Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1164: Result of the Battle (Subscription Request)

At the same time.

The old Yunhe formation master who was watching the battle in Lingxiao Mountain looked at Ling Pengyun with a little more praise between his eyebrows.

"This kid's strength is not bad."

"Then I will add more fuel to the fire."

"In this way, the probability of leaving a monster behind can be greater."

Now, although he is doing his best to arrange the Nadi Formation as the Red Gold Bear Demon King and the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King thought, to help the Five Elements Spiritual Vein deep underground in Lingxiao Mountain to condense the real Nascent Soul with the opportunity of spiritual energy infusion.

It is difficult to make a move.

But his methods are not limited to these.

He is the first formation master of the Yunqian lineage and the most important person.

Therefore, the Yunqian lineage has assigned him an extremely powerful guard.

Immediately, he took out a beast bag from the storage bag and summoned a dozing earth-yellow spirit turtle from it.

"Go and help my disciples to deal with the two monsters."

"And, make sure to kill one of the monsters."

"If this is possible, I will ask for a benefit from that disciple of my sect for you."

The khaki spirit turtle opened his eyes after hearing this, with a look of interest on his face.

However, it had some doubts, so it used magic to speak in human language.

"I don't need ordinary things, and I don't like to eat Yuanying early stage monsters."

The old formation master Yunhe said. "Don't worry, my nephew has a lot of Yuanying level cultivation resources, and I even heard that he has fourth-level top-grade cultivation resources."

The spirit turtle's eyes lit up.

"Will that person be willing to give it?"

The old formation master Yunhe said with a headache.

"As long as you can at least leave one demon behind, my next steps will go smoothly. My nephew is most likely willing to give."

"Even if he doesn't give, I can give."

"I'll give you three fourth-grade top-grade cultivation pills."

The spirit turtle stood up immediately, and its laziness disappeared immediately. Then, it turned into a stream of light and rushed directly to where Ling Pengyun was.

During the period, because it performed the escape technique, its aura also swept around.

Because it was too big, even Ling Pengyun, who was in the fierce battle, was attracted.

He turned his head and saw the spirit turtle.

"Is it a demon king at the peak level of the early Nascent Soul?"

"But its appearance is somewhat familiar."

After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up.

"Rock Sky-blasting Turtle?"

"Why did this turtle appear here?"

As soon as this doubt came out, his eyes were fixed on the direction where the spirit turtle appeared.

"Uncle Yunhe's?"

At this time, the rock-blasting sky turtle at the peak level of the early Nascent Soul stage also used the strongest method of this clan, "Sky-blasting Meteorite Rain".

This method is a great magical power, with extremely strong power, not weaker than the Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder in Ling Pengyun's hand.

Instantly, a series of huge rocks that were only a few feet in size, but with extremely strong aura and looked particularly solid, fell from the sky above the water cover transformed by Ling Pengyun with the Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water.

In addition, a heavy voice appeared in Ling Pengyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, quickly collect your water cover mimicry spiritual treasure and your flying sword spiritual treasure, so as not to be hurt by my magical power."

Ling Pengyun did not dare to be careless when he heard it, and he immediately took back those spiritual treasures.

And the Red Gold Bear Demon King and the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King, who were originally trapped by the water cover transformed by the Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water, also escaped.

But before they could react, a series of powerful boulders hit them head-on.

Those boulders were extremely heavy, and they fell from the sky. There was an inertia that made the boulders carry a greater force.

Instantly, the Red Gold Bear Demon King and the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King were directly smashed to the ground by the dense boulders.

After using their bodies to resist Zhihong's moves for a few times, they reacted quickly and each of them used their defensive magic treasures to support a thick light curtain.

And this move was indeed useful. The two of them resisted the powerful magical power of the Rock Sky Turtle.

However, their defensive magic treasures were also damaged.

But then, the Rock Sky Turtle actually retracted its four legs and head into the shell.

Then the turtle actually used its spiritual power to eject, like a cannonball, and fiercely blasted at the two monsters.

Even though the Red Gold Bear Demon King and the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King reacted in time and sacrificed their attacking spiritual treasures in their hands, they wanted to resist the turtle.

But who would have thought that the turtle's shell was extremely solid, and the huge force it carried was so great that it was like a thunderous force. It directly blasted the two attacking spiritual treasures with its own strength and killed the weaker Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

This demon king was once blasted to pieces by the Tianxing Old True Lord of the Tianxing Pavilion and the Maple Leaf Li family's guardian demon beast, the Red Flame Fire Phoenix.

If it hadn't had a good chance a few hundred years ago and obtained an item that could restore its body, it would probably still be a Yuanying body with low strength.

But even if it restored its body, its body would be difficult to compare with the past.

Even, its cultivation level fell back to the first level of Yuanying.

The Red Gold Bear Demon King has been making steady progress over the years and has not encountered any troubles, so his cultivation is also higher. Hundreds of years ago, he entered the second level of the Nascent Soul.

Now, it is estimated that he has touched the third level of the Nascent Soul.

Distracting thoughts are collected.

The light curtain formed by the fourth-level defensive spiritual treasure on the side of the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King, which had already been damaged, was also directly blasted by the Rock Sky Bombing Turtle.

The Red Gold Bear Demon King on the side knew that if he continued to fight like this, something would definitely happen. Immediately, he quickly came to support and wanted to repel the Rock Sky Bombing Turtle.

But it was still blocked by the solid shell of the turtle.

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised to see the unique and powerful attack method of the Rock Sky Bombing Turtle.

"Can you still fight like this?"

"Is the word "Hongtian" in the name of this turtle clan derived from this?"

Then, he did not dare to continue to watch, and immediately took action, offering the spiritual treasure Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water and the Purple Star Flying Sword Spirit Treasure to block the attack of the Red Gold Bear Demon King.

Lest the demon delay the powerful Rock Sky Bombing Turtle from bombarding the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

His cultivation had already reached the second level of the Nascent Soul, and because of the Five Elements Nascent Soul and other factors, his consciousness and spiritual power were stronger, enough to be comparable to the old-fashioned third-level Nascent Soul demon king.

Moreover, he had many spiritual treasures, two in total.

On the other hand, the Red Gold Bear Demon King, who had also reached the second level of the Nascent Soul, was quite ordinary, and his spiritual treasure was only a Red Gold Wolf Tooth Club.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun just fought with him and beat him.

Even with the help of the Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water, a mimicking spiritual treasure that could change into thousands of shapes, he entangled the Red Gold Bear Demon's Red Gold Wolf Tooth Club.

And he used the Purple Star Flying Sword to activate Yun Qian's three thousand split light sword formations, which continuously bombarded the defensive spiritual treasures around the Red Gold Bear, which were also damaged, and beat the bear to the point of being miserable.

And Ling Pengyun was very happy when he saw this.

"I didn't expect that the peerless warrior who almost killed me with just a phantom hundreds of years ago in Baiyun Mountain Range is now being beaten by me."

"It's really a matter of fate."

"If I have a chance this time, I will definitely kill this monster."

"In this way, the entire Red Gold Bear Territory will surely become my possession."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's fighting spirit was also a little higher.

Immediately, he transferred more spiritual power into the Purple Star Flying Sword, helping it to transform more than 300 sword shadows, making the sword shadow formation transformed by this sword three times more powerful.

They fought for nearly several days.

The powerful Rock Sky-blasting Turtle, with the help of its powerful tortoise shell and continuous bombardment, the defensive spiritual treasure of the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King was on the verge of being broken.

This demon king was also forced into a hurry, and the time was long enough. If it continued to drag on, I am afraid that the Five Elements Spiritual Vein in Lingxiao Mountain would also have a chance to enter the fourth level.

For this reason, the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King also ignored the consumption of spiritual power and immediately used the only superior magical power he mastered, "Golden Wing Destruction".

In the Xumi, the huge wings on both sides of its body suddenly flashed with golden light.

Two extremely sharp huge golden wings made of golden feathers suddenly appeared.

As the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King thought, the two huge golden wings also immediately slammed on the shell of the Rock Sky-Bombing Turtle.


A huge roar sounded immediately.

The shell of the Rock Sky-Bombing Turtle was also temporarily blocked by the golden wings, and it did not advance an inch for a while.

This incident also surprised the turtle a little.

In theory, this tiger's cultivation level could not stop it at all.

After all, the cultivation level is here.

"This tiger is quite capable."

Then, the turtle greeted Ling Pengyun who was suppressing the Red Gold Bear Demon King on the side.

"Boy, come and help me kill this tiger first."

"Otherwise, if we fight on our own, I'm afraid that by then, neither of us will be able to achieve anything."

"In addition, your Uncle Yunhe has urged me several times in the past few days to kill the demon as soon as possible."

"It seems that killing the demon is related to its promotion to the spiritual vein."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun looked at the Red Gold Bear Demon King, who was still fine even though he was suppressing the fight.

Considering that the matter of killing the demon mentioned by the Rock Sky Turtle was related to the promotion to the spiritual vein, he immediately agreed to this proposal.

Immediately, he drove the Purple Star Flying Sword Spirit Treasure to help the Rock Sky Turtle and attack the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

And he was able to barely entangle the Red Gold Bear Demon King with the Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water.

For a moment, the situation of the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King became dangerous again.

There were more and more broken places on its light curtain supported by the defensive spiritual treasure.

This situation also made it very confused, and it immediately asked for help from the Red Gold Bear Demon King.

"Old Red Gold Bear, how long are you going to see?"

"Don't you want to destroy the spiritual vein here?"

The Red Gold Bear Demon King also knew the seriousness of the matter. He sighed helplessly, and finally could only use the powerful and superior magical power "Giant Spirit Sky-lifting Technique" that his clan had recently obtained from the Black Dragon Lake Clan.

Suddenly, its strength, which was its best, increased greatly.

It just gently waved the red gold mace in its hand, and it was able to shake the indestructible cover formed by the Five Elements Hundred Treasures Water.

This also gave it a little hope of breaking through.

"Do you really take yourself seriously?"

When Ling Pengyun saw this, his brows condensed and he said coldly.

Then, he pinched his fingers and used a medium-level magical power "Pure Yang Gengjin Mysterious Thunder" that consumed less spiritual power but had good power.

This thunder is the best at breaking the barrier, and it is of great benefit to dealing with demon kings like the Red Gold Bear Demon King who are good at physical strength.

Of course, the power of this thunder is also one of the best among the five elements of black thunder.

With just one strike, this thunder knocked the mace in the hand of the Red Gold Bear Demon King away.

Although the mace was not out of hand, the Red Gold Bear Demon King was also blown away by this thunder.

For a while, the Red Gold Bear Demon King could no longer stir up any waves.

Ling Pengyun also put his mind back on the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

Another half a day passed.

Ling Pengyun and the Rock Sky-blasting Turtle worked together and finally broke the defensive magic treasure on the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

Then, Ling Pengyun also seized the opportunity to directly pinch the formula, and with the help of the Purple Star Flying Sword, he transformed into 1,500 sword shadows.

For a while, the power of this three thousand cloud sword formation was close to that of the Yuanying middle stage True Lord.

The rock-blasting tortoise, which had a strong spiritual power, used another superior magical power, "Sky-blasting Meteorite Rain."

Instantly, the two attack methods instantly crushed the remaining defensive methods of the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King.

In just a short ten breaths, the demon tiger was hit by a large number of meteorites carrying huge power and vomited blood.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to cut off its head with a sword.

However, this tiger was also cunning, and it actually retained its Nascent Soul. It also immediately performed a powerful escape technique that could be performed with the help of the Nascent Soul, turning into a beam of light and escaping into the distance.

But Ling Pengyun was prepared. He waved his hand, and his natal spiritual treasure, the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Bell, which was still at the quasi-fourth-level spiritual treasure prototype level, suddenly appeared in the void, directly covering the Golden Winged Tiger's Nascent Soul.

For a while, the Nascent Soul also struggled to resist, madly bombarding the inside of the bell, causing the bell to roar continuously.

However, it was not in a state of complete victory. Now it only had its Nascent Soul left, and it was impossible to break the bell.

For this reason, it could only be captured alive by Ling Pengyun.

"Once this tiger dies, the Golden Winged Tiger Clan will be leaderless."

"The Frost Forest territory of the demon clan near the Snow Forest territory of our clan just borders the territory of the Golden Winged Tiger Clan. When the time comes, we just need to take down the Frost Forest territory, and then we can directly reach the Golden Winged Tiger Clan and take down the entire clan."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes shone with brilliance.

At this time, the Rock Sky-Bombing Turtle also collected the body of the Golden Winged Tiger with confidence, and walked in front of Ling Pengyun to ask for the Nascent Soul of the demon tiger.

He also threw the golden sword spirit treasure of the tiger to Ling Pengyun, and took the broken defense spirit treasure himself.

Moreover, it also said to Ling Pengyun.

"Yunhe said that after I killed a demon, I can ask you for three fourth-grade high-quality cultivation pills. Will you give them to me?"

Ling Pengyun heard this and looked at the golden long sword magic treasure in his hand.

He also thought that his current cultivation was not bad and he had no shortage of cultivation resources.

It didn't matter if he was short of three fourth-grade high-quality cultivation pills.

He gladly accepted the proposal and gave the turtle demon three pills.

After this, the turtle demon left the place with joy and handed over the body and Yuanying of the Golden Winged Tiger Demon King to Yunhe Lao Zhenjun in Lingxiao Mountain.

Afterwards, it had no more strength to perform two superior magical powers in succession, and fell asleep directly near Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who still had strength to spare, saw this and had to give up.

After that, he simply entangled the Red Gold Bear Demon King.

During this period, he also looked curiously in the direction of Lingxiao Mountain.

"I don't know how the golden-winged tiger's body and Nascent Soul can help me advance my spiritual veins?" (End of this chapter)

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