Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1045 The three families are willing to give the Nascent Soul Spiritual Items (Subscription R

At the same time, as the Jindan banquet ended, tens of thousands of guests dispersed like a tide in a short period of time.

However, the fact that the only three major immortal sects in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and the three major inferior Nascent Soul forces all came to the Ling Xiaoshun Golden Pill Banquet still spread throughout the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

Suddenly, the entire righteous path began to discuss whether the Ling family would be the next Nascent Soul force in the future, which could be said to make the Ling family shine.

It even attracted the prying eyes of demon forces and demon forces.

However, what surprised the entire Zhengdao the most was that not long after the Ling Xiaoshun Golden Pill Banquet, the three major immortal sects all spread the word that if there was a Nascent Soul monster clan or a demonic path that dared to touch the Ling family, they would take action.

The meaning of this platform has also allowed Ling's status to be raised to the top level in the righteous path of the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm in a short period of time. It is superior to all the Jindan forces. It is only among the three major immortal sects and the three major inferior Yuanying. Under power.

Perhaps it was also the platform of the three major immortal sects, and the demonic forces and monster clan forces that were spying on the Ling family had also withdrawn.

at the same time.

The only great immortal cultivation country in the Northern Wasteland, the "Wu Kingdom", is within its territory.

On the top of an ordinary and extremely high mountain, there are gathered three people with the highest status in the righteous path of the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World.

These three people are the masters of the three major immortal sects: Haiyun Immortal Sect, Fuyun Immortal Sect, and Hanyue Immortal Palace.

True Lord Haiyun and True Lord Fuyun were sitting on a stone table playing chess.

The picturesque and beautiful Hanyue Palace Master is like an iceberg, sitting cross-legged and meditating aside.

"Why don't we make a bet and see which side of the Ling family, Ling Pengyun, will accept funding from Nascent Soul spiritual objects this time and become a subsidiary force of which side?"

The "True Lord Haiyun", who was wearing a blue Taoist robe and with a strong scent of elixir, spoke to True Lord Fu Yun while playing chess.

Zhenjun Fu Yun carried a bookish spirit. He was holding a flag and was about to place it on the chessboard. He paused slightly before placing it on the chessboard.

With a bit of confidence on his face, he spoke.

"Okay, what's the bet?"

When True Lord Haiyun saw True Lord Fuyun agreeing, his eyes lit up slightly and he said with a smile.

"How about betting on a fourth-level magic talisman?"

When True Lord Fu Yun heard this, he hesitated a little. Even though he himself was a fourth-level talisman maker, and the Fu Yun Immortal Sect behind him was also good at making talismans, he didn't have many fourth-level talismans in his hands.

After all, it is extremely difficult to refine the fourth-level spiritual talisman, and the required spiritual materials are extremely rare. It is rare for him to refine it once.

"Brother Haiyun, this bet... is a bit too big." Zhenjun Fu Yun frowned and said.

True Lord Haiyun did not give up and turned around. "If I lose, how about I give you three low-grade fourth-level cultivation elixirs, Qing Jade Pills?"

Upon hearing this, Zhenjun Fu Yun was immediately moved, and he immediately agreed.

The fourth-level Jade Pill was a rare thing, and if it could be obtained, it would save him decades of hard work.

The value of three green jade pills is not much different from the price of a fourth-level spiritual talisman, both of which are about 100,000 spiritual stones.

The Lord of the Hanyue Immortal Palace, Hanyue Nvzhenjun, who was sitting quietly beside her, slowly opened her eyes at this moment. She was also attracted by the three jade pills proposed by Zhenyun Haiyun, and she said.

"I will also participate. If I lose, I will give out two fourth-level low-grade Ice Soul Spirit Fruits."

"However, if someone breaks the rules and has an extra Nascent Soul spirit to win over Ling's Ling Pengyun, don't blame me for being rude."

The Ice Soul Spirit Fruit is also a cultivation spiritual object, but its value is higher than the Jade Pill, a cultivation elixir of the same level. Two Ice Soul Spirit Fruits are just as valuable as three Jade Pills.

"Very good, very good."

True Lord Haiyun heard this and said with a smile.


The other side.

Yan State.

The boundary of the ice and snow forest, the ice and snow valley.

On this day, three distinguished guests came.

The visitors were three golden elixir perfection monks from the Haiyun Immortal Sect Yuanhua, Fuyun Immortal Sect Fu Chen, and Hanyue Immortal Palace Luoxi who were apprenticed to the True Lords of each sect.

The identities of these three people are precious, and Ling Pengyun also personally welcomed them.

When they met, Ling Pengyun also asked with some expectation.

"The three fellow Taoists came here this time because of the Nine Heavens profound energy and the earth spirit?"

Yuan Hua, who was born in the Haiyun Immortal Sect and worshiped under the sect's leader, True Lord Haiyun, nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes, we made a special trip back to the sects during this trip. We asked the true kings of each sect and also learned what kind of Nascent Soul spiritual objects our sects are willing to give out."

After saying that, Yuan Hua turned to Fu Chen from Fuyun Immortal Sect and Luo Xi from Hanyue Immortal Palace and smiled.

"You two, let's talk first."

Fu Chen from Fuyun Immortal Sect felt a little weird when he saw this, but he didn't delay and said directly.

"Our sect does not have the Nine Heavens Profound Qi and the Earth Soul Essence, but we do have a fourth-level mid-grade Tiangang Condensation Talisman. Like the Nine Heavens Profound Qi and the Earth Essence, it can increase the probability of entering the Nascent Soul realm by 10%. That's it. The above is an ordinary Nascent Soul spiritual object.”

Luo Xi said calmly without any emotion in his words. "There is an earth spirit coming out of my palace."

Although Ling Pengyun was attracted by the Tiangang Ning Talisman, a spiritual object produced by Fu Chen from the Fuyun Immortal Sect, this object was not a necessity, but the earth essence was.

For this reason, a little passion ignited in his heart.

Although he has set up a large formation that can condense the essence of the earth on the boundary of the Lingxiao Mountains where his clan is located, it will take an extremely long time, at least six to seven hundred years, and Ling Pengyun cannot wait for that much time.

However, Ling Pengyun did not rush to agree to become a subordinate force of the Hanyue Immortal Palace with the Earth Spirit, but instead looked at Yuanhua, who was smiling and mysterious.

At this time, Fu Chen and Luo Xi, who spoke first, also had a hunch that something was wrong when they saw Yuanhua's appearance.

Yuanhua also said with a smile at this moment.

"Since both Taoist friends have said so, it's my turn to tell me about the Nascent Soul spiritual objects that my sect is willing to give out."

"My sect is willing to give out a portion of... Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi."

Ling Pengyun's heart was burning with passion, and he said without any hesitation. "If I can enter the Nascent Soul in the future, I will definitely listen to the orders of the Haiyun Immortal Sect behind Taoist friend Yuanhua."

Although both the Earth Spirit and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi were what he desired, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi was more rare, so he naturally gave priority to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi, which was the most difficult to find.

"That's good, that's good."

"In the future, when you have reached the Golden Core Perfection and are confident of reaching the Nascent Soul, and have gathered all the spirit stones, feel free to come to our sect to buy the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi. At the same time, our sect has also prepared a large formation for you to resist the Nascent Soul Tribulation Thunder."

Yuan Hua of Haiyun Immortal Sect said with a smile.

Then, he also bowed to Fu Chen of Fuyun Immortal Sect and Luo Xi of Hanyue Immortal Palace.

"My two fellow Taoists, thank you for letting me."

The Luo Xi Nuzhen of Hanyue Immortal Palace suddenly felt unwilling.

She came with a precious earth spirit this time, but she had the heavy responsibility of winning over Ling Pengyun.

Although she did not know Ling Pengyun's cultivation, she, like Yuan Hua, could not see through Ling Pengyun's exact cultivation. From this incident, it can be seen that Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness is not weak. Soon, I am afraid that he can also reach the Golden Core Perfection. (End of this chapter)

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