Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1182 I want them all (please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun saw that Moon Shadow Wolf King was eager for him to accept its spiritual objects, and his face was filled with joy.

He also said.

"I have never seen a fellow Daoist as generous as you."

"But since you are so thoughtful, I will accept all these things."

After saying that, he raised his hand and waved, and collected all the things that Moon Shadow Wolf King took out.

The Moon Shadow Wolf King was very distressed when he saw this.

But he did not dare to stop it.

Instead, he prayed in his heart.

"I hope this heavy bleeding can save my life."

Then, he forced a smile and said to Ling Pengyun.

"Daoyou, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Seeing his appearance, Ling Pengyun was particularly satisfied, and he also said.

"No more."

"But if you feel pain in your body, remember to rush here. At that time, the entrance and exit to the outside world will appear automatically, and you can quickly enter it."

"And if you disobey this, I don't mind letting you die early."

The Moon Shadow Wolf King trembled when he heard this.

How dare it provoke such a killing god? It nodded immediately.

"I will definitely respect you as my Taoist friend. As long as you say so, I will definitely come even if it is a sea of ​​fire and a mountain of swords."

Ling Pengyun nodded, and asked the monster not to spread what happened today, and then he called the monster back.

He also called out the passage from here to the fourth-level spiritual mountain Jinchi Mountain on the border of the Ling Dynasty, and stepped into it, disappearing in this secret place.

The Moon Shadow Wolf King who left noticed this and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Finally I have survived this disaster."

"I am really unlucky."

"Not only has my life been controlled, but I have lost all my belongings."

The Moon Shadow Wolf King wanted to cry but had no tears.

But he could do nothing about it.

At this moment, a passage suddenly appeared in another part of the secret realm.

Then, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun came out of it.

When the Moon Shadow Wolf King saw him rushing towards him, his face suddenly turned black.

"Why are they coming one after another?"

At this time, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun also rushed to the front of the Moon Shadow Wolf King and arranged a soundproof formation around him. Then he took out a medicine bottle from his arms and handed it to the Moon Shadow Wolf King.

"Fellow Daoist Yueying."

"I wonder why Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun was looking for you just now?"

After the Moon Shadow Wolf King used his spiritual sense to explore the medicine bottle, he saw that it actually contained a pill containing pure spiritual power, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"A fourth-level cultivation item?"

Then, it immediately put away the medicine bottle and said what it had agreed with Ling Pengyun before.

"Since you are so polite, I will tell you something."

"Ling Daoyou came here just now to try to win me over and make me a guest of the family behind him."

"But Ling Daoyou's offer is really stingy, so I didn't agree to it."

After hearing this, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun felt a little convinced.

After all, who wouldn't want to win over a demon king like Yueying Wolf King who has reached the Nascent Soul stage?

If Ling Pengyun and the Maple Leaf Li family's Red Flame Phoenix hadn't entered this secret realm this time.

In addition, Yueying Wolf King has a strange aura, and if he showed it to the world at will, it would definitely cause trouble.

Otherwise, he would also like to win him over to become a guest of Tianxing Pavilion.

In this way, plus he and Liu Haochan, Tianxing Pavilion has three Nascent Souls sitting in charge.

If a middle-stage Yuanying Zhenjun can emerge from among them, the fourth-level spiritual vein of Tianxing Pavilion will enter the middle-level realm.

Tianxing Pavilion can also be on par with the three major immortal gates that can control the entire Beihuang cultivation world.

Even, it can become the fourth immortal gate, on par with them.

Thinking of this, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

"It's a pity that the sect doesn't have a high-level beast-controlling method or a high-level breath-retaining method."

"Otherwise, if we have both, we can convince Fellow Daoist Ling and Fellow Daoist Chi Yan to take the monster out instead."

"However, since Fellow Daoist Ling is secretly looking for this wolf this time, I think he also has a high-level beast-controlling method that can control the monster tightly."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't come this time."

"Such a background is really enviable."

"However, the beast-controlling method is probably derived from the mysterious divine power behind it."

"It's really good to lean on a big tree to enjoy the shade."

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun couldn't help but envy Ling Pengyun.

Afterwards, he didn't say much to the Moon Shadow Wolf King, and turned around and left.

The Moon Shadow Wolf King looked at his back and couldn't help but feel happy.

"This person is easy to deceive."

"I don't know if that stupid bird will come."

"It would be great if you could give me another pill."

For this reason, it even waited here on purpose.

But after waiting for nearly half a day, it still did not see any trace of the Red Flame Phoenix.

This made it particularly disappointed.

But how could it know that the Red Flame Phoenix did not notice Ling Pengyun entering this place at all.

As for the fact that Tianxing Lao Zhenjun was able to detect this matter, it was thanks to the great formation of seeking fate and finding immortals that he arranged in this secret realm.

If not, he would have found it difficult to detect this matter.

At the same time.

Ling Dynasty.


The fourth-level spiritual mountain Jinchi Mountain.

In a cave with rich spiritual energy.

Sitting here cross-legged, Ling Pengyun, with the help of the core control magical power that was previously placed in the core of the secret realm, also noticed that Old True Lord Tianxing had entered the secret realm.

He also secretly said.

"Old True Lord Tianxing really did something strange."

"It seems that we will have to visit less secret realms in the future."

"However, as I expected, the red flame fire phoenix of the Maple Leaf Li family has relatively weak control over the core of the secret realm, and it is difficult to detect that Lord Tianzhen and I entered the secret realm."

"Otherwise, it should also go into the secret realm to inquire about the Moon Shadow Wolf King."

Then, he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

As time passes.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

This day.

A golden elixir realm crane suddenly appeared from the realm of the demon clan.

There were a hundred thousand monster beasts following him.

And kept rushing towards Golden Wing Mountain.

During this period, a large number of monks witnessed this scene.

At first, they were a little scared and stayed away.

After all, the one leading the group of monster beasts was a golden elixir realm crane.

Moreover, there are quite a lot of monsters.

Even if an ordinary Jindan cultivator breaks into it, his life may be in danger.

But when they took a closer look, they discovered that there were actually three monks wearing Ling's Taoist robes sitting on the back of the Golden Pill Crane Demon King.

Although, their aura did not show even a trace.

But since they can sit on the back of the Golden Pill Crane Demon King, they must be extraordinary people.

Some monks who knew the Ling family better recognized the three people, and their faces also showed countless surprises.

"That man looks a bit like the Ling clan's chief beast master, Senior Lin Fan?"

"In this case, the crane under his seat should be his Golden Core Realm fairy crane."

"And that monk who looks relatively young is probably Senior Ling Lihu, the second-ranked Golden Core Beastmaster of the Ling Family?"

"As for the one who looks particularly kind and has some white hair on his head, he should be the old patriarch of the Ling family, Senior Ling Yunhong?"

"But what's going on?"

"Why are there so many Jindan seniors from the Ling family here?"

"And he led a large group of monsters out of the Red Gold Bear Realm. This is too strange."

"Could it be that those are Ling's spiritual beasts?"

"But it doesn't look like it, does it?"

"Those monsters all look ferocious, how can they look like spiritual beasts?"

For a moment, all the monks who were watching were filled with doubts.

Some brave monks even followed the group of monsters.

But they only found that those monsters disappeared after entering Ling's fourth-level spiritual mountain, Golden Wing Mountain.

And he didn't come out.

Things like this also make many monks suspicious.

"Could it be that Ling is planning to tame those demonic beasts into spiritual beasts?"


at the same time.

Among the Golden Wing Mountains.

A large number of monsters are lining up to reach the top of the mountain.

But after entering that place, no monster appeared again.

This also made the monsters behind particularly worried.

If there weren't so many powerful people here, and if there wasn't the Golden Core Realm Crane Demon King sitting nearby, they would have run away long ago.

In desperation, they had no choice but to follow the instructions of the Crane Demon King and continue to reach the top of the mountain.

But in just a few days, there was no trace of a low-level monster in Golden Wing Mountain.

After a while, Ling Pengyun slowly walked down from the top of the mountain and said to the old patriarch Ling Yunhong, son-in-law Lin Fan, and Ling Lihu who had been guarding here.

"Thank you for your hard work this time."

After saying that, he also took out a storage bag from his arms, summoned some quasi-fourth-level spiritual objects, and handed them to Ling Yunhong and the other three.

They were all just Golden Elixir cultivators, and it was impossible for them to come into contact with such spiritual objects on weekdays. For this reason, they were extremely excited.

But he didn't dare to accept it.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he directly stuffed it into their hands and said with a smile.

"No need to be polite to me."

"By the way, can you still get some monsters?"

The old patriarch Ling Yunhong frowned.

"It's a bit troublesome. This time we were able to get so many low-level monsters from the Red Gold Bear Realm. It was also thanks to Lin Fan and Li Hu who controlled the demon king of a nearby Jindan Demon Clan and summoned the members of his clan. The result of having a large number of low-level monsters under his command.”

"And such actions will inevitably attract the attention of other surrounding Golden Core Demon Clan, and even the Red Gold Bear Clan."

"But Pengyun, it's not appropriate for me to ask a question."

"You want so many monsters, but what kind of evil technique do you practice?"

Ling Pengyun saw that Ling Yunhong had misunderstood him, so he shook his head and said with a smile.

"No, I have other uses. I will let you know in the future."

"But this matter is related to the way of Nascent Soul."

"If nothing else happens, I should be able to find you, Grandpa Yunhong, a chance to have a Nascent Soul."

When Ling Yunhong heard this, the worry in his heart dropped.

He was actually a little afraid that Ling Pengyun was refining the demon beast spirit to learn his cultivation.

Although this move is nothing, the cultivation obtained through this method can be completely rootless and floating.

It can't stand the test at all.

As for the opportunity of Nascent Soul, although he was moved by it, he knew his own path.

"Peng Yun, I am about four hundred years old now."

"It would be good if the remaining life span can help me enter the golden elixir and reach perfection. Moreover, by then, my energy and blood will probably gradually decline."

"Let's leave this opportunity to Siyi."

"But I'm very happy that you can think of me for such a good thing. Thank you very much for this."

After saying that, he bowed to Ling Pengyun.

But he went over and was helped up by Ling Pengyun.

"Grandpa Yunhong, you bowed to me, but you really disgraced this junior."

"You don't need to be polite to me."

"As for your health and blood loss in the future, I have a solution."

Then, he took out a classic book from the storage bag and handed it to Ling Yunhong.

"This is the technique of Lingxiao's continuation of fate that I have perfected recently, but now it transcends the boundaries of the secret method and has reached the level of magical power, and it is in the realm of intermediate magical power."

"Relying on this magical power, even if you only have thirty years left before the end of your life, your energy and blood will not regress."

"But once you cross the thirty-year limit, it will be like this."

"But judging from the speed of your cultivation, you should be able to reach the perfection of the golden elixir before the age of 550."

"In a few days, I will go find some spiritual objects for you to increase your longevity, and I will ensure that you can safely try to attack the Nascent Soul."

"It can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect you caused when I was practicing Qi."

"As for Siyi, I have already made arrangements."

The Yuanying opportunity he planned to prepare for Ling Yunhong at this time was the Yin-Yang Condensation Method that he got from the Moon Shadow Wolf King.

Although, he planned to save enough Chuyang Qi and Yuehua Qi for Yan Siyi first, so as to create a way for her to lead to Nascent Soul.

However, Ling Yunhong still had a long time before the golden elixir was perfected. During this period, he had enough time, and he also obtained enough Chuyang Qi and Yuehua Qi to help him condense the golden elixir.

As for whether this matter can be accomplished by then, it depends on Ling Yunhong's own destiny.

After Ling Yunhong listened to what Ling Pengyun said, he looked at the book again and saw that the contents were indeed extremely mysterious, and his calm heart suddenly became aroused.

"If that's the case, no matter what, I will try to see if I can seize this opportunity."

he said with a smile.

"That's right."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Lin Fan and Ling Lihu who were standing aside, and saw that they both had envious expressions on their faces, and he said with a smile.

"If you keep up the good work, I will also look for opportunities for you to have a Nascent Soul in the future."

"Just work hard."

"As for the relocation of low-level monsters, I will accompany you."

"But this time we have to relocate more monsters."

"If you don't ask for a million, at least half a million is required."

When Lin Fan and Ling Lihu heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

They immediately agreed to what Ling Pengyun said.

The same is true for Ling Yunhong.

They did not delay and left Golden Wing Mountain immediately.

at the same time.

Moon Shadow Secret Realm.


There are hundreds of thousands of low-level monsters sitting on a huge piece of flat land.

The Moon Shadow Wolf King continues to teach these monsters and practice methods that can condense the power of the moon.

Although this matter is particularly troublesome.

But after dozens of days of teaching, he finally taught all the low-level monsters.

"These monsters are really stupid."

"Fortunately, this Wolf King is smart."

"But I don't know where Fellow Taoist Ling Pengyun and others got so many monsters?"

"Could it be that there are many monsters outside?"

"Or maybe they also notified many monsters in the outside world?"

The group of monsters here were brought by Ling Pengyun, Old Zhenjun Tianxing and others to absorb the power of Yuehua.

And after night.

This group of monsters also attracted countless moonlight energy into the body.

This sight can be particularly spectacular.

Just like countless silver threads falling from the sky. (End of chapter)

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