when he heard this. He gritted his teeth and planned to take the risk to take out the inheritance of the White Shadow Sect.

The inheritance of the White Shadow Sect basically has traces to follow. Once taken out, Canglan Zhenjun will definitely guess the origin of those inheritances.

This is why, at the beginning, Ling Pengyun only took out the top lower-level Yuanying early stage technique "Fire Cloud Treasure Book".

As for exchanging inheritance for magical powers, it is also a helpless move.

No matter what quality the magical powers are, they cannot be compared with spiritual stones. Generally, they are exchanged with high-level spiritual objects or inheritances of equal value.

The extremely precious magical powers to replenish spiritual roots cannot be bought with spiritual stones.

Furthermore, even if this kind of magical power can really be purchased with spirit stones, Ling Pengyun may not be able to afford it even if he sells the Ling family.

However, before he took out the inheritance of the White Shadow Sect, the voice of Master Canglan came to his ears.

"But if you agree to my three conditions, I can give you the magical power to make up for your spiritual roots."

Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly ignited with a touch of fire, and he spoke.

"Please tell me clearly, Master."

Master Canglan said with a smile.

"Sooner or later, our sect will go to war with the Holy Demon Sect."

"First, if you can enter the Nascent Soul stage, help me kill a Nascent Soul from the Holy Demon Sect."

"Second, if you can enter the Nascent Soul stage, you must continue to be a guest of our sect. If our sect is in danger, I don't ask you to fight for our sect, but I ask you to help our sect resist a Nascent Soul enemy at the critical moment."

"Third, if you can enter the Nascent Soul stage, help our sect take back the mountain gate occupied by the Holy Demon Sect in the future."

Ling Pengyun frowned when he heard this.

These conditions are extremely difficult.

Take the first requirement of killing the Nascent Soul Demon Lord, it is extremely difficult.

You know, every Nascent Soul is not an ordinary person. Even if Ling Pengyun can really enter the Nascent Soul stage, he is not sure that he can kill the Nascent Soul Demon Lord from the Holy Demon Sect.

Back then, when True Lord Bishui attacked the Nascent Soul stage, he saw the Nascent Soul Demon Lords of the Holy Demon Sect take action. It can be said that each of them is extraordinary and powerful.

If Ling Pengyun was not sure about entering the Nascent Soul, these things would be easy to say, and he could just agree to them casually.

But the problem is that since he refined a Yin-Yang Primordial Essence and condensed the Five Elements Golden Pill, he could increase his chances of entering the Nascent Soul by 20% with just these two items.

This success rate is not low, and he has the Nascent Soul spiritual objects in his hands, as well as the method to cultivate the Nascent Soul consciousness.

Under all these circumstances, Ling Pengyun is still sure to impact the Nascent Soul, so he did not dare to easily agree to the conditions of Canglan Zhenjun.

"Master, your three requirements are a bit too high."

Upon hearing this, Canglan Zhenjun's expression moved slightly, revealing a look of as expected, and then he continued.

"I can send you the sect's Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder."

Ling Pengyun's body trembled suddenly, and countless heat surged in his heart.

The Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder is a combined superior magical power, which is composed of five middle-level Pure Yang Mysterious Thunders, namely Jia Wood, Bing Fire, Wu Earth, Geng Gold, and Ren Water. Once you get the Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder, you will definitely get the cultivation methods of the other five middle-level Pure Yang Mysterious Thunders.

This benefit alone is enough to make Ling Pengyun excited.

After Ling Pengyun got the Kuishui and Renshui Mysterious Thunders from the White Shadow Sect, he practiced them.

Over the years, he has used these two Mysterious Thunder magical powers several times.

Regardless of which Mysterious Thunder magical power, with Ling Pengyun's current eighth-level Jindan cultivation, it is enough to burst out the power of a pseudo-infant realm cultivator's full-strength attack.

Moreover, according to the words recorded in the two Mysterious Thunder methods he practiced about the Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder, the power of this Five Elements Pure Yang Divine Thunder should be several times that of the middle-level magical power.

Once mastered, Ling Pengyun will certainly have the ability to kill old pseudo-infant realm cultivators, and even be able to resist one or two attacks from those who have just entered the Nascent Soul.

You know, even if his current consciousness and spiritual power are comparable to those of the pseudo-infant realm due to the Five Elements Golden Pill and other factors, even if he adds the three prototypes of spiritual treasures in his hands, his strength can only be on par with old pseudo-infant cultivators.

"If this method can be obtained, the probability of our clan surviving in the future when the Black Dragon Lake, the holy land of the demon race in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, appears in the world, will be much greater."

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, I have agreed to all your requests, as long as I can enter the Nascent Soul, I will definitely do what I promised today."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun also made a heavenly oath with his cultivation that he would do what he did today after entering the Nascent Soul.

Seeing this, Master Canglan smiled. He seemed to have been prepared. He took out the magical power of replenishing the foundation and the Pure Yang Five Elements Mysterious Thunder from the storage bag, handed them to Ling Pengyun, and said with a smile.

"Junior Brother Ling, can you confirm the authenticity?"

Ling Pengyun had been eager to look through the two classics. Now that Master Canglan had spoken, he immediately looked through them.

As he looked through them, the joy on his face increased.

The method of replenishing spiritual roots is called "Xuanyuan Root Replenishment Method". According to the records, this root replenishment method is also mastered by most forces in the cultivation world, and it can be regarded as a common method. (End of this chapter)

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