Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1137: Deep Friendship Between Brothers (Subscription Request)

"Those demon clans don't have the strength to retaliate."

"The Nascent Soul Demon Lords of the demon clan are looked down upon by the righteous Nascent Soul Lords here. Even near the Black Dragon Lake, the holy land of the demon clan in the depths of the vast swamp, there are Nascent Soul Lords watching. Those Nascent Soul Demon Lords can’t get away from here at all.”

"As for the demon kings at the pseudo-infant realm and the golden elixir level, even if there are not many demon clans left, it would be good if they can maintain the stability of the battlefields of all parties. Under such circumstances, how can those demon clan leaders be willing to use such backbone forces We are being sent here to invade your country, Yan."

"Not to mention the monsters in the Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm, they will die if they come."

Senior brother Cao Yi said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun felt at ease after listening to Cao Yi's analysis, who knew a lot of information.

Afterwards, he chatted with Cao Yi for a while, and his two senior brothers and third senior brothers who went to chase the old demon Guicheng also came back.

Moreover, they did succeed in killing the old demon Guicheng just as their senior brother Cao Yi predicted.

Ling Pengyun then congratulated the second and third senior brothers who were meeting for the first time.

The second senior brother and the third senior brother were also particularly happy, and the third senior brother Zhao Meng even said with a smile.

"It's extremely difficult to kill those turtles in ordinary times. Being able to kill them this time is really a good thing."

"Just after my second senior brother and I killed the golden elixir-perfect turtle, I looked at its meat again and found that its meat was particularly tender, making it an excellent ingredient for making soup."

"It just so happens that this is the first time I've met you, my junior brother. I plan to use the golden elixir to perfect the spiritual materials on the turtle, make a turtle soup, and make some side dishes to celebrate together. Then I'll invite you Junior brother and fellow senior fellow apprentices, thank you."

"At that time, it will be the first meal for us senior brothers to get together."

Senior Brother Cao Yi's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

"It's rare for you, Third Junior Brother, to cook again, and you still use the flesh and blood of those demonic beasts with perfect golden elixirs as ingredients. This is such a good thing, so Senior Brother, I will accept it shamelessly."

After speaking, he introduced Ling Pengyun.

"Little junior brother, your third senior brother is a quasi-fourth-level spiritual chef. The dishes cooked by him are particularly delicious, and they are all spiritual food containing spiritual energy."

"With the skills of your third senior brother, using the flesh and blood of the golden elixir-perfected turtle as materials, you can at least cook third-level high-grade spiritual food. This is a good thing, especially for someone like you who has not yet cultivated to the golden level. It is a great supplement for the golden elixir monks who have perfect elixir.”

"Junior brother, please don't be polite to your third senior brother."

"On normal days, your third senior brother can do a lot."

"If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him next time."

Third senior brother Zhao Meng was immediately dissatisfied and said.

"Senior Brother, please don't slander me. You are obviously the best. In the past few years, the five jars of quasi-fourth-level Shiquan Great Tonic Wine you brewed, my second senior brother and I have never had a few sips."

Senior Brother Cao Yi retorted.

"I took it to honor the master."

When Third Senior Brother Zhao Meng heard this, his eyes moved slightly and he said with a smile. "I have asked the master, and he said that he will accept three jars of quasi-fourth-level spirit wine from you."

"In addition, the second senior brother and I didn't get a few sips of the remaining two jars of spiritual wine. It's a pity that the second senior brother and I followed you everywhere to kill monsters and collect the spiritual materials for refining the spiritual wine. Senior Brother , you are really stingy."

"This time, I, the third senior brother, invited the junior brother to dinner. You, the senior senior brother, will not show anything. If this is the case, you might as well let me be the senior senior brother."

As soon as these words came out, senior brother Cao Yi immediately understood what third junior brother Zhao Meng was thinking. He smiled and looked at Ling Pengyun, the junior brother he was meeting for the first time.

He followed suit.

"Okay, for the sake of my junior brother, just as you want, I will bring out four kilograms of the fourth-order Shiquan Datonic wine later, plus fifty kilograms of the third-order top-grade Shiquan Datonic wine. ”

"But if you act like this from now on, I will really beat you up."

The third senior brother still looked playful and smiling.

"Punch him if you like, it's not like he's going to be beaten less."

Senior Brother Cao Yi suddenly had a headache and laughed and cursed.

"You kid."

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but smile a little more on his face.

From this conversation between his senior brother and his third senior brother, it was not difficult for him to see that the relationship between them was excellent.

As for the second senior brother who rarely speaks, although he has never said a word.

But judging from the behavior of the third senior brother who went to chase the old demon Guicheng alone before and the second senior brother who was worried about following him, it seems that the second senior brother has a good relationship with the other senior brothers, but he doesn't like to talk.

And being among such brothers and sisters is truly a blessing.

It is rare for senior brothers to have such a good relationship.

Afterwards, they chatted for a few more words, and Third Senior Brother Zhao Meng also followed suit.

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to cook. It takes a long time to cook a fourth-level dish."

"Junior brother, as my host, can you arrange a secluded place for me?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "Naturally."

After saying that, he personally took his third senior brother Zhao Meng to the Jindan level cave in Baiyun City.

Afterwards, he had a casual chat with his eldest brother and his second brother, who didn't like to talk much. The eldest brother and his second brother also had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun also arranged a Jindan cave for each of them.

After finishing this matter, Ling Pengyun had time to look for his nephew Wu Hong.

When those monsters invaded Yan State before, his nephew Wu Hong had set his eyes on the dragon tendons and scales of the Fengyuan Jiaolong, a late-stage Nascent Soul seedling of the Black Jiao Lake clan who had reached the Golden Core Perfection Realm.

In order to obtain these two items, he even persuaded Bailingmen to give up the third-level middle-grade dragon vein in Jiaomang Lake for 500 years, so that this dragon vein could belong to the Ling family alone for 500 years.

The main reason why Wu Hong wanted the two items on the Jiao was that he wanted to use the two items as the main materials, and with a small piece of quasi-fourth-level spiritual materials prepared by Bailingmen for him, he tried to refine a prototype of his own spiritual treasure.

It was for this reason that Ling Pengyun, after joining forces with Longyuan Jiaowang and his wife Yan Siyi to kill the Feng Jiao, took the most valuable prototype of the superior spiritual treasure, the Black Evil Gourd, from the Jiao, and also took the Jiao tendons and some scales from the Jiao.

When he gave these things to Wu Hong, Wu Hong was also very happy and thanked Ling Pengyun repeatedly.

Ling Pengyun didn't care about it, after all, this was a transaction.

Then, considering his close relationship with Wu Hong, his nephew, he asked one more question.

"Hong'er, it is particularly difficult to refine the prototype of the spiritual treasure. Even if you use the method of refining the prototype of your own spiritual treasure recorded in the technique you practice, the difficulty of refining is relatively simple, but it is also very difficult."

"It would be best to have a quasi-fourth-level refiner to help. Have you found such a person?" (End of this chapter)

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