Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1201: Opportunity to Become a God (Subscribe)

When everyone heard this, they took a deep breath.

With a body of the late Nascent Soul, being on par with a Nascent Soul Perfection cultivator is something that ordinary people cannot do.

But fortunately, this kind of person is their own family.

For this reason, the old formation master Yunhe and others were particularly happy.

"Very good, very good."

"In this way, our lineage currently has two Nascent Soul Perfection cultivators in charge."

"In the future, our lineage can be more confident."

The old formation master Yunhe said with a smile.

As the master of the Yunqian lineage, the old master Yunqian thought of another thing.

He hesitated for a while and finally said.

"Junior Brother Pengyun, thirty years from now will be the period of chaos that occurs once every three hundred years in the Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World."

"During this period, as the overlord of the righteous path in the Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World, our Xinghai Pavilion should send cultivators to stop the main force of the Sea Dragon lineage."

"And the nine main branches and twenty-seven branches of our Xinghai Pavilion will also divide the benefits within the sect based on the number of military exploits obtained through this opportunity."

"So this matter is more important."

"My strength has increased a bit recently. If you help me, we can lead the Yunqian lineage to win countless military exploits. , and then we will be able to enter the top three of the thirty-six veins. At that time, the benefits that our lineage can get from the sect will be huge. "

"I want you to help me, I wonder if you are willing?"

"Of course, this matter is not for nothing. All the merits you get belong to you, and these merits can be exchanged for some special spiritual objects from the sect."

"In addition, our Yun Qian lineage can also give nephew an additional right to exchange for Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Soul Essence."

Some time ago, Ling Pengyun asked him whether there was Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Soul Essence in the warehouse of Yun Qian's lineage.

It's just that Ling Pengyun didn't have the authority to exchange at that time, otherwise the two items would probably be taken away by him.

For this reason, Elder Yun Qian invited Ling Pengyun with Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Soul Essence as the source this time.

And Ling Pengyun was tempted by this proposal.

Although it was just the right to exchange, it was not bad.

It's harder to get these two items from the outside world than to ascend to the sky.

He searched for decades and didn't find any clues.

His son Ling Chengxia is about to reach the state of Golden Elixir Perfection recently.

He wants to get the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and the Earth Soul Essence as soon as possible to lay the foundation for his condensed Water and Fire Golden Elixir.

In this way, Ling Chengxia will have the opportunity to condense a Water and Fire Yuanying in the future.

This Yuanying can greatly increase the qualifications.

And Xinghai Pavilion itself has a lot of good things. If he can get enough military merits through the chaos, he can also get some of the things he wants.

For this reason, he agreed.

"Of course, there is no problem with this matter. Over the years, the seniors of the sect have taken care of me a lot. I should also repay our lineage."

"But why haven't I heard about this matter?"

"In the past, because of the Canglan Bihai Sect in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World, I often went to that area of ​​​​Cultivation World, and even during the chaos of that place, I experienced it once."

"But at that time, I didn't hear that our Xinghai Pavilion had a battle with the Sea Dragon lineage."

The old master Yun Qian said with a smile.

"Ordinary people naturally don't know about this."

"The place where we fight is a desolate sea area."

"Moreover, we will also set up a special formation to isolate the outside world, so as not to involve too many causes and effects of the outside world, which will have an impact on the birth of the God of Transformation in our pavilion."

"This is also the reason why our pavilion will live in seclusion in this small world."

"The sea dragon lineage has the same idea."

"We are considered to be coincidental."

"This is the situation, which led to the battle between the two sides and the outside world did not know."

"However, the battle between the two sides was the key to the chaos."

"The last time the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian world was in chaos, it was my pavilion that had the upper hand and secretly helped the righteous ways in the boundless sea area, which enabled many righteous ways to open up the territory."

"On the contrary, if my pavilion is at a disadvantage, many people in the righteous ways in the boundless sea area will die, and some of the territory will be captured."

"That is why my pavilion attaches great importance to this battle, and even the Xinghai ancestor in the God of Transformation will arrive at the battlefield to supervise the battle in person."

Ling Pengyun's brows suddenly gathered.

"If that's the case, the battle between Xinghai Pavilion and Haijiao Sect will be extremely dangerous, and one thing leads to another."

But he was not afraid of this matter.

Afterwards, everyone chatted briefly.

Then Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun asked curiously.

"By the way, Ling Pengyun, when do you plan to tell the ancestor about your breakthrough to the late stage of the Nascent Soul?"

"It takes a long time to recast a spiritual treasure, and your natal spiritual treasure is still three fourth-level lower-grade ones. It will take even longer to recast them all to the fourth-level upper-grade."

"There are only thirty years left in the period of chaos, and this matter is quite dangerous. If you don't have the help of high-level spiritual treasures, you will suffer a lot when fighting with the Nascent Soul of the Sea Dragon Clan."

"The foundation of the Sea Dragon Clan is extremely strong. Those Nascent Soul Demon Kings basically have spiritual treasures of the same level passed down by their ancestors, or even higher-level spiritual treasures."

Ling Pengyun originally planned to delay time and wait until more than ten years later, when the 90-year agreed time ends, to collect the reward.

In this way, if the ancestor plans to make a time agreement in the future, he can also be more relaxed.

But in this situation now, he had to be on guard.

He said.

"I'll go now."

"In this case, I can get a fourth-level upper-grade spiritual treasure."

Afterwards, he simply chatted with the cultivators such as Yun Qian Lao Zhenren, and then he went to the fifth-level spiritual island Xinghai Island deep in Xinghai Pavilion.

Because of his special identity, he successfully met Xinghai Patriarch.

Time has passed.

Xinghai Patriarch's appearance is still the same.

An ordinary middle-aged face, wearing a loose Taoist robe, just like an ordinary person.

It seems that time can't leave any traces on him.

However, this is just an illusion caused by his extremely long lifespan.

It is said that ordinary incarnations have a lifespan of at least three thousand years, and some special incarnations have a lifespan of five thousand years.

This lifespan is extremely long.

And this is what Ling Pengyun pursues.

If he can have such a lifespan, he will enjoy the joy of the world for a longer time and protect his family for a longer time.

At the same time

The Star Sea Patriarch stared at Ling Pengyun, and his heart was filled with a few waves.

"According to the time, it has only been more than 70 years since the 90-year agreement I made with him."

"And in this time, it is extremely difficult to enter the late stage of the Golden Core from the middle stage of the Golden Core. I don't know how this kid has cultivated."

"But this also indirectly shows that this kid has some skills."

"It is possible that this kid can really enter the realm of Yuanying perfection before that opportunity."

At this time, Ling Pengyun saw that the ancestor did not move, so he took the initiative to tell him that his cultivation had broken through to the late stage of the Yuanying.

And said.

"Ancestor, I wonder if what you said at the beginning that as long as I fulfilled the agreement, you would help me upgrade my three life magic weapons to the fourth-level upper grade still counts?"

The Star Sea Patriarch smiled.

"So you are thinking about this."

"But since I promised, I will do it."

"Take out your three life treasures."

"As for the cultivation resources from the late Nascent Soul to perfection, I have prepared them for you."

"I will not set a time limit for you in this realm."

"But if you can complete this within a hundred years, you will probably catch up with a chance to become a god."

After saying that, he took out a bulging storage bag from his arms and threw it to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun's face suddenly rose with countless heat.

Although, the hundred years is no different from the time limit.

But according to what the ancestor said, the opportunity should not be something he can control, so this hundred-year agreement is actually a little different from the previous time agreements.

"I don't know what the opportunity is?"

Ling Pengyun was a little curious.

However, his cultivation has reached the late Nascent Soul, not far from becoming a god.

For this reason, he has been thinking about how to pave the way for himself early.

As for cultivation resources, he was not worried.

However, he really couldn't get the opportunity to become a god.

This thing is extremely rare, even a big force like Xinghai Pavilion doesn't know if it has one.

And it is very dangerous to attack the state of transformation alone.

For this reason, he immediately asked the ancestor.

"Ancestor, is the opportunity to become a god true?"

Xinghai ancestor said lightly.

"Why would I lie to you."

"However, it all depends on you. If you can't enter the Nascent Soul Perfection within a hundred years, that opportunity is probably nothing to do with you."

Ling Pengyun was immediately motivated when he heard this.

Then, he transferred his consciousness into the storage bag in his hand.

Because this storage bag did not have a consciousness imprint, he easily detected a large number of cultivation resources in it.

As before, most of them were fourth-level high-grade cultivation elixirs, and there were few spiritual objects such as spiritual water and spiritual fruit.

"It seems that it would be difficult to reach the Nascent Soul Perfection and catch up with the opportunity of the God Transformation within a hundred years by relying on this cultivation resource alone."

"And the five acres of fourth-level Lingxiao Five Elements Grass in the family's Golden Wing Mountain was planted twenty or thirty years ago, and it is estimated that it will take another sixty or seventy years to mature."

"By then, a total of 250 spiritual herbs will mature, and I will need at least 20 years to refine them. This way, it will take 80 years."

"There are only more than 20 years left before the 100-year agreement."

"But the problem is that these 250 spiritual herbs alone cannot help me reach the Nascent Soul Perfection within a hundred years."

" The four mu of Lingxiao Five Elements Grass in the Ice and Snow Valley and the mu of Five Elements Grass in Lingxiao Mountain matured ten years ago. Even if the Five Elements Grass only takes a hundred years to mature, it will still take ninety years. "

"After careful calculation, the spiritual herbs in these two places can only mature in the last ten years of the hundred-year agreement."

"And these ten years are not enough for me to refine them."

"This is difficult."

"However, if they can be made to mature in advance, with the help of the two hundred and fifty spiritual herbs in these two places, I may be able to enter the Nascent Soul Perfection within a hundred years."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun immediately focused on the spiritual plant.

It is not realistic to use spiritual objects to grow spiritual plants very quickly. The cost is too high, and such things are too rare.

It is far less realistic than improving the spiritual plant attainment.

Ling Pengyun's spiritual plant attainment reached the fourth-level lower level early, and after one or two hundred years of tempering, this path has also reached a bottleneck.

As long as he breaks through this level, his spiritual plant attainment can be at least 30% to 40%.

By then, he can speed up the growth of the fourth-level spiritual plants by about ten times.

In this way, the fourth-level Lingxiao Five Elements Grass in the family's Golden Wing Mountain, Ice and Snow Valley, and Lingxiao Mountain will surely mature ten or twenty years earlier.

All problems will be solved.

However, it is particularly difficult to improve this way. After all, Ling Pengyun has spent two or three hundred years, but has just reached the bottleneck.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun plans to focus on practicing the way of spiritual plants in the past ten or twenty years, and cultivation is secondary.

At the same time, he arranged for the Taichu Dao Monument to suspend the deduction of other means, and fully analyze the inheritance of spiritual plants to help him impact the spiritual plant grade.

After having the idea, he felt more confident.

Then, he handed the three life spirit treasures on his body to the Xinghai Patriarch and asked.

"Ancestor, I plan to participate in the chaotic battle between my pavilion and the sea dragon clan in thirty years."

"I wonder if you can quickly find someone to help me recast these three treasures to the third-level upper grade."

Ancestor Xinghai said with a little more appreciation in his heart.

"Your idea is not bad."

"In that case, I will do the recasting of these three treasures myself."

"Within thirty years, I will definitely return these three magic weapons to you."

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised.

"Ancestor, are you also good at refining weapons?"

Ancestor Xinghai smiled. "I have lived for a long time, so I naturally know a little bit of everything."

"But I am not proficient, I just barely deduced it to the level of quasi-fifth grade."

"If you can enter the spirit in the future and find the right materials, I can try to help you create a life-long quasi-heavenly spiritual treasure."

Ling Pengyun took a breath of cold air immediately

Not proficient, but comprehended it to the level of quasi-fifth grade?

This is too cool.

However, he looked at the old ancestor and he didn't seem to be pretending.

In addition, the old ancestor's cultivation level was as high as the realm of transformation.

Therefore, he believed that it was because of the old ancestor's extraordinary talent.

"No wonder this old ancestor can enter the realm of transformation."

He said secretly.

Then, he simply chatted with Xinghai old ancestor again.

And Xinghai old ancestor took the initiative to discuss Taoism with him because he had just entered the late stage of Yuanying.

This also helped Ling Pengyun solve many problems in cultivation.

At the same time, it also indirectly accelerated his progress in cultivation.

According to his estimation, he can currently condense seven drops of Yuanying spiritual power in a year.

He currently has 1,200 spiritual powers.

He only needs 600 spiritual powers to try to impact the realm of Yuanying perfection.

In this way, even if there is no spiritual medicine to help, he can gather the remaining 600 spiritual powers within a hundred years, but it takes time to impact the realm of Yuanying perfection. (End of this chapter)

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