Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1161 The Second Yuanying Family (Please subscribe, sorry)

As soon as the spiritual grass was good, he used the ice spiritual energy here to open up another acre of quasi-fourth-level ice spiritual field.

At present, with Ling Pengyun's attainments, he can only open up a quasi-fourth-level single-attribute spiritual field at most.

Therefore, the fourth-level spiritual field he opened up before can only be regarded as an ordinary spiritual field, and there is no special bonus for spiritual plants.

And now the acre of ice spiritual field opened up is specially planted with a third-level top-grade ice and snow spiritual fruit tree.

The fruit it breeds is very effective, and it contains rich and pure ice spiritual energy, which is a good resource for cultivation.

And this fruit tree originally grew in this ice and snow valley, and it was the property of the original owner of this place, the ice and snow white lion clan.

Before, Ling Pengyun was afraid that the spiritual vein here would be promoted and destroy this tree, so he transplanted it out in advance.

It is also worth mentioning that this fruit tree was originally a third-grade middle-grade state, but Ling Pengyun gave it a breath of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi in his early years, so its potential is not bad, and it has entered the third-grade upper-grade state early.

Even with its background, it can be regarded as a cultivator of the Golden Core Perfection Realm, so it also has the opportunity to impact the Nascent Soul Realm.

But the probability is not high, so Ling Pengyun plans to let it accumulate for a while.

Then, he rushed to the location of the Snow Sea Spirit Pond in the valley.

This pond and the ice spirit vein deep in the valley are associated with each other, so when the spirit vein in the valley changed and caused landslides and cracks, this spirit pond was not affected.

Even this spirit pond, which has already reached the third-grade upper-grade, has gained some benefits when the spirit vein feeds back the spiritual energy to this world, so that its grade has been raised to the quasi-fourth-grade state.

This matter also made Ling Pengyun slightly happy.

"In this way, this spiritual pond is one step closer to the fourth level."

"Moreover, judging from the foundation of the spiritual vein here, if this spiritual pond is given some time, it will have a great chance to successfully enter the fourth level."

The Snow Sea Spiritual Pond is a relatively special spiritual pond. The spiritual water bred in this pond has the effect of improving spiritual consciousness.

And the role of spiritual consciousness in battle can be extremely great.

And this pond has not been opened since the chaos, so there are also a lot of spiritual waters contained in this pond.

It is difficult to count the first and second level spiritual waters.

But there are at least dozens of third level spiritual waters.

Moreover, because this spiritual pond has gained more benefits during the previous spiritual vein feeding period, it has also bred several quasi-fourth level spiritual waters.

Ling Pengyun took nearly half of the third level spiritual waters, and kept the remaining nearly half of the third level spiritual waters as the seedlings of quasi-fourth level spiritual waters.

In addition, he also took away the several quasi-fourth level spiritual waters, after all, their grade has reached the top.

Unless the spiritual pond has a breakthrough, the spiritual water will just be reduced to dust if it is left in the spiritual pond.

After looking at the spiritual pond again, Ling Pengyun took out a third-level formation from his storage bag and arranged it here to protect the spiritual pond.

Then, he left this place and went to find his wife Yan Siyi and daughter Ling Chengxin, and gave them all the third-level snow sea spiritual water he had just obtained.

The quasi-fourth-level snow sea spiritual water was also of some benefit to him, so he kept it for himself.

Then, he crushed a token.

In just a few days.

Dozens of golden elixir escape lights flew from all over to the ice and snow valley.

And each of them, at the moment of entering the valley, also noticed the changes in the spiritual energy here.

They also had a guess immediately.

"It seems that what Peng Yunbo planned back then has come true."

Ling family elder Ling Chengyuan looked at the ground, his eyes flashing with countless brilliance.

"In this way, the family not only has Peng Yunbo, the Yuanying Zhenjun, but also has a fourth-level spiritual vein as its foundation. The family can finally be called a true Yuanying family."

"Looking at the ten thousand years of the righteous path of the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, in addition to the Maple Leaf Li family of Kaiyuan Country, my Ling family can be regarded as the second Yuanying family born in the righteous path. As long as this matter is spread, my Ling family will probably become famous."

"At that time, we can use this matter to solve the problem of Taoist partners for single cultivators in the family. At the same time, we can also see if we can recruit better talents by recruiting sons-in-law."


For a moment, countless ideas that could promote the development of the family emerged in the mind of the great elder Ling Chengyuan.

At the same time, he also had a most curious point.

"I wonder if Peng Yunbo asked us, the family Jindan, to come here to discuss the future development of the family?"


At the same time.

In a hall in the Ice and Snow Valley.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi sat at the main table.

On the two sides of the secondary seats were also sitting familiar faces of the Ling family.

Elder Ling Chengyuan and others were all here.

As the last Jindan clan member of the Ling family arrived here, Elder Ling Chengyuan also stood up and bowed to Ling Pengyun who was sitting on the main seat.

"Uncle Pengyun, all 23 Jindan clan members of the family have arrived."

"The other five Jindan from the family who were born as independent cultivators and eventually married into our clan through marriage or marriage, because you did not summon them, they did not come here, but are still sitting in various places."

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting in meditation, opened his eyes when he heard this.

He looked around at the 23 Jindan clan members in front of him. Although he saw that there were five fake Dan among them, he was still very satisfied in his heart.

"Originally, the Jindan elders under the command of Tianxinghai, the ordinary Yuanying force of the upper sect of my Yan country, seemed to be just this many."

"I didn't expect that the family has reached this point in just a few hundred years."

"In this way, the family is at least not much different from the ordinary Nascent Soul force Tianxing Pavilion in terms of the combat power of the cultivators."

"Next, it is to develop the industry under its command."

"Otherwise, relying on the current situation of the family, even if there is the fourth-level ice spirit vein in the Ice and Snow Valley, it is difficult to continue the Nascent Soul."

And Tianxing Pavilion, a Nascent Soul force that has continued for thousands of years, actually considered the same as Ling Pengyun, which is why it only spent resources to train more than 20 Jindan elders.

In this way, this pavilion can save a lot of resources to prepare for the disciples in the sect to impact the Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also said.

"You must have known about the spiritual veins here. In addition, there is also a fourth-level formation here, but it has not been activated yet."

"In the future, this land will be our new clan mountain, and the original clan land will be abandoned."

"And I summoned you this time to talk about the matter of relocating nearly 20 million mortals from the Lingxiao Mountains where the clan land is located."

"After this meeting, you will go back and arrange this matter quickly. In addition, you should also handle this matter carefully to prevent monsters and demons from causing trouble during the migration of mortals."

The fourth-level formation arranged here was captured by Ling Pengyun when he killed a quasi-fourth-level formation master Jiaolong from the Black Jiao Lake clan when he was stationed in Baiyun City, the front line of Yan State.

The formation is called "Shuiyuan Huijiao Great Formation". Once the formation is activated, it can condense a Yuanying black dragon.

And this formation is of water attribute, so it is appropriate to arrange it in Bingxue Valley, a place with a fourth-level spiritual vein.

It can even increase the power of this formation.

All the family Jindan present had almost guessed this after arriving here.

The clan land is the important place of a family, containing various treasures, so it naturally needs to be in the safest place.

Now that the Ice and Snow Valley has a fourth-level formation as a protection, it has become the safest place for the Ling family.

As for the matter of relocating mortals, they have no objection. After all, if the clan land is relocated, those mortals will not be easy to protect if they are still in the Lingxiao Mountains.

However, the Ling family Jindan present was particularly curious about one thing.

After everyone communicated, they finally pushed the great elder Ling Chengyuan to take the lead in asking.

"Uncle Pengyun, I wonder if our family will expand its territory next?" (End of this chapter)

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