Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1083: The Water Dragon Refining Weapons (Subscription Request)

Then, the rest of the Ling family's Jindan stationed in Baiyun City, and the rest of the Yan Kingdom's Jindan, under Ling Pengyun's call, easily covered Yan Siyi and her group to leave Baiyun City.

Although this matter puzzled the Jindan cultivators of the other three major forces of Yan Kingdom in Baiyun City, they did not dare to ask more.

After all, no matter what, they can now rely on Baiyun City, a border city, to resist the monsters and demon cultivators invading Yan Kingdom, so that their respective forces can avoid disasters, but they rely on Ling's quasi-fourth-level formation and Baiyun City.

If Ling's anger is provoked, it will be bad.

The departure of Yan Siyi and six other cultivators, sixteen demon corpses, and a Jindan fairy crane also made dozens of Jindan demon kings outside the city unstopped, and they could fully bombard the quasi-fourth-level Baiying Xieyun formation in Baiyun City, but those Jindan demon kings were only in the early and middle stages of Jindan cultivation, and it was difficult to hurt the formation at all.

The situation in Baiyun City is still stable.

Ling Pengyun saw this scene and looked at Yan Siyi and others who were gradually going away, with a little more brilliance between his eyebrows.

"As long as the lady and others have a smooth trip, they will earn 1.9 million spiritual stones in a short time."

"In addition, the hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones saved by the family over the years will be at least 2.5 million spiritual stones."

"In this way, it can be considered that 70% to 80% of the spiritual stones are collected to buy the Yuanying spiritual object Jiutian Xuanqi in the hands of Haiyun Xianzong."


A few months later.

In the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm, the territory of the Jindan Kingdom Leiyuan Kingdom, which is under the command of Tianxing Sect, one of the three common Yuanying forces.

In the former Leiyuan Kingdom, a Jindan force called Lingqing Daomen is stationed on the top of Lingqing Mountain. At this moment, a huge blue-scaled dragon is crawling here.

Moreover, the dragon kept taking out the bodies of monks or mortals from the piles of storage bags in front of it, and threw them into a huge refining furnace suspended in the air, constantly melting them.

For this reason, a strong smell of blood was constantly coming out of the refining furnace, which was extremely pungent.

However, the blue-scaled dragon was only excited when it smelled this smell. It also mobilized more of its mind and urged a blue golden elixir spirit fire to burn the bottom of the huge refining furnace to heat it.

In turn, it made the furnace melt the bodies of monks and mortals inside it more quickly.

However, not long after, a movement was heard outside Lingqing Mountain, which startled the dragon.

"Elder Mo Ye, it's bad. A group of strange Jindan cultivators and Jindan demon corpses, as well as a powerful fairy crane, appeared in Leiyuan Country at some point."

"Moreover, there is also a female cultivator of the righteous way who has mastered a prototype of a spiritual treasure. She is particularly powerful. At present, the female cultivator has killed three Jindan monsters of my demon clan in a row."

Hearing this, the old blue-scaled dragon suddenly felt annoyed.

"I wanted to refine my life treasure to the level of a prototype of a spiritual treasure at one time, but it seems that I have to delay it again. I really deserve to die."

However, when it remembered that the voice from outside the mountain just now said that the powerful Jindan female cultivator had a prototype of a spiritual treasure in his hand, its eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, it asked a blue-scaled water dragon at the foot of Lingqing Mountain, which looked similar to it, but was smaller in size and only in the middle stage of Jindan.

"Boy, what is the prototype of the spiritual treasure in the hands of the Jindan female cultivator?"

The blue-scaled water dragon at the middle Jindan stage who came to report the news from the bottom of the mountain hurriedly said in detail.

"Report to the elder, it is a prototype of a pot-type spiritual treasure with fire attribute, and its quality is at the lower level."

"But the prototype of the pot-type spiritual treasure should be the prototype of the female cultivator's natal spiritual treasure, so when the female cultivator uses it, the power of the prototype of the pot-type spiritual treasure is not much different from that of an ordinary middle-level spiritual treasure prototype."

The huge blue-scaled water dragon at the top of the mountain had a little more loss between his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

"Pot-type spiritual treasure prototypes are rare, and fire-attributed spiritual treasure prototypes do not match my attributes. I don't have many fire dragons in my lineage, and those fire dragons are not strong."

"It's a pity."

"But now I don't have a spiritual treasure prototype, if I can snatch the hot pot, it's better than nothing."

Then it opened its mouth and swallowed the huge refining furnace in front of it directly into its mouth, and followed the instructions of the Jindan middle-stage dragon who came to report the news, and turned into a blue escape light and left Lingqing Mountain.

But for some reason, this water dragon with a high level of Jindan perfection was inexplicably worried along the way, as if it was holding its breath and couldn't spit it out, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

This matter also made it very confused. According to common sense, with its Jindan perfection monster physique, it would never happen.

Even if it was close to the avenue and could sense some cause and effect and predict some dangers, it didn't feel this way.

If you sense a threat, it's a feeling of needles pricking your back, not a feeling of holding your breath.

With doubts, the Jindan Perfect Dragon also rushed to the Heavy Sword Valley, the base of the Heavy Sword Sect, one of the two remaining Jindan forces in Leiyuan Country.

Now, although there are hundreds of thousands of low-level monsters surrounding the Heavy Sword Valley, including more than 20 Jindan monster kings and magic monks, these monsters and magic monks dare not bombard the defense formation of the Heavy Sword Villa.

Just because there is an extremely terrifying existence inside.

However, the Jindan Perfect Water Dragon that came from Lingqing Mountain didn't care when he saw this. Immediately, it summoned a series of third-level spells to bombard the defense formation of the Heavy Sword Villa.

And ordered the other demons and demon monks around the Chongjian Valley to attack.

When the demons and demon monks saw the water dragon coming, they felt like they had a magic needle to stabilize the sea.

Immediately, countless attack methods rushed to the Chongjian Valley like a raging water.

And countless attack methods flew out from the Chongjian Valley to intercept.

Among them, there was a fire cloud with amazing momentum, which was formed by the gathering of small mandarin duck-shaped flames, and burned all the attack methods to ashes.

Even the third-level spell cast by the Jindan Perfect Water Dragon was burned to ashes.

At this time, the Jindan Perfect Water Dragon also inexplicably rolled with spiritual power in its body. Its eyes condensed and immediately looked at the place where the powerful mandarin duck fire cloud was cast.

The person who cast this mandarin duck fire cloud was Yan Siyi, who was holding the mandarin duck fire cloud pot.

It's just that Yan Siyi is now wearing black clothes and a black veil, so her face can't be seen clearly.

The water dragon is thousands of miles away, but with its powerful spiritual sense, it can see through Yan Siyi's cultivation level is only the seventh level of Jindan.

It doesn't care about this level of cultivation at all. Even if Yan Siyi has the mandarin duck fire cloud pot in hand, it is not afraid.

However, it inexplicably feels that there is a very familiar breath on the female cultivator.

After thinking for a while, a young man wearing Ling's Taoist robes and with an immortal look suddenly appeared in its mind.

"Damn it."

"Why does that female cultivator have the breath of Ling Pengyun, the dog thief." (End of this chapter)

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