Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1133: The head is hit crooked (please subscribe)

After Ling Pengyun sacrificed the prototypes of various spiritual treasures, he controlled them to kill the second and third senior brothers, as well as the group of golden elixir demon kings that were besieged by 70,000 to 80,000 monks in the city.

Since half of the group of golden elixir demon kings are maintaining the only fourth-level formation here, only the other half, more than seventy golden elixir demon kings, can take action, plus the golden elixir-perfect Old Demon Turtle Cheng, and Feng Jiao The Fengyuan Jiaolong has its hands free to resist incoming attacks, so it is somewhat at a disadvantage.

Now, Ling Pengyun has brought in powerful prototypes of spiritual treasures, and the situation of these golden elixir monsters has become a bit more dangerous.

If it hadn't been for the dragon's phantom that the old demon Guicheng had transformed into with his superior magical power "The Technique of the Virtual Turtle Covering the Clouds", it had a tough body and good defense capabilities, otherwise this group of monsters would have suffered heavy losses.

"it's time."

Seeing this battle situation, Ling Pengyun immediately crushed a token.

At the next moment, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Baiyun City, a huge aqua blue light suddenly appeared.

Soon, this escaping light rushed to the battle scene in Baiyun City, and appeared in the form of Long Yuan Jiao King.

Sitting on its back was Ling Pengyun's wife Yan Siyi.

Originally, Longyuan Jiao King was hunting monster beasts in the realm of Chen State, which was next door to the Yan State and was captured by the demon clan.

Not long ago, Ling Pengyun and others went to Chen State and even killed two golden elixir perfection dragons and a pseudo-infant realm dragon.

But the Golden-Elixir Perfection Golden-winged Tiger that led the low-level monsters of the Golden Winged Tiger Clan of the Ordinary Nascent Soul Monster Clan to capture the Chen Kingdom escaped.

Although, the tiger never appeared again after that.

However, the demonic beasts that had snatched away the remaining spiritual veins of the Chen Kingdom did not take the lead and easily left the realm of the Chen Kingdom.

Obviously, those monsters were ordered by their superiors to guard Chen State and seize this righteous realm.

And this also gave Longyuan Jiao King an opportunity. Recently, it went to various parts of the Chen Kingdom and gained a lot, killing all the monsters in the Chen Kingdom.

Nowadays, many monsters in that land have fled Chen State in order to save their lives.

Yan Siyi was originally stationed in Lei Yuanguo, another golden elixir country next to the Yan Kingdom, to prevent the invading Moye Jindan Perfect Lao Shuijiao from destroying the country.

The two of them came back this time for support.

For this reason, as soon as the two of them arrived at the battlefield, they immediately used various attack methods and fought out.

In an instant, they and Ling Pengyun, as well as Ling Pengyun's two second and third senior brothers, fought until the monster group was unable to fight back.

The defensive turtle phantom transformed by the superior defensive magical power of the old demon Turtle Cheng was also bombarded by countless attack methods, and it was shaken by the beating.

In just half a stick of incense, cracks appeared on his body.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before this Taoist magic will be defeated.

This situation immediately forced the old demon Guicheng, who was good at defensive magical powers, to swallow a large amount of spiritual power-restoring objects like Ling Pengyun had done before, and to display three superior defensive magical powers in succession, and to transform into three giant monsters. The phantom of the turtle dragon protects itself and the group of monsters.

For this reason, four turtles and dragons with extremely strong bodies appeared in the place where the monster beast group was.

With their numerical advantage, even if the monster group is in a weak position, it is not in any danger.

But even so, it only delays some time.

In just half a day, the four superior defensive powers that the old demon Guicheng exerted with all his strength were all shattered.


The quasi-fourth-level array mage Tu Qian Jiaolong, who along with more than seventy Jindan Demon Kings arranged a large fourth-level formation to transform into a dragon's phantom, entangled Ling Pengyun's extraordinary senior brother, his eyes suddenly darkened when he saw this situation. .

It did not dare to retain its spiritual power anymore, and quickly cast a large number of array spells to bless the only fourth-level array.

The strength of the dragon transformed by this formation suddenly increased sharply. With a fierce collision, it successfully knocked back Ling Pengyun's senior brother who had transformed into a bear demon and had extraordinary strength.

Following that, the phantom of the dragon formed by the fourth-level formation immediately returned to defense, allowing Tu Qianjiaolong and the other monsters here to temporarily withstand the attacks of Ling Pengyun and others.

"Quickly board the only fourth-level formation here to transform into a dragon, and retreat together. Don't leave separately. Otherwise, with the strength of the righteous path here, none of us will be able to leave."

Tu Qianjiaolong said hello to the group of monster beasts, and jumped onto the dragon transformed from the fourth-level formation.

The cultivation of the monsters and beasts present had reached the realm of golden elixir, and their spiritual wisdom had already been greatly expanded. They naturally understood that Tu Qianjiaolong's proposal was indeed the best.

For this reason, more than 70 golden elixir demon kings accompanied Tu Qianjiaolong to deploy the only fourth-level formation, as well as those who previously maintained another fourth-level formation, but because the formation was broken, they were freed early. More than seventy golden elixir demon kings, as well as the pseudo-infant realm wood hidden dragon, the golden elixir perfect wind source dragon, and the turtle old demon all planned to jump on the fourth-level formation to transform into a dragon.

I want to use this fourth-level formation to break out of the fierce attack by Ling Pengyun and others.

But unexpectedly, the second senior brother and the third senior brother who used physical cultivation methods to transform into bear demons, at this moment, they didn’t know what kind of methods they used, and their auras actually became a little stronger, and even they His figure has also grown dramatically, almost reaching a height of nearly a hundred feet.

And the giant hammer in their hands also grew bigger.

Then, they both raised their giant hammers, smashed all the attacks, and rushed directly into the group of monsters. With their combined hammers, they smashed all the defenses around the dragon transformed by the fourth-level formation.

And they even knocked the dragon's head crooked.

The eldest brother, who was even more powerful, showed his power. The bear monster he transformed into suddenly grew to more than 150 feet. Then, the eldest brother, who was as big as a hill, jumped directly onto the head of the fourth-level formation dragon's phantom and pressed it to the ground, making it unable to move.

The second and third brothers cooperated very well with him.

In order to prevent the eldest brother from being disturbed by the monsters when he was pressing the fourth-level formation dragon to rub on the ground, they immediately jumped on the back of the dragon and killed the group of Jindan monster kings who were sitting on the back of the dragon and trying to escape, and set off a massacre.

They had a huge strength through the inexplicable means of increasing their strength just now, with more than 2 million jin in their bodies, plus the giant hammers in their hands were already more than 2 million jin.

When they swung the hammers with all their strength, the giant hammers also contained nearly 4 million jin of strength, which was infinitely close.

Ordinary Jindan demon kings were no match for their hammers.

For this reason, every time they hammered down, there must be a painful wail from the Jindan demon king.

This kind of strength has reached the strength of ordinary Yuanying realm demon beasts. (End of this chapter)

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