Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1093 The last words of Master Bai Ling before his death (Subscription required)

Outside Baiyun City, the sky is thousands of feet high.

Ling Pengyun, who looked tired, was a little surprised when he heard the voice of Bailing Lao Zhenren. He turned his head to look.

Suddenly, he saw Bailing Lao Zhenren using the black spirit fire phoenix spirit to tightly entangle the only golden elixir perfect three-headed and six-armed evil ghost in the demon.

Such a scene made him admire him.

Now, Bailing Lao Zhenren is in this situation. He is not just using the ordinary means of burning spiritual power or blood, but directly using the method of burning life.

Such a method of strengthening strength is strong, but the price is also high.

In Bailing Lao Zhenren's current situation, if he stops using various ordinary methods of strengthening strength in time, he has a chance to live for another year or two.

But now that Bailing Lao Zhenren has done this, he has no chance of extending his life at all.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimation, with his limited lifespan, if he used the method of burning lifespan, within five breaths at most, Bailing Lao Zhenren would probably... not be able to hold on.

"This old Zhenren is really kind in the face of justice."

Then, Ling Pengyun responded loudly.

"Since you are so desperate, I will go crazy with you once. No matter what happens today, I will definitely kill the three-headed six-armed evil ghost."

Originally, Ling Pengyun planned to stop after killing the two old dragons, and let the black jade water dragon and the three-headed six-armed evil ghost leave at will.

After all, if it weren't for Bailing Lao Zhenren's desperate resistance, the three-headed evil ghost would surely be able to escape as easily as the black jade water dragon.

Now that Bailing Lao Zhenren desperately blocked the evil ghost, Bailing Lao Zhenren also took the initiative to seek to join forces to kill the ghost, Ling Pengyun naturally would not refuse.

The evil ghost swallowed the souls of countless Chen country cultivators and mortals, which was formed, and it can be said that it committed a great sin of killing.

Then, Ling Pengyun took out a large number of third-level Huiling Pills from his storage bag and swallowed them. Countless medicinal powers immediately spread out from those pills, pouring into the meridians in his body, making his meridians feel a little sour.

"It's been a long time since I felt this feeling."

"But according to the current condition of my meridians, in addition to swallowing Huiling Pills to restore spiritual power without damaging the meridians, I estimate that my meridians can withstand me swallowing a large number of pills to restore spiritual power."

Ling Pengyun noticed the condition of his meridians and calculated secretly in his heart.

For this reason, he was also a little more happy in his heart.

Although Huiling Pills contain mysterious effects and can restore the spiritual power of cultivators, the medicinal power of this pill is also relatively violent. Every time it is taken, it will damage the meridians of the cultivator.

Even if Ling Pengyun's meridians are extremely tough, far exceeding the same level of cultivators, it will still be the same.

However, the meridians of ordinary cultivators can only bear the Huiling Pill at most, which can only restore the cultivator's whole body spiritual power once.

And Ling Pengyun relied on Renshui Blue Cloud Grass and many third-level Huiling Pills to restore his spiritual power three times in order to cast the four Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunders.

Renshui Blue Cloud Grass is his life-long spiritual plant, and the spiritual power it transfers is mild and there is nothing wrong with it.

But the other Huiling Pills are violent. Even if Ling Pengyun's meridians are tough, his meridians will naturally feel uncomfortable after being washed by the medicinal power many times.

Of course, it's just discomfort, not enough to hurt the meridians.

In just a moment, Ling Pengyun's empty golden pill was filled with countless spiritual power again.

He didn't delay any more, and directly pinched the formula, and used his strongest means and superior magical power "Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder" to blast it out.

The three-headed, six-armed evil ghost that was entangled by Bai Ling Zhenren only felt the breath of the black thunder from a distance, and his hair stood on his body and his body began to tremble.

The Five Elements Pure Yang Black Thunder is the purest and most yang black thunder magic, which is the most restraining ghost like it. When facing ghosts like it, the power will increase by 30%.

Once it is bombarded by the black thunder, let alone it is now a perfect Jindan cultivation, even if there is a ghost at the first level of Yuanying, it may not be able to block the black thunder.

"Spare my life, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for Taoist friends, don't kill me..."

Three sharp and strange voices came from the mouths of the three heads on the neck of the evil ghost.

This ghost is formed by the convergence of three ghosts, and the three evil ghosts at the ninth level of Jindan had just entered the late Jindan stage. Now that they have this cultivation and have not experienced it for a long time, they are not willing to die so quickly.

But no matter how they beg for mercy, it is difficult to change Ling Pengyun's determination.

The Black Flame Phoenix Spirit that had been entangled with the evil ghost also controlled its body to retreat at this time to avoid being hurt by the Five Elements Mysterious Thunder.

In just a blink of an eye, the Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder had reached the evil ghost's face, easily tore apart the several defensive light curtains around the evil ghost, and slammed into its body fiercely.

Three painful wails suddenly resounded in the air and echoed throughout the sky.

But the next moment, the three wails dissipated.

The huge body of the evil ghost also turned into gunpowder smoke, leaving only three black crystals with powerful auras.

This crystal is the ghost crystal of the three evil ghosts with nine levels of Jindan that gathered into this evil ghost, similar to the Jindan of monsters and cultivators.

It's just that because of the different cultivation systems, the ghost is a ghost crystal.

Ling Pengyun raised his hand and collected the three ghost crystals with nine levels of Jindan.

Seeing that the Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder he had just released still had 50% of its power left, he temporarily let it float in the air, ready to release it at any time.

He turned into a beam of light and flew back to Baiyun City. He came to the front of Bailing Lao Zhenren and threw two of the three ghost crystals in his hand to Bailing Lao Zhenren.

"Daoyou, you have contributed the most this time, so you should take more."

Seeing this, Bailing Lao Zhenren, who was in Baiyun City, smiled on his lifeless face, which was like dry wood.

He also laughed with his last strength.

"Fellow Daoist, you are so polite. I feel ashamed to receive these two ghost crystals. It is useless for me to take them in this situation. Please take them."

"I just didn't expect that I, Zhao Huaiyan... before I died, would have the opportunity to participate in killing the powerful people who had reached the perfection of the golden elixir... I have lived a wonderful life..."

"Fellow Daoist Ling, although I don't have a deep relationship with you, at this moment, I sincerely hope that you will have a long-lasting avenue and let our Yan country produce a Yuanying cultivator, so that I can also benefit from you... Hahaha."

"The future of Yan country is handed over to you, and I hope that you can protect our Bailing Sect in this chaos for the sake of fighting side by side this time."

After saying this, Bailing Lao Zhenren coughed and spit out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

His strong pseudo-infant realm cultivation also dissipated quickly like a flood in an instant and turned into nothingness.

Even his anger was the same.

At this moment, Bailing Lao Zhenren was just like a mortal.

But this did not prevent Master Bailing from looking at Ling Pengyun expectantly, waiting for Ling Pengyun's reply. (End of this chapter)

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