Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1102 Red Gold Shield (Subscription Request)

Ling Pengyun also followed and quickly made a spell to perform a control technique, lifting the headless body of the Golden Core Perfection Red Gold Bear Demon in the air to prevent it from falling to the ground from a thousand feet high. He quickly rushed to the side of the bear demon and began to count the spiritual objects on the bear demon.

This bear demon was killed by the dragon transformed by the Phantom Dragon Flag. For this reason, the fur and bear sun on the bear demon were also well preserved. The head that was bitten off was also handed over to Ling Pengyun by the dragon transformed by the Phantom Dragon Flag.

However, Ling Pengyun paid the most attention to the only defensive spiritual treasure prototype red gold shield on the Golden Core Perfection Red Gold Bear.

Although this shield was damaged by a five-element pure yang black thunder, it can still be used, but the defensive light curtain transformed is not as strong as before, only about 80% to 90% of the previous power.

However, even so, this shield is much stronger than an ordinary third-level upper-grade defensive magic weapon.

Even the superior defensive magic weapon "Bi Hai Chong Yuan Shield" in Ling Pengyun's hand is incomparable.

And obtaining this treasure also makes up for Ling Pengyun's weak defense.

Originally, although he had three prototypes of spiritual treasures in his hand, the Phantom Dragon Flag, the Red Phosphorus Golden Mountain, and the Three Yuan Pure Yang Crown, these three prototypes of spiritual treasures were all attack types and did not have strong defensive means.

This matter also made Ling Pengyun very happy, and the red gold shield was also a pleasant surprise.

With this shield, the number of prototypes of spiritual treasures in his hand has reached four.

And because he has the blessing of the powerful Five Elements Golden Pill and the Yin and Yang Taichu Essence, and after his cultivation entered the ninth level of the Golden Pill some time ago, his consciousness and spiritual power have been strengthened several times again, and he can also control these four prototypes of spiritual treasures at the same time.

To be precise, his spiritual power is not much different from that of the old pseudo-infant cultivators, and at least has the strength of about 50% of the spiritual power of the Yuanying cultivator.

His expression was because he had cultivated the "Tian Gang Forging God Technique" of the Ghost Immortal Sect of the God-transforming Ghost Sect to the late Jindan level, and had been tempered, and was stronger in spiritual power, at least comparable to about 60% of the Yuanying cultivator.

In the future, when his cultivation level breaks through again, Ling Pengyun is also confident that his spiritual consciousness and spiritual power will be strengthened again.


At the same time.

The millions of monsters that were besieging Tianfeng City, a border city of Tianfeng Country not far away, saw this scene and were frightened and fled in a hurry.

After Ling Pengyun noticed this, he immediately took out a handful of Huiling Pills and swallowed them to restore some spiritual power, entangled several red gold bears in the late Jindan stage, and slowly killed them.

After all, these red gold bears in the late Jindan stage are also treasures, and are worth a lot of spiritual stones. If the materials on them are refined into spiritual objects, it will be a big profit.

It took a lot of time just to kill those red gold bears in the late Jindan stage, so it also gave the monsters a chance to escape.

Among them, the thirty or forty Jindan demon kings were even smarter and fled in different directions.

Under such circumstances, even if Ling Pengyun caught up, he would not have much to gain.

With no other options, he could only continue to count the property on the Jindan Perfect Red Gold Bear that he had killed before, and divide the materials on the demon for easy storage.


On the other side.

The fifty or sixty thousand magic cultivators stationed in Tianfeng City, a border city of Tianfeng Country not far away, were all stunned.

Even Zhao Baigang, the strongest person in this city and the head of the Black Mountain Zhao family, the largest Jindan force in Tianfeng Country, was shocked by the scene of Ling Pengyun's powerful killing of the Jindan Perfect Red Gold Bear.

The Jindan Perfect Red Gold Bear led millions of demon beasts to invade Tianfeng Country for many years.

Zhao Baigang was also the number one person in Tianfeng Country, and the two inevitably fought several times.

Even Zhao Baigang, who had the perfect Jindan cultivation, was no match for the red gold bear. After all, the red gold bear held a prototype of a defensive spiritual treasure.

Zhao Baigang could only work together with his own wolf demon, a ninth-level Jindan guardian spirit beast, to barely entangle the bear demon with the perfect Jindan.

"How come this fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun, who is famous for refining demon corpses, has become so powerful after just a hundred years?"

Zhao Baigang's heart was like countless waves, and he kept having doubts.

Two or three hundred years ago, when the Maple Leaf Li family, one of the three ordinary Yuanying forces of the righteous path, was in chaos in the Yuan Kingdom, he had a lot of dealings with Ling Pengyun.

During that time, he also witnessed the powerful strength of Ling Pengyun in controlling demon corpses to fight against the enemy.

In fact, in his early years, he took the initiative to seek out Ling Pengyun for this and made a deal on demon corpses.

He offered the corpse of the magic elixir and the ghost spirit objects needed to refine the magic corpse, plus a fee for refining the magic corpse, and asked Ling Pengyun to help refine the magic corpse.

Because the transaction process was good, both parties were very satisfied.

Even after the end of the Yuan Kingdom Demon Rebellion, he and Ling Pengyun did not lose contact.

Especially two hundred years ago, the Black Mountain Zhao family where Zhao Baigang was located made friends with the Ling family because of the top golden elixir demon clan of the Ice and Snow Forest, the enemy of the demon clan.

The clan of the Ice and Snow White Lion clan is near the territory of the Yan Kingdom Ling family.

A hundred years ago, the two families also worked together to destroy the entire Ice and Snow White Lion clan, and jointly occupied the Ice and Snow Forest occupied by the Ice and Snow White Lion clan.

The Ice and Snow Forest is extremely vast, with a territory of 300,000 miles, and there are also many spiritual veins under its command.

Over the years, even if the two parties each occupied half of the spiritual veins in this territory, it has also brought a lot of wealth to the Ling family and the Black Mountain Zhao family.

The two families have more contacts because of this.

Over the years, the Black Mountain Zhao family still seeks Ling Pengyun's help from time to time to refine the Golden Core Demon Corpse.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Baigang, the head of the Zhao family, has a special impression of Ling Pengyun, that is, he refines the Demon Corpse and uses the Demon Corpse as a means.

As for how strong Ling Pengyun is, he has never heard of it.

After a long time, Zhao Baigang finally digested the shocking thing just now.

And Ling Pengyun's sudden appearance here and helping him to kill the Golden Core Perfection Red Gold Bear also made him think of another thing in his mind.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Ling also knows that the three major immortal sects have leaked the essence of the earth soul to the outside world."

The reason why his Zhao family was able to break away from the Tianxing Kingdom where the Tianxing Sect, the upper power, was located, and come to the Tianfeng Kingdom, which is a subordinate country, to develop was because of the three major righteous immortal sects.

According to the regulations of the three major immortal sects, the upper sects of the forces in the subordinate countries cannot arbitrarily intervene to suppress their development.

The three major immortal sects let the Zhao family come to Tianfeng Kingdom with the intention of cultivating the Black Mountain Zhao family.

Although the Zhao family moved to Tianfeng Kingdom and had not yet made great efforts to develop, they encountered the appearance of the Black Dragon Lake.

However, the three major immortal sects still valued the Black Mountain Zhao family. (End of this chapter)

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