Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1198 The other side of the inheritance formation (please subscribe)

The Fruit Flower Queen Bee's face was filled with joy when she heard this.

She immediately thanked Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun smiled and took the fox away from the Golden Wing Mountain and headed to the remains of the teleportation formation.

Deep underground somewhere.

There was a huge space.

The spiritual energy here was rich.

There were many caves.

But it was unusually quiet.

However, with the arrival of Ling Pengyun and the three-eyed fox, the doors of the caves were opened.

Then, one white fox after another came out.

Among them, there were high and low levels of cultivation.

The weak ones were even at the initial stage of Qi training.

But the high ones were also at the Golden Core level.

Moreover, the Golden Core White Fox, like the three-eyed white fox, had a special third eye between its eyebrows.

However, the eyes of this fox were golden, which looked particularly special.

Soon, all the white foxes here gathered together.

Ling Pengyun took a quick look and saw that there were thousands of white foxes, which made him happy.

He looked at the old fox Bai Huan beside him and his expression changed.

"I didn't expect that Bai Huan was quite fertile."

At this time, the thousands of white foxes spoke human language at the same time, as if they had already known Ling Pengyun's identity, and greeted Ling Pengyun.

"Meetings, ancestor."

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised, because ordinary Qi training monsters can't speak.

For this reason, he turned his head and looked at the three-eyed white fox beside him and asked.

"Did you teach these foxes to speak?"

The three-eyed white fox said honestly.

"I taught you the magic that the family found slowly."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"You are quite patient."

The old fox Bai Huan was slightly happy to hear the praise.

Then, it pointed to the golden elixir monster fox with a golden third eye in the fox group in front of it, and turned to introduce it to Ling Pengyun beside it.

"Master, this is my descendant Bai Po who has mastered the Broken Gang pupil technique that I told you about."

After saying that, it also said to Bai Po.

"Po'er, didn't you prepare a gift for the ancestor before? Why don't you take it out?"

Bai Po was a little excited.

Ling Pengyun is the Yuanying ancestor. He has never seen such a person in his life.

He has never spoken to him.

For this reason, it took a deep breath and calmed down.

Then, it spit out a golden jade from its mouth and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

And introduced.

"Ancestor, this is my third eye absorbing the Gengjin Qi and condensing it. As long as it is crushed, it can transform into a beam of light containing the power of breaking the Gang to attack."

"I hope the ancestor will not dislike it."

Ling Pengyun was a little curious when he heard it.

He probed into it with his spiritual consciousness and did feel a Gengjin Qi, but it was a little special.

There is even a bit of Dao rhyme in it, which is particularly mysterious.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimation, this crystal stone can burst out a full-strength attack comparable to that of a mid-stage Jindan cultivator.

Moreover, it does contain a powerful force to break the Gang.

In this way, this thing is estimated to have a great advantage over a third-level mid-grade magic weapon, and it is possible to seriously injure it with one blow.

And the current cultivation of the white fox is only at the early stage of Jindan.

"If the power of this Dao rhyme can be stronger, the power of this thing may be comparable to a magical power."

This made Ling Pengyun particularly interested.

Although this thing can't help him.

But if the special Dao rhyme in it can be analyzed, it is possible that this crystal can be condensed in a special way.

Even condensed into a crystal that can burst out a full-strength attack of a Yuanying cultivator.

For this reason, he immediately asked the white fox.

"This thing is a bit strange, but it's good."

"I'll take it. Can ordinary cultivators perform the method to condense this thing?"

The white fox said.

"Report to the ancestor, only through the special Dao rhyme of my third eye can this thing be condensed. As for the method, I don't know."

After saying this, it couldn't help but feel a little cold on its back, and was a little afraid that Ling Pengyun would directly dig out its third eye and use it to refine magic weapons.

However, it was overthinking.

Although its eye was good, its cultivation was too low. Even if its eye was refined into a magic weapon, Ling Pengyun couldn't use it.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun retreated and said.

"Do you still have this crystal on you?"

The white fox said.

"Without the ancestors, it takes a hundred years to condense one of these things."

"I have handed over all the crystals I condensed before to the family. The one I just condensed a few months ago. My father told me that you would come here, so I kept it."

Ling Pengyun felt a little sorry, but he was particularly satisfied with the fox's behavior.

As for the fact that the old fox Bai Huan told the fox Bai Po that he would come here, he was not surprised.

However, he still reminded the old fox Bai Huan.

"In the future, don't disclose my whereabouts to the outside world casually."

"But you have taught this child well."

"In the future, Bai Po's cultivation resources will be doubled."

"I will talk to the family about this."

"But, in the future, all the crystals of Po Gang that it condenses will be directly handed over to me."

The old fox Bai Huan was extremely excited when he heard this.

The family already gave its son a lot of resources, and now it is doubled, which is a huge amount.

And the matter of handing over the Po Gang Crystal is nothing.

Anyway, the Po Gang Crystal condensed by his son was indeed handed over to the family to be exchanged for some contribution points and training resources.

Strictly speaking, directly handing over the Po Gang Crystal to Ling Pengyun would bring greater benefits.

For this reason, it has no opinion on the matter.

Then, it pulled Baipo Fox and thanked Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and asked Bai Huan Old Fox to start the incomplete teleportation formation here.

However, its formation skills are relatively weak after all, which makes it a bit slow to restore the formation.

It will take at least about a year and a half to do this.

This also made Ling Pengyun feel a little emotional.

"If Peng Lin was here, it would probably take less than a year to complete this matter."

However, the family has recently obtained a lot of materials for setting up the Yueyang Mingtian Formation and urgently needs to set up this formation.

And this formation is rather special and not suitable for spreading.

This also makes Ling Penglin the only one in the entire Ling family who knows the core formation of this formation.

Most of the formation mages from other clans helped him lay out some formation nodes.

As a result, Ling Penglin naturally couldn't leave.

It was for this reason that Ling Pengyun retreated to the next best thing and found the old Bai Huan fox.

During this waiting period, Ling Pengyun also went into seclusion.

Fortunately, he has been relying on cultivation resources for his recent cultivation, and does not need the spiritual energy produced by his spiritual veins at all.

He practiced here, but it did not slow down the progress of his cultivation.

One year passed, and six drops of Nascent Soul spiritual power were condensed.

Another half year passed, and three more drops were gathered.

At this time, Bai Huan Old Fox finally repaired the formation here.

Ling Pengyun also woke up and threw a jade pendant to the white fantasy fox.

"This jade pendant is made from my blood essence."

"If this jade pendant is broken, it means that I am in danger. When the time comes, you must destroy the teleportation formation here to prevent someone from the teleportation formation opposite from coming directly here."

"In addition, you are informing the family about this so that the family can be prepared. After all, the teleportation array here has been repaired, and the formation on the opposite side can also notice it. It is estimated that the location of this place has been exposed."

"And if my trip goes well, I will transmit a special frequency through the teleportation formation on the opposite side..."

"When the time comes, you give me permission, and I'll come back through the teleportation array over there."

When the white fantasy fox heard this, his face suddenly became more solemn.

Then, it told Ling Pengyun.

"Master, be more careful."

Ling Pengyun smiled and stepped into the teleportation formation.

"Don't worry, this thing is just an insurance policy."

"Bai Huan, activate this formation."

Bai Huan Old Fox nodded, and then inserted a spiritual power into the special formation disk in his hand.

As the disk lit up slightly.

Countless formations suddenly appeared near Ling Pengyun, and they were intertwined to form a huge formation.

next moment.

A huge light suddenly shined.

However, as quickly as it came, it could go as quickly as it came.

When the light stopped, Ling Pengyun's figure disappeared here.

Bai Huan, the old fox, also felt a little worried.

"I hope the master can return safely from this trip, otherwise I will most likely be punished."

"But with the master's strength, no one should be able to pose a threat to him."

"After all, the master said that its cultivation is stronger than the ordinary Nascent Soul."

Thinking about it this way, it immediately felt relieved.

Then, it hit a fingering pattern in the hand.

The spiritual light of the inheritance formation suddenly dimmed and dissipated here.

Even the breath is gone.

"In this way, this formation is hidden, and it should be difficult for the teleportation formation on the opposite side to teleport here directly."

Bai Huan old fox murmured.

What it just cast was a special formation technique, which originated from Yun Qian's lineage.

Normal array magic does not have such hidden effects.

The other side.

Ling Pengyun, who was shrouded in countless white lights, finally returned to normal.

The white light dissipates.

He slowly opened his eyes and observed his surroundings.

Although, he was not directly attacked.

But it's almost the same.

The teleportation formation here is tightly covered by a huge cover.

Moreover, there are five monks outside the cover who have reached the Golden Core Stage.

Among them, there was even a white-haired old man who had reached the perfection of the golden elixir.

However, they were unable to detect Ling Pengyun's aura.

In addition, Ling Pengyun did not have the blood of the family that they destroyed back then, so they did not act rashly.

But I'm a little confused.

I was immersed in it for a while.

The white-haired old man with perfect golden elixir said with some vigilance.

"Dare to ask my friend, you are from the Bai family of Blue Dragon."

Ling Pengyun shook his head.


"The Blue Dragon and Bai family you are talking about is the family with a complete inheritance of golden elixir beast control?"

The white-haired old man was slightly surprised.

But when he thought that since Ling Pengyun was able to come here, he must have discovered the inheritance formation left by the Blue Dragon and Bai family in a mysterious place, he understood somewhat.

Then he nodded.


After speaking, he explained to himself.

"The Blue Dragon Bai family is our clan's enemy."

"More than four hundred years ago, this clan declined, and there were only three Jindan cultivators. Our clan took the opportunity to destroy it and seized its clan land."

"It's a pity that our clan didn't find that the Bai family had set up a teleportation formation here, which caused many members of this clan to escape to the outside world."

"And the other formations connected to this teleportation formation were destroyed after the group of Bai family cultivators used them, and even the teleportation formation here was destroyed."

"This caused the Bai family to have remnants in the outside world."

"And the most important thing is that the group of Bai family members also took away the most precious inheritance of the Bai family, as well as Most of the wealth was taken away."

"This is also the reason why our clan set up a trap here."

"Since you can find this place and master the other end of the transmission array, I think you also got the token that controls the inheritance array."

"But this thing must be carried by the group of Bai family members who escaped."

"Since you can get it, I think you also got the rest of the things on the Bai family cultivators."

"Our clan does not ask about this matter."

"I just want to ask if you can sell our clan a portion of the Bai family's complete Jindan beast control inheritance?"

"Our clan is willing to pay a million spirit stones."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the other four Jindan cultivators on the side suddenly changed.

Among them, a cultivator with a more irritable temper also sent a voice message to the old man.

"Grandpa, why did you give that kid spirit stones?"

"Why don't we capture him first?"

The old cultivator with perfect Jindan said.

"His identity is unknown, and even I can't detect his cultivation. This is extremely unusual. It is possible that he has a perfect Jindan cultivation, or even stronger."

"And such a strong man may have some special things on him. If we fight, it will be difficult for us to keep him. We can't take risks."

"A million spiritual stones are not much. I will take this spiritual stone myself."

The hot-tempered Jindan cultivator didn't know what to say after hearing this, but felt that this approach was really a bit cowardly.

The other three Jindan cultivators had different thoughts, but they didn't say anything.

Ling Pengyun, who was trapped in the formation, saw that the other party was so kind, and his murderous intention was reduced.

He turned and said.

"I can give you the inheritance of the Bai family, but I don't want spiritual stones. I only want this inheritance formation here."

"I wonder if you are willing?"

"By the way, are you in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian Realm?"

The old Jindan Perfection cultivator immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Could it be that this fellow Taoist intends to use the unknown Bai family teleportation array to connect with this place, so as to come to this Zhongzhou Xiuxian world as soon as possible?"

"But I guessed right. The Bai family really arranged another teleportation array in other Xiuxian worlds."

Then, he considered that his family did not have a legacy array and could not move the array here. Strictly speaking, this array is not of much value.

It can only be realized by selling it to those fourth-level forces.

But the value is relatively small.

After all, the migration needs to be done by others.

At most, this array is worth a million spirit stones

"Okay, I agree to this deal."

"But there is a third-level spirit vein of our clan under this teleportation array."

"That spirit vein, our clan does not intend to sell."

"Therefore, our clan only sells this teleportation array, and does not sell this land." (End of this chapter)

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