Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1050: A huge spiritual energy infusion phenomenon (please subscribe)

Because his escape technique is a superior magical power, the speed is also extremely fast. In just half a month, he crossed more than 10 million miles of territory and arrived at his destination.

In front of him was a mountain range, where the grass and trees were not lush and relatively dry. Some of the growing grass and trees were also withered, and the surrounding temperature was higher than other places.

And this place is the territory of a Jindan demon clan named "Night Shadow Leopard" under the command of the Yuanying demon clan "Golden Winged Tiger Clan".

According to family intelligence, this clan has a total of three Jindan demon kings sitting in the middle of the strength.

Strictly speaking, this Jinwing Tiger clan is actually an old rival of the "Maple Leaf Li Family", one of the three inferior Yuanying forces in the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World, and is next to the territory of the Red Gold Bear Clan in Yan State.

Ling Pengxing came here because he was afraid that killing too many Jindan demon kings under the command of the Red Gold Bear Clan of the Yuanying demon clan would attract the investigation of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

At this moment, Ling Pengxing also gradually went deep into the core of the Dark Night Shadow Leopard Clan and began to investigate the movements of the three Golden Core Realm Dark Night Shadow Leopards of this clan.

After searching for a full month, he finally found a lone Golden Core Realm Dark Night Shadow Leopard.

The lone demon king was leading a group of low-level demon beasts alone, sitting in a quasi-third-level spiritual vein. According to Ling Pengxing's investigation, the lone demon king was probably a rare demon king who was good at formations, but the level of formations was not high, probably only at the second or third level.

However, even so, he could barely use the formation to improve the grade of the quasi-third-level spiritual vein.

This demon king appeared on the quasi-third-level spiritual vein for this reason, instead of cultivating in the only third-level spiritual vein of this clan.

And in this quasi-third-level spiritual vein, there is also a third-level lower-grade formation for protection, which is enough to show the importance of the Dark Night Shadow Leopard Clan to this place.

However, this did not stop Ling Pengxing from hunting the golden elixir demon leopard in the spiritual vein.

He saw that the quasi-third-level spiritual vein was far away from the other third-level spiritual vein of the clan, nearly 100,000 miles away, so he took action directly and carefully arranged the third-level superior shielding formation brought from the family around the spiritual vein.

Once the formation was completed, he summoned the ghost fairy lamp with a finger gesture, but at this moment the ghost fairy lamp was dim, like a dead object, which was a sign that the spirit of the lamp was in seclusion.

But this would not prevent Ling Pengxing from using this object to fight the enemy. He entered a ghost spell into it, and five ghosts in the shape of monsters suddenly jumped out of it.

And these five ghosts were different from ordinary ghosts in their attack methods. They were good at the five-element ghost arts, and they often stood in the distance and performed powerful third-level five-element ghost arts.

Even if the only Jindan demon leopard stationed in the quasi-third-level spiritual vein found something wrong and called out the third-level low-grade vein protection formation in time.

However, the magic spells cast by the five spirit ghosts still shook the vein protection formation of the quasi-third-level spiritual vein.

I am afraid that ordinary Jindan late-stage cultivators are not the opponents of these five special ghosts.

And these five ghosts are the natal spirit ghosts that Ling Pengxing has spent countless efforts to cultivate with the top-notch method of cultivating evil ghosts, the "Five Elements Ghost Cultivation Technique" of the Ghost Immortal Sect.

The evil ghosts cultivated using this method will be particularly good at the five elements magic. Each evil ghost is good at using a magic, and their strength is very good, which is equivalent to a magic cultivator. The five ghosts work together, and even those powerful sword cultivators of the same level are not opponents.

And this is not Ling Pengxing's strongest means. He looked like he was moving, and a black iron sword flew out of his Dantian. He held it tightly in his hand, and with a light chop, a ten-foot-long sword blade that gathered countless sword intentions was born, turning into a black shadow, and instantly crossed thousands of miles to bombard the meridian protection formation.

There was a crisp roar, and a small crack appeared where the formation was bombarded.

"The power is good, but it consumes a lot of ghost power." Ling Pengxing was particularly satisfied with this, but his figure became illusory because of the previous attack.

The previous attack was a superior magical power he mastered, "Breaking Gang Ghost Shadow Sword Blade". This move requires a flying sword to activate. Although this attack does not look big, it is the best at breaking Gang.

The only disadvantage is that like ordinary superior magical powers, it consumes more ghost power when used.

The ghost power in Ling Pengxing's body was completely drained by the attack just now, but even so, he was unable to fully exert the power of this attack. According to his estimation, he needed to reach at least the eighth or ninth level of the Golden Core before he could use the real Ghost Shadow Sword.

The black sword in his hand was his life attack ghost treasure, named "Ghost Fairy Sword", a top-notch ghost treasure, derived from the Ghost Fairy Sect's clan-transforming technique "Ghost Fairy Treasure Book".

As a ghost cultivator, Ling Pengxing practiced this technique.

This technique is extremely perfect, and the ghost power cultivated through this technique is extremely strong. If not, I am afraid that he would need to reach the Golden Core Perfection in the future and it would be difficult to exert the real superior magical power.

Then, because Ling Pengxing's ghost power was almost consumed, he stopped and turned to control the five five-element ghosts to attack the vein protection formation.

In just a few days, the five ghosts relied on the crack that Ling Pengyun had created before to break the formation, thus killing the Golden Core Realm Dark Shadow Leopard, and the rest of the low-level monsters in the mountain were also killed.

He also looted all the spiritual objects in the mountain. If he was not a formation master, he would have wanted to move the spiritual vein here.

Then, because the life and death of the Jindan demon leopard here might attract the other two Jindan demon kings of the Night Shadow Leopard, he directly fled from here and turned to look for the next lone Jindan demon beast as his target.

The demon tribes with multiple Jindan demon kings are more difficult to attack, and it takes a long time and is more risky.

Although Ling Pengxing is decisive in killing, he is not stupid and will not do such a dangerous thing.


In a blink of an eye, two months have passed.

Baiyun Mountains, deep in the territory of Treading Cloud Valley.

Treading Cloud Valley.

At noon that day.

Four huge fluctuations suddenly came out in the valley at the same time, attracting the spiritual energy of more than 100,000 miles around Treading Cloud Valley. This range can be said to span half of the territory of Treading Cloud Valley, and the territory of Treading Cloud Valley is only more than 200,000 miles.

Countless spiritual energy also swarmed into Treading Cloud Valley, making the already spiritual energy-rich Treading Cloud Valley like a fairyland, with countless clouds transformed by spiritual energy appearing.

Ling Pengyun had only seen this scene in Canglan Mountain, which has a fourth-level spiritual vein in Canglan Secret Realm.

This incident also shocked him.

"The four golden dragons, due to the effect of the twin spirits advancing and retreating together, condensed a solid spiritual power at the same time, and caused such a spiritual energy filling phenomenon, which was too big."

During the period when ordinary cultivators were impacting the golden elixir, the spiritual energy filling phenomenon caused was at most tens of thousands or tens of thousands of miles of spiritual energy, which was not so huge.

When cultivators were impacting the Nascent Soul, the spiritual energy filling phenomenon caused was larger, but that was also because of the different realms of impact.

This incident also raised some expectations in Ling Pengyun's heart.

"I don't know if the four golden dragons will increase the quality of the golden elixir if they successfully condense the golden elixir under such circumstances."

Ling Pengyun was still somewhat confident that the four golden dragons could successfully enter the golden elixir.

The dragon blood of the four golden dragons is extremely strong. Just considering the strength of the dragon blood, the dragons are all fourth-grade dragons, which is enough to increase the probability of entering the Jindan realm by 10% with their strong blood.

They have also learned the two secret techniques of the Ling family that help spirit beasts to temper their consciousness and meridians. They have already cultivated the consciousness and meridians of the Jindan realm in advance, and can also increase the probability of entering the Jindan realm by 10%.

The twin spirit bodies they bring with them, although they are inferior spirit bodies, can also increase the probability of entering the Jindan realm by half.

Under various factors, the probability of these four golden dragons alone to impact the Jindan realm has reached 25%.

This success probability is not low. Many Ling family Jindan cultivators who were still building their foundations and carrying a large number of Jindan spiritual objects to impact the Jindan realm did not have such a high success probability. (End of this chapter)

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