Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1086: Destroying the Country (Subscription Request)

During this period, there was even a Nascent Soul Demon Lord who was good at controlling ghosts. With the help of countless resentful ghosts, he cultivated two Nascent Soul resentful ghosts.

The overall strength of the entire Eastern Demon Realm was greatly improved.

On the contrary, the righteous path of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World has become more dangerous.

The situation of the entire righteous path is also worse than three years ago.

Not to mention the three major immortal gates with strong foundations, the situation is barely okay.

However, the rest of the forces are in trouble.

The "Chen Kingdom", a subsidiary Jindan Kingdom belonging to the Maple Leaf Li Family next to Yan Kingdom, was trampled to death by a Jindan Perfection demon clan leading millions of demon clans and many demons last year.

Among them, 80% to 90% of the cultivators did not escape this disaster. The few survivors fled to Yan Kingdom or the Yuan Kingdom where the Maple Leaf Li Family was located.

As for the tens of millions of mortals in this country who were powerless, it was difficult to resist such a disaster. Basically, the whole army was annihilated,

which was also extremely tragic.

After that, this country became a paradise for demons, and all the spiritual veins were occupied by demons.

Although those demons who worked together fought with the demons, they were actually just servants. At most, they could only share some benefits, and they could forget about the territory.

It is also worth mentioning that after the fall of Chen State, Yan State also suffered an unexpected disaster.

The millions of demon beasts and tens of thousands of demon cultivators who originally invaded this country were also free.

They also poured into Yan State, the only Jindan country near Chen State.

Originally, this country also bordered Tianxing State, where Tianxing Sect was located, and Yuan State, where the "Maple Leaf Li Family", a subordinate force of Chen State, was located.

However, those demons and demons did not dare to provoke these two major forces. Even if they entered these two countries, with the strength of these demons and demons, it would be difficult to change the battle situation of these two major righteous Yuanying forces.

Under such circumstances, they naturally pointed their spearheads at Yan State, the Jindan country.

This move did put Yan at a disadvantage.

Yan was not afraid of the millions of Qi-cultivating and foundation-building demons and tens of thousands of low-level demon cultivators from Chen.

But the leader, the Golden Winged Tiger, was extremely powerful, and because this tiger came from the Golden Winged Tiger clan, a lower-level Yuanying demon clan, it also had a prototype of a spiritual treasure in its hand.

Moreover, the demon cultivator who led the group of demon cultivators was a demon cultivator who was good at controlling ghosts.

This demon cultivator took advantage of the destruction of Chen to plunder the souls of millions of mortals and thousands of cultivators, thus creating three evil ghosts of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

Although the three evil ghosts were a little superficial due to the short time, they mastered a method of fusion, and the three ghosts could combine their powers into one, with the ability comparable to that of ordinary Golden Core Perfection cultivators, and their strength was also good.

Under such circumstances, there were six Jindan perfect combat forces gathered in Yan State.

Originally, there were four Jindan perfect combat forces besieging Yan State, all from the Black Dragon Lake Jiaolong Clan, the holy land of the demon race. They were the old Jinjiao, who was good at using magic, the old mother earth Jiao, the young black jade water Jiao, and the old Leimao Jiao whose Thunder Spear spiritual treasure was snatched away by Ling Pengyun.

As for the Jindan combat forces besieging Yan State, they also reached more than 100, which was extremely terrifying.

It was enough to be comparable to at least 70% of the Jindan combat forces under the command of ordinary Yuanying forces such as Tianxing Sect.

As for the low-level monsters, they also gathered to the number of two million.

The Yan cultivators stationed in Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State, could not stop all the monsters and demons of this strength.

At least 30% of the monsters and demons were unstoppable, so they could fully bombard Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State, which was protected by the quasi-fourth-level defense formation.

This solid formation was also shaken.

Although this formation did not show signs of being broken in a short period of time, according to Ling Pengyun's estimation, this formation can only last for ten years at most.

However, during this period, Baiyun City was at a disadvantage.

The demons and demons who invaded Yan State saw that Baiyun City was difficult to break through, so they sent a golden elixir perfect demon king with dozens of golden elixir demon kings and hundreds of thousands of low-level demon beasts to go deep into the hinterland of Yan State to cause chaos.

In just half a month, the three forces of Bailingmen, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple suffered heavy losses, with thousands of cultivators and millions of mortals killed.

There were also thousands of spirit veins robbed.

The group of demon beasts also took root in a valley with a second-level upper-grade spirit vein in the territory of Qingxin Taoist Temple, which was the weakest.

And bombarded the mountain gate of Qingxin Taoist Temple with all their strength.

As for the Ling family territory, the loss was not great because of the presence of the powerful Ling Pengxing and the fact that the Ling family had already prepared for the worst. They gathered all the mortals under their command in the sixteen cities protected by high-level formations near the Ling family territory.

Only hundreds of cultivators who were stationed in various territories of the family during the chaos died.

Those monsters and demons knew that the Ling family was difficult to deal with, so they did not get involved with this family too much.

After all, compared with the Ling family, the weaker Qingxin Taoist Temple was more tempting.

One day.

The old Taoist Qingxin, who was stationed in Baiyun City, a city on the border of Yan State, suddenly received a message about the crisis of the Qingxin Taoist Temple of the sect.

According to the message, the monsters who besieged the mountain gate of Qingxin Taoist Temple actually got three third-grade top-grade breaking array talismans.

Qingxin Taoist Temple did not have a third-grade top-grade formation master.

As a result, the three spiritual symbols worked together to directly reduce the power of the third-grade, top-grade protective formation at the gate of Qingxin Taoist Temple by about 50%.

According to the monks stationed at the gate of Qingxin Taoist Temple, this formation can only last for about one month at most.

After all, among the hundreds of thousands of monsters besieging this formation, there are not only dozens of Jindan monster kings and demon cultivators, but also the powerful dragon Leimao Lao Jiao who has lost the embryonic form of his life treasure. The strength of these monsters and demons is extremely strong.

And the gate of Qingxin Taoist Temple is extremely important to this Taoist temple. The third-level spiritual veins in the gate have reached the peak of the third-level middle grade after nearly a hundred years of cultivation by this Taoist temple with countless resources.

It is only half a step away from entering the third-level upper grade, which is extremely valuable.

In addition, the formation master of this Taoist temple has moved nearly a thousand first-level and second-level spiritual veins in the gate, and built it into a treasure land for cultivation.

Once lost, Qingxin Taoist Temple will lose its foundation.

Even if the golden elixir of this Taoist temple still exists in the future, it will be difficult for the righteous path in the current Northern Wilderness cultivation world to turn over in such a chaotic situation.

For this reason, the old Qingxin Taoist priest was anxious and could only seek help from Ling Pengyun, the strongest man in Yan State who was the only one capable of saving his own Taoist temple.

After hearing about this, Ling Pengyun felt helpless.

If his family had not supported the Yugui Sect and Chongjian Sect of Leiyuan State, which also belonged to the Tianxing Sect, three years ago, they would have had the strength to support Qingxin Taoist Temple.

But now, the Ling family golden elixir stationed in Baiyun City is also short of manpower.

Once some Ling family golden elixir are sent to support Qingxin Taoist Temple, the defensive strength of Baiyun City will be weaker.

At that time, there will definitely be more powerful demon kings who will be free to attack the Baiying Xieyun formation, causing this formation to be broken faster.

And once this formation is broken, it will not only be the Qingxin Taoist Temple that is in danger, but the entire Yan State will be in danger.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun did not dare to dispatch personnel to support Qingxin Taoist Temple.

He also refused.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxin, our clan really cannot help you with this matter. You also know the current situation of Baiyun City." (End of this chapter)

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