Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1123 Master Yunxiong (Subscription Request)

"However, if you want to get these things, you need to join the Xinghai Pavilion behind me, join my Yun Qian Yi lineage, become a true disciple of my Yun Qian Yi lineage, and from now on, work for my Yun Qian Yi lineage."

"Of course, you can still be in this world of immortality, and you can still have the Ling family behind you. Even if you don't come back to my pavilion, it won't be a problem."

"However, you must remember that you are a member of our Xinghai Pavilion. If our pavilion needs your help, you must help. Moreover, after your clan joins the Nascent Soul power, you may give me a salary every year."

"In addition, I will also place a special restriction in your sea of ​​consciousness to prevent you from spreading rumors about the existence of our pavilion, ruling the sect, etc."

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you."

"The Nine Heavens Profound Energy of the Infant Spiritual Object that you got from the Haiyun Immortal Sect, including the five golden elixir perfection monsters you killed earlier, and the earth soul essence that you can buy from these three major immortal sects, all come from our pavilion. , Senior Nephew Canglan has also put in a lot of effort in this matter. If you join our pavilion in the future and get those two infant spiritual objects, remember to thank him. "

"However, if you don't agree to enter our pavilion, our pavilion does not intend to let these things fall into the hands of outsiders."

"Boy, everything depends on your own choice."

After Ling Pengyun heard these words, his eyes looked at the things that the man in black was taking out, and countless gleams suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Although, it was difficult for him to tell whether the so-called complete and superior Yuan Ying Kung Fu Hunyuan Five Elements Book and Bai Zhi Dan were genuine.

He was not sure whether the Nine Heavens Profound Qi he bought from the Haiyun Immortal Sect, including the earth soul essence that he could buy from the three major immortal sects, really came from the Xinghai Pavilion behind the unknown black-clothed True Monarch.

But the five five-element spiritual objects with different attributes that the man in black took out were real.

He did feel that the so-called True Inheritance Token contained a Nascent Soul-level power.

In addition, most people don't know that the technique he practices is the Canglan Bihai Zhenjing, the Zongzong technique of Canglan Bihai Sect, the Nascent Soul power in the Immortal Realm of the Boundless Sea.

Furthermore, the Black-clothed True Monarch still called True Monarch Canglan, the sect leader of the Canglan Blue Sea Sect, whom he supported, as his nephew.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun believe even more in the existence of the powerful force of Xinghai Pavilion.

Ling Pengyun also asked.

"Senior, before I choose whether to join your pavilion, I wonder if I, the senior, can give me some answers for this junior. How should I... begin to talk about the relationship between Canglan Zhenjun, the master of Canglan Blue Sea Sect, and you, senior?"

"Also, I wonder what senior's cultivation is...?"

"The answer is no problem."

"Senior nephew Canglan also belongs to my Yunqian lineage. Counting seniority, I am his senior uncle."

"And the Canglan Bihai Sect who is behind you now is to support our sect with an additional Nascent Soul-level affiliated force outside, increase our pavilion's source of resources, and provide ways to recruit geniuses."

"You were recommended to me by Senior Nephew Canglan. That's when I found out about you."

"In addition, I just happened to come to your side of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World this time to prevent your righteous path from being destroyed by the monsters, so I wanted to test you kid. I didn't expect that you really lived up to your expectations at that time."

"Senior nephew Canglan did not misjudge the person."

"As for my cultivation, you can see for yourself."

The next moment, an extremely ferocious aura erupted from the body of the black-clothed True Lord who was lifeless and lifeless.

It was as if this person was not a monk, but a monster.

Ling Pengyun even saw the appearance of a bear from the black-clothed True Monarch.

But just at this glance, Ling Pengyun's eyes were hurt by the extremely fierce aura, which made his eyes sting extremely.

As a result, he did not dare to look directly at the True Lord in black.

However, when he felt the fierce aura of the black-robed True Monarch carefully, his heart suddenly turned upside down.

According to his estimation, the cultivation level of the black-clothed True Lord in front of him was probably at the late Nascent Soul level.

Even to the extent that he is superior to Old Master Chi Qiong, the number one person on the righteous path in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea, he is only a little worse than Old Man Chi Qiong, the number one person on the evil path in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea.

And the cultivation level of the Holy Demon Old Man is as high as the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

He was only a step ahead of this giant of demonic power, but he was at least a True Lord at the seventh or eighth level of the Nascent Soul.

This kind of person is enough to dominate half of the world of immortality in any world of immortality.

When Ling Pengyun's master Bihai Zhenjun from the Canglan Bihai Sect attacked Nascent Soul, he did so in the Lieyang Immortal Sect of the Red Qiong Old Master.

It was also at that time that he met the old master Chi Qiong who had reached the late stage of Yuanying, and the holy demon old man of the ninth level of Yuanying who was the number one person in the demon path who came to stop his master, Zhenjun Bishui, from attacking the realm of Yuanying. .

At this time, his heart was in turmoil.

And the True Lord in black seemed to be aware of Ling Pengyun's discomfort. He put away his huge and fierce aura in time and smiled instead.

"My little friend, am I capable of making you believe in the existence of Xinghai Pavilion behind me?"

"However, the Xinghai Pavilion behind me is also not allowed to spread its name at will during the period of recruiting disciples. Otherwise, with the strength of our pavilion, how can we be so unknown? It is really a waste of my words to recruit you."

"By the way, have you made a good choice?"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun hesitated for a while and finally said.

"Senior, this junior is willing to enter Xinghai Pavilion and become the true successor of Yun Qian's lineage."

The black-robed True Lord's cultivation of the seventh or eighth level of the Nascent Soul was enough to convince Ling Pengyun of the existence of the Xinghai Pavilion.

And the conditions that the black-robed True Lord required him to meet to join the sect were not harsh.

Anyway, the Ling family is now a subsidiary of the Canglan Bihai Sect, so it doesn't matter if they are affiliated with another big force.

As for not leaving the Xinghai Sect, it goes without saying. He would not be stupid enough to go against such a powerful True Lord with the strength of the seventh or eighth level of the Nascent Soul, unless he doesn't want to live, or he becomes stronger than this person in the future.

Moreover, once he enters this pavilion, he can get a lot of benefits.

When the black-robed True Lord saw that Ling Pengyun had made a choice, he was also very happy and laughed for a long time.

"Now, my Yun Qian lineage has another good seedling who has entered the middle or even late stage of the Nascent Soul."

"In the future, you don't need to call me senior anymore."

"I am your guide, so you should call me Master."

"If you don't want to, you can call me by my Taoist name. My Taoist name is Yun Xiong, and you can usually call me Uncle Yun Xiong or something like that."

Ling Pengyun was even more delighted when he heard this.

He would not alienate this relationship, so he called out immediately.

"Disciple, meet the Master."

Yun Xiong Zhenjun said with a smile.

"No need to be polite, no need to be polite."

"But since you call me Master, I have something to tell you."

"Your Master is the same as you, a cultivator with five spiritual roots, and I have also practiced ordinary cultivation techniques, which is the Hunyuan Five Elements Treasure Book I gave you."

"In addition, I have also practiced physical cultivation techniques."

"However, I am also different from you in that I mainly practice physical cultivation, and secondly practice ordinary techniques. Aside from that, I also have the help of a spiritual body, and it is because of that spiritual body that I can achieve my current level of cultivation."

"But, I I also have a better understanding of the Hunyuan Five Elements Treasure Book. If you have any questions about practicing this technique in the future, you can come to the Xinghai Realm where my Xinghai Pavilion is located and ask me for advice. "

"There is another thing. Before you, I also accepted three disciples. They were all physical practitioners. They were all your senior brothers. However, they were not talented and stopped at the realm of Jindan perfection. "

"That is why, after I knew about your situation, I planned to take you in and cultivate you into Yuanying to inherit my lineage. "

"After all, there are many similarities between the ways of practice between you and me." (End of this chapter)

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