Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1119: Breaking the Formation with Power (Subscription Request)

The torrent of spells unleashed by Ling Pengxing's five natal ghosts and the mandarin duck fire cloud transformed by Yan Siyi followed closely behind.

Suddenly, nearly ten Golden Core Demon Kings died tragically under these attacks.

In addition to the nearly ten golden elixir demon kings who were casualties before, more than ten golden elixir demon kings died here in just a blink of an eye.

The old Jiao Muqian who was in charge of defense among the monster beasts saw this and was helpless at all.

Its main focus is on maintaining the superior wood-attribute magical power "Senluo Tree Soul Technique", and transforming into a Nascent Soul-level tree man to resist the attack of seventy or eighty thousand monks from Baiyun City.

Now, the monks in Baiyun City are attacking with all their strength without any reservation of spiritual power.

Although the tree man has Yuanying cultivation level, he is not a real Yuanying strongman after all. He is just an illusion of magic. In fact, his real strength is only 70% to 80% of the strength of Yuanying realm at most.

Under such circumstances, it would be good if the tree man transformed by the Wood Hidden Dragon could block the attacks in Baiyun City.

Mu Qian Jiaolong's remaining consciousness and spiritual power can activate the strongest defensive means, which is the inferior defensive magical power Aoki Mysterious Light Technique.

But this technique was unable to withstand the attacks from Ling Pengxing and others.

"How can this ghost cultivator be so strong? He can actually perform tricks that are about 70% to 80% comparable to those of a Nascent Soul cultivator."

"According to the intelligence in the clan, Ling Pengyun of the Ling family who killed many dragons in our clan was only like this when he was at the seventh or eighth level of the Golden Core."

"Why is there another monster, or a ghost cultivator? I have never heard of such a person appearing among those trash in the Eastern Demon Realm before."

Mu Qian Jiaolong looked at the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing, who was only at the seventh level of Jindan, with surprise in his brows.

At this moment, it saw the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing, who had hit two consecutive attacks with superior ghost powers. For some reason, he looked like he had sufficient ghost power, and struck another ghost shadow with the superior ghost powers, Po Gang. Blade.

"Consume a huge amount of superior magical power and use it as a normal attack method?"

"I really encountered a ghost."

"No, that person is really a ghost."

Mu Qian Jiaolong was suddenly speechless.

In desperation, it had no choice but to concentrate its mind. While the tree man who controlled the transformation of Senluo Tree Soul Art resisted the attacks of countless monks in Baiyun City, it used the rest of its mind to continuously activate the inferior defensive power Aoki Xuanguang to protect itself and the demon clan. .

But this move is ultimately in vain.

Every time, the Aoki Mysterious Light it displays will be chopped into pieces by Ling Pengxing's sword.

As a result, more and more golden elixir demon kings died tragically at the hands of the monster Ling Pengxing, Yan Siyi, a monk with the perfect combat power of the golden elixir, and the five ghosts.

at the same time.

Because Ling Pengxing, Yan Siyi, and the five natal ghosts massacred a dozen Jindan Demon Kings, the power of the two fourth-level formations deployed by these Jindan Demon Kings was also reduced. As much as one or two percent.

For this reason, the pressure of the White Shadow Xieyun Feijian, the Baiying Xieyun Feijian of the Baiying Xieyun Formation formed by the two formations that were besieged by the two dragons, was also greatly reduced.

There is even a bit of ease.

Tu Qianjiaolong, the pseudo-infant realm quasi-fourth-level array mage who presided over the arrangement of the two fourth-level formations, suddenly became solemn.

Although the Baiying Xianyun Formation in Baiyun City is not as high in grade as the two fourth-order formations it has deployed together with the other Jindan Demon Kings.

But the Baiyun Xianyun Formation is better than the third-level high-grade spiritual veins, the highest level in Baiyun City, as its support.

Moreover, this formation also has two formation weapons.

When the two arrays are added together, the value of this array alone is no less than that of an ordinary fourth-level low-grade array.

In addition, the phantom of the Nascent Soul Dragon that had been transformed into one of the fourth-level formations was seriously injured by the sneak attack of the White Shadow Slanting Cloud Flying Sword, and its cultivation level fell to the realm of the pseudo-infant.

For this reason, now, in the battle, there is only one other fourth-level formation left, and the transformed Nascent Soul Dragon is in charge.

As the power of the formation that maintains this dragon's transformation decreases, the cultivation level of this Nascent Soul dragon also seems to have dropped back to the pseudo-infant realm.

In addition, the pseudo-infant realm dragon that was transformed into a fourth-level formation appeared to have fallen to the ninth level of Golden Core cultivation.

If it continues to allow Ling Pengxing and other strong men to kill the demon kings who have deployed the two fourth-order formations, this time it wants to take advantage of the fact that Ling Pengyun, the strongest man in the Yan Kingdom, has not taken action to capture Baiyun City and seize the The extremely valuable White Shadow Xianyun Formation must be destroyed.

For this reason, this quasi-fourth-level formation Earth Thousand Dragon is also decisive. It temporarily uses the formation-transformed Nascent Soul Dragon to entangle the Baiying Xianyun Feijian, and then relies on the formation disk to transform the other formation. The pseudo-infant dragon was mobilized back and went to help Muqian dragon to deal with Ling Pengxing, Yan Siyi, and the five spirit ghosts first.

But unexpectedly, before the pseudo-infant realm dragon transformed by the fourth-level formation came close, it was blasted to pieces by Ling Pengxing's two superior ghostly magical power-breaking ghost shadow sword blades that he shot out one after another as if it was free of charge.

The fourth-level formation that transformed the dragon was immediately severely damaged, and it was impossible to use the power of the formation to reunite the dragon's phantom.

There were even several cracks on this formation and that formation disk.

And this situation startled the Tu Qian Lao Jiao who was maintaining the fourth level formation.

Although the previous dragon phantom transformed by the fourth-level formation was only at the pseudo-infant level, relying on the power of the fourth-level formation, as long as the dragon essence in this formation is not broken, the dragon phantom will be destroyed. After being shattered, the body can actually be reunited.

In the situation just now, Ling Pengyun's two superior magical powers directly shattered the dragon essence contained in the fourth-level formation. Without that essence as the source, the fourth-level formation would naturally be unable to use it. The dragon's shadow is reunited.

However, if you want to master this kind of ability, you must at least have Nascent Soul level attack methods.

"What is the origin of this ghost cultivator? How can he master such powerful ghost magic powers?"

Tu Qianjiaolong couldn't help but feel a little more fearful in his heart.

Immediately, it faced the fifty or sixty golden elixir demon kings who had their hands free because one of the fourth-order formations was broken, put away the formation flags of the fourth-order formations they had mastered, and turned to the remaining ones that were still there. The Jindan Demon Kings who maintained the last level 4 formation resisted the bombardment of Ling Pengxing and others.

at the same time.

Ling Pengxing's face was filled with joy after breaking a fourth-level formation.

"Without a fourth-level formation, the situation will be much more stable."

But he wasn't too happy yet. In recent years, the ghost fairy lamp spirit that had been sleeping suddenly woke up.

"Pengxing boy, what have you done?"

"How come in just a few dozen breaths, you have consumed all the cultivation I have gained through decades of hard work?"

Just now, the ghost power that Ling Pengxing absorbed from the ghost fairy lantern was actually the spiritual cultivation of the ghost fairy lantern. (End of chapter)

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