Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1204 Mysterious White Wolf (Subscription Request)

At this time, Ling Chengxia and others from Golden Wing Mountain also understood the meaning of the fourth-level high-grade formation-breaking method.

For this reason, like Yan Siyi, they all tried their best to attack, trying to block the formation-breaking talisman.

However, there are too many monsters outside the mountain.

Moreover, those monsters deliberately protected this talisman.

Under such circumstances, all their attacks were blocked.

And the fourth-level high-grade formation-breaking talisman was like a fallen leaf in a heavy rain, fluttering in the wind in the heavy rain, but it was not damaged at all, and finally fell on the mountain-protecting formation of Golden Wing Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a domineering force emitted from this talisman, frantically absorbing the spiritual power contained in the mountain guarding formation.

Because the level was too high, the formation could not withstand it at all, and even the speed at which the formation absorbed the spiritual energy in the mountain was basically absorbed.

All of a sudden, this formation became weaker at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

And the aura of the broken formation talisman became stronger and stronger.

After three breaths, the spiritual power absorbed by this talisman reached its limit.

Immediately afterwards, a huge roar was heard.

That spiritual talisman directly detonated the huge spiritual power in the body, thus erupting with powerful power, and actually exploded several huge cracks in the formation.

Moreover, a huge wave suddenly swept over the entire formation.

This formation looks like it is about to be blown away.


Its flickering spiritual light also became a bit dimmer.

The monsters outside the mountain quickly seized this opportunity and spared no effort to launch many ferocious attacks, hitting the cracks in the formation.

Because that land is extremely fragile.

The formation is simply difficult to recover in a short time.

This also caused those large cracks to gradually develop many small cracks after being severely damaged.

"It's over."

"I'm afraid this formation can only last for another month at most."

Yan Siyi's face was extremely dark at the top of Golden Wing Mountain.

You know, originally this formation could last for two and a half years.

However, he was directly hit hard by a broken formation talisman, causing his vitality to be severely damaged.

In the end, countless anger turned into a sigh.

"A month is a terribly short time."

"Even if Senior Brother Haiyun from Haiyun Immortal Sect, Maple Leaf Li Family's Red Flame Fire Phoenix, and Tianxing Old True Lord from Tianxing Pavilion are able to spare their hands to support us, I'm afraid they won't be able to get here."

"Furthermore, during this month, other incidents will arise if the guarantee is not fulfilled."

"It seems I can only take the risk and seek that person's help."

Yan Siyi hesitated for a while, and finally withdrew the fourth-level low-grade flying sword spirit treasure that she had played.

This sword is called Yun Qian Fei Jian. When she became the elder of Yun Qian Yi Lineage of Xinghai Pavilion, she borrowed it from Shen Wen Pavilion where Yun Qian Yi Line stored a large number of magic weapons and spiritual treasures.

And this sword is also the second spiritual treasure on her body.

The other spiritual treasure was a magic shield given by Ling Pengyun, which also came from the Yunqian lineage. It was borrowed from the Shenbing Pavilion of the Yunqian lineage when Ling Pengyun became the elder of the Yunqian lineage in his early years.

Ever since Ling Pengyun's defensive natal five-element bronze bell was recast to the fourth-level low-grade, he rarely used that spiritual treasure magic shield.

It was useless for him to hold it, but giving it to Yan Siyi would actually enhance her strength.

at the same time.

Yan Siyi fell silent under the doubtful gazes of the three-headed Nascent Soul Demon Lord outside Golden Wing Mountain.

But after a while, Yan Siyi resorted to attacking methods again.

However, its attacks are much more rapid at this moment.

Moreover, Yan Siyi has already used superior magical powers to enhance her strength, and her strength is temporarily comparable to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

For this reason, even if the three demons work together, they can only barely resist.

Time passed gradually.

Yan Siyi once again displayed a superior magical power, the Pure Yang Five Elements Magical Power.

A multicolored mysterious thunder suddenly shone across the sky.

Moreover, its speed is extremely fast, even the most powerful cracked old demon outside the mountain cannot react in time.

But it was a good thing for it, because the thunder was not attacking it.

"Then why does the old lady in the mountains have so much spiritual power?"

"Logically speaking, wouldn't it cost a lot to use such superior magical powers?"

"Does that person have a treasure pill or medicine that can restore spiritual power?"

"But this is too luxurious."

"It's such a pity. If I could have killed that person just now, that precious medicine would have been in my bag."

The cracked old demon sighed.

Then, it saw the extremely accelerated Xuan Lei bypassing the battlefield and turning towards the Nascent Soul initial stage water dragon with the weakest cultivation here.

Because it is more afraid of death, for this reason, even when it tried its best to resist Yan Siyi, it still left some remaining strength and activated a defensive spirit treasure to protect it.

And this saved his life.

That defensive method became its life-saving device, and it finally withstood the mysterious thunder.

But its defensive spirit treasure was also severely damaged. Not only was the light curtain it propped up shattered, but there were also cracks on its body.

"Fortunately, my defensive spirit treasure has been tempered by the ancestors of my lineage and has become extremely strong. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary spirit treasure, it would be impossible to withstand this attack."

The water dragon was full of lingering fear and said secretly.

But then, when it saw the cracks on the defensive spirit treasure, it felt a little distressed.

Its injury has damaged its roots. If you want to restore it, nourishing it alone is not enough. You need at least a piece of fourth-level spiritual material to be tempered in it. Only then can you have a chance to restore this treasure to the glory of the victory.

Otherwise, this treasure can only exert about 40% to 50% of its power in this life.

And this kind of power is only slightly stronger than the ordinary quasi-fourth-level defensive spiritual treasure, which is not very helpful for Yuanying cultivators like it.

"It's really unlucky."

It couldn't help but complain.

But at this moment, a silver crescent moon suddenly shot out from the Golden Wing Mountain.

Its speed was not much slower than the black thunder just now.

And there was also a breath of superior magical power in it, which obviously had great power.

Its target was also the weaker water dragon.

And this scared the water dragon terribly.

It didn't care that it would damage the defensive spiritual treasure in its hand and suffer heavy damage, and directly sacrificed it again.

Moreover, it sacrificed the only three fourth-level low-grade defense and attack talismans left in its lineage.

But this didn't have much effect, and the means transformed by the attack talisman were directly broken.

The courage of the demon king was scared.

"Brother Guicrack, please save me."

But as soon as he finished speaking, all his defensive means were directly cut open by the sharp moon wheel, and even his body and Nascent Soul were cut in half.

His aura also dissipated in this world.

And the remaining power of the moon wheel was exhausted and dissipated as well.

However, the next moment, a moon wheel spiritual treasure that had never appeared before suddenly appeared in the Golden Wing Mountain.

Its grade even reached the level of the fourth-grade middle grade.

For a moment, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

The old Guicrack monster and the remaining water dragon were filled with fear.

In the previous situation, they had no time to rescue.

Moreover, the aura attached to the moon wheel magic power and the moon wheel spiritual treasure was particularly strange, with a strong aura of moonlight.

However, they had no time to think about it. They only had one thought in their minds, that is, the attack must not have been launched by their old opponent Yan Siyi, and there was no aura of Yan Siyi on it.

In addition, if it was just that magical power, they could understand it as an attack method transformed by Yan Siyi using a powerful talisman.

But now there is another strange spiritual treasure. Obviously, there are other Nascent Souls in Jinchi Mountain.

It is possible that the spiritual treasure was used by Ling Pengyun, who was rumored to be powerful and had never appeared before.

It is said that Ling Pengyun's strength was very close to the middle stage of Nascent Soul a hundred years ago.

Moreover, there is another Yan Siyi in Jinchi Mountain.

With the combined efforts of the two, they are probably not opponents.

In just a moment, they both lost the idea of ​​conquering Jinchi Mountain.

Although the old turtle monster was determined before, it has lived for thousands of years and cherishes its life more than anyone else. It only does things that it is sure of.

Previously, it also used the magical power of observing qi and looking at souls to not find Ling Pengyun in Jinchi Mountain, so it dared to move. Otherwise, it would not dare to think of breaking through Jinchi Mountain even if it was killed.

However, this also made the turtle particularly confused.

It had previously used its clan's tracing magical power, "The Art of Observing Qi and Looking at Souls", to explore the Golden Wing Mountain, but found nothing.

"Could it be that the person who is suspected to be Ling Pengyun has mastered the superior magical power of concealing breath?"

Thinking of this, it felt that it was somewhat possible.

After all, it is said that the Ling family has a close relationship with the Xinghai Pavilion, a major sect of the Infinite Sea, so it is normal for them to get this level of magical power of concealing breath.

"It was really a mistake."

"But fortunately, it was not me who died."

The old turtle cracked monster looked at the body of the water dragon that fell to the ground and broke into two pieces in the distance with a little bit of luck, and said secretly.

Then, in order to confirm whether it was Ling Pengyun in the Golden Wing Mountain, it used its clan's tracing magical power, "The Art of Observing Qi and Looking at Souls".

In an instant, its sight penetrated the cover of the fourth-level inferior defense formation of Jinchi Mountain, and it could see everything in the mountain clearly.

The cultivators in the mountain were eager to fight because Yan Siyi had killed a demon king by some unknown means.

There were even many cultivators with joy on their faces, cursing constantly.

"Die for me."


The eyes moved up.

Until the top of Jinchi Mountain.

It saw Yan Siyi and the group of golden elixirs stationed by the Ling family.

It did not take that group of golden elixirs seriously.

And Yan Siyi, the True Lord of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, may have consumed all her spiritual power because of the previous continuous use of two superior magical powers, the Pure Yang Five Elements Mysterious Thunder.

Moreover, the Yun Qian Swallowing Sea magical power she had used earlier also dissipated in advance.

Now, she has been beaten back to her original form, and her cultivation has returned to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and she is even a little weak, with a greatly reduced strength, only 50% of the original strength.

This is because the power-enhancing magical power is relatively mild. If it is an ordinary power-enhancing magical power, I am afraid she will not be able to continue fighting.

"It is good that his strength is greatly reduced."

"In this way, even if Ling Pengyun is really in that mountain, I can escape."

"But why didn't I see the one who sacrificed the Moon Wheel?"

"And Ling Pengyun is not among the cultivators in the mountain?"

The old turtle cracked monster was extremely puzzled.

Before it led its troops to attack the Ling family, it had seen a portrait of Ling Pengyun.

But none of the cultivators in the Golden Wing Mountain looked like Ling Pengyun.

However, after a careful look, it found that a strange wolf monster appeared on the top of the Golden Wing Mountain, which it had never seen in the past few months.

She has long white hair all over her body, looks extremely white, and has an excellent body shape without a trace of fat.

The most important thing is that this demon has no aura at all, just like an ordinary wolf demon.

You know, the cracked old demon is currently using his probing powers.

Those who can evade its magical probing are extraordinary.

"Fellow Nascent Soul Demon Lord?"

"But, since when did the Ling family have a Nascent Soul Demon King?"

"Looking at it, it shouldn't be the demon king from my vast swamp. I don't know where Ling got it from."

"And he should have a superior breath-containing supernatural power."

"But as long as it's not Ling Pengyun, that's fine."

The cracked old demon was able to solve his doubts, and the big stone in his heart suddenly settled.

In an instant, its ambitions surged again.

A hundred years ago, Ling Pengyun, whose strength was almost comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, is no longer there.

After Yan Siyi broke out, her strength was greatly reduced.

Strictly speaking, only the nameless Nascent Soul Wolf Monster is in charge of the Golden Wing Mountain.

However, although the moon wheel it produced was of a high grade, reaching the fourth-level mid-grade realm, the power of the moon wheel was not particularly strong.

Therefore, according to the estimation of the cracked old demon, the wolf demon's cultivation level should only be in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Under such circumstances, it is a great opportunity to capture Golden Wing Mountain.

"As long as we capture Golden Wing Mountain, we can gain another treasure."

The cracked old demon looked at the fourth-order mid-grade Moon Wheel Spirit Treasure, his brows full of joy.

At the same time, it had already thought about what kind of elixir it should refine with the corpse of the unknown white wolf monster.

Immediately, it communicated with the Nascent Soul water dragon named Shui Bai on the side.

The name of the water dragon that died earlier was Shuidan.

However, this old Shuibai Jiao was frightened by what happened just now.

Even if it learns that there is no Ling Pengyun in Golden Wing Mountain, and after the situation of Yan Siyi and others is over, the old Shuibai Jiao still only intends to maintain the status quo to prevent any terrifying existence from appearing in Golden Wing Mountain again.

However, the old demon Ghost Split was really sharp-tongued and forced him directly.

"Brother Shuibai, we used that priceless talisman earlier."

"If we have no merit, do you think the ancestor will let us go?"

The old water-white dragon's body suddenly shivered.

It looked at Golden Wing Mountain with some fear, and finally nodded.


"But if anything else goes wrong, I will run away directly. When the time comes, don't blame me."

The cracked old demon said with a smile.

"Okay, on the other hand, if something goes wrong, don't blame me if I run away."

Suddenly Shuibai Laojiao had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

The cracked old demon seems to be more specialized in escaping.

To this end, it was added.

"Brother, if you run away, remember to take me with you. I'm not good at defense."

"Moreover, if you are the only one who escapes back, I'm afraid my ancestor will blame you. My ancestor never likes clan members who run away from battle."

The cracked old demon's face darkened and he could only nod his head.

"Okay, I'll take you with me." (End of Chapter)

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