Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1076 The terrifying formation controlled by Ling Pengyun (Subscription required)

This also made the Ghost Crystal Flood Python panic. With the special nature of the Subversion Formation, it could not go to help at all and could only watch.

And if the Earth Dragon that it transformed into the Subversion Formation was destroyed, although the formation would not be directly turned into scrap metal, it would certainly be severely damaged. It would take at least a thousand years in the future to accumulate the earth veins before it could recover.

The most important thing is that this formation was specially given to it by the high-level members of the Black Flood Lake Clan behind it, so that it could use this formation to help other members of the same clan break the city.

Once this formation was severely damaged in its hands, it would be the blame. At that time, its path would be over.

The Subversion Earth Dragon was condensed by the earth veins, so this dragon had the ability to bombard the earth veins. Ordinary formations or cultivators and monsters did not have such means.

Although the earth veins are veins, they are actually invisible without special means, which is completely different from the spirit veins.

The same is true for the other five elements.

While one is worried, the other is extremely happy.

The Flame Demon Wolf King did not forget the agreement he made with Ling Pengyun yesterday. According to the agreement, he needed to destroy the subversion formation set up by the only third-level top-grade formation master, Youjing Jiaomang, among the sixty-five Jindan demon kings outside the city.

In addition, he had to kill a Jindan ninth-level demon beast.

Only when these two conditions were met could he get the 300,000 spiritual stones that Ling Pengyun promised.

For this reason, the Flame Demon Wolf King also increased his spiritual power to perform a special formation secret method, and once again strengthened the earth dragon transformed by the subversion formation he arranged, making the earth dragon transformed by this formation extremely powerful.

In just a few dozen moves, the subversion formation set up by the Flame Demon Wolf King bit the subversion formation transformed earth dragon set up by Youjing Jiaomang into pieces.

The formation of Youjing Jiaomang also suddenly became dim and was collected by this Jiaomang.

After this incident, Youjing Jiaomang was extremely angry.

If it did not achieve merit in this trip, the fact that the overthrowing formation was severely damaged would be enough to punish it.

"Come and die."

In its eagerness to achieve merit, it no longer hid and took out another trump card that the Black Dragon Lake Clan had temporarily lent it to support this place and break through Baiyun City.

It roared to the sky, and the thousands of foundation-building snake monsters, python monsters, and a few half-dragons that had been following it like bodyguards suddenly turned into eighty-one teams.

Each team of monsters offered a magnificent formation flag and raised it into the air.

Together, they became eighty-one formation flags.

And the Youjing Jiaomang, who was only at the ninth level of the Golden Core, but was a third-level upper-grade formation master, summoned a formation plate with a bright aura and dragon patterns engraved on the surface.

As it continued to inject spiritual power into the special spell, the eighty-one formation flags that were previously sacrificed by the thousand foundation-building monsters suddenly trembled and separated into countless formation patterns.

These formation patterns intertwined together and gradually gathered into a huge formation, covering the entire Baiyun City, and the aura of a quasi-fourth-level formation also appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a long blue flag emerged from the quasi-fourth-level formation.

As soon as this flag moved, countless formation powers were poured into it, and then a huge flood surged out of the formation, which was more than two hundred feet long and wide, larger than an ordinary hill.

This huge flood also surged towards Baiyun City, dispersing the attack methods of many cultivators in the city against the outside world, and finally bombarded the city defense formation of Baiyun City, with a scene of flooding Baiyun City.

Fortunately, Baiyun City has many city defense formations, which temporarily blocked the scouring of the huge flood.

But the raging flood was extraordinary, containing gravity, and it caused the outermost third-grade superior defense formation of Baiyun City to be shaken.

The attacks of the other sixty-four Jindan-level Black Jiao Lake clan Jindan outside the city, as well as the Qi training and foundation-building monsters brought by the other one million Youjing Jiaomang, were unstoppable and bombarded the city defense formation of Baiyun City.

In this way, the outermost formation of Baiyun City also suffered a lot of attacks.

The flashing spiritual light of this formation dimmed in an instant.

According to this situation, it is likely that this formation will be broken in less than half a month.

However, the Flame Demon Wolf King was not worried when he saw this, but was delighted.

"Brother Ling, this quasi-fourth-level formation has a prototype of a lower-grade spiritual treasure as a formation tool. In terms of quality alone, the power of this formation is a bit stronger than my endless white flame burning sky formation. It can be regarded as a medium-quality quasi-fourth-level formation, with about 40% to 50% of the power of an ordinary fourth-level lower-grade formation."

"This formation is extremely extraordinary. Can you ask me to help resist the monstrous flood that the Youjing Jiaomang arranged in the formation?"

"If you want, just ask. Even if I am a little tight on money recently, I don't want too many spiritual stones. One hundred thousand is enough."

"As long as the spiritual stones are in place, I am confident that I can block 70% to 80% of the floods coming from the outside world."

Ling Pengyun ignored the Flame Demon Wolf King, and a hint of hesitation appeared on his face.

"The Jindan fighting power outside the city is stronger than the Jindan fighting power in Baiyun City of Yan State. With the addition of those foundation-building monsters, Baiyun City will be at a disadvantage."

"Now, with the addition of the quasi-fourth-level formation that is at least intermediate, the situation in Baiyun City has become dangerous."

"Even if the Flame Demon Wolf King Daoist uses his quasi-fourth-level formation to help, it is difficult to completely resist the quasi-fourth-level formation bombardment set up by the Youjing Jiaomang outside the city."

"In this case, if the formation is not used, this crisis will be difficult to overcome."

Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

Then, he raised his hand and presented a black iron-colored formation that looked extremely ordinary.

But as he entered the formation, a terrifying formation aura suddenly came from the depths of Baiyun City.

The next moment, an extremely thick black iron-colored light curtain suddenly expanded from the depths of Baiyun City. Eventually, the entire vast Baiyun City, and even the three third-level high-level and two third-level mid-level defensive formations in this city, were covered with fire. Covered.

This thick black iron-colored light curtain is also like an iron wall. No matter how the ghost crystal dragon python from the outside world, the quasi-fourth-order large array array transformed by the quasi-fourth-order large array array deployed by the thousands of foundation-building monster beasts from the outside impact, or the monstrous flood, No matter how the other sixty-four golden elixir demon kings and one million demon beasts attack outside the city, they can't shake this black iron-colored light curtain.

The situation in the entire Baiyun City also stabilized.

The Flame Demon Wolf King next to Ling Pengyun was well-informed. His eyes were fixed on the black iron-colored light curtain that suddenly appeared, and then he looked at the depths of Baiyun City where the terrifying formation aura was coming from. Fell into some thought.

After a breath or two, its body shook, and its face was suddenly filled with surprise.

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