Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1113: 30% probability of entering the Nascent Soul stage (Subscribe please)

Ling Pengyun could not take out the golden elixir-perfect earth dragon because its golden elixir was broken, but he did explain it.

As for the head of the pseudo-infant-level Mo Yuanlao dragon that was also killed in the Qianxing Valley of Chen State, he did not take it out. Anyway, he had gathered the five golden elixir-perfect monster heads that were the minimum requirement for exchanging for the essence of earth spirit.

When Elder Hailiang saw Ling Pengyun take out the five heads that contained the aura of golden elixir-perfect monsters, he looked at them carefully again.

The aura of these five monster heads was still well preserved, which must have been killed recently, and Elder Hailiang knew a few of them.

The matter of the five golden elixir-perfect monsters can basically be confirmed to be true.

For this reason, even if he had been prepared for it, he still couldn't help but be shocked.

After all, it is harder than ascending to heaven to be able to kill so many golden elixir-perfect monsters in the current situation where the monster race is on guard against counterattack.

Moreover, there were four dragon heads among them, and it was obvious that they were from the Black Dragon Lake Clan. The Great Elder Hai Liang had experienced the strength of these dragons from the Black Dragon Lake Clan, and each of these dragons was wealthy, had the prototype of spiritual treasures in hand, and was extremely powerful.

Even he was not sure that he could fight against a golden elixir perfect dragon from the Black Dragon Lake Clan.

Not to mention killing it.

"I think that during the chaos, when he was stationed in Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State, he led the monks of Yan State to resist millions of monsters and many Jindan perfect dragons. The injuries of Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun were caused by killing these five monsters."

"I don't know how this person killed so many Jindan perfect monsters. This is too outrageous."

"I thought that the essence of the earth soul would fall into the hands of the three ordinary Yuanying forces of Tianxing Sect, but I didn't expect that this person without any help would win the first prize."

It took a long time for the great elder Hailiang to come back to his senses, and he also exclaimed.

"Fellow Daoist Ling is truly a hero, able to defy the demon clan blockade and kill so many Golden Core Perfection demon beasts."

"Such strength, I really admire."

"Fellow Daoist has really done a great thing for our righteous path this time."

"That damned group of demon clan, after losing so many Golden Core Perfection demon beasts, it should be a while before they feel sad."

"I will use the communication formation to inform the other two major immortal sects that fellow Daoist has collected five Golden Core Perfection demon beast heads and has the right to exchange for Earth Soul Essence."

"By the way, fellow Daoist, have you prepared the spirit stones to buy the Earth Soul Essence?"

Hunting five Golden Core Perfection demon beasts only gives you the opportunity to buy the Earth Soul Essence. If you want to really buy it, you need to spend 3.5 million spirit stones.

This amount of spirit stones is still fair.

Ling Pengyun shook his head when he heard this.

"To buy the essence of the earth soul, I need too many spirit stones, and I can't gather them all at once."

"In addition, I also want to find your sect's fellow Daoist Yuanhua. I wonder if fellow Daoist Yuanhua is here?"

The Yuanhua mentioned by Ling Pengyun is the disciple of Haiyun Zhenjun who represented Haiyun Xianzong to participate in the Golden Elixir Ceremony of his father "Ling Xiaoshun" in the early years.

At that time, Yuanhua also made an agreement with him on behalf of Haiyun Xianzong.

This time, he went to Haiyun Xianzong, in addition to trying to get the essence of the earth soul that has been flowing out of the three major sects recently, he came for the agreement.

When Elder Hailiang heard this, he guessed something.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough spirit stones to buy the essence of the earth spirit. This essence of the earth spirit will always be kept for you. As long as you have enough spirit stones, you can come to my sect to buy it."

"As for Junior Brother Yuanhua, he is not in my sect now. He went to the front line of my Wu country to guard the Sanxian Market."

"I don't know if you want to find Junior Brother Yuanhua for anything?"

"If you trust me, you can go with me to the communication hall of my sect. There is a quasi-fourth-level communication formation there, and there is also one in the Sanxian Market. Through this formation of my sect, we can establish contact with the market."

"When the time comes, you can also talk to him."

Ling Pengyun was a little disappointed, and after hesitating for a while, he said this.

"Your reputation has been resounding throughout the righteous path for hundreds of years, so I naturally trust you."

"I'll trouble you to borrow this communication formation."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun also stuffed a storage bag containing 10,000 spiritual stones into the hands of the Great Elder Hai Liang.

However, the Great Elder Hai Liang did not accept it, but just said that Ling Pengyun was too polite.

After that, the Great Elder Hai Liang took her to the Communication Hall of the Haiyun Immortal Sect.

This hall was built on a third-level spiritual vein, and the only thing on the spiritual vein was the quasi-fourth-level communication formation.

The Great Elder Hai Liang first relied on this formation to inform the other two major immortal sects that Ling Pengyun had killed five golden elixir perfect monsters, and that there were heads and their golden elixirs as evidence.

And he said that in a short time, the five golden elixir monster heads would also be sent to their two major immortal sects to avoid them not believing it.

However, the other two major immortal sects seemed to believe what the great elder Hai Liang said without a doubt. They believed it directly and expressed that they would publicize the fact that the essence of the earth spirits jointly produced by the three major immortal sects was exchanged for by someone.

This matter was settled.

Ling Pengyun also relied on the communication formation to establish contact with Yuan Hua, the disciple of Haiyun Zhenjun who was stationed in the "Three Immortals Market" on the front line of Wu State.

"Brother Ling, are you looking for me for the original matter?"

The shadow of Yuan Hua Zhenren projected by the communication array had some guesses, but he was not sure. For this reason, he also asked Ling Pengyun.

"That's right, I have gathered all the spiritual stones to buy that thing."

Yuan Hua Zhenren's body trembled slightly when he heard this.

However, when he thought that the current size of the Ling family was comparable to that of the pseudo-infant realm, it was indeed possible to come up with that amount of spiritual stones, so he was relieved.

With a bit of envy, he also congratulated.

"Congratulations, Brother Ling, you will get a treasure that can help you reach the Nascent Soul."

"You can hand it over to Senior Brother Hai Liang for this matter. He is a trustworthy person. Senior Brother Hai Liang also knows about the incident that year. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi that our sect promised to give you is also in the sect."

The elder Hai Liang, who was watching here because he was afraid that Ling Pengyun would destroy the communication array here, was slightly startled when he heard this.

He immediately remembered that in the early years, during the Golden Elixir Ceremony of Ling Xiaoshun, Ling Pengyun's father, the sect had sent Yuan Hua Zhenren to the Ling family to recruit Ling Pengyun, a Nascent Soul seedling from the Ling family.

In order to prevent the other two major immortal sects from snatching this seedling, his own sect also expressed its willingness to sell a precious Nascent Soul spiritual object, Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi, to Ling Pengyun.

It just requires Ling Pengyun to pay for it with spiritual stones.

"In this way, with the addition of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi, as long as this Ling Daoyou gathers up the spiritual stones and buys the Earth Soul Essence, this Ling Daoyou will also have the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and the Earth Soul Essence, two more mysterious Nascent Soul spiritual objects in his hands."

"At that time, Ling Daoyou can rely on the effects of these two objects to increase the probability of entering the Nascent Soul realm by 30%."

Thinking of this, his face was immediately filled with envy.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also ended the communication with Yuan Hua Zhenren on the opposite side of the communication array.

Then, he took out the 3.5 million spiritual stones that he had spent countless efforts and various methods to collect in recent years, and gave them to the Great Elder Hai Liang to use to purchase the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi. (End of this chapter)

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