Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1041 Old Father Ling Xiaoshun Enters the Golden Elixir (Please subscribe)

"I don't ask for the longevity of the Great Dao, but it is my blessing to be able to enter this realm."

Although Ling Xiaoshun's words were rather depressing, they were not actually so. He was full of joy and excitement when he said this.

According to his qualifications, it was uncertain whether he could enter the realm of perfect Qi training in this life.

He had never dared to think about entering the realm of Golden Elixir before.

Therefore, he was actually very satisfied with his current realm.

Then, Ling Xiaoshun also talked in detail about his experience of entering the Golden Elixir.

According to Ling Xiaoshun, five years ago, he felt that his realm had become extremely smooth and had reached the limit of what he could refine, so he told his daughter-in-law Yan Siyi about this.

Yan Siyi also took her old father Ling Xiaoshun to the Tayun Valley in the Baiyun Mountains, and at the same time, she handed over four ordinary Golden Elixir spiritual objects that her husband Ling Pengyun had prepared long ago and would not conflict with each other to Ling Xiaoshun.

Because the four ordinary Golden Elixir spiritual objects were powerful, when they were gathered together, they increased Ling Xiaoshun's success rate of condensing the Golden Elixir by 40%.

In addition, Ling Xiaoshun had refined a yin-yang primordial energy in his early years, which improved his meridians and consciousness, and also increased his success rate by half.

Under various factors, his success rate of impacting the golden elixir was as high as 45%.

Ling Xiaoshun also relied on such a high success rate, which was why he was lucky enough to condense a lower-grade golden elixir, and with the help of the thunder-inducing destruction formation in the Cloud Valley, he avoided the thunder and entered the golden elixir realm.

Although he spent four golden elixir spiritual objects worth 1.3 or 400,000 spiritual stones to assist his old father Ling Xiaoshun, Ling Pengyun still felt it was worth it.

After all, if Ling Xiaoshun could enter the golden elixir, it meant that his life span would increase to 500, which would be an extra 300 years.

This life span was enough time for Ling Pengyun to rely on the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra to condense a yin-yang primordial essence for him, helping him have the opportunity to ascend to the great road.

There were also infinite possibilities in his future.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun was even happier. He also planned to hold a banquet for his father Ling Xiaoshun to celebrate the Golden Elixir Ceremony.

Ling Xiaoshun had entered the Golden Elixir for five years, but he had not held the Golden Elixir Ceremony, just to wait for his son Ling Pengyun to return.

Now that Ling Pengyun has returned, he has also taken the initiative to propose to hold the Golden Elixir Ceremony, and Ling Xiaoshun happily agreed.

Although his mother Yang Qiuyun had reached the perfect state of foundation building more than ten years ago, Yang Qiuyun still felt that her own realm was not perfect, so she had not tried to impact the Golden Elixir for a long time, but planned to continue waiting.

According to her estimate, in another five years, she estimated that she could polish her realm to perfection.

In his early years, Ling Xiaoshun did the same.

It took him even longer to enter the perfect state of foundation building. More than 20 years ago, he entered the perfect state of foundation building. In recent years, he has been polishing his realm.

It was precisely because of Ling Xiaoshun's emphasis and steady approach that he pushed him to enter the Golden Elixir.

Ling Pengyun also agreed with this, and did not urge his mother to try to break through the golden elixir as soon as possible, and everything was done steadily.

After all, mother Yang Qiuyun's life span was not long. If she failed, she would be severely injured, and her remaining life span would not be enough for her to heal.

Therefore, she only had one chance to break through the golden elixir.

Of course, Ling Pengyun had already prepared four ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects for his mother Yang Qiuyun. These spiritual objects were collected from three places, Beihuang, Wubianhaiyu, and Zhongzhou, with countless efforts and time in his early years.

Most of the golden elixir spiritual objects in the world of cultivation have conflicting effects. It is not easy to collect four golden elixir spiritual objects whose effects will not conflict.


Three months passed in a flash.

Ling Xiaoshun's golden elixir ceremony was also held in the Ling clan.

All the big and small forces in Yan State sent people to come, and tens of thousands of cultivators also gathered in a banquet outside the Ling family. No force dared to offend Ling Xiaoshun, the newly promoted Jindan of the Ling family.

Although Ling Xiaoshun had no impressive achievements in the past, and his strength was not well-known in the Ling family.

But Ling Xiaoshun was the father of Ling Pengyun, the strongest person in Yan State.

Just for this matter, Ling Xiaoshun's name had long been spread throughout Yan State and even in several surrounding immortal cultivation countries.

Even after the Tianxing Sect, the Yuanying force of the Ling family in Yan State, learned of this, it specially sent Jindan cultivators to travel a long distance to Ling Xiaoshun's Jindan ceremony and sent a large formation with formation tools and a grade of up to the third-level lower grade as a gift.

Such gifts also made Ling Xiaoshun, who held the Jindan ceremony, Ling Pengyun, and the entire Ling family attach great importance to it.

It also attracted the envy of countless Yan cultivators.

After all, a third-grade lower-grade formation with formation tools is composed of a third-grade lower-grade magic weapon and a third-grade lower-grade formation.

Moreover, the formation tool needs to be forged with a special method and engraved with formation patterns before it can be built.

That is why the power of a formation with formation tools is several times stronger than that of an ordinary formation.

And such a formation with formation tools is worth at least 600,000 or 700,000 spiritual stones on the market.

In the thousands of years since the founding of the entire Yan State, no one has presented such a heavy gift at the Golden Elixir Ceremony of others.

Not to mention that the upper sect Tianxing Sect personally sent someone to deliver such a heavy gift.

"I am afraid that the Ling family has already become a celebrity in the eyes of the Tianxing Sect. In the future, the Ling family will probably fly up to the tree and become a phoenix."

"You, a cultivator from a certain country, don't know shit. The Ling family has more than 20 golden elixir combat power, including the demon corpses. They don't need to rely on the Tianxing Sect, which is already an unattainable peak. Why do they still need to rely on the Tianxing Sect? In my opinion, the Tianxing Sect sent such a heavy gift this time, and it is estimated that the Ling family is regarded as a force of the same level or a helper, and wants to get closer to them."

"Now that you say that, it seems to be possible. After all, the Ling family has a lot of golden elixir, but they just lack Yuanying Zhenjun. Otherwise, in terms of the number of golden elixir combat power, it is not much less than the Tianxing Sect. This clan is also enough to be considered a pseudo-infant realm force."


Just as the cultivators participating in the ceremony were discussing, a light of escape that only golden elixir cultivators can transform into came from the distant sky.

A sound that resounded through the clouds and was full of energy also came over.

"Yuan Hua, the third disciple of Haiyun Immortal Sect's Haiyun Zhenjun, has come with the intention of his master to congratulate fellow Daoist Ling Xiaoshun on his successful entry into the Golden Core realm."

The tens of thousands of visitors sent by Tianxing Sect and the Ling family cultivators who were originally shocked by the words took a breath of cold air again.

Although this Yuanhua Zhenren's cultivation level is only at the Golden Core realm, he had reached the Golden Core Perfection realm a hundred years ago, and is a veritable Nascent Soul seedling of Haiyun Immortal Sect.

The most important thing is the sect he came from, Haiyun Immortal Sect, and his master, Haiyun Zhenjun.

Haiyun Immortal Sect is one of the three immortal sects in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World with many Nascent Souls. It is extremely powerful and is the real ruler of the righteous path in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. The progress of the righteous path in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World can be traced by this sect.

The Haiyun Zhenjun is the sect master of this sect, with tremendous strength. It is said that this Zhenren's cultivation level is as high as the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

In terms of strength alone, the strength of this Haiyun Zhenjun can be ranked among the top three in the righteous way of the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

And Yuan Huashen is a disciple of such a big figure, which is rare in the past.

"I didn't expect that the Ling family would have such a big face, and the Haiyun Immortal Sect would send such a big figure to congratulate."

"I remember that the last Jindan force that the Haiyun Immortal Sect paid attention to was the Lingbao Academy, which was only a Jindan force thousands of years ago. Could it be that the Haiyun Immortal Sect is..."

"I lost it, it is really possible. This Ling family can be called a pseudo-infant force. The strongest person in this family, Ling Pengyun, is young, but his power is ridiculously strong. In the future, it is possible that he will lead the Ling family to become the next Lingbao Academy."


For a while, the guests at the banquet were talking about it again.

... (End of this chapter)

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