Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1142 Three Treasures (Subscription Request)

Among them, there are five quasi-fourth-level five-element spiritual materials that can be used to refine the prototype of spiritual treasures.

In addition, in recent years, he has killed many Jindan Perfection and Pseudo-Infant Realm monsters, and many spiritual materials on those monsters are also helpful for him to refine the prototype of his own spiritual treasure.

In summary, the spiritual objects on him are enough for him to refine the three prototypes of his own spiritual treasures many times.

Even if he fails a few times, it’s okay.

However, with his own refining level, he is naturally not sure to refine such a grade of things alone.

Because he has been focusing on cultivation in recent years, he has not paid attention to improving the refining of equipment, which has also made his refining of equipment stuck in the realm of the third-level middle grade.

Therefore, he also found his second senior brother Liu Yu, who was asked by his master Yunxiong Zhenjun to sit in Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State.

His second senior brother is a quasi-fourth-level refiner with an extremely high level of refining.

When his second senior brother Liu Yu learned what Ling Pengyun wanted, he immediately agreed.

First, although Ling Pengyun had only been a disciple of Yunxiong Zhenjun of Xinghai Pavilion more than ten years ago, Ling Pengyun was regarded by Yunxiong Zhenjun as the hope of revitalizing his own lineage.

Therefore, Liu Yu also paid more attention to him.

Second, fifteen years ago, when he and other brothers invited Ling Pengyun and his wife to a small banquet, Ling Pengyun, the junior brother, gave him many scales from pseudo-infant dragons.

Those scales were enough to be the main materials for refining a prototype of a spiritual treasure.

Under such circumstances, how could he refuse Ling Pengyun's request for refining.

He even promised to help Ling Pengyun and repay the cause and effect of giving him the dragon scales.

He never liked to owe others, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable.

Then, the second senior brother Liu Yu began to help Ling Pengyun refine the three prototypes of his life spirit treasures one by one.

However, even with the help of his second senior brother Liu Yu, it still took Ling Pengyun a long time to refine the prototype of his own spiritual treasure.

He also experienced several failures during this period.

Finally, ten years later, he successfully refined the three prototypes of his own spiritual treasures, "Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water", "Five Elements Hunyuan Bell", and "Five Elements Fantasy Mist Bottle".

However, due to the materials, the quality of these three spiritual treasure prototypes is only inferior.

But Ling Pengyun was willing to give up. He actually took out the inferior and middle spiritual treasure prototypes that he had obtained through various reasons in recent years and asked Liu Yu to help melt them all into materials and refine them into his three spiritual treasure prototypes.

Although this cost was high, it was also effective.

The quality of the three spiritual treasure prototypes was improved from inferior to middle level.

However, because these three objects and Ling Pengyun's cultivation method are of the same origin.

Therefore, these three objects can also burst out in his hands with power far exceeding that of ordinary spiritual treasure prototypes.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimation, these three items are probably stronger than the ordinary top-level middle-level spiritual treasure prototypes, and are not far from the power of the upper-level spiritual treasure prototypes.

This also makes Ling Pengyun feel that the huge amount of money spent on refining these three items is worth it.

Then, after thanking his second senior brother Liu Yu, he returned to the cave to sacrifice and refine these three natal spiritual treasure prototypes.

Three years have passed.

In a cave in Baiyun City, a city on the border of Yan State.

Ling Pengyun looked at the floating group of five-element water, a five-element copper bell, and a five-element jade bottle in front of him, and his eyebrows were full of joy.

"With these three intermediate-level natal spirit treasures in hand."

"Plus my spiritual power and consciousness equivalent to about 80% of the first-level Nascent Soul cultivators, I am afraid that my ordinary strength is infinitely close to the first-level Nascent Soul True Lord."

"In the future, if the enemy I encounter is not strong, I can use less magic."

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun thought that he spent about ten years on this weapon refining and another three years on retreat to refine the three natal spirit treasures. In total, he had been 13 years away from worldly affairs.

Worried, he came out of retreat to observe the situation in Baiyun City.

When he saw that Baiyun City was still free of demons as before, he felt relieved.

And the chaos in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World continued.

For this reason, he felt relieved to continue to return to the cave.

Because of the long retreat, his spirit was a little tense, so he rested for a few days.

During this period, he also went to his wife Yan Siyi's retreat room several times.

But it was kept closed. However, Yan Siyi also left a note, according to which, she was in retreat to attack the ninth level of the Golden Core.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun did not disturb him.

After he adjusted his mood, he took advantage of the ten kilograms of quasi-fourth-level ten-full-tonic wine and one hundred kilograms of third-level top-grade ten-full-tonic wine given by his senior brother Cao Yi when he had a small gathering with his senior brothers more than 20 years ago and entered the retreat.

These spiritual wines are the treasures of body refining and are extremely helpful for body refining.

In just a few days and time, he consumed nearly thirty kilograms of third-level top-grade spiritual wine, and he broke through the bottleneck of body refining that had always stuck his body at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and made his body cultivation reach the high of the late stage of the Golden Core.

Then, another seven years passed.

With the help of those spiritual wines, Ling Pengyun also raised his body to the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

If he was given a little quasi-fourth-level spiritual wine, I am afraid he could raise his body to the perfect state of the Golden Core in one go.

However, even so, he was satisfied.

With this physical strength, his combat power would be further improved.

However, the body-building technique he was practicing now was not the middle-stage Jindan body-building technique he had obtained from the Sima family, a Jindan family in the Boundless Sea in his early years. He had already switched to practicing a Jindan Perfection-level earth-attribute body-building technique obtained by his family.

But this technique was only at the Jindan Perfection level after all. In the future, his physical strength would be raised to the Jindan Perfection level.

This also made him regretful.

And the Master Yunxiong Zhenjun from Xinghai Pavilion, who he had just worshipped for decades, was a late-stage Nascent Soul body cultivator, and his three senior brothers were also body cultivators.

Moreover, they all practiced the superior body-building technique of the Nascent Soul Perfection level.

However, when Yunxiong Zhenjun gave him the Nascent Soul Perfection-level Hunyuan Five Elements Treasure Book, he had already told him.

The true disciples of the Yunqian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion only have one chance in their lifetime to learn all the techniques of a Nascent Soul Perfection-level technique for free.

If you want to watch other technique inheritances, you need to see your own ability.

The Yun Qian clan also gave Ling Pengyun a task, which was to build the Ling family into a Yuanying force, become the exclusive vassal of the Yun Qian clan, and offer sacrifices to the Yun Qian clan every year.

As long as this could be accomplished, he could learn a Yuanying-level body-building technique from the Yun Qian clan.

"I'm afraid that I can only stay at the Jindan level for the next few hundred years as a body cultivator."

Ling Pengyun sighed slightly. (End of this chapter)

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