Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1100 Harvest (Subscription Request)

At the same time.

The hundreds of thousands of monsters besieging Tianling Mountain ran away without any hesitation.

Each of them ran with all their might, using all kinds of speed-increasing magics, without any thought of reserving spiritual power.

As a result, in just a few breaths, the Tianling Mountain, which was about to be breached by the mountain protection formation, resolved the crisis.

The entire Tianling Mountain was also filled with joy.

On the other side.

Thousands of miles away from Tianling Mountain, in the sky.

Ling Pengyun, who was watched by countless cultivators, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the old Leimao Jiao that had turned into charcoal and was killed by him, and a bit of relief appeared on his face.

"Fortunately, all the major forces have intentionally concealed the fact that the three major immortal gates released a spiritual object, the essence of the earth soul, and have not let this matter spread too widely."

"Otherwise, if Brother Longyuan knew about this, I'm afraid that the old dragon with thunder spears would have fallen into its hands long ago."

Now that it is in the midst of chaos, the three major immortal gates are the main battlefield, so it is not easy for the three major immortal gates to send people to inform the countless righteous forces one by one about the release of interests to call for the entire righteous counterattack.

Therefore, this matter naturally fell on the three inferior Yuanying forces under the three major immortal gates, Tianxing Sect, Maple Leaf Li Family, and Lingbao Academy.

And these three major forces all wanted to obtain the essence of the earth soul, so they did not spread the fact that the three major immortal gates released such a spiritual object, but only spread the rest of the spiritual objects released by the three major immortal gates.

As for Ling Pengyun's knowledge, it was thanks to the fact that he was valued by the three major immortal gates and identified as a Yuanying seedling because of his extraordinary qualifications.

Tianxing Sect was concerned about this matter, so they told him about the Earth Soul Essence, but Tianxing Sect also told him not to spread the matter.

To avoid causing more accidents.

After all, the Earth Soul Essence is a thing for forming infants, and it contains mysterious effects that can be used with the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi to exert stronger effects.

If the outflow of such spiritual fluids is widely known, it is possible that other forces in the world of immortal cultivation will come to intervene.

Then, Ling Pengyun summoned the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass in the golden elixir.

In just a moment, his golden elixir, which had consumed all its spiritual power due to the use of the Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder, was filled with 70% to 80% of spiritual power.

He also relied on these spiritual powers to perform a control technique afterwards, and lifted up the old dragon corpse of Thunder Spear, which had turned into charcoal and was falling from the sky thousands of feet away from the earth.

He quickly rushed to the side of the Thunder Dragon corpse and looked at it carefully.

The Thunder Dragon's body had turned into black and gray dragon scales, without any spirituality, and would turn into ashes with a slight touch.

The Thunder Dragon's flesh and blood were also like this.

This matter also made Ling Pengyun feel a little sorry.

The Thunder Dragon's scales were particularly thick and numerous. With some third-level refining materials, it was enough to refine several third-level upper-grade inner armor-class magic weapons.

Even if a quasi-fourth-level refining spiritual material was added, it was entirely possible to refine a relatively powerful defensive spiritual treasure prototype.

The Thunder Dragon's flesh and blood were even more tonic, containing rich blood and spiritual power, which was of great benefit to both spiritual power cultivation and physical strength.

It was a pity that they were all destroyed.

"This Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder is powerful, but it is too destructive."

"In the future, you still can't use this trick unless it is necessary."

Ling Pengyun muttered to himself with some helplessness.

He then continued to count the other spiritual objects on the old Thunder Spear Flood Dragon, such as the dragon blood, golden elixir, and even the soul.

In addition, he also cut off the head of the old Thunder Spear Flood Dragon as a voucher to exchange for the right to exchange for the essence of the earth spirit from the three major immortal gates.

In addition to this dragon head and the two old dragons Ling Pengyun had killed in Baiyun City before, he already had three golden elixir perfect demon beast heads in his hand, and they were all dragon heads of the Black Flood Lake clan.

He only needed two golden elixir perfect demon king heads to get the right to buy the essence of the earth spirit.

As for the evil ghost he killed in Baiyun City before, it was not counted.

The requirements for exchanging the essence of the earth spirit from the three major immortal gates only said that one Yuanying demon king or five golden elixir perfect demon kings must be killed.

No evil ghosts or demon cultivators were brought along.

Obviously, the three major immortal sects only regarded the demon clan as their enemy. As for the group of demons in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm, they were just a group of lackeys following the demon clan in the eyes of the three major immortal sects, and they were not to be feared.

At this time.

Longyuan Jiao Wang also came back to his senses, but he was a little afraid to approach Ling Pengyun, and even dared not disturb Ling Pengyun to split the body of the old Leimao Jiao.

Until Ling Pengyun finished the matter, he asked Ling Pengyun from a distance.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, are you not afraid of the revenge of the Black Jiao Lake Clan?"

Ling Pengyun, who had just finished his work, did not hide it when he heard it, but simply talked about the current situation between the righteous and the demons in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm.

As for the fact that the three major immortal sects had leaked the essence of the earth spirit, he did not say it.

When Longyuan Jiao Wang heard it, he had the idea of ​​hunting the dragons in the Black Jiao Lake, extracting the blood of the dragons from those dragons, and then bringing them back to the White Shadow Secret Realm to cultivate his clan members.

In its early years, it had consumed all of its Nascent Soul spiritual objects in order to reach the Nascent Soul stage, and had spent more than a hundred years in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. As a result, its actual lifespan was only about two hundred years.

It would soon enter old age.

Under such circumstances, it had only one thought in its mind, which was to develop the family, expand the family, and allow the family to still have absolute dominance in the White Shadow Secret Realm after its death.

Only in this way can the White Shadow Lake Jiaolong Clan behind it continue to exist in the world.

Otherwise, it is possible that the Ling family, the top Jindan demon clan of the secret realm, the Yanmo Wolf Clan, and some other affiliated Jindan demon clans will destroy the White Shadow Lake Jiaolong Clan one day.

Now, although the White Shadow Secret Realm is full of joy, it is because the major forces are bound by the quasi-fourth-level Yuanhun contract signed one or two hundred years ago.

One of the contents of the contract is that the major forces maintain a good relationship for ten thousand years.

But ten thousand years is not a long time for a secluded place like the White Shadow Secret Realm.

This is also the reason why Longyuan Jiaowang and the old third-level upper-grade array master Yanmo Wolf King will always be driven by interests and work for Ling Pengyun.

At this time.

Ling Pengyun also spoke again.

"Brother Longyuan, I have something else to do, so I won't stay here any longer."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun rushed to the border city of Tianfeng Country, "Tianfeng City".

The Longyuan Jiao King looked at the direction Ling Pengyun left and immediately guessed what Ling Pengyun was going to do, and he immediately followed him.


As Ling Pengyun's cultivation level improved, his speed in performing escape techniques also increased a lot.

In just half a day, he crossed nearly a hundred miles and arrived at Tianfeng City. (End of this chapter)

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