Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1173: The tribesmen join forces to fight the enemy (Subscribe)

As for the branch they established in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world, it is called Bailing Sect.

Bai comes from the Baiying Secret Realm. After all, when the Ling family obtained the inheritance of the Baiying Sect, the ancestors of this sect, including the quasi-fourth-level formation that protected the Baiying Secret Realm, all wanted to support the Baiying Sect.

For this reason, the Ling family also shouldered a huge cause and effect at that time.

In addition, the Yuanying demon clan that destroyed the Baiying Sect that year is still alive, and since this clan seized the fourth-level spiritual vein of the Baiying Sect, its foundation has been strengthened day by day.

Now, the Yuanying Bear Demon Clan even has two Yuanying Demon Kings sitting in charge.

For this reason, the Ling family did not dare to directly build a force under the name of the Baiying Sect.

They only dared to use Bai as the primary.

In addition, Ling, the Ling of their own Ling family, was used as a cover.

At the same time, this also carried a bit of the meaning of supporting the Baiying Sect.

The Baiying Lake Jiaolong Clan and the Yanmo Wolf Clan in the Baiying Secret Realm also helped the Ling family build the Bailing Clan because of the karma of the Baiying Clan.

The strength of the Bailing Clan is now extremely high.

Not only does it have two Jindan realm cultivators, Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui, sitting in the helm.

In addition, they also pushed an old Jindan middle-stage demon king from the Yanmo Wolf Clan as a guardian spirit beast.

On the surface, this sect also has three Jindan combat forces.

In addition, with Ling Wanhui, a cultivator who has inherited the true teachings of the great elder Ling Chengyuan, this sect currently has some small power in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world, occupying a full 200,000 miles of territory.

There are as many as thousands of them, and there is also a third-level spiritual vein.

There are as many as tens of thousands of disciples under its command.

There are also hundreds of various affiliated forces.

Strictly speaking, this sect can be completely regarded as a Jindan sect.

Now, there is no need for Ling's support. Instead, it can benefit Ling.

It is no different from the Han's family in the Shanhai Island of the Muyuan Sea and the Huojiao Sect in the Mingshui Sea, which are run by Ling Pengshan and Ling Chengshi, the father and son of the Wubian Sea.

They can all become the retreat of Ling when necessary.

The family's investment in the early years was not in vain.

Under such circumstances, Ling Wanhui and Ling Wanhan, the decision makers of this sect, are naturally valued by the family.

In fact, the family's top leaders have already unanimously decided that the family will provide funds to help them cultivate to the perfection of the golden elixir in the future.

The family has been doing this for many years.

After thinking about it carefully, the elder Ling Chengyuan said secretly.

"The Blood Spirit Crane Clan is a Yuanying demon clan after all, and the Jindan demon king of this clan is not expected to be weak."

"With the current strength of the two of them, it is estimated that they can capture a few ordinary Jindan blood spirit cranes, but it is bound to be difficult to capture a large number of blood spirit cranes."

"For this reason, we still have to send one or two people over."

After thinking a lot, he immediately had two candidates.

One is Ling Wanxu, a Jindan cultivator who follows the path of killing.

Although Ling Wanxu is the only one who does not know a hundred arts among the outstanding people of their generation.

But he did succeed in this path of killing.

In addition, he is also a sword cultivator, good at sword formations that can kill enemies on a large scale. His spiritual consciousness is also strong, and he can set up multiple sword formations at the same time. His strength is also outstanding in their generation.

Even because of the bloody factors when he slaughtered monsters, the clan members gave him the title of Blood Sword True Man.

As for the second person, it was Ling Penglin, the strongest formation master in the family.

Although her attainments in cultivation were not high, she had experienced the enlightenment when she entered the Golden Core stage.

In addition, Ling Pengyun had given her a primordial energy in her early years to improve her qualifications.

The family has continuously provided a large amount of resources to cultivate her over the years.

This also made her progress in cultivation fast. Now her cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core stage, and she is only one step away from the late stage of the Golden Core stage.

Within thirty years, she will have a chance to enter the late stage of the Golden Core stage.

And this is because she has put a lot of her mind on the formation.

If it were not for this, I am afraid she would have entered the late stage of the Golden Core stage early.

And the formation that she spent a lot of effort on has made good progress over the years. At present, her formation grade has reached the third-grade upper grade in advance.

She is also the only person in the family whose formation level has reached this level.

The immovable formation she created through enlightenment in her early years was also deduced to the third-grade upper-grade realm.

The power of this formation has also been greatly improved, and even a Jindan perfect cultivator can resist it for a while.

In addition, Ling Penglin has also refined several other formations over the years.

Among them are the domineering formations such as the Earth-shaking Formation that specializes in mountain protection formations.

The elder Ling Chengyuan wanted her to go to the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World to get the blood essence and blood of the Blood Spirit Crane because he saw that Ling Penglin was good at this formation.

After all, the Blood Spirit Crane clan is a middle-level Yuanying demon clan, so how could their foundation be weak? There must be formations protecting the spiritual veins everywhere.

If ordinary means are used to attack by force, it would be a bit reckless.

On the contrary, it would be better if Ling Penglin, a third-grade upper-grade formation master, assisted.

Afterwards, the great elder Ling Chengyuan approached the sword cultivator Ling Wanxu and the formation master Ling Penglin, who were also in retreat in the Ice and Snow Valley.

He asked them if they were willing to go to the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world to work for the family.

After they all said they were willing, the great elder murmured again.

"After careful calculation, it seems that the family can't find anyone else except Wanxu and Penglin."

Afterwards, considering that this matter was still a little unsafe, he found Ling Pengyun's spiritual beast, the black-armored turtle, who was in seclusion in the Ice and Snow Valley.

This turtle was already gifted. When it formed the elixir, it condensed a superior golden elixir, and its talent was once again blessed.

For this reason, after a hundred years, its cultivation level has naturally entered the late stage of the golden elixir.

Even now, it is close to the ninth level of the golden elixir.

Among the family's golden elixir, only Yan Siyi, a ninth-level golden elixir cultivator, can suppress him.

And his strength is unknown.

But Yan Siyi once said that even if she now holds a middle-level spiritual treasure prototype mandarin duck fire cloud pot and a superior spiritual treasure prototype black evil gourd, it is difficult to be sure to break the defense of the black-armored turtle.

This is enough to show that its means are extraordinary.

At least the way of defense is particularly good.

With this turtle protecting Ling Wanxu, the elder Ling Chengyuan felt relieved.

At the same time, he took out some third-level spiritual talismans from the warehouse to protect Ling Wanxu's life, and gave him a few instructions.

Then he let him rush to Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm to assist Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui in hunting down the Golden Core Monster King of the Blood Spirit Crane Clan and taking their blood.

As for not using communication means to notify Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui in Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm to take action first, it was also a helpless move.

Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm is too far away from here.

It is estimated that only the rare fourth-level superior communication formation in the world can achieve such a long-distance communication.


Half a year later.

Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm.

"Yunyue Continent", one of the forty-eight continents.

Deep in the Bailing Forest, which stretches for more than 200,000 miles.

The top of Bailing Peak, the headquarters of the ordinary Golden Core force Bailing Sect.

Ling Wanxu, who was sent here by the great elder Ling Chengyuan, hurried and finally arrived here through various teleportation formations.

Ling Wanhui, who was in charge of the power here, and Ling Wanhui immediately greeted them and called them politely.

"Brother Wanxu, Grandmother Penglin."

Although Ling Wanxu's background was not as big as theirs, he was much older than them, and naturally his generation was older.

Then, Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui curiously asked Ling Wanxu about his purpose of coming this time.

After learning that Ling Wanxu and Ling Penglin were carrying a family order this time, and that they needed to cooperate with the two of them to hunt down the Golden Core Blood Spirit Crane and take its essence and blood, they were immediately shocked.

They have been in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world for almost 150 years, and they are very clear about the strength of the Blood Spirit Crane clan.

For this reason, they also have some concerns.

But they did not refuse this matter.

When Ling Wanxu said that he brought Ling Pengyun's ninth-level black-armored turtle with him, they immediately felt relieved.

Immediately, they agreed to this matter.

Then, the two of them arranged for the family to be placed in the Bailing Sect. After they were optimistic about the sect, they left Bailing Peak with Ling Wanxu.

In the early days of Bailing Sect, although there were only Ling Wanxu and Ling Wanhui, as the sect gradually grew and expanded, there were more and more factions within the sect.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were relatively strong, I'm afraid that Bailing Sect would have split long ago.

Then, for the sake of safety, they asked the family for a group of clan members who were good at business and had good strength, and gradually placed them in the management of Bailing Sect.

And those clan members did not disappoint them.

However, in just a dozen years, all factions of Bailing Sect were infiltrated by them and became the highest level.

However, Ling Wanhan and Ling Wanhui knew that there would inevitably be factional disputes and power struggles within such sects, so they did not directly defeat those factions, but let those clansmen continue to lead those factions.

There were also some fights between each other.

But it should not be too noisy.

In this way, the spirits of those sect disciples who had nothing to do after eating were worn out.

At the same time, if there were any disciples who were annoying, they could also be directly eliminated in this way.


Half a month later.

Through various teleportation formations.

Ling Penglin, Ling Wanxu, Ling Wanhan, and Ling Wanhui arrived at the closest righteous continent to the Blood Spirit Crane Clan, "Yanshan Continent", very smoothly.

This continent is not the continents of the Ling Dynasty. Each continent here is larger than the entire Ling Dynasty.

And basically, there are multiple Yuanying forces in each branch.

Of course, this is also because the righteous land of Zhongzhou Xiuxian world is relatively large and has abundant resources, so it looks more prosperous.

At the same time, there are also many Yuanying forces in Yanshan Continent, but because these forces occupy a small area, their foundation is not strong.

At present, they are just ordinary Yuanying forces.

In normal times, they will also make some internal fights.

However, when necessary, they will also join hands to deal with the Blood Spirit Crane Clan next door.

The Yuanying forces in this continent have always been close to the Blood Spirit Crane Clan, which has led to frequent conflicts between the two parties and gradually evolved into enemies.

As for the territory of the Blood Spirit Crane Clan, it is called the "Blood Spirit Forest Territory", which is about 50 million miles in size.

In addition to the Blood Spirit Crane Clan, there are also a large number of other Jindan monsters and foundation-building Qi training monsters.

And, strictly speaking, this land and the monsters in it also belong to the Boundless Demon Realm of the Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm.

The Boundless Demon Realm is in the north.

The Righteous Path is in the east.

Therefore, in fact, the Boundless Demon Realm actually borders with the Righteous Extreme Northern Xiuxian Realm.

For this reason, the two sides often have conflicts.

However, due to the large number of monsters in the Boundless Demon Realm and their strong strength, even if the Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm and the Extreme Northern Xiuxian Realm have worked together for tens of thousands of years, they have not been able to destroy the Boundless Demon Realm.

At present, it is just a draw.

After a while.

Ling Penglin and the other four went deep into the Blood Spirit Forest for tens of millions of miles and finally saw the traces of the Blood Spirit Crane.

However, they were only some Blood Spirit Cranes that were practicing Qi or building foundation.

And for the old crane of the Ling family, at least the blood essence and bloodline of the Blood Spirit Crane at the Golden Core level were needed to be useful.

For this reason, Ling Penglin and others did not move the group of blood cranes to avoid exposing their whereabouts.

However, as they gradually went deeper into this area, they finally saw the trace of a blood crane in the Jindan realm.

However, the blood crane was on a third-level spiritual vein.

Moreover, this spiritual vein was also guarded by a third-level lower-grade defensive formation.

Ling Penglin and others saw that there were many spiritual fields in the spiritual mountain, so they guessed that the blood crane monster king was sent by this tribe to use the spiritual vein to plant spiritual plants.

Afterwards, they looked around the surrounding 100,000 miles of land and saw that there were no other Jindan monster kings or third-level spiritual veins around, so they felt relieved and started directly.

Ling Penglin, a third-level upper-grade formation master, first quietly arranged a third-level upper-grade concealment formation to cover the spiritual mountain.

Afterwards, he led the rest of the people into the formation, and based on the long-prepared third-grade top-grade ground-shaking formation, he transformed into a special earth dragon that could eat the veins deep underground.

For a moment, the sacred mountain shook.

Ling Wanxu sacrificed twenty-seven third-grade flying swords, which were transformed into nine-star formations, forming three nine-star sword formations.

The nine-star sword formation was a kind of inferior magical sword formation that Ling Pengyun got from the Yun Qian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion, and its power far exceeded that of ordinary sword formations.

Between Xumi, the three sword formations each split into three or four thousand inch-long sword beams.

There were more than ten thousand sword beams in total.

The entire sky seemed to be covered by these sword beams and went dark directly.


Ling Wanxu, who was full of sword intent, raised his hand and waved it, and the three sword formations carried thousands of sword beams and turned into a torrent, directly washing over the defensive formation of the sacred mountain.

Countless roars suddenly sounded.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ling Wanhan has both water and wood spiritual roots, of which the water spiritual root is stronger. For this reason, like Ling Pengyun in his early years, he mainly practices the Canglan Bihai Jue of the Canglan Bihai Sect.

For this reason, the magic weapon he sacrificed was the Canglan Bihai Pearl. (End of this chapter)

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