Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1069: Planning Spiritual Stone (Subscription Request)

If it were normal times, they would have gritted their teeth and accepted the huge number of monster corpses in the hands of those casual cultivators. After all, as time goes by, those monster corpses can be converted into cash.

But now, it is not an ordinary time.

It is possible that the entire righteous path will be in chaos soon.

At this time, it is not a wise move to empty the spiritual objects in their own warehouses to purchase the monster corpses that are difficult to convert into cash in the hands of casual cultivators.

However, there is an exception.

The Ling family does not have the same concerns as the other three major forces of Yan State. This family also released spiritual objects in large quantities to purchase the low-level monsters in the hands of the 30,000 to 40,000 casual cultivators.

It’s just that the price has dropped slightly by 30%. After all, there are many monsters harvested this time, and it is normal for the price of monsters to drop.

But even so, it is better than the other three major forces not purchasing.

This move also attracted praise from the 30,000 to 40,000 casual cultivators in Baiyun City.

Through this move, the Ling family also acquired more than 2.5 million low-level monsters. Together with the more than 3.4 million low-level monsters killed in this monster rebellion, the Ling family obtained a total of more than 6 million low-level monsters in this massacre.

Of course, the Ling family spent a lot of money to acquire so many low-level monsters from the hands of independent cultivators, basically taking out 70% of the spiritual objects in the Ling family's clan library.

As for the Ling family's willingness to do so, there is naturally a reason.

The Ling family has a vast territory, many spiritual veins, and many mortals, as many as 15 million. Every year, a large number of spiritual roots can be born from them, and the huge number of spiritual veins can bring countless cultivation resources.

Therefore, the Ling family has not deliberately suppressed the clan members with spiritual roots or driven them away to become independent cultivators over the years. As long as they have spiritual roots, they will be paid according to normal circumstances.

This kind of training strength is not something that the other three major forces in Yan State can provide, and they do not have the financial resources.

As a result, the number of disciples under the three major forces, Bailingmen, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple, has always been maintained at around 10,000.

Although this group of disciples is stronger than the disciples of the three major forces a hundred years ago and two hundred years ago, and they are all elite, they are still not comparable to the Ling family.

With so many people in the Ling family, the number of hundred-artists will naturally not be small. At present, there are thousands of hundred-artists registered in the Ling family.

The family has spent countless efforts and financial resources to cultivate four major branches in the other immortal cultivation worlds, and there are also many hundred-artists.

Although the Bailing Sect branch established by Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui, the grandsons of Ling Pengyun in the Zhongzhou immortal cultivation world, and the Lingyuan Sect branch established by Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun in the Wushang Buddhist Kingdom immortal cultivation world, have just been established, there are not many hundred-artists and they are not very useful.

However, the family can fully control the Shanhai Qian Clan branch and the Huojiao Clan branch of the Wubianhai Xiuxian Realm. The number of Baiyi practitioners in these two branches is at least thousands.

With this large number of Baiyi practitioners, the Ling family can refine all the six million low-level monsters in their hands into spiritual objects in a short period of time.

When selling spiritual objects, the Bailing Clan branch of the Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm and the Lingyuan Clan branch of the Supreme Buddha Kingdom can also help.

With the power of the four major branches, the family can sell the excess spiritual objects in a very short time.

After careful calculation, the family will refine spiritual objects for about twenty years.

In this twenty years, the spiritual objects can also be gradually sold.

These two things can be completed within thirty years at least.

After all, the spiritual objects refined from the six million monster corpses are not all sold, only part of them.

As for the spiritual objects left to fill the family treasury, the net profit of the remaining refined spiritual objects is about five million spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones is the goal of the Ling family, and it is also the reason why the family has such a big appetite this time and is willing to take the risk to accept the corpses of many monsters in the hands of the group of casual cultivators.

Once the batch of spiritual stones is available, the Ling family will be able to buy the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi that the Haiyun Immortal Sect promised to give to Ling Pengyun from the Haiyun Immortal Sect, one of the three major righteous immortal sects.

The normal price of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi is 3 million spiritual stones, but there is often a premium, so the Haiyun Immortal Sect offered 3.5 million spiritual stones.

Now that the chaos is about to come, who knows if the Haiyun Immortal Sect will change its mind if the matter is delayed for a long time.

The purchase of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi is naturally the sooner the better.

And the Haiyun Immortal Sect only accepts spiritual stones or fourth-level spiritual objects. The Ling family currently does not have 3.5 million spiritual stones, nor does the Ling family have fourth-level spiritual objects.

There is a fourth-level Nascent Soul inheritance, but the Ling family dare not take it out.

It would take at least a hundred years to collect the 3.5 million spiritual stones from the family's full income.

Therefore, the Ling family had no choice but to take a gamble.

In the next few days, tens of thousands of Ling family monks stationed in Baiyun City were splitting the spiritual materials from the six million monster corpses.

The flesh and blood of the monsters were all brought back to the family using various flying boats, frozen, and fed to the family's spiritual beasts.

The rest of the materials were divided into three parts, with the family taking the majority, taking 60%, and the remaining 40% was personally sent by Ling Pengyun's Taoist partner Yan Siyi to the Fire Dragon Sect branch and the Mountain and Sea Qian Sect branch in the Boundless Sea, and let the Hundred Arts practitioners of the two branches refine them into spiritual objects.

Now, when the chaos is about to come, it is more dangerous to go to the three major immortal gates to take the teleportation array to the Boundless Sea. There is news from the three major immortal gates that a Yuanying demon king has died tragically.

Once this happens, there will be chaos in that place.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun planned to let Yan Siyi cross the fragile and desolate sea between the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and the Boundless Sea Cultivation World, and then go to the Boundless Sea Cultivation World.

With Yan Siyi's current cultivation level and the prototype of the spiritual treasure, the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot in her hand, it is enough to keep her from being affected by the Boundless Wind all the way and safely cross that sea.

In the entire family, except for Ling Pengyun himself, only Yan Siyi is suitable. The cultivation levels of the rest of the clan members are too low, and it is not suitable to take that dangerous road.

Ling Pengyun himself needs to stay in Yan State to prevent powerful enemies from invading.

At this time.

After Ling Pengyun and a group of Ling family Jindan saw Yan Siyi off, they returned to the city and gathered in a grand ceremony.

At this time, everyone had time to discuss how to deal with the eleven Jindan demon king corpses obtained after the previous massacre.

Finally, after everyone discussed, they all planned to use this batch of Jindan demon king corpses as soon as possible to enhance the overall strength of the family.

Among them, six Jindan demon king corpses were used to refine talismans or pills, and their Jindan were given to six members of the family who were not sure of impacting the Jindan to take, to refine fake pills and increase the number of fake pills in the family.

The remaining five Jindan demon king corpses were refined into demon corpses.

If it weren't for the fact that Ling Pengyun had an extremely high success rate in refining demon corpses, otherwise, the batch of Jindan demon king corpses that were refined into demon corpses would be even fewer.

After all, it takes a very long time to refine Jindan demon corpses, at least half a year.

Now, the Ling family can't wait that long.

Once this matter was settled, the Ling family's Jindan also got busy.

... (End of this chapter)

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