Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1194: Spiritual Medicine Matures, Cultivation Plan (Subscription Request)

Time passed gradually.

Fifteen years have passed in the blink of an eye.

This day.

Ling Pengyun, who had been in seclusion for a long time, suddenly felt a stronger aura.

He also opened his eyes, and there was a bit of joy on his face.

"Finally, eight hundred Nascent Soul spiritual powers have been condensed."

"In this way, we are almost halfway to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Because the technique he practiced, the Lingxiao Five Elements Book, was deduced to the highest quality by him and the Taichu Sutra, the amount of Nascent Soul spiritual power he cultivated through this book was at least twice that of ordinary monks.

But at the same time, this also increases the difficulty of breaking the mirror.

Ordinary monks can try to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul by condensing 300 spiritual powers, but he needs 600 Nascent Soul spiritual powers.

While ordinary monks can reach the late Nascent Soul stage by condensing 600 strands, he needs 1,200 strands, and currently he is still short of 400 strands of spiritual power.

However, he did not regret practicing this technique.

Although this technique requires a lot of spiritual power to break through the realm, the cultivation speed of this technique is extremely fast, at least one or two times faster than the ordinary Nascent Soul technique.

Strictly speaking, practicing this technique is beneficial without any harm.

Then, Ling Pengyun thought of the ninety-year agreement he made with the ancestor of Xinghai Pavilion more than twenty years ago.

"There are still more than seventy years left in this agreement, and after the ancestor's original guidance, the spiritual power of the Six Paths of Nascent Soul can be condensed almost every year."

"Based on careful calculation, I can barely reach the late Nascent Soul stage in the remaining time."

"But this matter is still a bit mysterious."

"If something unexpected happens during this period and my training time is delayed, I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill the agreement."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but frown.

Some time ago, Xinghai Ancestor gave him enough training resources to reach the late Nascent Soul stage.

And if his agreement with Xinghai Ancestor fails, he will need to compensate for this resource.

And that amount of resources is particularly huge. Once the compensation is made, the Ling family will definitely suffer a lot, and may even have to sell the fourth-level spiritual veins if they can't keep it all.

"It seems that we still have to spend some money to see if we can find some better cultivation resources."

"In this case, we can compress some time and ensure that I get through the agreement safely."

Ling Pengyun secretly made some plans.

Although the resources given by Xinghai Ancestor were huge at the beginning, most of them were cultivation elixirs, which contained some impurities and were not as effective as the heaven and earth spiritual water and spiritual fruits of the same level.

The same was true for the resources given to him by Yun Qian Yimai some time ago.

However, this is not because the ancestors of Xinghai and Yun Qian are stingy, but because the spiritual water and spiritual fruits of heaven and earth above the fourth level are really rare in the world.

Even they couldn't bring out much, after all, Ling Pengyun was not the only one under their command.

Ling Pengyun also had a headache because of this.

Based on his connections, it would be okay to get some fourth-level spiritual water and spiritual fruit, but it would not be able to speed up his cultivation much.

Moreover, if you want to redeem these things, you need items of the same level, and at least fourth level cultivation resources.

But he doesn't have many such resources.

"It's really a hard road."

"If we can still encounter the promotion of the third-level spiritual vein to the fourth-level, it will be great to wait for the opportunity to feed back the spiritual energy."

Ling Pengyun's face flashed with memories, and he said secretly.

At the beginning, when he was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he also encountered the current dilemma of tight cultivation time.

However, relying on the feedback from the Ice and Snow Valley and the spiritual energy from Lingxiao Mountain when the spiritual veins advanced, I have gained a lot of cultivation.

As a result, he successfully entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul within the agreed hundred-year period, and even had some free time to improve his cultivation.

Otherwise, the time for his ninety-year agreement will probably be even more pressing.

For a moment, Ling Pengyun didn't know what to do.

However, within a few months of practicing with these headaches, something good happened to him.

The top of Golden Wing Mountain.

In the third-level high-grade spiritual plant garden.

Ling Pengyun passed through acres and acres of second- and third-level spiritual fields, and finally arrived at the four-acre spiritual field at the deepest part of the place.

"After waiting for more than one hundred and twenty years, this batch of elixirs is finally about to mature."

Ling Pengyun looked at the spiritual plants in the five acres of spiritual fields with bright eyes, and said secretly.

Those spiritual plants were cultivation-like elixirs that he planted more than 120 years ago.

Although, they need thousands of years to grow.

However, because Ling Pengyun Lingzhi has extraordinary achievements and has reached the fourth level, he can use various spiritual planting techniques to increase the growth rate of spiritual plants eight times.

This has resulted in many of them reaching maturity.

The remaining elixirs are basically almost mature.

Ling Pengyun waited and watched again, and then picked together the mature elixirs.

After careful calculation, there are a total of 108 plants.

There are one hundred and forty-two elixirs remaining.

There are fifty trees in one acre of spiritual land, and two hundred and fifty trees in five acres of spiritual land.

Ling Pengyun looked at the mature elixirs in his hands and had a special idea.

"Although if you give this batch of elixirs to an alchemist with strong alchemy skills like Senior Brother Haiyun, you can refine a lot of fourth-level low-grade cultivation elixirs."

"In fact, that amount of pills is enough for an ordinary Yuanying early-stage monk to walk half of the early-stage path."

"But it takes a long time to refine the fourth-level elixir."

"Moreover, this kind of fourth-grade inferior elixir is a little weak for me, far less effective than refining middle-grade elixir and bringing more spiritual energy."

"In that case, even if I refine this batch of spiritual medicine into elixir, it will be difficult to help me survive the 90-year agreement."

"Instead of that, it is better to take it directly."

Although it is a bit extravagant, spiritual medicine is also a spiritual object of heaven and earth, and its internal spiritual power is relatively pure.

For this reason, the refining speed after taking it directly will be very fast, and the benefits brought are not small, but it cannot be compared with refining it into elixir.

But each has its own advantages.

Taking it directly focuses on rapid cultivation.

Refining it into elixir focuses on long-term and steady progress, and the benefits are greater.

After making up his mind, he swallowed a fourth-grade inferior spiritual medicine with a bit of heartache, wanting to test the cultivation speed with this medicine.


Time passed slowly.

Three days later.

Ling Pengyun stopped practicing.

And there was a bit of brilliance on his face.

"I didn't expect that taking this spiritual medicine directly as cultivation nourishment could make the cultivation speed reach such a high speed."

He knew that swallowing spiritual medicine directly would make cultivation faster, but he didn't expect that it would be faster than swallowing the fourth-level low-grade spiritual fruit, and the medicinal power would be stronger.

After careful calculation, the spiritual medicine he swallowed before could at least sustain him for about a month.

That's twelve plants a year.

But during this period, his cultivation speed can be doubled.

Enough to condense twelve Yuanying spiritual powers.

This is the amount that he can condense after swallowing ordinary fourth-level middle-grade cultivation pills in two years.

"If I had spiritual medicines to cultivate all the time."

"I'm afraid it will only take more than thirty years for me to condense the remaining 400 Yuanying spiritual powers, gather 1,200 spiritual powers, and try to impact the late Yuanying realm."

"It's a pity that the number of spiritual medicines required during this period is huge, at least more than 600 plants."

"And I only have 250 plants at present."

"But with these spiritual medicines in hand, it is enough to speed up my cultivation speed for nearly 20 years in the future, and during this period, I can at least condense 200 spiritual powers."

"That's not bad."

"After careful calculation, by then, there will be 50 years left in the 90-year agreement between me and the ancestor."

"And I still have enough cultivation pills on me, during this period, I can always maintain six spiritual powers every year."

"It doesn't take more than 30 years to finally gather 1,200 spiritual powers, and the remaining 20 years are probably enough for me to break through."

Ling Pengyun's face was filled with joy.

Then, he planted the fourth-level Lingxiao Juyuan grass seeds that he had prepared in advance in the vacant positions of the spiritual fields.

A total of 108 seeds.

These Lingxiao Juyuan grasses were improved by Ling Pengyun. Not only did they contain 70% more spiritual power than ordinary Juyuan grass, but they also grew 30% faster.

Therefore, it will only take a hundred years to mature in the future.

Although it can't help Ling Pengyun and the Xinghai Patriarch to fulfill the 90-year agreement this time, it can pave the way for his future path.

At the same time, it can also benefit the family Nascent Soul of Yan Siyi in the future.

It is also worth mentioning that Yan Siyi is not short of cultivation resources at present.

Some time ago, Ling Pengyun's master Yun Xiong Zhenjun brought her back to the Yunqian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion to handle the post of offering elders. Since he knew that she had condensed a superior Nascent Soul, she was valued by the Yunqian lineage.

Even in the Yunqian lineage, there are not many Nascent Soul cultivators who have condensed a superior Nascent Soul.

At the same time, the increase brought by this quality of Nascent Soul is also great.

As long as Yan Siyi is lucky, she will basically be able to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul in the future.

At least there is a 50% chance of entering the late stage of Nascent Soul.

30% chance of entering the perfect stage of Nascent Soul.

This is a good seedling.

For this reason, Yun Qian's lineage also provided her with some resource support.

Although it is just the most common elixir resources, the large quantity is also a great benefit.

After all, the Ling family alone cannot afford such resources.

Of course, after taking this resource, Yan Siyi's belonging to Yun Qian's lineage is also stronger.

As long as Yun Qian's lineage is in trouble, she will definitely go to help.

After taking the benefits, you need to do things.

And Ling Pengyun on this side left Jinchi Mountain afterwards and went to the family's ancestral land, the Ice and Snow Valley, and the pseudo fourth-level spiritual mountain of Lingxiao Mountain.

The former also opened up five acres of spiritual fields.

As the latter has scarce spiritual energy, only three mu of fourth-level spiritual fields have been opened up.

Moreover, because hundreds of years ago, Ling Pengyun sold one mu of spiritual fields to the neighboring ordinary Yuanying forces Maple Leaf Li Family and Tianxing Pavilion in order to collect fourth-level spiritual iron to recast his life magic weapon.

This means that Ling Pengyun only has one mu of spiritual fields in this mountain.

However, these spiritual fields are also planted with spiritual plants.

But because Ling Pengyun only comes here occasionally to take care of their growth, they are at least two or three hundred years away from maturity.

"If I set aside some time to practice every day to take care of those spiritual plants in these two places, it is estimated that they will all mature one after another in just forty or fifty years."

"This can help me and the ancestor to fulfill the ninety-year agreement now..."

"It seems that I will have to work harder in the future, and I will run three places every day."

Ling Pengyun secretly made up his mind.

Although, Jinchi Mountain is at the border.

Ice and Snow Valley is in the hinterland.

Lingxiao Mountain is in the rear.

The distance between them is quite far.

However, since Ling Pengyun entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, the speed of his superior magical skills has also increased a lot.

It is enough to reach a daily distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

The total area of ​​the Ling family is only about 10 to 20 million miles.

It only takes a few hours to travel every day.

Moreover, with the help of the spiritual medicine in the Golden Wing Mountain, his cultivation speed in the past 20 years has been fast, and he is not afraid of wasting time.

Anyway, it is not a loss.

Then, he used some spiritual plant magic on the spiritual plants in the two places one by one, speeding up their growth.

After this matter was done, he left the two places with peace of mind.

From then on, he would run to the three places every day to take care of the spiritual plants in the three places.

Although it was hard, he was full of energy.

As long as the six acres of spiritual plants in the Ice and Snow Valley and Lingxiao Mountain mature, he can get a full three hundred spiritual plants. With these help, the agreement between him and Xinghai Patriarch to enter the late Nascent Soul in ninety years can basically be completed.

Moreover, it is possible that some spiritual medicines can be reserved to guard against Xinghai Patriarch.

Who knows, after he enters the late Nascent Soul as agreed, will Xinghai Patriarch give him a very short time to enter the perfect Nascent Soul as before.

And as time goes by.

In a blink of an eye, another five years have passed.

During this period, Ling Pengyun's cultivation has improved a lot.

The same is true for Yan Siyi.

And their three children have also made progress.

The eldest son Ling Chengxia, because he refined a Taichu essence some time ago and purified the golden elixir in his body into the water and fire golden elixir, his cultivation speed is at least several times faster than before.

Therefore, in just a few decades, he crossed two realms and finally reached the ninth level of the golden elixir.

Moreover, he was confident that he could reach the Golden Core Perfection within the next thirty years.

However, he considered that he was not old at present, and there was still about a hundred years before the best time to reach the Nascent Soul.

For this reason, he planned not to mention the Nascent Soul after he reached the Golden Core Perfection in the future.

Instead, he would spare some extra time to practice some special magical powers to see if he could refine his consciousness and meridians to the Nascent Soul level in advance.

If this could be accomplished, he would have a great chance to reach the Nascent Soul in the future.

It is also worth mentioning that Ling Pengyun wanted to get Ling Chengxia a Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Spirit for Ling Chengxia recently because Ling Chengxia contained the Water and Fire Golden Core.

These two items are particularly mysterious.

They are ordinary when separated, but powerful when combined, and can increase the probability of a cultivator entering the Nascent Soul by 30%.

And it can also increase the probability of a cultivator condensing a special Nascent Soul.

Ling Chengxia contains the Water and Fire Golden Core. If he has the help of those two items, he will also have a chance to condense a Water and Fire Nascent Soul.

Although this Nascent Soul is not as good as the Five Elements Nascent Soul, the water and fire complement each other and are stronger than the Nascent Souls of ordinary attributes.

If it can be condensed, it will be enough to pave a way for Ling Chengxia to achieve Nascent Soul perfection. (End of this chapter)

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