Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1131 Mysterious reinforcements? (There will be an update one hour after the party, sorry)

Just hearing the sound of a huge cannon blasting through the sky, a huge water ball measuring a hundred feet in size and containing an extremely terrifying aura was shot out of the cannon barrel.

Ling Pengyun, who was in Baiyun City, frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

According to the current situation, if he stood idly by, the White Shadow Xianyun Feijian would definitely be blasted to pieces by the demon clan's only remaining fourth-level formation, as well as the Muqian Jiaolong, Fengyuan Jiaolong, and the old demon Guicheng.

The White Shadow Xianyun Fei Sword is one of the cores of Baiyun City's city defense formation. If this sword is destroyed, the power of the city defense formation will definitely be reduced by several percent.

This will also speed up the attack on Baiyun City.

Not to mention, Ling Pengyun was not willing to destroy the flying sword, an array weapon that could be used in conjunction with Baiyun City's quasi-fourth-level city protection formation.

Then, he mobilized 30% of the fourth-level healing elixir Bai Zhi Dan that was previously sealed in his body, and invaded his meridians.

In the blink of an eye, the meridians that had been in pain due to him swallowing too many Hui Ling Dan in a short period of time recovered quickly.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimation, after his meridians recover, he should be able to swallow two Spiritual Rejuvenation Pills to restore his spiritual power, plus the spiritual power in his natal spiritual plant Renshui Lanyuncao that he has never used.

He then had three opportunities to use the Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder.

"Three shots should be enough to save Bai Ying Xianyun Feijian. As for the merits, it may not be great, but it should be no problem to hurt the dragon phantom transformed by the fourth level formation at the end."

Immediately, he took out a large handful of Spirit Recovery Pill from the storage bag and swallowed it.

In just an instant, his empty golden elixir was filled with spiritual power from countless spiritual elixirs.

He also relied on these spiritual powers, and quickly used the secret technique to launch his strongest attack method, the Five Elements Pure Yang Xuan Lei.

But just at this moment.

Ling Pengyun heard a loud shout coming from tens of thousands of miles away in Baiyun City.

"Junior brother, please hold on for a while, I'll help you later."

Ling Pengyun, who was in the process of casting the spell, was suddenly alarmed. He turned around and saw a red light flying from the place where the sound came from.

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved and he took a closer look, he was suddenly shocked.

The thing that turned into the light was actually a bird monster with a phoenix crown on its head, flame patterns all over its body and feathers, a body shape that somewhat resembled the legendary fire phoenix, and a cultivation level as high as the golden elixir perfection. .

"Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix?"

"I didn't expect that such rare monsters would appear."

The Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix is ​​a kind of phoenix monster, and its potential ranks very high among this kind of phoenix monster. Many Qianyan Fire Phoenix with strong bloodline have entered the realm of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, this phoenix is ​​also the darling of flames, and can absorb thousands of kinds of flames into the body and turn them into its own, which can be used to improve one's cultivation.

This clan also has special magical powers, which can be combined with its own blood to refine any three types of flames into the natal flames. If a better flame is encountered, this natal flame can also be replaced.

For this reason, the strength of this clan is extremely powerful, enough to rival the top-tier monster dragon clan at the same level.

However, it is said that the Phoenix clan was wiped out hundreds of thousands of years ago during the war between the Demonic Sect, the Ghost Immortal Sect, and other demonic sects, and the Demonic Fire Phoenix clan in the Immortal Realm of the Supreme Buddha Kingdom.

From then on, the Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix clan rarely appeared in the world of immortality.

If it weren't for the fact that he had participated in the battle between the Maple Leaf Li family of the Yuanying family and the devil, and witnessed the Li family's guardian spirit beast Blazing Fire Phoenix entering the realm of Yuanying, he would have been curious about this kind of phoenix monster, otherwise he would have only I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to recognize this Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix now.

The Fire Phoenix Clan and the Flood Dragon Clan are directly affiliated to the upper-blooded True Dragon Clan. It is said that they all live in the upper world, and few of them have appeared in this world for hundreds of thousands of years.

What surprised Ling Pengyun even more was that on the back of the rare golden elixir perfect thousand-flame fire phoenix, there were actually three people sitting on the back of the golden elixir perfect phoenix. But he was a monk wearing black clothes and a black gauze covering his face.

The words that just came out from Tianji were the man in black who was sitting at the top of Yifeng's back.

Ling Pengyun had never heard of any monk in Baiyun City whose senior brother had a perfect golden elixir cultivation level.

This type of monks are usually within the three major immortal sects. Now, at this time, these golden elixir perfecting monks from the three major immortal sects are probably fighting against the main force of the demon clan in Sanxianfang City.

Rarely seen in the outside world.

Normally, most of these monks were in seclusion and rarely appeared. For this reason, Ling Pengyun had not seen many of them.

He has seen a few golden elixir realm monsters, and he has even seen a lot of pseudo-infant realm monsters. The Tu Qian Jiaolong and Muqian Jiaolong that are currently besieging Baiyun City are both monsters in this realm.

Under such circumstances, it made him wonder whether the people who came for support were helpers from the demon clan. After all, there were no people from the three major immortal sects in Baiyun City.

But at this time, he also noticed that the energy and blood of the three monks riding on the Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix were a little too strong.

"Physical training?"

"And they all have perfect cultivation of golden elixir."

When he thought about it, his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that the three monks riding the Thousand Flame Fire Phoenix are the three senior brothers under Master Yun Xiong who followed the same path as the master?"

Before, the master he had just worshiped, Zhenjun Yunxiong, had said that he had three disciples under his command, all of whom were in the same physical cultivation path as him, but they were unable to break through because of their qualifications.

And while he was distracted, he did not stop casting spells.

In this instant, relying on all his spiritual power, he finally performed a perfect five-element pure yang black thunder, and shot it out first, temporarily blocking the only remaining fourth-level formation of the demon clan.

However, the Baiying Xieyun Flying Sword, which had just escaped from the quasi-fourth-level formation, was entangled by the Yuanying Tree Man transformed by the pseudo-infant realm Mu Qian Jiaolong, the Gangfeng transformed by the Jindan Perfection Feng Jiao Fengyuan Jiaolong using the prototype of the superior spiritual treasure, and the huge water ball shot by the turtle Cheng Jiaogui magical power.

These three attack methods alone may not be as strong as the dragon phantom transformed by the only fourth-level formation of the demon clan before, but the combined power of the three is several times stronger than it.

Suddenly, a crack gradually appeared on the sword body of the Baiying Xieyun Flying Sword, which was blessed by the Baiyun City defense formation and was very close to the level of a fourth-level spiritual treasure.

And the crack is still expanding.

I'm afraid that within ten breaths, this sword will be destroyed.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun's brows were furrowed even more, and his casting speed was also a little faster due to the situation.

Then, he swallowed some Huiling Pills to restore the spiritual power in his body, and with the spiritual power sent by his life spirit plant Renshui Lanyun Grass, he once again shot out two mysterious thunders, successfully resisting the tree man transformed by the Wood Hidden Dragon and the black evil wind shot by the Wind Source Dragon.

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